crossing: refactor AsyncDecoupled to provide AsyncDecoupledCrossing with no clock domain

This commit is contained in:
Wesley W. Terpstra 2016-09-07 13:55:22 -07:00
parent 33a05786db
commit ecdfb528c5
4 changed files with 91 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
package junctions
import Chisel._
class Crossing[T <: Data](gen: T, enq_sync: Boolean, deq_sync: Boolean) extends Bundle {
class Crossing[T <: Data](gen: T) extends Bundle {
val enq = Decoupled(gen).flip()
val deq = Decoupled(gen)
val enq_clock = if (enq_sync) Some(Clock(INPUT)) else None
val deq_clock = if (deq_sync) Some(Clock(INPUT)) else None
val enq_reset = if (enq_sync) Some(Bool(INPUT)) else None
val deq_reset = if (deq_sync) Some(Bool(INPUT)) else None
val enq_clock = Clock(INPUT)
val deq_clock = Clock(INPUT)
val enq_reset = Bool(INPUT)
val deq_reset = Bool(INPUT)
// Output is 1 for one cycle after any edge of 'in'
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ class AsyncHandshakeSink[T <: Data](gen: T, sync: Int, clock: Clock, reset: Bool
class AsyncHandshake[T <: Data](gen: T, sync: Int = 2) extends Module {
val io = new Crossing(gen, true, true)
val io = new Crossing(gen)
require (sync >= 2)
val source = Module(new AsyncHandshakeSource(gen, sync, io.enq_clock.get, io.enq_reset.get))
val sink = Module(new AsyncHandshakeSink (gen, sync, io.deq_clock.get, io.deq_reset.get))
val source = Module(new AsyncHandshakeSource(gen, sync, io.enq_clock, io.enq_reset))
val sink = Module(new AsyncHandshakeSink (gen, sync, io.deq_clock, io.deq_reset))
source.io.enq <> io.enq
io.deq <> sink.io.deq
@ -101,50 +101,38 @@ class AsyncHandshake[T <: Data](gen: T, sync: Int = 2) extends Module {
source.io.pop := sink.io.pop
class AsyncDecoupledTo[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2) extends Module {
val io = new Crossing(gen, false, true)
class AsyncScope extends Module { val io = new Bundle }
object AsyncScope { def apply() = Module(new AsyncScope) }
// !!! if depth == 0 { use Handshake } else { use AsyncFIFO }
val crossing = Module(new AsyncHandshake(gen, sync)).io
crossing.enq_clock.get := clock
crossing.enq_reset.get := reset
crossing.enq <> io.enq
crossing.deq_clock.get := io.deq_clock.get
crossing.deq_reset.get := io.deq_reset.get
io.deq <> crossing.deq
object AsyncDecoupledTo {
// source is in our clock domain, output is in the 'to' clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: DecoupledIO[T], depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2): DecoupledIO[T] = {
val to = Module(new AsyncDecoupledTo(source.bits, depth, sync))
to.io.deq_clock.get := to_clock
to.io.deq_reset.get := to_reset
to.io.enq <> source
object AsyncDecoupledCrossing
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain and puts it into the 'to' clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: DecoupledIO[T], to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2): DecoupledIO[T] = {
// !!! if depth == 0 { use Handshake } else { use AsyncFIFO }
val crossing = Module(new AsyncHandshake(from_source.bits, sync)).io
crossing.enq_clock := from_clock
crossing.enq_reset := from_reset
crossing.enq <> from_source
crossing.deq_clock := to_clock
crossing.deq_reset := to_reset
class AsyncDecoupledFrom[T <: Data](gen: T, depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2) extends Module {
val io = new Crossing(gen, true, false)
// !!! if depth == 0 { use Handshake } else { use AsyncFIFO }
val crossing = Module(new AsyncHandshake(gen, sync)).io
crossing.enq_clock.get := io.enq_clock.get
crossing.enq_reset.get := io.enq_reset.get
crossing.enq <> io.enq
crossing.deq_clock.get := clock
crossing.deq_reset.get := reset
io.deq <> crossing.deq
object AsyncDecoupledFrom {
// source is in the 'from' clock domain, output is in our clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, source: DecoupledIO[T], depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2): DecoupledIO[T] = {
val from = Module(new AsyncDecoupledFrom(source.bits, depth, sync))
from.io.enq_clock.get := from_clock
from.io.enq_reset.get := from_reset
from.io.enq <> source
object AsyncDecoupledTo
// takes source from your clock domain and puts it into the 'to' clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: DecoupledIO[T], depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2): DecoupledIO[T] = {
val scope = AsyncScope()
AsyncDecoupledCrossing(scope.clock, scope.reset, source, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)
object AsyncDecoupledFrom
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain and puts it into your clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: DecoupledIO[T], depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2): DecoupledIO[T] = {
val scope = AsyncScope()
AsyncDecoupledCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source, scope.clock, scope.reset, depth, sync)

