factoring out uncore into separate uncore repo
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._;
import Node._;
import Constants._;
import uncore._
class ioUncachedRequestor extends Bundle {
val xact_init = (new FIFOIO) { new TransactionInit }
@ -1,765 +0,0 @@
package rocket
import Chisel._
import Constants._
object TransactionInit
def apply(x_type: Bits, addr: UFix, tile_xact_id: UFix) = {
val init = new TransactionInit
init.x_type := x_type
init.addr := addr
init.tile_xact_id := tile_xact_id
def apply(x_type: Bits, addr: UFix, tile_xact_id: UFix, write_mask: Bits) = {
val init = new TransactionInit
init.x_type := x_type
init.addr := addr
init.tile_xact_id := tile_xact_id
init.write_mask := write_mask
def apply(x_type: Bits, addr: UFix, tile_xact_id: UFix, subword_addr: UFix, atomic_opcode: UFix) = {
val init = new TransactionInit
init.x_type := x_type
init.addr := addr
init.tile_xact_id := tile_xact_id
init.subword_addr := subword_addr
init.atomic_opcode := atomic_opcode
class TransactionInit extends PhysicalAddress {
val x_type = Bits(width = X_INIT_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val tile_xact_id = Bits(width = TILE_XACT_ID_BITS)
val write_mask = Bits(width = X_INIT_WRITE_MASK_BITS)
val subword_addr = Bits(width = X_INIT_SUBWORD_ADDR_BITS)
val atomic_opcode = Bits(width = X_INIT_ATOMIC_OP_BITS)
class TransactionInitData extends MemData
class TransactionAbort extends Bundle {
val tile_xact_id = Bits(width = TILE_XACT_ID_BITS)
class ProbeRequest extends PhysicalAddress {
val p_type = Bits(width = P_REQ_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val global_xact_id = Bits(width = GLOBAL_XACT_ID_BITS)
class ProbeReply extends Bundle {
val p_type = Bits(width = P_REP_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val global_xact_id = Bits(width = GLOBAL_XACT_ID_BITS)
class ProbeReplyData extends MemData
class TransactionReply extends MemData {
val x_type = Bits(width = X_REP_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val tile_xact_id = Bits(width = TILE_XACT_ID_BITS)
val global_xact_id = Bits(width = GLOBAL_XACT_ID_BITS)
val require_ack = Bool()
class TransactionFinish extends Bundle {
val global_xact_id = Bits(width = GLOBAL_XACT_ID_BITS)
object cpuCmdToRW {
def apply(cmd: Bits): (Bool, Bool) = {
val store = (cmd === M_XWR)
val load = (cmd === M_XRD)
val amo = cmd(3).toBool
val read = load || amo || (cmd === M_PFR) || (cmd === M_PFW)
val write = store || amo
(read, write)
abstract class CoherencePolicy {
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit): Bool
def needsTransactionOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): UFix
def newStateOnWriteback(): UFix
def newStateOnFlush(): UFix
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits
def getTransactionInitTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix
def getTransactionInitTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix
def getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits
def getTransactionInitTypeOnWriteback(): Bits
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): ProbeReply
def messageHasData (reply: ProbeReply): Bool
def messageHasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool
def messageHasData (reply: TransactionReply): Bool
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: TransactionReply): Bool
def messageIsUncached(init: TransactionInit): Bool
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool
def getTransactionReplyType(x_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits
def getProbeRequestType(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix
def needsMemRead(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool
def needsMemWrite(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool
def needsAckReply(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool
trait UncachedTransactions {
def getUncachedReadTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix): TransactionInit
def getUncachedWriteTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix): TransactionInit
def getUncachedReadWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix): TransactionInit
def getUncachedWriteWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, write_mask: Bits): TransactionInit
def getUncachedAtomicTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, subword_addr: UFix, atomic_op: UFix): TransactionInit
abstract class CoherencePolicyWithUncached extends CoherencePolicy with UncachedTransactions
abstract class IncoherentPolicy extends CoherencePolicy {
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits = state
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): ProbeReply = {
val reply = new ProbeReply()
reply.p_type := UFix(0)
reply.global_xact_id := UFix(0)
def messageHasData (reply: ProbeReply) = Bool(false)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = Bool(false)
def getTransactionReplyType(x_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits = Bits(0)
def getProbeRequestType(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix = UFix(0)
def needsMemRead(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = Bool(false)
def needsMemWrite(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = Bool(false)
def needsAckReply(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = Bool(false)
class ThreeStateIncoherence extends IncoherentPolicy {
