Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into testharness-refactor
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,8 +124,7 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
case UseCompressed => true
case DMKey => new DefaultDebugModuleConfig(site(NTiles), site(XLen))
case NCustomMRWCSRs => 0
case ResetVector => BigInt(0x1000)
case MtvecInit => BigInt(0x1010)
case MtvecInit => None
case MtvecWritable => true
//Uncore Paramters
case LNEndpoints => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nManagers + site(TLKey(site(TLId))).nClients
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ abstract class Coreplex(implicit val p: Parameters, implicit val c: CoreplexConf
val debug = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip
val clint = Vec(c.nTiles, new CoreplexLocalInterrupts).asInput
val success = Bool(OUTPUT)
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val io = new CoreplexIO
@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ class DefaultCoreplex(tp: Parameters, tc: CoreplexConfig) extends Coreplex()(tp,
|||| :=, 'S')))
|||| :=
|||| := i
|||| := io.resetVector
val tileSlavePorts = (0 until tc.nTiles) map (i => s"int:dmem$i") filter (ioAddrMap contains _)
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class AddrMap(
val brEnd = br.start + br.size
val abOverlaps = ar.start < brEnd && br.start < arEnd
"region $an@0x${ar.start.toString(16)} overlaps region $bn@0x${br.start.toString(16)}")
s"region $an@0x${ar.start.toString(16)} overlaps region $bn@0x${br.start.toString(16)}")
def toRange: MemRange = MemRange(start, size, attr)
@ -227,7 +227,11 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val reg_mcause = Reg(Bits(width = xLen))
val reg_mbadaddr = Reg(UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended))
val reg_mscratch = Reg(Bits(width = xLen))
val reg_mtvec = Reg(init=UInt(p(MtvecInit), paddrBits min xLen))
val mtvecWidth = paddrBits min xLen
val reg_mtvec = p(MtvecInit) match {
case Some(addr) => Reg(init=UInt(addr, mtvecWidth))
case None => Reg(UInt(width = mtvecWidth))
val reg_mucounteren = Reg(UInt(width = 32))
val reg_mscounteren = Reg(UInt(width = 32))
val delegable_counters = (BigInt(1) << (nPerfCounters + CSR.firstHPM)) - 1
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ class Frontend(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) with HasL1CachePa
val cpu = new FrontendIO().flip
val ptw = new TLBPTWIO()
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, vaddrBitsExtended)
val icache = Module(new ICache(latency = 2))
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ class Frontend(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) with HasL1CachePa
val s1_speculative = Reg(Bool())
val s1_same_block = Reg(Bool())
val s2_valid = Reg(init=Bool(true))
val s2_pc = Reg(init=UInt(p(ResetVector)))
val s2_pc = Reg(init=io.resetVector)
val s2_btb_resp_valid = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val s2_btb_resp_bits = Reg(new BTBResp)
val s2_xcpt_if = Reg(init=Bool(false))
@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ case object FastJAL extends Field[Boolean]
case object CoreInstBits extends Field[Int]
case object NCustomMRWCSRs extends Field[Int]
case object MtvecWritable extends Field[Boolean]
case object MtvecInit extends Field[BigInt]
case object ResetVector extends Field[BigInt]
case object MtvecInit extends Field[Option[BigInt]]
case object NBreakpoints extends Field[Int]
case object NPerfCounters extends Field[Int]
case object NPerfEvents extends Field[Int]
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ abstract class Tile(clockSignal: Clock = null, resetSignal: Bool = null)
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts().asInput
val slave = (p(DataScratchpadSize) > 0).option(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip)
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, p(XLen))
val io = new TileIO
@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ class RocketTile(clockSignal: Clock = null, resetSignal: Bool = null)
|||| := io.interrupts
|||| := io.hartid
|||| <>
|||| := io.resetVector
val fpuOpt = p(FPUKey).map(cfg => Module(new FPU(cfg)))
fpuOpt.foreach(fpu => <>
@ -127,21 +127,28 @@ object Split
// a counter that clock gates most of its MSBs using the LSB carry-out
case class WideCounter(width: Int, inc: UInt = UInt(1))
case class WideCounter(width: Int, inc: UInt = UInt(1), reset: Boolean = true)
private val isWide = width > 2*inc.getWidth
private val smallWidth = if (isWide) inc.getWidth max log2Up(width) else width
private val small = Reg(init=UInt(0, smallWidth))
private val small = if (reset) Reg(init=UInt(0, smallWidth)) else Reg(UInt(width = smallWidth))
private val nextSmall = small +& inc
small := nextSmall
private val large = if (isWide) {
val r = Reg(init=UInt(0, width - smallWidth))
when (nextSmall(smallWidth)) { r := r + UInt(1) }
val r = if (reset) Reg(init=UInt(0, width - smallWidth)) else Reg(UInt(width = width - smallWidth))
when (nextSmall(smallWidth)) { r := r +& UInt(1) }
} else null
val value = if (isWide) Cat(large, small) else small
lazy val carryOut = {
val lo = (small ^ nextSmall) >> 1
if (!isWide) lo else {
val hi = Mux(nextSmall(smallWidth), large ^ (large +& UInt(1)), UInt(0)) >> 1
Cat(hi, lo)
def := (x: UInt) = {
small := x
@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ abstract class BaseTop(q: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val pBusMasters = new RangeManager
val pDevices = new ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
// Add a peripheral bus
val peripheryBus = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
