These appear to be equivalent, but the old one seems to fail in Vivado and this one seems to pass. This is not yet conclusive.
141 lines
6.2 KiB
141 lines
6.2 KiB
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.rocket
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
class Instruction(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle with HasCoreParameters {
val xcpt0 = new FrontendExceptions // exceptions on first half of instruction
val xcpt1 = new FrontendExceptions // exceptions on second half of instruction
val replay = Bool()
val btb_hit = Bool()
val rvc = Bool()
val inst = new ExpandedInstruction
val raw = UInt(width = 32)
val cinst = UInt(width = 32)
require(coreInstBits == (if (usingCompressed) 16 else 32))
class IBuf(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val imem = Decoupled(new FrontendResp).flip
val kill = Bool(INPUT)
val pc = UInt(OUTPUT, vaddrBitsExtended)
val btb_resp = new BTBResp().asOutput
val inst = Vec(retireWidth, Decoupled(new Instruction))
// This module is meant to be more general, but it's not there yet
require(decodeWidth == 1)
val n = fetchWidth - 1
val nBufValid = if (n == 0) UInt(0) else Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Ceil(fetchWidth)))
val buf = Reg(io.imem.bits)
val ibufBTBHit = Reg(Bool())
val ibufBTBResp = Reg(new BTBResp)
val pcWordMask = UInt(coreInstBytes*fetchWidth-1, vaddrBitsExtended)
val pcWordBits = io.imem.bits.pc.extract(log2Ceil(fetchWidth*coreInstBytes)-1, log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))
val nReady = Wire(init = UInt(0, log2Ceil(fetchWidth+1)))
val nIC = Mux(io.imem.bits.btb.valid && io.imem.bits.btb.bits.taken, io.imem.bits.btb.bits.bridx +& 1, UInt(fetchWidth)) - pcWordBits
val nICReady = nReady - nBufValid
val nValid = Mux(io.imem.valid, nIC, UInt(0)) + nBufValid
io.imem.ready := io.inst(0).ready && nReady >= nBufValid && (nICReady >= nIC || n >= nIC - nICReady)
if (n > 0) {
when (io.inst(0).ready) {
nBufValid := Mux(nReady >= nBufValid, UInt(0), nBufValid - nReady)
if (n > 1) when (nReady > 0 && nReady < nBufValid) {
val shiftedBuf = shiftInsnRight(buf.data(n*coreInstBits-1, coreInstBits), (nReady-1)(log2Ceil(n-1)-1,0))
buf.data := Cat(buf.data(n*coreInstBits-1, (n-1)*coreInstBits), shiftedBuf((n-1)*coreInstBits-1, 0))
buf.pc := buf.pc & ~pcWordMask | (buf.pc + (nReady << log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))) & pcWordMask
ibufBTBResp.bridx := ibufBTBResp.bridx - nReady
when (io.imem.valid && nReady >= nBufValid && nICReady < nIC && n >= nIC - nICReady) {
val shamt = pcWordBits + nICReady
nBufValid := nIC - nICReady
buf := io.imem.bits
buf.data := shiftInsnRight(io.imem.bits.data, shamt)(n*coreInstBits-1,0)
buf.pc := io.imem.bits.pc & ~pcWordMask | (io.imem.bits.pc + (nICReady << log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))) & pcWordMask
ibufBTBHit := io.imem.bits.btb.valid
ibufBTBResp := io.imem.bits.btb.bits
ibufBTBResp.bridx := io.imem.bits.btb.bits.bridx + nICReady
when (io.kill) {