val tileInvalid :: tileClean :: tileDirty :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val xactInitReadClean :: xactInitReadDirty :: xactInitWriteback :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val xactReplyData :: xactReplyAck :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val probeRepInvalidateAck :: Nil = Enum(1){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List()
val hasDataTypeList = List(xactInitWriteback)
def isHit ( cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = (state === tileClean || state === tileDirty)
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit) = Bool(false)
def needsTransactionOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = state === tileDirty
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool = state === tileDirty
def newState(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, tileDirty, Mux(read, Mux(state === tileDirty, tileDirty, tileClean), state))
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = newState(cmd, state)
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits) = tileInvalid //TODO
def newStateOnWriteback() = tileInvalid
def newStateOnFlush() = tileInvalid
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit) = {
MuxLookup(incoming.x_type, tileInvalid, Array(
xactReplyData -> Mux(outstanding.x_type === xactInitReadDirty, tileDirty, tileClean),
xactReplyAck -> tileInvalid
def getTransactionInitTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write || cmd === M_PFW, xactInitReadDirty, xactInitReadClean)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, xactInitReadDirty, outstanding.x_type)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = xactInitWriteback //TODO
def getTransactionInitTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = xactInitWriteback
def messageHasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: TransactionReply) = (reply.x_type === xactReplyData)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: TransactionReply) = (reply.x_type === xactReplyData)
def messageIsUncached(init: TransactionInit): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
class MICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val tileInvalid :: tileValid :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val globalInvalid :: globalValid :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val xactInitReadExclusive :: xactInitReadUncached :: xactInitWriteUncached :: xactInitReadWordUncached :: xactInitWriteWordUncached :: xactInitAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(6){ UFix() }
val xactReplyReadExclusive :: xactReplyReadUncached :: xactReplyWriteUncached :: xactReplyReadWordUncached :: xactReplyWriteWordUncached :: xactReplyAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(6){ UFix() }
val probeReqInvalidate :: probeReqCopy :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val probeRepInvalidateData :: probeRepCopyData :: probeRepInvalidateAck :: probeRepCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(4){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(xactInitReadUncached, xactInitWriteUncached, xactReplyReadWordUncached, xactInitWriteWordUncached, xactInitAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(xactInitWriteUncached, xactInitWriteWordUncached, xactInitAtomicUncached)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit): Bool = (outstanding.x_type != xactInitReadExclusive)
def needsTransactionOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
MuxLookup(cmd, (state === tileValid), Array(
M_INV -> (state === tileValid),
M_CLN -> (state === tileValid)
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool = {
needsTransactionOnCacheControl(M_INV, state)
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = state
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits) = {
MuxLookup(cmd, tileInvalid, Array(
M_INV -> tileInvalid,
M_CLN -> tileValid
def newStateOnWriteback() = newStateOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newStateOnFlush() = newStateOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
MuxLookup(incoming.x_type, tileInvalid, Array(
xactReplyReadExclusive -> tileValid,
xactReplyReadUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyWriteUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyReadWordUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyWriteWordUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyAtomicUncached -> tileInvalid
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits = {
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, state, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> tileInvalid,
probeReqCopy -> state
def getUncachedReadTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitReadUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedWriteTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitWriteUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedReadWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitReadWordUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedWriteWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, write_mask: Bits) = TransactionInit(xactInitWriteWordUncached, addr, id, write_mask)
def getUncachedAtomicTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, subword_addr: UFix, atomic_op: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitAtomicUncached, addr, id, subword_addr, atomic_op)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = xactInitReadExclusive
def getTransactionInitTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = xactInitReadExclusive
def getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = xactInitWriteUncached
def getTransactionInitTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): ProbeReply = {
val reply = new ProbeReply()
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, probeRepInvalidateData, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> probeRepInvalidateData,
probeReqCopy -> probeRepCopyData
val without_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, probeRepInvalidateAck, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> probeRepInvalidateAck,
probeReqCopy -> probeRepCopyAck
reply.p_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.global_xact_id := incoming.global_xact_id
def messageHasData (reply: ProbeReply): Bool = {
(reply.p_type === probeRepInvalidateData ||
reply.p_type === probeRepCopyData)
def messageHasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: TransactionReply): Bool = {
(reply.x_type != xactReplyWriteUncached && reply.x_type != xactReplyWriteWordUncached)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: TransactionReply): Bool = {
(reply.x_type === xactReplyReadExclusive)
def messageIsUncached(init: TransactionInit): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
def getTransactionReplyType(x_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits = {
MuxLookup(x_type, xactReplyReadUncached, Array(
xactInitReadExclusive -> xactReplyReadExclusive,
xactInitReadUncached -> xactReplyReadUncached,
xactInitWriteUncached -> xactReplyWriteUncached,
xactInitReadWordUncached -> xactReplyReadWordUncached,
xactInitWriteWordUncached -> xactReplyWriteWordUncached,
xactInitAtomicUncached -> xactReplyAtomicUncached
def getProbeRequestType(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix = {
MuxLookup(x_type, probeReqCopy, Array(
xactInitReadExclusive -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitReadUncached -> probeReqCopy,
xactInitWriteUncached -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitReadWordUncached -> probeReqCopy,
xactInitWriteWordUncached -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitAtomicUncached -> probeReqInvalidate
def needsMemRead(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type != xactInitWriteUncached)
def needsMemWrite(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
def needsAckReply(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
class MEICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val tileInvalid :: tileExclusiveClean :: tileExclusiveDirty :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val globalInvalid :: globalExclusiveClean :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val xactInitReadExclusiveClean :: xactInitReadExclusiveDirty :: xactInitReadUncached :: xactInitWriteUncached :: xactInitReadWordUncached :: xactInitWriteWordUncached :: xactInitAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(7){ UFix() }
val xactReplyReadExclusive :: xactReplyReadUncached :: xactReplyWriteUncached :: xactReplyReadExclusiveAck :: xactReplyReadWordUncached :: xactReplyWriteWordUncached :: xactReplyAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(7){ UFix() }
val probeReqInvalidate :: probeReqDowngrade :: probeReqCopy :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val probeRepInvalidateData :: probeRepDowngradeData :: probeRepCopyData :: probeRepInvalidateAck :: probeRepDowngradeAck :: probeRepCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(6){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(xactInitReadUncached, xactInitWriteUncached, xactReplyReadWordUncached, xactInitWriteWordUncached, xactInitAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(xactInitWriteUncached, xactInitWriteWordUncached, xactInitAtomicUncached)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
(read && messageIsUncached(outstanding)) ||
(write && (outstanding.x_type != xactInitReadExclusiveDirty))
def needsTransactionOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
MuxLookup(cmd, (state === tileExclusiveDirty), Array(
M_INV -> (state === tileExclusiveDirty),
M_CLN -> (state === tileExclusiveDirty)
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool = {
needsTransactionOnCacheControl(M_INV, state)
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, tileExclusiveDirty, state)
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits) = {
MuxLookup(cmd, tileInvalid, Array(
M_INV -> tileInvalid,
M_CLN -> tileExclusiveClean
def newStateOnWriteback() = newStateOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newStateOnFlush() = newStateOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
MuxLookup(incoming.x_type, tileInvalid, Array(
xactReplyReadExclusive -> Mux(outstanding.x_type === xactInitReadExclusiveDirty, tileExclusiveDirty, tileExclusiveClean),
xactReplyReadExclusiveAck -> tileExclusiveDirty,
xactReplyReadUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyWriteUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyReadWordUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyWriteWordUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyAtomicUncached -> tileInvalid
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits = {
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, state, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> tileInvalid,
probeReqDowngrade -> tileExclusiveClean,
probeReqCopy -> state
def getUncachedReadTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitReadUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedWriteTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitWriteUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedReadWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitReadWordUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedWriteWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, write_mask: Bits) = TransactionInit(xactInitWriteWordUncached, addr, id, write_mask)
def getUncachedAtomicTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, subword_addr: UFix, atomic_op: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitAtomicUncached, addr, id, subword_addr, atomic_op)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, xactInitReadExclusiveDirty, xactInitReadExclusiveClean)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, xactInitReadExclusiveDirty, outstanding.x_type)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = xactInitWriteUncached
def getTransactionInitTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): ProbeReply = {
val reply = new ProbeReply()
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, probeRepInvalidateData, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> probeRepInvalidateData,
probeReqDowngrade -> probeRepDowngradeData,
probeReqCopy -> probeRepCopyData
val without_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, probeRepInvalidateAck, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> probeRepInvalidateAck,
probeReqDowngrade -> probeRepDowngradeAck,
probeReqCopy -> probeRepCopyAck
reply.p_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.global_xact_id := incoming.global_xact_id
def messageHasData (reply: ProbeReply): Bool = {
(reply.p_type === probeRepInvalidateData ||
reply.p_type === probeRepDowngradeData ||
reply.p_type === probeRepCopyData)
def messageHasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: TransactionReply): Bool = {
(reply.x_type != xactReplyWriteUncached && reply.x_type != xactReplyReadExclusiveAck && reply.x_type != xactReplyWriteWordUncached)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: TransactionReply): Bool = {
(reply.x_type === xactReplyReadExclusive)
def messageIsUncached(init: TransactionInit): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
def getTransactionReplyType(x_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits = {
MuxLookup(x_type, xactReplyReadUncached, Array(
xactInitReadExclusiveClean -> xactReplyReadExclusive,
xactInitReadExclusiveDirty -> xactReplyReadExclusive,
xactInitReadUncached -> xactReplyReadUncached,
xactInitWriteUncached -> xactReplyWriteUncached,
xactInitReadWordUncached -> xactReplyReadWordUncached,
xactInitWriteWordUncached -> xactReplyWriteWordUncached,
xactInitAtomicUncached -> xactReplyAtomicUncached
def getProbeRequestType(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix = {
MuxLookup(x_type, probeReqCopy, Array(
xactInitReadExclusiveClean -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitReadExclusiveDirty -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitReadUncached -> probeReqCopy,
xactInitWriteUncached -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitReadWordUncached -> probeReqCopy,
xactInitWriteWordUncached -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitAtomicUncached -> probeReqInvalidate
def needsMemRead(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type != xactInitWriteUncached)
def needsMemWrite(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
def needsAckReply(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
class MSICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val tileInvalid :: tileShared :: tileExclusiveDirty :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val globalInvalid :: globalShared :: globalExclusive :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val xactInitReadShared :: xactInitReadExclusive :: xactInitReadUncached :: xactInitWriteUncached :: xactInitReadWordUncached :: xactInitWriteWordUncached :: xactInitAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(7){ UFix() }
val xactReplyReadShared :: xactReplyReadExclusive :: xactReplyReadUncached :: xactReplyWriteUncached :: xactReplyReadExclusiveAck :: xactReplyReadWordUncached :: xactReplyWriteWordUncached :: xactReplyAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(8){ UFix() }
val probeReqInvalidate :: probeReqDowngrade :: probeReqCopy :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val probeRepInvalidateData :: probeRepDowngradeData :: probeRepCopyData :: probeRepInvalidateAck :: probeRepDowngradeAck :: probeRepCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(6){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(xactInitReadUncached, xactInitWriteUncached, xactReplyReadWordUncached, xactInitWriteWordUncached, xactInitAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(xactInitWriteUncached, xactInitWriteWordUncached, xactInitAtomicUncached)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, (state === tileExclusiveDirty),
(state === tileShared || state === tileExclusiveDirty))
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = {
state != tileInvalid
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
(read && messageIsUncached(outstanding)) ||
(write && (outstanding.x_type != xactInitReadExclusive))
def needsTransactionOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
MuxLookup(cmd, (state === tileExclusiveDirty), Array(
M_INV -> (state === tileExclusiveDirty),
M_CLN -> (state === tileExclusiveDirty)
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool = {
needsTransactionOnCacheControl(M_INV, state)
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, tileExclusiveDirty, state)
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits) = {