lazy val peripheryManagers = peripheryBus.node.edgesIn(0).manager.managers
lazy val c = CoreplexConfig(
nTiles = q(NTiles),
nExtInterrupts = pInterrupts.sum,
@ -36,16 +40,14 @@ abstract class BaseTop(q: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
hasExtMMIOPort = true
lazy val genGlobalAddrMap = GenerateGlobalAddrMap(q, pDevices.get)
lazy val genGlobalAddrMap = GenerateGlobalAddrMap(q, pDevices.get, peripheryManagers)
private val qWithMap = q.alterPartial({case GlobalAddrMap => genGlobalAddrMap})
lazy val genConfigString = GenerateConfigString(qWithMap, c, pDevices.get)
lazy val genConfigString = GenerateConfigString(qWithMap, c, pDevices.get, peripheryManagers)
implicit val p = qWithMap.alterPartial({
case ConfigString => genConfigString
case NCoreplexExtClients => pBusMasters.sum})
// Add a peripheral bus
val peripheryBus = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val legacy = LazyModule(new TLLegacy()(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "L2toMMIO" })))
peripheryBus.node := TLBuffer(TLWidthWidget(TLHintHandler(legacy.node), legacy.tlDataBytes))
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ class BaseTopBundle(val p: Parameters, val c: Coreplex) extends ParameterizedBun
val success = Bool(OUTPUT)
class BaseTopModule[+L <: BaseTop, +B <: BaseTopBundle](val p: Parameters, l: L, b: Coreplex => B) extends LazyModuleImp(l) {
abstract class BaseTopModule[+L <: BaseTop, +B <: BaseTopBundle](val p: Parameters, l: L, b: Coreplex => B) extends LazyModuleImp(l) {
val outer: L = l
val coreplex = p(BuildCoreplex)(p, outer.c)
@ -72,7 +74,12 @@ class BaseTopModule[+L <: BaseTop, +B <: BaseTopBundle](val p: Parameters, l: L,
val name =
val start = entry.region.start
val end = entry.region.start + entry.region.size - 1
println(f"\t$name%s $start%x - $end%x")
val prot = entry.region.attr.prot
val protStr = (if ((prot & AddrMapProt.R) > 0) "R" else "") +
(if ((prot & AddrMapProt.W) > 0) "W" else "") +
(if ((prot & AddrMapProt.X) > 0) "X" else "")
val cacheable = if (entry.region.attr.cacheable) " [C]" else ""
println(f"\t$name%s $start%x - $end%x, $protStr$cacheable")
println("Generated Configuration String")
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class ExampleTopBundle(p: Parameters, c: Coreplex) extends BaseTopBundle(p, c)
class ExampleTopModule[+L <: ExampleTop, +B <: ExampleTopBundle](p: Parameters, l: L, b: Coreplex => B) extends BaseTopModule(p, l, b)
with PeripheryBootROMModule with PeripheryDebugModule with PeripheryExtInterruptsModule with PeripheryCoreplexLocalInterrupterModule
with PeripheryMasterMemModule with PeripheryMasterMMIOModule with PeripherySlaveModule
with HardwiredResetVector
/** Example Top with TestRAM */
class ExampleTopWithTestRAM(q: Parameters) extends ExampleTop(q)
@ -289,10 +289,6 @@ trait PeripheryCoreplexLocalInterrupter extends LazyModule with HasPeripheryPara
val clint = LazyModule(new CoreplexLocalInterrupter(clintConfig)(innerMMIOParams))
// The periphery bus is 32-bit, so we may need to adapt its width to XLen
clint.node := TLFragmenter(TLWidthWidget(peripheryBus.node, 4), beatBytes, 256)
// TL1 legacy
val pDevices: ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
pDevices.add(AddrMapEntry("clint", MemRange(clintConfig.address, clintConfig.size, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW))))
trait PeripheryCoreplexLocalInterrupterBundle {
@ -315,12 +311,10 @@ trait PeripheryBootROM extends LazyModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val peripheryBus: TLXbar
val rom = LazyModule(new TLROM(0x1000, 0x1000, GenerateBootROM(p)))
val address = 0x1000
val size = 0x1000
val rom = LazyModule(new TLROM(address, size, GenerateBootROM(p, address)) { override def name = "bootrom" })
rom.node := TLFragmenter(peripheryBus.node, 4, 256)
// TL1 legacy address map
val pDevices: ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
pDevices.add(AddrMapEntry("bootrom", MemRange(0x1000, 4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RX))))
trait PeripheryBootROMBundle {
@ -342,12 +336,8 @@ trait PeripheryTestRAM extends LazyModule {
val ramBase = 0x52000000
val ramSize = 0x1000
val sram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(ramBase, ramSize-1)))
val sram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(ramBase, ramSize-1)) { override def name = "testram" })
sram.node := TLFragmenter(peripheryBus.node, 4, 256)
// TL1 legacy address map
val pDevices: ResourceManager[AddrMapEntry]
pDevices.add(AddrMapEntry("testram", MemRange(ramBase, ramSize, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RW))))
trait PeripheryTestRAMBundle {
@ -377,3 +367,10 @@ trait PeripheryTestBusMasterModule {
implicit val p: Parameters
val outer: PeripheryTestBusMaster
trait HardwiredResetVector {
val coreplex: Coreplex
|||| := UInt(0x1000) // boot ROM
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import uncore.devices._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import coreplex._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder}
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ class GlobalVariable[T] {
object GenerateGlobalAddrMap {
def apply(p: Parameters, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry]) = {
def apply(p: Parameters, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry], peripheryManagers: Seq[TLManagerParameters]) = {
lazy val intIOAddrMap: AddrMap = {
val entries = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[AddrMapEntry]()
entries += AddrMapEntry("debug", MemSize(4096, MemAttr(AddrMapProt.RWX)))
@ -64,8 +65,26 @@ object GenerateGlobalAddrMap {
new AddrMap(entries)
lazy val tl2AddrMap = new AddrMap(pDevicesEntries, collapse = true)