nBufValid := 0
val icShiftAmt = (fetchWidth + nBufValid - pcWordBits)(log2Ceil(fetchWidth), 0)
val icData = shiftInsnLeft(Cat(io.imem.bits.data, Fill(fetchWidth, io.imem.bits.data(coreInstBits-1, 0))), icShiftAmt)
.extract(3*fetchWidth*coreInstBits-1, 2*fetchWidth*coreInstBits)
val icMask = (~UInt(0, fetchWidth*coreInstBits) << (nBufValid << log2Ceil(coreInstBits)))(fetchWidth*coreInstBits-1,0)
val inst = icData & icMask | buf.data & ~icMask
val valid = (UIntToOH(nValid) - 1)(fetchWidth-1, 0)
val bufMask = UIntToOH(nBufValid) - 1
val xcpt = (0 until bufMask.getWidth).map(i => Mux(bufMask(i), buf.xcpt, io.imem.bits.xcpt))
val buf_replay = Mux(buf.replay, bufMask, UInt(0))
val ic_replay = buf_replay | Mux(io.imem.bits.replay, valid & ~bufMask, UInt(0))
val ibufBTBHitMask = Mux(ibufBTBHit, UIntToOH(ibufBTBResp.bridx), UInt(0))
assert(!io.imem.valid || !io.imem.bits.btb.valid || io.imem.bits.btb.bits.bridx >= pcWordBits)
val icBTBHitMask = Mux(io.imem.bits.btb.valid, UIntToOH(io.imem.bits.btb.bits.bridx +& nBufValid - pcWordBits), UInt(0))
val btbHitMask = ibufBTBHitMask & bufMask | icBTBHitMask & ~bufMask
io.btb_resp := Mux((ibufBTBHitMask & bufMask).orR, ibufBTBResp, io.imem.bits.btb.bits)
io.pc := Mux(nBufValid > 0, buf.pc, io.imem.bits.pc)
expand(0, 0, inst)
def expand(i: Int, j: UInt, curInst: UInt): Unit = if (i < retireWidth) {
val exp = Module(new RVCExpander)
exp.io.in := curInst
io.inst(i).bits.inst := exp.io.out
io.inst(i).bits.raw := curInst
io.inst(i).bits.cinst := Mux(exp.io.rvc, curInst & 0xFFFF, curInst)
if (usingCompressed) {
val replay = ic_replay(j) || (!exp.io.rvc && (btbHitMask(j) || ic_replay(j+1)))
val full_insn = exp.io.rvc || valid(j+1) || buf_replay(j)
io.inst(i).valid := valid(j) && full_insn
io.inst(i).bits.xcpt0 := xcpt(j)
io.inst(i).bits.xcpt1 := Mux(exp.io.rvc, 0.U, xcpt(j+1).asUInt).asTypeOf(new FrontendExceptions)
io.inst(i).bits.replay := replay
io.inst(i).bits.btb_hit := btbHitMask(j) || (!exp.io.rvc && btbHitMask(j+1))
io.inst(i).bits.rvc := exp.io.rvc
when (full_insn && (i == 0 || io.inst(i).ready)) { nReady := Mux(exp.io.rvc, j+1, j+2) }
expand(i+1, Mux(exp.io.rvc, j+1, j+2), Mux(exp.io.rvc, curInst >> 16, curInst >> 32))
} else {
when (i == 0 || io.inst(i).ready) { nReady := i+1 }
io.inst(i).valid := valid(i)
io.inst(i).bits.xcpt0 := xcpt(i)
io.inst(i).bits.xcpt1 := 0.U.asTypeOf(new FrontendExceptions)
io.inst(i).bits.replay := ic_replay(i)
io.inst(i).bits.rvc := false
io.inst(i).bits.btb_hit := btbHitMask(i)
expand(i+1, null, curInst >> 32)
def shiftInsnLeft(in: UInt, dist: UInt) = {
val r = in.getWidth/coreInstBits
require(in.getWidth % coreInstBits == 0)
val data = Cat(Fill((1 << (log2Ceil(r) + 1)) - r, in >> (r-1)*coreInstBits), in)
data << (dist << log2Ceil(coreInstBits))
def shiftInsnRight(in: UInt, dist: UInt) = {
val r = in.getWidth/coreInstBits
require(in.getWidth % coreInstBits == 0)
val data = Cat(Fill((1 << (log2Ceil(r) + 1)) - r, in >> (r-1)*coreInstBits), in)
data >> (dist << log2Ceil(coreInstBits))