MuxLookup(cmd, tileInvalid, Array(
M_INV -> tileInvalid,
M_CLN -> tileShared
def newStateOnWriteback() = newStateOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newStateOnFlush() = newStateOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
MuxLookup(incoming.x_type, tileInvalid, Array(
xactReplyReadShared -> tileShared,
xactReplyReadExclusive -> tileExclusiveDirty,
xactReplyReadExclusiveAck -> tileExclusiveDirty,
xactReplyReadUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyWriteUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyReadWordUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyWriteWordUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyAtomicUncached -> tileInvalid
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits = {
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, state, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> tileInvalid,
probeReqDowngrade -> tileShared,
probeReqCopy -> state
def getUncachedReadTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitReadUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedWriteTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitWriteUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedReadWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitReadWordUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedWriteWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, write_mask: Bits) = TransactionInit(xactInitWriteWordUncached, addr, id, write_mask)
def getUncachedAtomicTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, subword_addr: UFix, atomic_op: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitAtomicUncached, addr, id, subword_addr, atomic_op)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write || cmd === M_PFW, xactInitReadExclusive, xactInitReadShared)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, xactInitReadExclusive, outstanding.x_type)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = xactInitWriteUncached
def getTransactionInitTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): ProbeReply = {
val reply = new ProbeReply()
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, probeRepInvalidateData, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> probeRepInvalidateData,
probeReqDowngrade -> probeRepDowngradeData,
probeReqCopy -> probeRepCopyData
val without_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, probeRepInvalidateAck, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> probeRepInvalidateAck,
probeReqDowngrade -> probeRepDowngradeAck,
probeReqCopy -> probeRepCopyAck
reply.p_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.global_xact_id := incoming.global_xact_id
def messageHasData (reply: ProbeReply): Bool = {
(reply.p_type === probeRepInvalidateData ||
reply.p_type === probeRepDowngradeData ||
reply.p_type === probeRepCopyData)
def messageHasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: TransactionReply): Bool = {
(reply.x_type != xactReplyWriteUncached && reply.x_type != xactReplyReadExclusiveAck && reply.x_type != xactReplyWriteWordUncached)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: TransactionReply): Bool = {
(reply.x_type === xactReplyReadShared || reply.x_type === xactReplyReadExclusive)
def messageIsUncached(init: TransactionInit): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
def getTransactionReplyType(x_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits = {
MuxLookup(x_type, xactReplyReadUncached, Array(
xactInitReadShared -> Mux(count > UFix(0), xactReplyReadShared, xactReplyReadExclusive),
xactInitReadExclusive -> xactReplyReadExclusive,
xactInitReadUncached -> xactReplyReadUncached,
xactInitWriteUncached -> xactReplyWriteUncached,
xactInitReadWordUncached -> xactReplyReadWordUncached,
xactInitWriteWordUncached -> xactReplyWriteWordUncached,
xactInitAtomicUncached -> xactReplyAtomicUncached
def getProbeRequestType(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix = {
MuxLookup(x_type, probeReqCopy, Array(
xactInitReadShared -> probeReqDowngrade,
xactInitReadExclusive -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitReadUncached -> probeReqCopy,
xactInitWriteUncached -> probeReqInvalidate
def needsMemRead(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type != xactInitWriteUncached)
def needsMemWrite(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
def needsAckReply(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
class MESICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val tileInvalid :: tileShared :: tileExclusiveClean :: tileExclusiveDirty :: Nil = Enum(4){ UFix() }
val globalInvalid :: globalShared :: globalExclusiveClean :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val xactInitReadShared :: xactInitReadExclusive :: xactInitReadUncached :: xactInitWriteUncached :: xactInitReadWordUncached :: xactInitWriteWordUncached :: xactInitAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(7){ UFix() }
val xactReplyReadShared :: xactReplyReadExclusive :: xactReplyReadUncached :: xactReplyWriteUncached :: xactReplyReadExclusiveAck :: xactReplyReadWordUncached :: xactReplyWriteWordUncached :: xactReplyAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(8){ UFix() }