lazy val extIOAddrMap = new AddrMap(AddrMapEntry("TL2", tl2AddrMap) +: p(ExtMMIOPorts), collapse = true)
lazy val tl2Devices = { manager =>
val cacheable = manager.regionType match {
case RegionType.CACHED => true
case RegionType.TRACKED => true
case _ => false
val attr = MemAttr(
(if (manager.supportsGet) AddrMapProt.R else 0) |
(if (manager.supportsPutFull) AddrMapProt.W else 0) |
(if (manager.executable) AddrMapProt.X else 0), cacheable)
val multi = manager.address.size > 1
|||| { case (address, i) =>
require (address.contiguous) // TL1 needs this
val name = + (if (multi) ".%d".format(i) else "")
AddrMapEntry(name, MemRange(address.base, address.mask+1, attr))
lazy val tl2AddrMap = new AddrMap(tl2Devices, collapse = true)
lazy val extIOAddrMap = new AddrMap(AddrMapEntry("TL2", tl2AddrMap) +: (p(ExtMMIOPorts) ++ pDevicesEntries), collapse = true)
val memBase = 0x80000000L
val memSize = p(ExtMemSize)
@ -80,7 +99,7 @@ object GenerateGlobalAddrMap {
object GenerateConfigString {
def apply(p: Parameters, c: CoreplexConfig, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry]) = {
def apply(p: Parameters, c: CoreplexConfig, pDevicesEntries: Seq[AddrMapEntry], peripheryManagers: Seq[TLManagerParameters]) = {
val addrMap = p(GlobalAddrMap)
val plicAddr = addrMap("io:int:plic").start
val clint = CoreplexLocalInterrupterConfig(0, addrMap("io:ext:TL2:clint").start)
@ -136,33 +155,27 @@ object GenerateConfigString {
res append "};\n"
pDevicesEntries foreach { entry =>
val region = addrMap("io:ext:TL2:" +
val region = addrMap("io:ext:" +
res append s"${} {\n"
res append s" addr 0x${region.start.toString(16)};\n"
res append s" size 0x${region.size.toString(16)}; \n"
res append "}\n"
peripheryManagers.foreach { manager => res append manager.dts }
res append '\u0000'
object GenerateBootROM {
def apply(p: Parameters) = {
def apply(p: Parameters, address: BigInt) = {
val romdata = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(p(BootROMFile)))
val rom = ByteBuffer.wrap(romdata)
// for now, have the reset vector jump straight to memory
val memBase = (
if (p(GlobalAddrMap) contains "mem") p(GlobalAddrMap)("mem")
else p(GlobalAddrMap)("io:int:dmem0")
val resetToMemDist = memBase - p(ResetVector)
require(resetToMemDist == (resetToMemDist.toInt >> 12 << 12))
val configStringAddr = p(ResetVector).toInt + rom.capacity
require(address == address.toInt)
val configStringAddr = address.toInt + rom.capacity
require(rom.getInt(12) == 0,
"Config string address position should not be occupied by code")
rom.putInt(12, configStringAddr)
@ -87,3 +87,6 @@ class CoreplexLocalInterrupter(c: CoreplexLocalInterrupterConfig)(implicit val p
extends TLRegisterRouter(c.address, 0, c.size, None, c.beatBytes, false)(
new TLRegBundle((c, p), _) with CoreplexLocalInterrupterBundle)(
new TLRegModule((c, p), _, _) with CoreplexLocalInterrupterModule)
override def name = "clint" // defaul is "CoreplexLocalInterrupter"
@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ import uncore.tilelink2._
import uncore.util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
class TLROM(val base: BigInt, val size: Int, contentsDelayed: => Seq[Byte], beatBytes: Int = 4) extends LazyModule
class TLROM(val base: BigInt, val size: Int, contentsDelayed: => Seq[Byte], executable: Boolean = true, beatBytes: Int = 4) extends LazyModule
val node = TLManagerNode(beatBytes, TLManagerParameters(
address = List(AddressSet(base, size-1)),
regionType = RegionType.UNCACHED,
executable = executable,
supportsGet = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
fifoId = Some(0)))
@ -25,13 +25,25 @@ object AddressDecoder
// Verify the user did not give us an impossible problem
ports.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x, y) =>
x.foreach { a => y.foreach { b =>
require (!a.overlaps(b)) // it must be possible to disambiguate addresses!
require (!a.overlaps(b)) // it must be possible to disambiguate ports!
} }
val maxBits = log2Ceil( + 1)
val bits = (0 until maxBits).map(BigInt(1) << _).toSeq
val selected = recurse(Seq(, bits)
selected.reduceLeft(_ | _)
val output = selected.reduceLeft(_ | _)
// Modify the AddressSets to allow the new wider match functions
val widePorts = { { _.widen(~output) } }
// Verify that it remains possible to disambiguate all ports
widePorts.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq(x, y) =>
x.foreach { a => y.foreach { b =>
require (!a.overlaps(b))
} }
// A simpler version that works for a Seq[Int]
@ -51,11 +63,12 @@ object AddressDecoder
// pick the bit which minimizes the number of ports in each partition
// as a secondary goal, reduce the number of AddressSets within a partition
val bigValue = 100000
def bitScore(partitions: Partitions): Int = {
def bitScore(partitions: Partitions): Seq[Int] = {
val maxPortsPerPartition =
val sumPortsPerPartition =
val maxSetsPerPartition =
maxPortsPerPartition * bigValue + maxSetsPerPartition
val sumSetsPerPartition =
Seq(maxPortsPerPartition, sumPortsPerPartition, maxSetsPerPartition, sumSetsPerPartition)
def partitionPort(port: Port, bit: BigInt): (Port, Port) = {
@ -77,8 +90,8 @@ object AddressDecoder
def partitionPartitions(partitions: Partitions, bit: BigInt): Partitions = {
val partitioned_partitions = => partitionPorts(p, bit))
val case_a_partitions =
val case_b_partitions =
val case_a_partitions =!_.isEmpty)
val case_b_partitions =!_.isEmpty)
val new_partitions = (case_a_partitions ++ case_b_partitions).sorted(partitionOrder)
// Prevent combinational memory explosion; if two partitions are equal, keep only one
// Note: AddressSets in a port are sorted, and ports in a partition are sorted.