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@ -706,32 +706,33 @@ class NastiMemoryDemux(nRoutes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiModule
object AsyncNastiCrossing {
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain to the 'to' clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: NastiIO, to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2) = {
val to_sink = Wire(new NastiIO()(from_source.p))
to_sink.aw <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source.aw, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)
to_sink.ar <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source.ar, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)
to_sink.w <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source.w, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)
from_source.b <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(to_clock, to_reset, to_sink.b, from_clock, from_reset, depth, sync)
from_source.r <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(to_clock, to_reset, to_sink.r, from_clock, from_reset, depth, sync)
to_sink // is now to_source
object AsyncNastiTo {
// source(master) is in our clock domain, output is in the 'to' clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: NastiIO, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters): NastiIO = {
val sink = Wire(new NastiIO)
sink.aw <> AsyncDecoupledTo(to_clock, to_reset, source.aw, depth, sync)
sink.ar <> AsyncDecoupledTo(to_clock, to_reset, source.ar, depth, sync)
sink.w <> AsyncDecoupledTo(to_clock, to_reset, source.w, depth, sync)
source.b <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(to_clock, to_reset, sink.b, depth, sync)
source.r <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(to_clock, to_reset, sink.r, depth, sync)
// takes source from your clock domain and puts it into the 'to' clock domain
def apply(to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: NastiIO, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2): NastiIO = {
val scope = AsyncScope()
AsyncNastiCrossing(scope.clock, scope.reset, source, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)
object AsyncNastiFrom {
// source(master) is in the 'from' clock domain, output is in our clock domain
def apply[T <: Data](from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, source: NastiIO, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters): NastiIO = {
val sink = Wire(new NastiIO)
sink.aw <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(from_clock, from_reset, source.aw, depth, sync)
sink.ar <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(from_clock, from_reset, source.ar, depth, sync)
sink.w <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(from_clock, from_reset, source.w, depth, sync)
source.b <> AsyncDecoupledTo(from_clock, from_reset, sink.b, depth, sync)
source.r <> AsyncDecoupledTo(from_clock, from_reset, sink.r, depth, sync)
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain and puts it into your clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: NastiIO, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2): NastiIO = {
val scope = AsyncScope()
AsyncNastiCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source, scope.clock, scope.reset, depth, sync)

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@ -86,19 +86,19 @@ class JtagDTMWithSync(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module {
} else {
val req_sync = Module (new AsyncMailbox())
val resp_sync = Module (new AsyncMailbox())
req_sync.io.enq := jtag_dtm.io.dtm_req
req_sync.io.enq_clock.get := io.jtag.TCK
req_sync.io.enq_reset.get := io.jtag.TRST
req_sync.io.deq_clock.get := clock
req_sync.io.deq_reset.get := reset
dtm_req := req_sync.io.deq
req_sync.io.enq := jtag_dtm.io.dtm_req
req_sync.io.enq_clock := io.jtag.TCK
req_sync.io.enq_reset := io.jtag.TRST
req_sync.io.deq_clock := clock
req_sync.io.deq_reset := reset
dtm_req := req_sync.io.deq
jtag_dtm.io.dtm_resp := resp_sync.io.deq
resp_sync.io.deq_clock.get := io.jtag.TCK
resp_sync.io.deq_reset.get := io.jtag.TRST
resp_sync.io.enq_clock.get := clock
resp_sync.io.enq_reset.get := reset
resp_sync.io.enq := dtm_resp
jtag_dtm.io.dtm_resp := resp_sync.io.deq
resp_sync.io.deq_clock := io.jtag.TCK
resp_sync.io.deq_reset := io.jtag.TRST
resp_sync.io.enq_clock := clock
resp_sync.io.enq_reset := reset
resp_sync.io.enq := dtm_resp
@ -121,6 +121,5 @@ class AsyncMailbox extends BlackBox {
// this mailbox just has a fixed width of 64 bits, which is enough
// for our specific purpose here.
val io = new Crossing(UInt(width=64), true, true)
val io = new Crossing(UInt(width=64))

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@ -982,22 +982,28 @@ class DebugModule ()(implicit val p:cde.Parameters)
object AsyncDebugBusCrossing {
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain to the 'to' clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: DebugBusIO, to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, depth: Int = 3, sync: Int = 2) = {
val to_sink = Wire(new DebugBusIO()(from_source.p))
to_sink.req <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source.req, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)
from_source.resp <> AsyncDecoupledCrossing(to_clock, to_reset, to_sink.resp, from_clock, from_reset, depth, sync)
to_sink // is now to_source
object AsyncDebugBusFrom { // OutsideClockDomain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, source: DebugBusIO, depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters): DebugBusIO = {
val sink = Wire(new DebugBusIO)
sink.req <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(from_clock, from_reset, source.req)
source.resp <> AsyncDecoupledTo(from_clock, from_reset, sink.resp)
// takes from_source from the 'from' clock domain and puts it into your clock domain
def apply(from_clock: Clock, from_reset: Bool, from_source: DebugBusIO, depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2): DebugBusIO = {
val scope = AsyncScope()
AsyncDebugBusCrossing(from_clock, from_reset, from_source, scope.clock, scope.reset, depth, sync)
object AsyncDebugBusTo { // OutsideClockDomain
def apply(to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: DebugBusIO, depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters): DebugBusIO = {
val sink = Wire(new DebugBusIO)
sink.req <> AsyncDecoupledTo(to_clock, to_reset, source.req)
source.resp <> AsyncDecoupledFrom(to_clock, to_reset, sink.resp)
// takes source from your clock domain and puts it into the 'to' clock domain
def apply(to_clock: Clock, to_reset: Bool, source: DebugBusIO, depth: Int = 0, sync: Int = 2): DebugBusIO = {
val scope = AsyncScope()
AsyncDebugBusCrossing(scope.clock, scope.reset, source, to_clock, to_reset, depth, sync)