
251 lines
5.7 KiB

package rocket
import Chisel._
import Node._
import scala.math._
object foldR
def apply[T <: Bits](x: Seq[T])(f: (T, T) => T): T =
if (x.length == 1) x(0) else f(x(0), foldR(x.slice(1, x.length))(f))
object log2up
def apply(in: Int) = if (in == 1) 1 else ceil(log(in)/log(2)).toInt
object ispow2
def apply(in: Int) = in > 0 && ((in & (in-1)) == 0)
object FillInterleaved
def apply(n: Int, in: Bits) =
var out = Fill(n, in(0))
for (i <- 1 until in.getWidth)
out = Cat(Fill(n, in(i)), out)
// http://aggregate.ee.engr.uky.edu/MAGIC/#Population%20Count%20%28Ones%20Count%29
// http://bits.stephan-brumme.com/countBits.html
object PopCount
def apply(in: Bits) =
require(in.width <= 32)
val w = log2up(in.width+1)
var x = in
if(in.width == 2) {
x = x - ((x >> UFix(1)) & Bits("h_5555_5555"))
} else if(in.width <= 4) {
x = x - ((x >> UFix(1)) & Bits("h_5555_5555"))
x = (((x >> UFix(2)) & Bits("h_3333_3333")) + (x & Bits("h_3333_3333")))
} else if(in.width <= 8) {
x = x - ((x >> UFix(1)) & Bits("h_5555_5555"))
x = (((x >> UFix(2)) & Bits("h_3333_3333")) + (x & Bits("h_3333_3333")))
x = ((x >> UFix(4)) + x)
} else {
// count bits of each 2-bit chunk
x = x - ((x >> UFix(1)) & Bits("h_5555_5555"))
// count bits of each 4-bit chunk
x = (((x >> UFix(2)) & Bits("h_3333_3333")) + (x & Bits("h_3333_3333")))
// count bits of each 8-bit chunk
x = ((x >> UFix(4)) + x)
// mask junk in upper bits
x = x & Bits("h_0f0f_0f0f")
// add all four 8-bit chunks
x = x + (x >> UFix(8))
x = x + (x >> UFix(16))
object Reverse
def apply(in: Bits) =
var out = in(in.getWidth-1)
for (i <- 1 until in.getWidth)
out = Cat(in(in.getWidth-i-1), out)
object OHToUFix
def apply(in: Bits): UFix =
val out = MuxCase( UFix(0), (0 until in.getWidth).map( i => (in(i).toBool, UFix(i))))
object UFixToOH
def apply(in: UFix, width: Int): Bits =
(UFix(1) << in(log2up(width)-1,0))
object LFSR16
def apply(increment: Bool = Bool(true)) =
val width = 16
val lfsr = Reg(resetVal = UFix(1, width))
when (increment) { lfsr := Cat(lfsr(0)^lfsr(2)^lfsr(3)^lfsr(5), lfsr(width-1,1)).toUFix }
object ShiftRegister
def apply [T <: Data](n: Int, in: T): T =
if (n > 0) Reg(apply(n-1, in)) else in
object Mux1H
//TODO: cloning in(0) is unsafe if other elements have different widths, but
//is that even allowable?
def apply [T <: Data](n: Int, sel: Vec[Bool], in: Vec[T]): T = {
MuxCase(in(0), (0 until n).map( i => (sel(i), in(i))))
// val mux = (new Mux1H(n)){ in(0).clone }
// mux.io.sel <> sel
// mux.io.in <> in
// mux.io.out.asInstanceOf[T]
def apply [T <: Data](n: Int, sel: Seq[Bool], in: Vec[T]): T = {
MuxCase(in(0), (0 until n).map( i => (sel(i), in(i))))
// val mux = (new Mux1H(n)){ in(0).clone }
// for(i <- 0 until n) {
// mux.io.sel(i) := sel(i)
// }
// mux.io.in <> in.asOutput
// mux.io.out.asInstanceOf[T]
def apply [T <: Data](n: Int, sel: Bits, in: Vec[T]): T = {
MuxCase(in(0), (0 until n).map( i => (sel(i).toBool, in(i))))
// val mux = (new Mux1H(n)){ in(0).clone }
// for(i <- 0 until n) {
// mux.io.sel(i) := sel(i).toBool
// }
// mux.io.in := in
// mux.io.out
class Mux1H [T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: => T) extends Component
val io = new Bundle {
val sel = Vec(n) { Bool(dir = INPUT) }
val in = Vec(n) { gen }.asInput
val out = gen.asOutput
if (n > 2) {
var out = io.in(0).toBits & Fill(gen.getWidth, io.sel(0))
for (i <- 1 to n-1)
out = out | (io.in(i).toBits & Fill(gen.getWidth, io.sel(i)))
io.out := out
} else if (n == 2) {
io.out := Mux(io.sel(1), io.in(1), io.in(0))
} else {
io.out := io.in(0)
class ioDecoupled[T <: Data]()(data: => T) extends Bundle
val valid = Bool(INPUT)
val ready = Bool(OUTPUT)
val bits = data.asInput
class ioArbiter[T <: Data](n: Int)(data: => T) extends Bundle {
val in = Vec(n) { (new ioDecoupled()) { data } }
val out = (new ioDecoupled()) { data }.flip()
class Arbiter[T <: Data](n: Int)(data: => T) extends Component {
val io = new ioArbiter(n)(data)
io.in(0).ready := io.out.ready
for (i <- 1 to n-1) {
io.in(i).ready := !io.in(i-1).valid && io.in(i-1).ready
var dout = io.in(n-1).bits
for (i <- 1 to n-1)
dout = Mux(io.in(n-1-i).valid, io.in(n-1-i).bits, dout)
var vout = io.in(0).valid
for (i <- 1 to n-1)
vout = vout || io.in(i).valid
vout <> io.out.valid
dout <> io.out.bits
class ioPriorityDecoder(in_width: Int, out_width: Int) extends Bundle
val in = UFix(in_width, INPUT);
val out = Bits(out_width, OUTPUT);
class priorityDecoder(width: Int) extends Component
val in_width = ceil(log10(width)/log10(2)).toInt;
val io = new ioPriorityEncoder(in_width, width);
val l_out = Wire() { Bits() };
l_out := Bits(0, width);
for (i <- width-1 to 0 by -1) {
when (io.in === UFix(i, in_width)) {
l_out := Bits(1,1) << UFix(i);
io.out := l_out;
class ioPriorityEncoder(in_width: Int, out_width: Int) extends Bundle
val in = Bits(in_width, INPUT);
val out = UFix(out_width, OUTPUT);
class priorityEncoder(width: Int) extends Component
val out_width = ceil(log10(width)/log10(2)).toInt;
val io = new ioPriorityDecoder(width, out_width);
val l_out = Wire() { UFix() };
l_out := UFix(0, out_width);
for (i <- width-1 to 1 by -1) {
when (io.in(i).toBool) {
l_out := UFix(i, out_width);
io.out := l_out;