@ -106,9 +119,9 @@ object AddressDecoder
val score = bitScore(result)
(score, bit, result)
val (bestScore, bestBit, bestPartitions) = candidates.min([(Int, BigInt, Partitions), Int](_._1))
val (bestScore, bestBit, bestPartitions) = candidates.min([(Seq[Int], BigInt, Partitions), Iterable[Int]](_._1.toIterable))
if (debug) println("=> Selected bit 0x%x".format(bestBit))
if (bestScore < 2*bigValue) {
if (bestScore(0) <= 1) {
if (debug) println("---")
} else {
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
// Transfers
def Acquire(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, growPermissions: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportAcquire)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquire(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquireFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.Acquire
a.param := growPermissions
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
def Release(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, shrinkPermissions: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportAcquire)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquire(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquireFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.Release
c.param := shrinkPermissions
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
def Release(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, shrinkPermissions: UInt, data: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportAcquire)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquire(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquireFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.ReleaseData
c.param := shrinkPermissions
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
// Accesses
def Get(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportGet)
val legal = manager.supportsGet(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsGetFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.Get
a.param := UInt(0)
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
def Put(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportPutFull)
val legal = manager.supportsPutFull(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsPutFullFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.PutFullData
a.param := UInt(0)
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
def Put(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, mask : UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportPutPartial)
val legal = manager.supportsPutPartial(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsPutPartialFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.PutPartialData
a.param := UInt(0)
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
def Arithmetic(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, atomic: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportArithmetic)
val legal = manager.supportsArithmetic(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsArithmeticFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.ArithmeticData
a.param := atomic
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
def Logical(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, atomic: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportLogical)
val legal = manager.supportsLogical(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsLogicalFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.LogicalData
a.param := atomic
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ class TLEdgeOut(
def Hint(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, param: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportHint)
val legal = manager.supportsHint(toAddress, lgSize)
val legal = manager.supportsHintFast(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.Hint
a.param := param
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ class TLEdgeIn(
// Transfers
def Probe(fromAddress: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, capPermissions: UInt) = {
require (client.anySupportProbe)
val legal = client.supportsProbe(fromAddress, lgSize)
val legal = client.supportsProbe(toSource, lgSize)
val b = Wire(new TLBundleB(bundle))
b.opcode := TLMessages.Probe
b.param := capPermissions
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class TLFragmenter(minSize: Int, maxSize: Int, alwaysMin: Boolean = false) exten
val maxLgHints = maxHints .map(m => if (m == 0) lgMinSize else UInt(log2Ceil(m)))
// If this is infront of a single manager, these become constants
val find = manager.find(edgeIn.address(in.a.bits))
val find = manager.findFast(edgeIn.address(in.a.bits))
val maxLgArithmetic = Mux1H(find, maxLgArithmetics)
val maxLgLogical = Mux1H(find, maxLgLogicals)
val maxLgGet = Mux1H(find, maxLgGets)
@ -163,10 +163,12 @@ class TLFuzzer(
edge.Hint(src, addr, size, UInt(0))
} else { (glegal, gbits) }
val legal_dest = edge.manager.containsSafe(addr)
// Pick a specific message to try to send
val a_type_sel = noiseMaker(3, inc)
val legal = MuxLookup(a_type_sel, glegal, Seq(
val legal = legal_dest && MuxLookup(a_type_sel, glegal, Seq(
UInt("b000") -> glegal,
UInt("b001") -> pflegal,
UInt("b010") -> pplegal,
@ -218,14 +220,18 @@ class ClockDivider extends BlackBox {
class TLFuzzRAM extends LazyModule
val model = LazyModule(new TLRAMModel)
val ram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0, 0x3ff)))
val ram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0x800, 0x7ff)))
val ram2 = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0, 0x3ff), beatBytes = 16))
val gpio = LazyModule(new RRTest1(0x400))
val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val xbar2= LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val fuzz = LazyModule(new TLFuzzer(5000))
val cross = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossing)
model.node := fuzz.node
xbar.node := TLWidthWidget(TLHintHandler(model.node), 16)
xbar2.node := model.node
ram2.node := TLFragmenter(xbar2.node, 16, 256)
xbar.node := TLWidthWidget(TLHintHandler(xbar2.node), 16)
cross.node := TLFragmenter(TLBuffer(xbar.node), 4, 256)
ram.node := cross.node
gpio.node := TLFragmenter(TLBuffer(xbar.node), 4, 32)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class TLHintHandler(supportManagers: Boolean = true, supportClients: Boolean = f
// Who wants what?
val address = edgeIn.address(in.a.bits)
val handleA = if (passthrough) !edgeOut.manager.supportsHint(address, edgeIn.size(in.a.bits)) else Bool(true)
val handleA = if (passthrough) !edgeOut.manager.supportsHintFast(address, edgeIn.size(in.a.bits)) else Bool(true)
val hintBitsAtA = handleA && in.a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.Hint
val hintWantsD = in.a.valid && hintBitsAtA
val outerWantsD = out.d.valid
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class TLHintHandler(supportManagers: Boolean = true, supportClients: Boolean = f
assert (!hintHoldsD || hintWantsD)
in.d.valid := Mux(hintWinsD, hintWantsD, outerWantsD)
in.d.bits := Mux(hintWinsD, edgeIn.HintAck(in.a.bits, edgeOut.manager.findId(address)), out.d.bits)
in.d.bits := Mux(hintWinsD, edgeIn.HintAck(in.a.bits, edgeOut.manager.findIdStartFast(address)), out.d.bits)
out.d.ready := in.d.ready && !hintHoldsD
in.a.ready := Mux(hintBitsAtA, hintWinsD && in.d.ready, out.a.ready)
@ -21,9 +21,19 @@ object IntRange
implicit def apply(end: Int): IntRange = apply(0, end)
case class IntSourceParameters(device: String, range: IntRange)
case class IntSourceParameters(
range: IntRange,
nodePath: Seq[IntBaseNode] = Seq())
val name ="disconnected")
case class IntSinkParameters(
nodePath: Seq[IntBaseNode] = Seq())
val name ="disconnected")
case class IntSinkPortParameters()
case class IntSourcePortParameters(sources: Seq[IntSourceParameters])
val num =
@ -32,6 +42,9 @@ case class IntSourcePortParameters(sources: Seq[IntSourceParameters])
// The interrupts must perfectly cover the range
require ( == num)
case class IntSinkPortParameters(sinks: Seq[IntSinkParameters])
case class IntEdge(source: IntSourcePortParameters, sink: IntSinkPortParameters)
object IntImp extends NodeImp[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntEdge, IntEdge, Vec[Bool]]
@ -52,16 +65,21 @@ object IntImp extends NodeImp[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, In
// Cannot use bulk connect, because the widths could differ
(bo zip bi) foreach { case (o, i) => i := o }
override def mixO(po: IntSourcePortParameters, node: IntBaseNode): IntSourcePortParameters =
po.copy(sources = { s => s.copy (nodePath = node +: s.nodePath) })
override def mixI(pi: IntSinkPortParameters, node: IntBaseNode): IntSinkPortParameters =
pi.copy(sinks = { s => s.copy (nodePath = node +: s.nodePath) })
case class IntIdentityNode() extends IdentityNode(IntImp)
case class IntOutputNode() extends OutputNode(IntImp)
case class IntInputNode() extends InputNode(IntImp)
case class IntSourceNode(device: String, num: Int) extends SourceNode(IntImp)(
IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(device, num))),
(if (num == 0) 0 else 1) to 1)
case class IntSinkNode() extends SinkNode(IntImp)(IntSinkPortParameters())
case class IntSourceNode(num: Int) extends SourceNode(IntImp)(
IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(num))), (if (num == 0) 0 else 1) to 1)
case class IntSinkNode() extends SinkNode(IntImp)(
case class IntAdapterNode(
sourceFn: Seq[IntSourcePortParameters] => IntSourcePortParameters,
@ -75,7 +93,7 @@ class IntXbar extends LazyModule
val intnode = IntAdapterNode(
numSourcePorts = 1 to 1, // does it make sense to have more than one interrupt sink?
