2016-10-12 17:02:01 -07:00

114 lines
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// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.axi4
import Chisel._
import diplomacy._
import regmapper._
import scala.math.{min,max}
class AXI4RegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true)
extends AXI4SlaveNode(AXI4SlavePortParameters(
address = Seq(address),
supportsWrite = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
supportsRead = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
interleavedId = Some(0))),
beatBytes = beatBytes))
require (address.contiguous)
// Calling this method causes the matching AXI4 bundle to be
// configured to route all requests to the listed RegFields.
def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = {
val ar = bundleIn(0).ar
val aw = bundleIn(0).aw
val w = bundleIn(0).w
val r = bundleIn(0).r
val b = bundleIn(0).b
val params = RegMapperParams(log2Up((address.mask+1)/beatBytes), beatBytes, ar.bits.params.idBits)
val in = Wire(Decoupled(new RegMapperInput(params)))
// Prefer to execute reads first
in.valid := ar.valid || (aw.valid && w.valid)
ar.ready := in.ready
aw.ready := in.ready && !ar.valid && w .valid
w .ready := in.ready && !ar.valid && aw.valid
val addr = Mux(ar.valid, ar.bits.addr, aw.bits.addr)
val in_id = Mux(ar.valid, ar.bits.id, aw.bits.id)
val mask = uncore.tilelink2.maskGen(ar.bits.addr, ar.bits.size, beatBytes)
in.bits.read := ar.valid
in.bits.index := addr >> log2Ceil(beatBytes)
in.bits.data := w.bits.data
in.bits.mask := Mux(ar.valid, mask, w.bits.strb)
in.bits.extra := in_id
// Invoke the register map builder and make it Irrevocable
val out = Queue.irrevocable(
RegMapper(beatBytes, concurrency, undefZero, in, mapping:_*),
entries = 1, flow = true)
// No flow control needed
out.ready := Mux(out.bits.read, r.ready, b.ready)
r.valid := out.valid && out.bits.read
b.valid := out.valid && !out.bits.read
val out_id = if (r.bits.params.idBits == 0) UInt(0) else out.bits.extra
r.bits.id := out_id
r.bits.data := out.bits.data
r.bits.last := Bool(true)
r.bits.resp := AXI4Parameters.RESP_OKAY
b.bits.id := out_id
b.bits.resp := AXI4Parameters.RESP_OKAY
object AXI4RegisterNode
def apply(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Int = 0, beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true) =
new AXI4RegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero)
// These convenience methods below combine to make it possible to create a AXI4
// register mapped device from a totally abstract register mapped device.
abstract class AXI4RegisterRouterBase(address: AddressSet, interrupts: Int, concurrency: Int, beatBytes: Int, undefZero: Boolean) extends LazyModule
val node = AXI4RegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero)
val intnode = uncore.tilelink2.IntSourceNode(interrupts)
case class AXI4RegBundleArg(interrupts: Vec[Vec[Bool]], in: Vec[AXI4Bundle])
class AXI4RegBundleBase(arg: AXI4RegBundleArg) extends Bundle
val interrupts = arg.interrupts
val in = arg.in
class AXI4RegBundle[P](val params: P, arg: AXI4RegBundleArg) extends AXI4RegBundleBase(arg)
class AXI4RegModule[P, B <: AXI4RegBundleBase](val params: P, bundleBuilder: => B, router: AXI4RegisterRouterBase)
extends LazyModuleImp(router) with HasRegMap
val io = bundleBuilder
val interrupts = if (io.interrupts.isEmpty) Vec(0, Bool()) else io.interrupts(0)
def regmap(mapping: RegField.Map*) = router.node.regmap(mapping:_*)
class AXI4RegisterRouter[B <: AXI4RegBundleBase, M <: LazyModuleImp]
(val base: BigInt, val interrupts: Int = 0, val size: BigInt = 4096, val concurrency: Int = 0, val beatBytes: Int = 4, undefZero: Boolean = true)
(bundleBuilder: AXI4RegBundleArg => B)
(moduleBuilder: (=> B, AXI4RegisterRouterBase) => M)
extends AXI4RegisterRouterBase(AddressSet(base, size-1), interrupts, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero)
require (isPow2(size))
// require (size >= 4096) ... not absolutely required, but highly recommended
lazy val module = moduleBuilder(bundleBuilder(AXI4RegBundleArg(intnode.bundleOut, node.bundleIn)), this)