val probeReqInvalidate :: probeReqDowngrade :: probeReqCopy :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val probeRepInvalidateData :: probeRepDowngradeData :: probeRepCopyData :: probeRepInvalidateAck :: probeRepDowngradeAck :: probeRepCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(6){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(xactInitReadUncached, xactInitWriteUncached, xactReplyReadWordUncached, xactInitWriteWordUncached, xactInitAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(xactInitWriteUncached, xactInitWriteWordUncached, xactInitAtomicUncached)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, (state === tileExclusiveClean || state === tileExclusiveDirty),
(state === tileShared || state === tileExclusiveClean || state === tileExclusiveDirty))
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = {
state != tileInvalid
def needsTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, outstanding: TransactionInit): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
(read && messageIsUncached(outstanding)) ||
(write && (outstanding.x_type != xactInitReadExclusive))
def needsTransactionOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
MuxLookup(cmd, (state === tileExclusiveDirty), Array(
M_INV -> (state === tileExclusiveDirty),
M_CLN -> (state === tileExclusiveDirty)
def needsWriteback (state: UFix): Bool = {
needsTransactionOnCacheControl(M_INV, state)
def newStateOnHit(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, tileExclusiveDirty, state)
def newStateOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits) = {
MuxLookup(cmd, tileInvalid, Array(
M_INV -> tileInvalid,
M_CLN -> tileShared
def newStateOnWriteback() = newStateOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newStateOnFlush() = newStateOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newStateOnTransactionReply(incoming: TransactionReply, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
MuxLookup(incoming.x_type, tileInvalid, Array(
xactReplyReadShared -> tileShared,
xactReplyReadExclusive -> Mux(outstanding.x_type === xactInitReadExclusive, tileExclusiveDirty, tileExclusiveClean),
xactReplyReadExclusiveAck -> tileExclusiveDirty,
xactReplyReadUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyWriteUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyReadWordUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyWriteWordUncached -> tileInvalid,
xactReplyAtomicUncached -> tileInvalid
def newStateOnProbeRequest(incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): Bits = {
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, state, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> tileInvalid,
probeReqDowngrade -> tileShared,
probeReqCopy -> state
def getUncachedReadTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitReadUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedWriteTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitWriteUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedReadWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitReadWordUncached, addr, id)
def getUncachedWriteWordTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, write_mask: Bits) = TransactionInit(xactInitWriteWordUncached, addr, id, write_mask)
def getUncachedAtomicTransactionInit(addr: UFix, id: UFix, subword_addr: UFix, atomic_op: UFix) = TransactionInit(xactInitAtomicUncached, addr, id, subword_addr, atomic_op)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write || cmd === M_PFW, xactInitReadExclusive, xactInitReadShared)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: TransactionInit): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, xactInitReadExclusive, outstanding.x_type)
def getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = xactInitWriteUncached
def getTransactionInitTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getTransactionInitTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newProbeReply (incoming: ProbeRequest, state: UFix): ProbeReply = {
val reply = new ProbeReply()
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, probeRepInvalidateData, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> probeRepInvalidateData,
probeReqDowngrade -> probeRepDowngradeData,
probeReqCopy -> probeRepCopyData
val without_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, probeRepInvalidateAck, Array(
probeReqInvalidate -> probeRepInvalidateAck,
probeReqDowngrade -> probeRepDowngradeAck,
probeReqCopy -> probeRepCopyAck
reply.p_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.global_xact_id := incoming.global_xact_id
def messageHasData (reply: ProbeReply): Bool = {
(reply.p_type === probeRepInvalidateData ||
reply.p_type === probeRepDowngradeData ||
reply.p_type === probeRepCopyData)
def messageHasData (init: TransactionInit): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: TransactionReply): Bool = {
(reply.x_type != xactReplyWriteUncached && reply.x_type != xactReplyReadExclusiveAck && reply.x_type != xactReplyWriteWordUncached)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: TransactionReply): Bool = {
(reply.x_type === xactReplyReadShared || reply.x_type === xactReplyReadExclusive)
def messageIsUncached(init: TransactionInit): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => init.x_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
def getTransactionReplyType(x_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits = {
MuxLookup(x_type, xactReplyReadUncached, Array(
xactInitReadShared -> Mux(count > UFix(0), xactReplyReadShared, xactReplyReadExclusive),
xactInitReadExclusive -> xactReplyReadExclusive,
xactInitReadUncached -> xactReplyReadUncached,
xactInitWriteUncached -> xactReplyWriteUncached,
xactInitReadWordUncached -> xactReplyReadWordUncached,
xactInitWriteWordUncached -> xactReplyWriteWordUncached,