numSinkPorts = 1 to 128,
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters() },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
sourceFn = { seq =>
IntSourcePortParameters((seq zip {
case (s, o) => => z.copy(range = z.range.offset(o)))
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ object TLMonitor
val mask = edge.full_mask(bundle)
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.Acquire) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsAcquire(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Acquire type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsAcquireSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Acquire type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'A' channel Acquire carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (bundle.size >= UInt(log2Ceil(edge.manager.beatBytes)), "'A' channel Acquire smaller than a beat" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'A' channel Acquire address not aligned to size" + extra)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ object TLMonitor
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.Get) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsGet(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Get type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsGetSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Get type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'A' channel Get carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'A' channel Get address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (bundle.param === UInt(0), "'A' channel Get carries invalid param" + extra)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ object TLMonitor
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.PutFullData) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsPutFull(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries PutFull type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsPutFullSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries PutFull type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'A' channel PutFull carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'A' channel PutFull address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (bundle.param === UInt(0), "'A' channel PutFull carries invalid param" + extra)
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ object TLMonitor
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.PutPartialData) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsPutPartial(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries PutPartial type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsPutPartialSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries PutPartial type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'A' channel PutPartial carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'A' channel PutPartial address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (bundle.param === UInt(0), "'A' channel PutPartial carries invalid param" + extra)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ object TLMonitor
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsArithmetic(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Arithmetic type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsArithmeticSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Arithmetic type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'A' channel Arithmetic carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'A' channel Arithmetic address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (TLAtomics.isArithmetic(bundle.param), "'A' channel Arithmetic carries invalid opcode param" + extra)
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ object TLMonitor
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsLogical(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Logical type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsLogicalSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Logical type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'A' channel Logical carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'A' channel Logical address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (TLAtomics.isLogical(bundle.param), "'A' channel Logical carries invalid opcode param" + extra)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ object TLMonitor
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.Hint) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsHint(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Hint type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsHintSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'A' channel carries Hint type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'A' channel Hint carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'A' channel Hint address not aligned to size" + extra)
assert (bundle.mask === mask, "'A' channel Hint contains invalid mask" + extra)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ object TLMonitor
assert (TLMessages.isB(bundle.opcode), "'B' channel has invalid opcode" + extra)
// Reuse these subexpressions to save some firrtl lines
val address_ok = edge.manager.contains(bundle.source)
val address_ok = edge.manager.containsSafe(edge.address(bundle))
val is_aligned = edge.isHiAligned(bundle.addr_hi, bundle.size)
val mask = edge.full_mask(bundle)
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ object TLMonitor
val source_ok = edge.client.contains(bundle.source)
val is_aligned = edge.isHiAligned(bundle.addr_hi, bundle.size) && edge.isLoAligned(bundle.addr_lo, bundle.size)
val address_ok = edge.manager.contains(bundle.source)
val address_ok = edge.manager.containsSafe(edge.address(bundle))
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.ProbeAck) {
assert (address_ok, "'C' channel ProbeAck carries unmanaged address" + extra)
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ object TLMonitor
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.Release) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsAcquire(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'C' channel carries Release type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsAcquireSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'C' channel carries Release type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'C' channel Release carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (bundle.size >= UInt(log2Ceil(edge.manager.beatBytes)), "'C' channel Release smaller than a beat" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'C' channel Release address not aligned to size" + extra)
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ object TLMonitor
when (bundle.opcode === TLMessages.ReleaseData) {
assert (edge.manager.supportsAcquire(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'C' channel carries ReleaseData type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (edge.manager.supportsAcquireSafe(edge.address(bundle), bundle.size), "'C' channel carries ReleaseData type unsupported by manager" + extra)
assert (source_ok, "'C' channel ReleaseData carries invalid source ID" + extra)
assert (bundle.size >= UInt(log2Ceil(edge.manager.beatBytes)), "'C' channel ReleaseData smaller than a beat" + extra)
assert (is_aligned, "'C' channel ReleaseData address not aligned to size" + extra)
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ abstract class NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data]
def bundleO(eo: Seq[EO]): Vec[B]
def bundleI(ei: Seq[EI]): Vec[B]
def connect(bo: B, eo: EO, bi: B, ei: EI)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit
// If you want to track parameters as they flow through nodes, overload these:
def mixO(po: PO, node: BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]): PO = po
def mixI(pi: PI, node: BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B]): PI = pi
class RootNode
@ -59,12 +62,12 @@ class BaseNode[PO, PI, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[PO, PI, EO, EI, B])(
private lazy val oParams : Seq[PO] = {
val o = oFn(oPorts.size,{ case (i, n) => n.oParams(i) })
reqE(oPorts.size, o.size)
||||, this))
private lazy val iParams : Seq[PI] = {
val i = iFn(iPorts.size,{ case (o, n) => n.iParams(o) })
reqE(i.size, iPorts.size)
||||, this))
lazy val edgesOut = (oPorts zip oParams).map { case ((i, n), o) => imp.edgeO(o, n.iParams(i)) }
@ -82,23 +82,29 @@ case class AddressSet(base: BigInt, mask: BigInt) extends Ordered[AddressSet]
// Forbid misaligned base address (and empty sets)
require ((base & mask) == 0)
require (base >= 0) // TL2 address widths are not fixed => negative is ambiguous
// We do allow negative mask (=> ignore all high bits)
