224 lines
9.9 KiB
224 lines
9.9 KiB
// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import scala.collection.mutable.{LinkedHashSet,LinkedHashMap}
import cde.{Parameters, ParameterDump, Config}
import uncore.AllSCRFiles
abstract class RocketTestSuite {
val dir: String
val makeTargetName: String
val names: LinkedHashSet[String]
val envName: String
def postScript = s"""
$$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .hex, $$($makeTargetName))): $$(output_dir)/%.hex: $dir/%.hex
\tmkdir -p $$(output_dir)
\tln -fs $$< $$@
$$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$($makeTargetName)): $$(output_dir)/%: $dir/%
\tmkdir -p $$(output_dir)
\tln -fs $$< $$@
run-$makeTargetName: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .out, $$($makeTargetName)))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$^; echo;
run-$makeTargetName-debug: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .vpd, $$($makeTargetName)))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$(patsubst %.vpd,%.out,$$^); echo;
trait GroundTestSuite extends RocketTestSuite {
override def postScript = s"""
$$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .hex, $$($makeTargetName))):
\tmkdir -p $$(output_dir)
\ttouch $$@
$$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$($makeTargetName)):
\tmkdir -p $$(output_dir)
\ttouch $$@
run-$makeTargetName: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .out, $$($makeTargetName)))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$^; echo;
run-$makeTargetName-debug: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .vpd, $$($makeTargetName)))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$(patsubst %.vpd,%.out,$$^); echo;
class AssemblyTestSuite(makePrefix: String, toolsPrefix: String, val names: LinkedHashSet[String])(val envName: String) extends RocketTestSuite {
val dir = "$(RISCV)/riscv64-unknown-elf/share/riscv-tests/isa"
val makeTargetName = makePrefix + "-" + envName + "-asm-tests"
override def toString = s"$makeTargetName = \\\n" + names.map(n => s"\t$toolsPrefix-$envName-$n").mkString(" \\\n") + postScript
class BenchmarkTestSuite(makePrefix: String, val dir: String, val names: LinkedHashSet[String]) extends RocketTestSuite {
val envName = ""
val makeTargetName = makePrefix + "-bmark-tests"
override def toString = s"$makeTargetName = \\\n" + names.map(n => s"\t$n.riscv").mkString(" \\\n") + postScript
class AssemblyGroundTestSuite extends AssemblyTestSuite("","",LinkedHashSet())("") with GroundTestSuite {
override val dir = ""
override val names = LinkedHashSet[String]()
override val makeTargetName = "unit-test"
override def toString = s"$makeTargetName = unit-test\\\n" + postScript
class BenchmarkGroundTestSuite extends BenchmarkTestSuite("", "", LinkedHashSet()) with GroundTestSuite {
override val makeTargetName = "unit-bmark-tests"
override def toString = s"$makeTargetName = unit-test\\\n" + postScript
object TestGeneration extends FileSystemUtilities{
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
val asmSuites = new LinkedHashMap[String,AssemblyTestSuite]()
val bmarkSuites = new HashMap[String,BenchmarkTestSuite]()
def addSuite(s: RocketTestSuite) {
s match {
case a: AssemblyTestSuite => asmSuites += (a.makeTargetName -> a)
case b: BenchmarkTestSuite => bmarkSuites += (b.makeTargetName -> b)
def addSuites(s: Seq[RocketTestSuite]) { s.foreach(addSuite) }
def generateMakefrag(topModuleName: String, configClassName: String) {
def gen(kind: String, s: Seq[RocketTestSuite]) = {
if(s.length > 0) {
val envs = s.groupBy(_.envName)
val targets = s.map(t => s"$$(${t.makeTargetName})").mkString(" ")
s.map(_.toString).mkString("\n") +
envs.filterKeys(_ != "").map( {
case (env,envsuites) => {
val suites = envsuites.map(t => s"$$(${t.makeTargetName})").mkString(" ")
run-$kind-$env-tests: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .out, $suites))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$^; echo;
run-$kind-$env-tests-debug: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .vpd, $suites))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$(patsubst %.vpd,%.out,$$^); echo;
run-$kind-$env-tests-fast: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .run, $suites))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$^; echo;
"""} } ).mkString("\n") + s"""
run-$kind-tests: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .out, $targets))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$^; echo;