xactInitAtomicUncached -> xactReplyAtomicUncached
def getProbeRequestType(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix = {
MuxLookup(x_type, probeReqCopy, Array(
xactInitReadShared -> probeReqDowngrade,
xactInitReadExclusive -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitReadUncached -> probeReqCopy,
xactInitWriteUncached -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitReadWordUncached -> probeReqCopy,
xactInitWriteWordUncached -> probeReqInvalidate,
xactInitAtomicUncached -> probeReqInvalidate
def needsMemRead(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type != xactInitWriteUncached)
def needsMemWrite(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
def needsAckReply(x_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = {
(x_type === xactInitWriteUncached)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._
import Node._;
import Constants._;
import uncore._
class ioDebug extends Bundle
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Chisel._;
import Node._;
import Constants._;
import scala.math._;
import uncore._
// interface between I$ and pipeline/ITLB (32 bits wide)
class ioImem extends Bundle
@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
package rocket
import Chisel._
import Node._
import Constants._
class BigMem[T <: Data](n: Int, preLatency: Int, postLatency: Int, leaf: Mem[Bits])(gen: => T) extends Component
class Inputs extends Bundle {
val addr = UFix(INPUT, log2Up(n))
val rw = Bool(INPUT)
val wdata = gen.asInput
val wmask = gen.asInput
override def clone = new Inputs().asInstanceOf[this.type]
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new PipeIO()(new Inputs).flip
val rdata = gen.asOutput
val data = gen
val colMux = if (2*data.width <= leaf.data.width && n > leaf.n) 1 << math.floor(math.log(leaf.data.width/data.width)/math.log(2)).toInt else 1
val nWide = if (data.width > leaf.data.width) 1+(data.width-1)/leaf.data.width else 1
val nDeep = if (n > colMux*leaf.n) 1+(n-1)/(colMux*leaf.n) else 1
if (nDeep > 1 || colMux > 1)
require(isPow2(n) && isPow2(leaf.n))
val rdataDeep = Vec(nDeep) { Bits() }
val rdataSel = Vec(nDeep) { Bool() }
for (i <- 0 until nDeep) {
val in = Pipe(io.in.valid && (if (nDeep == 1) Bool(true) else UFix(i) === io.in.bits.addr(log2Up(n)-1, log2Up(n/nDeep))), io.in.bits, preLatency)
val idx = in.bits.addr(log2Up(n/nDeep/colMux)-1, 0)
val wdata = in.bits.wdata.toBits
val wmask = in.bits.wmask.toBits
val ren = in.valid && !in.bits.rw
val reg_ren = Reg(ren)
val rdata = Vec(nWide) { Bits() }
val r = Pipe(ren, in.bits.addr, postLatency)
for (j <- 0 until nWide) {
val mem = leaf.clone
var dout: Bits = null
val dout1 = if (postLatency > 0) Reg() { Bits() } else null
var wmask0 = Fill(colMux, wmask(math.min(wmask.getWidth, leaf.data.width*(j+1))-1, leaf.data.width*j))
if (colMux > 1)
wmask0 = wmask0 & FillInterleaved(gen.width, UFixToOH(in.bits.addr(log2Up(n/nDeep)-1, log2Up(n/nDeep/colMux)), log2Up(colMux)))
val wdata0 = Fill(colMux, wdata(math.min(wdata.getWidth, leaf.data.width*(j+1))-1, leaf.data.width*j))
when (in.valid) {
when (in.bits.rw) { mem.write(idx, wdata0, wmask0) }
.otherwise { if (postLatency > 0) dout1 := mem(idx) }
if (postLatency == 0) {
dout = mem(idx)
} else if (postLatency == 1) {
dout = dout1
} else
dout = Pipe(reg_ren, dout1, postLatency-1).bits
rdata(j) := dout
val rdataWide = rdata.reduceLeft((x, y) => Cat(y, x))
var colMuxOut = rdataWide
if (colMux > 1) {
val colMuxIn = Vec((0 until colMux).map(k => rdataWide(gen.width*(k+1)-1, gen.width*k))) { Bits() }
colMuxOut = colMuxIn(r.bits(log2Up(n/nDeep)-1, log2Up(n/nDeep/colMux)))
rdataDeep(i) := colMuxOut
rdataSel(i) := r.valid
io.rdata := Mux1H(rdataSel, rdataDeep)
class LLCDataReq(ways: Int) extends MemReqCmd
val way = UFix(width = log2Up(ways))
val isWriteback = Bool()
override def clone = new LLCDataReq(ways).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class LLCMSHRFile(sets: Int, ways: Int, outstanding: Int) extends Component
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = (new FIFOIO) { new MemReqCmd }.flip
val repl_way = UFix(INPUT, log2Up(ways))
val repl_dirty = Bool(INPUT)
val repl_tag = UFix(INPUT, PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS - log2Up(sets))
val data = (new FIFOIO) { new LLCDataReq(ways) }
val tag = (new FIFOIO) { new Bundle {
val addr = UFix(width = PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS)
val way = UFix(width = log2Up(ways))
} }
val mem = new ioMemPipe
val mem_resp_set = UFix(OUTPUT, log2Up(sets))
val mem_resp_way = UFix(OUTPUT, log2Up(ways))
class MSHR extends Bundle {
val addr = UFix(width = PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS)
val way = UFix(width = log2Up(ways))
val tag = io.cpu.bits.tag.clone
val refilled = Bool()
val refillCount = UFix(width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES))
val requested = Bool()
val old_dirty = Bool()
val old_tag = UFix(width = PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS - log2Up(sets))
override def clone = new MSHR().asInstanceOf[this.type]
val valid = Vec(outstanding) { Reg(resetVal = Bool(false)) }
val validBits = valid.toBits
val freeId = PriorityEncoder(~validBits)
val mshr = Vec(outstanding) { Reg() { new MSHR } }
when (io.cpu.valid && io.cpu.ready) {
valid(freeId) := Bool(true)
mshr(freeId).addr := io.cpu.bits.addr
mshr(freeId).tag := io.cpu.bits.tag
mshr(freeId).way := io.repl_way
mshr(freeId).old_dirty := io.repl_dirty
mshr(freeId).old_tag := io.repl_tag
mshr(freeId).requested := Bool(false)
mshr(freeId).refillCount := UFix(0)