def contains(x: BigInt) = ~(~(x ^ base) | mask) == 0
def contains(x: UInt) = ~(~(x ^ UInt(base)) | UInt(mask)) === UInt(0)
def contains(x: BigInt) = ((x ^ base) & ~mask) == 0
def contains(x: UInt) = ((x ^ UInt(base)).zext() & SInt(~mask)) === SInt(0)
// overlap iff bitwise: both care (~mask0 & ~mask1) => both equal (base0=base1)
def overlaps(x: AddressSet) = (~(mask | x.mask) & (base ^ x.base)) == 0
// contains iff bitwise: x.mask => mask && contains(x.base)
def contains(x: AddressSet) = ((x.mask | (base ^ x.base)) & ~mask) == 0
// 1 less than the number of bytes to which the manager should be aligned
def alignment1 = ((mask + 1) & ~mask) - 1
def max = base | mask
// A strided slave serves discontiguous ranges
def strided = alignment1 != mask
// The number of bytes to which the manager must be aligned
def alignment = ((mask + 1) & ~mask)
// Is this a contiguous memory range
def contiguous = alignment == mask+1
// AddressSets have one natural Ordering (the containment order)
def finite = mask >= 0
def max = { require (finite); base | mask }
// Widen the match function to ignore all bits in imask
def widen(imask: BigInt) = AddressSet(base & ~imask, mask | imask)
// AddressSets have one natural Ordering (the containment order, if contiguous)
def compare(x: AddressSet) = {
val primary = (this.base - x.base).signum // smallest address first
val secondary = (x.mask - this.mask).signum // largest mask first
@ -106,7 +112,13 @@ case class AddressSet(base: BigInt, mask: BigInt) extends Ordered[AddressSet]
// We always want to see things in hex
override def toString() = "AddressSet(0x%x, 0x%x)".format(base, mask)
override def toString() = {
if (mask >= 0) {
"AddressSet(0x%x, 0x%x)".format(base, mask)
} else {
"AddressSet(0x%x, ~0x%x)".format(base, ~mask)
case class TLManagerParameters(
@ -124,8 +136,10 @@ case class TLManagerParameters(
supportsPutPartial: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
supportsHint: TransferSizes = TransferSizes.none,
// If fifoId=Some, all accesses sent to the same fifoId are executed and ACK'd in FIFO order
fifoId: Option[Int] = None)
fifoId: Option[Int] = None,
customDTS: Option[String]= None)
address.foreach { a => require (a.finite) }
address.combinations(2).foreach({ case Seq(x,y) =>
require (!x.overlaps(y))
@ -140,9 +154,22 @@ case class TLManagerParameters(
val name ="disconnected")
// Generate the config string (in future device tree)
lazy val dts = customDTS.getOrElse {
val header = s"${name} {\n"
val middle = { a =>
require (a.contiguous) // Config String is not so flexible
" addr 0x%x;\n size 0x%x;\n".format(a.base, a.mask+1)
val footer = "}\n"
header + middle.reduce(_ + _) + footer
// The device had better not support a transfer larger than it's alignment
address.foreach({ case a =>
require (a.alignment1 >= maxTransfer-1)
require (a.alignment >= maxTransfer)
@ -182,41 +209,59 @@ case class TLManagerPortParameters(managers: Seq[TLManagerParameters], beatBytes
val anySupportPutPartial =!_.supportsPutPartial.none).reduce(_ || _)
val anySupportHint =!_.supportsHint.none) .reduce(_ || _)
// Which bits suffice to distinguish between all managers
lazy val routingMask = AddressDecoder(
// These return Option[TLManagerParameters] for your convenience
def find(address: BigInt) = managers.find(_.address.exists(_.contains(address)))
def findById(id: Int) = managers.find(_.sinkId.contains(id))
// Synthesizable lookup methods
def find(address: UInt) = Vec( || _)))
def findById(id: UInt) = Vec(
def findId(address: UInt) = Mux1H(find(address), => UInt(m.sinkId.start)))
def findIdStartSafe(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findSafe(address), => UInt(m.sinkId.start)))
def findIdStartFast(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findFast(address), => UInt(m.sinkId.start)))
def findIdEndSafe(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findSafe(address), => UInt(m.sinkId.end)))
def findIdEndFast(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findFast(address), => UInt(m.sinkId.end)))
// The safe version will check the entire address
def findSafe(address: UInt) = Vec( || _)))
// The fast version assumes the address is valid
def findFast(address: UInt) = Vec( || _)))
// Note: returns the actual fifoId + 1 or 0 if None
def findFifoId(address: UInt) = Mux1H(find(address), => UInt(
def hasFifoId(address: UInt) = Mux1H(find(address), => Bool(m.fifoId.isDefined)))
def findFifoIdSafe(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findSafe(address), => UInt(
def findFifoIdFast(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findFast(address), => UInt(
def hasFifoIdSafe(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findSafe(address), => Bool(m.fifoId.isDefined)))
def hasFifoIdFast(address: UInt) = Mux1H(findFast(address), => Bool(m.fifoId.isDefined)))
lazy val addressMask = AddressDecoder(
// !!! need a cheaper version of find, where we assume a valid address match exists
// Does this Port manage this ID/address?
def contains(address: UInt) = find(address).reduce(_ || _)
def containsSafe(address: UInt) = findSafe(address).reduce(_ || _)
// containsFast would be useless; it could always be true
def containsById(id: UInt) = findById(id).reduce(_ || _)
private def safety_helper(member: TLManagerParameters => TransferSizes)(address: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
private def safety_helper(member: TLManagerParameters => TransferSizes, select: UInt => Vec[Bool])(address: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
val allSame = == member(managers(0))).reduce(_ && _)
if (allSame) member(managers(0)).containsLg(lgSize) else {
// Check for support of a given operation at a specific address
val supportsAcquire = safety_helper(_.supportsAcquire) _
val supportsArithmetic = safety_helper(_.supportsArithmetic) _
val supportsLogical = safety_helper(_.supportsLogical) _
val supportsGet = safety_helper(_.supportsGet) _
val supportsPutFull = safety_helper(_.supportsPutFull) _
val supportsPutPartial = safety_helper(_.supportsPutPartial) _
val supportsHint = safety_helper(_.supportsHint) _
val supportsAcquireSafe = safety_helper(_.supportsAcquire, findSafe) _
val supportsArithmeticSafe = safety_helper(_.supportsArithmetic, findSafe) _
val supportsLogicalSafe = safety_helper(_.supportsLogical, findSafe) _
val supportsGetSafe = safety_helper(_.supportsGet, findSafe) _
val supportsPutFullSafe = safety_helper(_.supportsPutFull, findSafe) _
val supportsPutPartialSafe = safety_helper(_.supportsPutPartial, findSafe) _
val supportsHintSafe = safety_helper(_.supportsHint, findSafe) _
val supportsAcquireFast = safety_helper(_.supportsAcquire, findFast) _
val supportsArithmeticFast = safety_helper(_.supportsArithmetic, findFast) _
val supportsLogicalFast = safety_helper(_.supportsLogical, findFast) _
val supportsGetFast = safety_helper(_.supportsGet, findFast) _
val supportsPutFullFast = safety_helper(_.supportsPutFull, findFast) _
val supportsPutPartialFast = safety_helper(_.supportsPutPartial, findFast) _
val supportsHintFast = safety_helper(_.supportsHint, findFast) _
case class TLClientParameters(
@ -240,6 +285,8 @@ case class TLClientParameters(
val name ="disconnected")
case class TLClientPortParameters(clients: Seq[TLClientParameters]) {
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class TLRAMModel extends LazyModule
val a_addr_hi = a.addr_hi | (a_beats1 & ~a_counter1)
val a_base = edge.address(a)
val a_mask = edge.mask(a_base, a_size)
val a_fifo = edge.manager.hasFifoId(a_base)
val a_fifo = edge.manager.hasFifoIdFast(a_base)
// Grab the concurrency state we need
val a_inc_bytes =
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class TLRAMModel extends LazyModule
val d_base = d_flight.base
val d_addr_hi = d_base >> shift | (d_beats1 & ~d_counter1)
val d_mask = edge.mask(d_base, d_size)
val d_fifo = edge.manager.hasFifoId(d_flight.base)
val d_fifo = edge.manager.hasFifoIdFast(d_flight.base)
// Grab the concurrency state we need
val d_inc_bytes =
@ -222,7 +222,8 @@ class TLRAMModel extends LazyModule
// Check the response is correct
assert (d_size === d_flight.size)
assert (edge.manager.findId(d_flight.base) === d.sink)
assert (edge.manager.findIdStartFast(d_flight.base) <= d.sink)
assert (edge.manager.findIdEndFast (d_flight.base) > d.sink)
// addr_lo is allowed to differ
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.Hint) {
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
import chisel3.util.{Irrevocable, IrrevocableIO}
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
// A bus agnostic register interface to a register-based device
@ -36,6 +36,23 @@ object RegMapper
regmap.combinations(2).foreach { case Seq((reg1, _), (reg2, _)) =>
require (reg1 != reg2)
// Don't be an asshole...
