
210 lines
6.8 KiB

// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import junctions._
import diplomacy._
import regmapper._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import config._
import scala.math.min
import tile.XLen
class GatewayPLICIO extends Bundle {
val valid = Bool(OUTPUT)
val ready = Bool(INPUT)
val complete = Bool(INPUT)
class LevelGateway extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val interrupt = Bool(INPUT)
val plic = new GatewayPLICIO
val inFlight = Reg(init=Bool(false))
when (io.interrupt && io.plic.ready) { inFlight := true }
when (io.plic.complete) { inFlight := false }
io.plic.valid := io.interrupt && !inFlight
object PLICConsts
def maxDevices = 1023
def maxHarts = 15872
def priorityBase = 0x0
def pendingBase = 0x1000
def enableBase = 0x2000
def hartBase = 0x200000
def claimOffset = 4
def priorityBytes = 4
def enableOffset(i: Int) = i * ((maxDevices+7)/8)
def hartOffset(i: Int) = i * 0x1000
def enableBase(i: Int):Int = enableOffset(i) + enableBase
def hartBase(i: Int):Int = hartOffset(i) + hartBase
def size = hartBase(maxHarts)
require(hartBase >= enableBase(maxHarts))
/** Platform-Level Interrupt Controller */
class TLPLIC(maxPriorities: Int, address: BigInt = 0xC000000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
require (maxPriorities >= 0)
// plic0 => max devices 1023
val device = new SimpleDevice("interrupt-controller", Seq("riscv,plic0")) {
override val alwaysExtended = true
override def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
val Description(name, mapping) = super.describe(resources)
val extra = Map(
"interrupt-controller" -> Nil,
"riscv,ndev" -> Seq(ResourceInt(nDevices)),
"#interrupt-cells" -> Seq(ResourceInt(1)),
"#address-cells" -> Seq(ResourceInt(0)))
Description(name, mapping ++ extra)
val node = TLRegisterNode(
address = Seq(AddressSet(address, PLICConsts.size-1)),
device = device,
beatBytes = p(XLen)/8,
undefZero = false,
concurrency = 1) // Work around the enable -> claim hazard
val intnode = IntNexusNode(
numSourcePorts = 0 to 1024,
numSinkPorts = 0 to 1024,
sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1, Seq(Resource(device, "int"))))) },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) })
/* Negotiated sizes */
def nDevices: Int = intnode.edgesIn.map(_.source.num).sum
def nPriorities = min(maxPriorities, nDevices)
def nHarts = intnode.edgesOut.map(_.source.num).sum
// Assign all the devices unique ranges
lazy val sources = intnode.edgesIn.map(_.source)
lazy val flatSources = (sources zip sources.map(_.num).scanLeft(0)(_+_).init).map {
case (s, o) => s.sources.map(z => z.copy(range = z.range.offset(o)))
ResourceBinding {
flatSources.foreach { s => s.resources.foreach { r =>
// +1 because interrupt 0 is reserved
(s.range.start until s.range.end).foreach { i => r.bind(device, ResourceInt(i+1)) }
} }
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val tl_in = node.bundleIn
val devices = intnode.bundleIn
val harts = intnode.bundleOut
// Compact the interrupt vector the same way
val interrupts = (intnode.edgesIn zip io.devices).map { case (e, i) => i.take(e.source.num) }.flatten
// This flattens the harts into an MSMSMSMSMS... or MMMMM.... sequence
val harts = io.harts.flatten
println(s"Interrupt map (${nHarts} harts ${nDevices} interrupts):")
flatSources.foreach { s =>
// +1 because 0 is reserved, +1-1 because the range is half-open
println(s" [${s.range.start+1}, ${s.range.end}] => ${s.name}")
require (nDevices == interrupts.size)
require (nHarts == harts.size)
require(nDevices <= PLICConsts.maxDevices)
require(nHarts > 0 && nHarts <= PLICConsts.maxHarts)
// For now, use LevelGateways for all TL2 interrupts
val gateways = Vec(interrupts.map { case i =>
val gateway = Module(new LevelGateway)
gateway.io.interrupt := i
} ++ (if (interrupts.isEmpty) Some(Wire(new GatewayPLICIO)) else None))
val priority =
if (nPriorities > 0) Reg(Vec(nDevices+1, UInt(width=log2Up(nPriorities+1))))
else Wire(init=Vec.fill(nDevices+1)(UInt(1)))
val threshold =
if (nPriorities > 0) Reg(Vec(nHarts, UInt(width = log2Up(nPriorities+1))))
else Wire(init=Vec.fill(nHarts)(UInt(0)))
val pending = Reg(init=Vec.fill(nDevices+1){Bool(false)})
val enables = Reg(Vec(nHarts, Vec(nDevices+1, Bool())))
for ((p, g) <- pending.tail zip gateways) {
g.ready := !p
g.complete := false
when (g.valid) { p := true }
def findMax(x: Seq[UInt]): (UInt, UInt) = {
if (x.length > 1) {
val half = 1 << (log2Ceil(x.length) - 1)
val lMax = findMax(x take half)
val rMax = findMax(x drop half)
val useLeft = lMax._1 >= rMax._1
(Mux(useLeft, lMax._1, rMax._1), Mux(useLeft, lMax._2, UInt(half) | rMax._2))
} else (x.head, UInt(0))
val maxDevs = Reg(Vec(nHarts, UInt(width = log2Up(pending.size))))
for (hart <- 0 until nHarts) {
val effectivePriority =
for (((p, en), pri) <- (pending zip enables(hart) zip priority).tail)
yield Cat(p && en, pri)
val (maxPri, maxDev) = findMax((UInt(1) << priority(0).getWidth) +: effectivePriority)
maxDevs(hart) := maxDev
harts(hart) := Reg(next = maxPri) > Cat(UInt(1), threshold(hart))
def priorityRegField(x: UInt) = if (nPriorities > 0) RegField(32, x) else RegField.r(32, x)
val priorityRegFields = Seq(PLICConsts.priorityBase -> priority.map(p => priorityRegField(p)))
val pendingRegFields = Seq(PLICConsts.pendingBase -> pending .map(b => RegField.r(1, b)))
val enableRegFields = enables.zipWithIndex.map { case (e, i) =>
PLICConsts.enableBase(i) -> e.map(b => RegField(1, b))
val hartRegFields = Seq.tabulate(nHarts) { i =>
PLICConsts.hartBase(i) -> Seq(
RegReadFn { valid =>
when (valid) {
pending(maxDevs(i)) := Bool(false)
maxDevs(i) := UInt(0) // flush pipeline
(Bool(true), maxDevs(i))
RegWriteFn { (valid, data) =>
when (valid && enables(i)(data)) {
gateways(data - UInt(1)).complete := Bool(true)
node.regmap((priorityRegFields ++ pendingRegFields ++ enableRegFields ++ hartRegFields):_*)
priority(0) := 0
pending(0) := false
for (e <- enables)
e(0) := false