run-$kind-tests-debug: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .vpd, $targets))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$(patsubst %.vpd,%.out,$$^); echo;
run-$kind-tests-fast: $$(addprefix $$(output_dir)/, $$(addsuffix .run, $targets))
\t@echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$$$1] $$$$ARGV \\t$$$$2\\n" if /\\*{3}(.{8})\\*{3}(.*)/' $$^; echo;
} else { "\n" }
val f = createOutputFile(s"$topModuleName.$configClassName.d")
gen("asm", asmSuites.values.toSeq),
gen("bmark", bmarkSuites.values.toSeq)
object DefaultTestSuites {
val rv32uiNames = LinkedHashSet(
"simple", "add", "addi", "and", "andi", "auipc", "beq", "bge", "bgeu", "blt", "bltu", "bne", "fence_i",
"j", "jal", "jalr", "lb", "lbu", "lh", "lhu", "lui", "lw", "or", "ori", "sb", "sh", "sw", "sll", "slli",
"slt", "slti", "sra", "srai", "srl", "srli", "sub", "xor", "xori")
val rv32ui = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv32ui", "rv32ui", rv32uiNames)(_)
val rv32umNames = LinkedHashSet("mul", "mulh", "mulhsu", "mulhu", "div", "divu", "rem", "remu")
val rv32um = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv32um", "rv32ui", rv32umNames)(_)
val rv32uaNames = LinkedHashSet("amoadd_w", "amoand_w", "amoor_w", "amoxor_w", "amoswap_w", "amomax_w", "amomaxu_w", "amomin_w", "amominu_w")
val rv32ua = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv32ua", "rv32ui", rv32uaNames)(_)
val rv64uiNames = LinkedHashSet("addw", "addiw", "ld", "lwu", "sd", "slliw", "sllw", "sltiu", "sltu", "sraiw", "sraw", "srliw", "srlw", "subw")
val rv64ui = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64ui", "rv64ui", rv32uiNames ++ rv64uiNames)(_)
val rv64umNames = LinkedHashSet("divuw", "divw", "mulw", "remuw", "remw")
val rv64um = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64um", "rv64ui", rv32umNames ++ rv64umNames)(_)
val rv64uaNames = rv32uaNames.map(_.replaceAll("_w","_d"))
val rv64ua = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64ua", "rv64ui", rv32uaNames ++ rv64uaNames)(_)
val rv64ufNames = LinkedHashSet("ldst", "move", "fsgnj", "fcmp", "fcvt", "fcvt_w", "fclass", "fadd", "fdiv", "fmin", "fmadd", "structural")
val rv64uf = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64uf", "rv64uf", rv64ufNames)(_)
val rv64ufNoDiv = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64uf", "rv64uf", rv64ufNames - "fdiv")(_)
val rv64siNames = LinkedHashSet("csr", "illegal", "ma_fetch", "ma_addr", "scall", "sbreak", "wfi")
val rv64si = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64si", "rv64si", rv64siNames)(_)
val rv64miNames = LinkedHashSet("csr", "mcsr", "wfi", "dirty", "illegal", "ma_addr", "ma_fetch", "sbreak", "scall", "timer")
val rv64mi = new AssemblyTestSuite("rv64mi", "rv64mi", rv64miNames)(_)
// TODO: "rv64ui-pm-lrsc", "rv64mi-pm-ipi",
val rv64u = List(rv64ui, rv64um, rv64ua)
val rv64i = List(rv64ui, rv64si, rv64mi)
val bmarks = new BenchmarkTestSuite("basic", "$(RISCV)/riscv64-unknown-elf/share/riscv-tests/benchmarks", LinkedHashSet(
"median", "multiply", "qsort", "towers", "vvadd", "mm", "dhrystone", "spmv", "mt-vvadd", "mt-matmul"))
val mtBmarks = new BenchmarkTestSuite("mt", "$(RISCV)/riscv64-unknown-elf/share/riscv-tests/mt",
LinkedHashSet(((0 to 4).map("vvadd"+_) ++
"cm","cs","cv","cy","dc","df","dm","do","dr","ds","du","dv").map(_+"_matmul")): _*))
val zscaleBmarks = new BenchmarkTestSuite("zscale", "$(base_dir)/zscale/sw", LinkedHashSet(
"led", "mbist"))
object TestGenerator extends App with FileSystemUtilities {
val projectName = args(0)
val topModuleName = args(1)
val configClassName = args(2)
val config = try {
} catch {
case e: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException =>
throwException("Unable to find configClassName \"" + configClassName +
"\", did you misspell it?", e)
val world = config.toInstance
val paramsFromConfig: Parameters = Parameters.root(world)
val gen = () =>
chiselMain.run(args.drop(3), gen)
//Driver.elaborate(gen, configName = configClassName)
TestGeneration.generateMakefrag(topModuleName, configClassName)
topModuleName, configClassName,
topModuleName, configClassName,
val pdFile = createOutputFile(s"$topModuleName.$configClassName.prm")
val v = createOutputFile(configClassName + ".knb")
val d = new java.io.FileOutputStream(Driver.targetDir + "/" + configClassName + ".dtb")
val w = createOutputFile(configClassName + ".cst")
val scr_map_hdr = createOutputFile(topModuleName + "." + configClassName + ".scr_map.h")
AllSCRFiles.foreach{ map => scr_map_hdr.write(map.as_c_header) }