regmap.foreach { reg => require (reg._1 >= 0) }
// Make sure registers fit
val inParams = in.bits.params
val inBits = inParams.indexBits
assert ( < (1 << inBits))
val out = Wire(Irrevocable(new RegMapperOutput(inParams)))
val front = Wire(Irrevocable(new RegMapperInput(inParams)))
front.bits := in.bits
// Must this device pipeline the control channel?
val pipelined = || _)
val depth = concurrency.getOrElse(if (pipelined) 1 else 0)
require (depth >= 0)
require (!pipelined || depth > 0)
val back = if (depth > 0) Queue(front, depth, pipe = depth == 1) else front
// Convert to and from Bits
def toBits(x: Int, tail: List[Boolean] = List.empty): List[Boolean] =
@ -44,36 +61,33 @@ object RegMapper
// Find the minimal mask that can decide the register map
val mask = AddressDecoder(
val maskMatch = ~UInt(mask, width = inBits)
val maskFilter = toBits(mask)
val maskBits = maskFilter.filter(x => x).size
// Calculate size and indexes into the register map
val endIndex = 1 << log2Ceil(
val params = RegMapperParams(log2Up(endIndex), bytes, in.bits.params.extraBits)
val regSize = 1 << maskBits
def regIndexI(x: Int) = ofBits((maskFilter zip toBits(x)).filter(_._1).map(_._2))
def regIndexU(x: UInt) = if (maskBits == 0) UInt(0) else
Cat((maskFilter zip x.toBools).filter(_._1).map(_._2).reverse)
// Protection flag for undefined registers
val iRightReg = Array.fill(regSize) { Bool(true) }
val oRightReg = Array.fill(regSize) { Bool(true) }
// Flatten the regmap into (RegIndex:Int, Offset:Int, field:RegField)
val flat = { case (reg, fields) =>
val offsets = fields.scanLeft(0)(_ + _.width).init
val index = regIndexI(reg)
val uint = UInt(reg, width = inBits)
if (undefZero) {
iRightReg(index) = ((front.bits.index ^ uint) & maskMatch) === UInt(0)
oRightReg(index) = ((back .bits.index ^ uint) & maskMatch) === UInt(0)
// println("mapping 0x%x -> 0x%x for 0x%x/%d".format(reg, index, mask, maskBits))
(offsets zip fields) map { case (o, f) => (index, o, f) }
val out = Wire(Irrevocable(new RegMapperOutput(params)))
val front = Wire(Irrevocable(new RegMapperInput(params)))
front.bits := in.bits
// Must this device pipeline the control channel?
val pipelined = || _)
val depth = concurrency.getOrElse(if (pipelined) 1 else 0)
require (depth >= 0)
require (!pipelined || depth > 0)
val back = if (depth > 0) Queue(front, depth, pipe = depth == 1) else front
// Forward declaration of all flow control signals
val rivalid = Wire(Vec(flat.size, Bool()))
val wivalid = Wire(Vec(flat.size, Bool()))
@ -122,10 +136,10 @@ object RegMapper
// Is the selected register ready?
val rifireMux = Vec( && _)))
val wifireMux = Vec( && _)))
val rofireMux = Vec( && _)))
val wofireMux = Vec( && _)))
val rifireMux = Vec( { case (seq, i) => !iRightReg(i) || seq.reduce(_ && _)})
val wifireMux = Vec( { case (seq, i) => !iRightReg(i) || seq.reduce(_ && _)})
val rofireMux = Vec( { case (seq, i) => !oRightReg(i) || seq.reduce(_ && _)})
val wofireMux = Vec( { case (seq, i) => !oRightReg(i) || seq.reduce(_ && _)})
val iindex = regIndexU(front.bits.index)
val oindex = regIndexU(back .bits.index)
val iready = Mux(, rifireMux(iindex), wifireMux(iindex))
@ -138,8 +152,8 @@ object RegMapper
out.valid := back.valid && oready
// Which register is touched?
val frontSel = UIntToOH(iindex)
val backSel = UIntToOH(oindex)
val frontSel = UIntToOH(iindex) & Cat(iRightReg.reverse)
val backSel = UIntToOH(oindex) & Cat(oRightReg.reverse)
// Include the per-register one-hot selected criteria
for (reg <- 0 until regSize) {
@ -159,9 +173,9 @@ object RegMapper
|||| :=
|||| := Vec(dataOut)(oindex)
|||| := Mux(Vec(oRightReg)(oindex), Vec(dataOut)(oindex), UInt(0))
out.bits.extra := back.bits.extra
(endIndex, out)
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class TLRegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Option[Int] = None, beatB
supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
fifoId = Some(0))) // requests are handled in order
require (!address.strided)
require (address.contiguous)
// Calling this method causes the matching TL2 bundle to be
// configured to route all requests to the listed RegFields.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class TLRegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Option[Int] = None, beatB
val (sourceEnd, sourceOff) = (edge.bundle.sourceBits + sizeEnd, sizeEnd)
val (addrLoEnd, addrLoOff) = (log2Up(beatBytes) + sourceEnd, sourceEnd)
val params = RegMapperParams(log2Up(address.mask+1), beatBytes, addrLoEnd)
val params = RegMapperParams(log2Up((address.mask+1)/beatBytes), beatBytes, addrLoEnd)
val in = Wire(Decoupled(new RegMapperInput(params)))
|||| := a.bits.opcode === TLMessages.Get
in.bits.index := a.bits.addr_hi
@ -36,10 +36,7 @@ class TLRegisterNode(address: AddressSet, concurrency: Option[Int] = None, beatB
in.bits.extra := Cat(edge.addr_lo(a.bits), a.bits.source, a.bits.size)
// Invoke the register map builder
val (endIndex, out) = RegMapper(beatBytes, concurrency, undefZero, in, mapping:_*)
// All registers must fit inside the device address space
require (address.mask >= (endIndex-1)*beatBytes)
val out = RegMapper(beatBytes, concurrency, undefZero, in, mapping:_*)
// No flow control needed
in.valid := a.valid
@ -78,7 +75,7 @@ object TLRegisterNode
abstract class TLRegisterRouterBase(address: AddressSet, interrupts: Int, concurrency: Option[Int], beatBytes: Int, undefZero: Boolean) extends LazyModule
val node = TLRegisterNode(address, concurrency, beatBytes, undefZero)
val intnode = IntSourceNode(name + s" @ ${address.base}", interrupts)
val intnode = IntSourceNode(interrupts)
case class TLRegBundleArg(interrupts: Vec[Vec[Bool]], in: Vec[TLBundle])
@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ class RRTestCombinational(val bits: Int, rvalid: Bool => Bool, wready: Bool => B
val wdata = UInt(INPUT, width = bits)
val rfire = io.rvalid && io.rready
val wfire = io.wvalid && io.wready
val reg = Reg(UInt(width = bits))
io.rvalid := rvalid(rfire)
io.wready := wready(wfire)
val rvalid_s = rvalid(io.rready)
val wready_s = wready(io.wvalid)
io.rvalid := rvalid_s
io.wready := wready_s
io.rdata := reg
when (wfire) { reg := io.wdata }
when (io.wvalid && wready_s) { reg := io.wdata }
object RRTestCombinational
@ -43,19 +43,19 @@ object RRTestCombinational
def always: Bool => Bool = _ => Bool(true)
def random: Bool => Bool = { fire =>
def random: Bool => Bool = { ready =>
seed = seed + 1
val lfsr = LFSR16Seed(seed)
val reg = RegInit(Bool(true))
reg := Mux(reg, !fire, lfsr(0) && lfsr(1))
val valid = RegInit(Bool(true))
valid := Mux(valid, !ready, lfsr(0) && lfsr(1))
def delay(x: Int): Bool => Bool = { fire =>
def delay(x: Int): Bool => Bool = { ready =>
val reg = RegInit(UInt(0, width = log2Ceil(x+1)))
val ready = reg === UInt(0)
reg := Mux(fire, UInt(x), Mux(ready, UInt(0), reg - UInt(1)))
val valid = reg === UInt(0)
reg := Mux(ready && valid, UInt(x), Mux(valid, UInt(0), reg - UInt(1)))
def combo(bits: Int, rvalid: Bool => Bool, wready: Bool => Bool): RegField = {
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
class TLRAM(address: AddressSet, beatBytes: Int = 4) extends LazyModule
class TLRAM(address: AddressSet, executable: Boolean = true, beatBytes: Int = 4) extends LazyModule
val node = TLManagerNode(beatBytes, TLManagerParameters(
address = List(address),
regionType = RegionType.UNCACHED,
executable = true,
executable = executable,
supportsGet = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
supportsPutPartial = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
supportsPutFull = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ object TLImp extends NodeImp[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TL
TLMonitor.legalize(bo, eo)
bi <> bo
override def mixO(po: TLClientPortParameters, node: TLBaseNode): TLClientPortParameters =
po.copy(clients = { c => c.copy (nodePath = node +: c.nodePath) })
override def mixI(pi: TLManagerPortParameters, node: TLBaseNode): TLManagerPortParameters =
pi.copy(managers = { m => m.copy (nodePath = node +: m.nodePath) })
case class TLIdentityNode() extends IdentityNode(TLImp)
@ -75,6 +75,23 @@ class TLXbar(policy: (Vec[Bool], Bool) => Seq[Bool] = TLXbar.lowestIndex) extend
val inputIdRanges = mapInputIds(
val outputIdRanges = mapOutputIds(
// Find a good mask for address decoding
val port_addrs =
val routingMask = AddressDecoder(port_addrs)
val route_addrs =
val outputPorts = => (addr: UInt) => || _))
// Print the mapping
if (false) {
println("Xbar mapping:")
route_addrs.foreach { p =>
print(" ")
p.foreach { a => print(s" ${a}") }
// We need an intermediate size of bundle with the widest possible identifiers
val wide_bundle =
@ -145,11 +162,15 @@ class TLXbar(policy: (Vec[Bool], Bool) => Seq[Bool] = TLXbar.lowestIndex) extend
in(i).e.ready := Mux1C(grantedEIO(i),
val requestAIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => i.a.valid && o.manager.contains(o.address(i.a.bits)) }) })
val requestBOI = Vec( { o => Vec( { i => o.b.valid && i .contains(o.b.bits.source) }) })
val requestCIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => i.c.valid && o.manager.contains(o.address(i.c.bits)) }) })
val requestDOI = Vec( { o => Vec( { i => o.d.valid && i .contains(o.d.bits.source) }) })
val requestEIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => i.e.valid && o .contains(i.e.bits.sink) }) })
val addressA = (in zip node.edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => (i.a.valid, e.address(i.a.bits)) }
val addressC = (in zip node.edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => (i.c.valid, e.address(i.c.bits)) }
val requestAIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => i._1 && o(i._2) }) })
val requestCIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => i._1 && o(i._2) }) })
val requestBOI = Vec( { o => Vec( { i => o.b.valid && i.contains(o.b.bits.source) }) })
val requestDOI = Vec( { o => Vec( { i => o.d.valid && i.contains(o.d.bits.source) }) })
val requestEIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => i.e.valid && o.contains(i.e.bits.sink) }) })
val beatsA = Vec((in zip node.edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats(i.a.bits) })
val beatsB = Vec((out zip node.edgesOut) map { case (o, e) => e.numBeats(o.b.bits) })
Reference in New Issue
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