mshr(freeId).refilled := Bool(false)
val requests = Cat(Bits(0), (outstanding-1 to 0 by -1).map(i => valid(i) && !mshr(i).old_dirty && !mshr(i).requested):_*)
val request = requests.orR
val requestId = PriorityEncoder(requests)
when (io.mem.req_cmd.valid && io.mem.req_cmd.ready) { mshr(requestId).requested := Bool(true) }
val refillId = io.mem.resp.bits.tag(log2Up(outstanding)-1, 0)
val refillCount = mshr(refillId).refillCount
when (io.mem.resp.valid) {
mshr(refillId).refillCount := refillCount + UFix(1)
when (refillCount === UFix(REFILL_CYCLES-1)) { mshr(refillId).refilled := Bool(true) }
val replays = Cat(Bits(0), (outstanding-1 to 0 by -1).map(i => valid(i) && mshr(i).refilled):_*)
val replay = replays.orR
val replayId = PriorityEncoder(replays)
when (replay && io.data.ready && io.tag.ready) { valid(replayId) := Bool(false) }
val writebacks = Cat(Bits(0), (outstanding-1 to 0 by -1).map(i => valid(i) && mshr(i).old_dirty):_*)
val writeback = writebacks.orR
val writebackId = PriorityEncoder(writebacks)
when (writeback && io.data.ready && !replay) { mshr(writebackId).old_dirty := Bool(false) }
val conflicts = Cat(Bits(0), (0 until outstanding).map(i => valid(i) && io.cpu.bits.addr(log2Up(sets)-1, 0) === mshr(i).addr(log2Up(sets)-1, 0)):_*)
io.cpu.ready := !conflicts.orR && !validBits.andR
io.data.valid := writeback
io.data.bits.rw := Bool(false)
io.data.bits.tag := mshr(replayId).tag
io.data.bits.isWriteback := Bool(true)
io.data.bits.addr := Cat(mshr(writebackId).old_tag, mshr(writebackId).addr(log2Up(sets)-1, 0)).toUFix
io.data.bits.way := mshr(writebackId).way
when (replay) {
io.data.valid := io.tag.ready
io.data.bits.isWriteback := Bool(false)
io.data.bits.addr := mshr(replayId).addr
io.data.bits.way := mshr(replayId).way
io.tag.valid := replay && io.data.ready
io.tag.bits.addr := io.data.bits.addr
io.tag.bits.way := io.data.bits.way
io.mem.req_cmd.valid := request
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw := Bool(false)
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.addr := mshr(requestId).addr
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.tag := requestId
io.mem_resp_set := mshr(refillId).addr
io.mem_resp_way := mshr(refillId).way
class LLCWriteback(requestors: Int) extends Component
val io = new Bundle {
val req = Vec(requestors) { (new FIFOIO) { UFix(width = PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS) }.flip }
val data = Vec(requestors) { (new FIFOIO) { new MemData }.flip }
val mem = new ioMemPipe
val valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val who = Reg() { UFix() }
val addr = Reg() { UFix() }
val cmd_sent = Reg() { Bool() }
val data_sent = Reg() { Bool() }
val count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
var anyReq = Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until requestors) {
io.req(i).ready := !valid && !anyReq
io.data(i).ready := valid && who === UFix(i) && io.mem.req_data.ready
anyReq = anyReq || io.req(i).valid
val nextWho = PriorityEncoder(io.req.map(_.valid))
when (!valid && io.req.map(_.valid).reduceLeft(_||_)) {
valid := Bool(true)
cmd_sent := Bool(false)
data_sent := Bool(false)
who := nextWho
addr := io.req(nextWho).bits
when (io.mem.req_data.valid && io.mem.req_data.ready) {
count := count + UFix(1)
when (count === UFix(REFILL_CYCLES-1)) {
data_sent := Bool(true)
when (cmd_sent) { valid := Bool(false) }
when (io.mem.req_cmd.valid && io.mem.req_cmd.ready) { cmd_sent := Bool(true) }
when (valid && cmd_sent && data_sent) { valid := Bool(false) }
io.mem.req_cmd.valid := valid && !cmd_sent
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.addr := addr
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw := Bool(true)
io.mem.req_data.valid := valid && !data_sent && io.data(who).valid
io.mem.req_data.bits := io.data(who).bits
class LLCData(latency: Int, sets: Int, ways: Int, leaf: Mem[Bits]) extends Component
val io = new Bundle {
val req = (new FIFOIO) { new LLCDataReq(ways) }.flip
val req_data = (new FIFOIO) { new MemData }.flip
val writeback = (new FIFOIO) { UFix(width = PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS) }
val writeback_data = (new FIFOIO) { new MemData }
val resp = (new FIFOIO) { new MemResp }
val mem_resp = (new PipeIO) { new MemResp }.flip
val mem_resp_set = UFix(INPUT, log2Up(sets))
val mem_resp_way = UFix(INPUT, log2Up(ways))
val data = new BigMem(sets*ways*REFILL_CYCLES, 1, latency-1, leaf)(Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS))
class QEntry extends MemResp {
val isWriteback = Bool()
override def clone = new QEntry().asInstanceOf[this.type]
val q = (new Queue(latency+2)) { new QEntry }
val qReady = q.io.count <= UFix(q.entries-latency-1)
val valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val req = Reg() { io.req.bits.clone }
val count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val refillCount = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
when (data.io.in.valid && !io.mem_resp.valid) {
count := count + UFix(1)
when (valid && count === UFix(REFILL_CYCLES-1)) { valid := Bool(false) }
when (io.req.valid && io.req.ready) { valid := Bool(true); req := io.req.bits }
when (io.mem_resp.valid) { refillCount := refillCount + UFix(1) }
data.io.in.valid := io.req.valid && io.req.ready && Mux(io.req.bits.rw, io.req_data.valid, qReady)
data.io.in.bits.addr := Cat(io.req.bits.way, io.req.bits.addr(log2Up(sets)-1, 0), count).toUFix
data.io.in.bits.rw := io.req.bits.rw
data.io.in.bits.wdata := io.req_data.bits.data
data.io.in.bits.wmask := Fix(-1, io.req_data.bits.data.width)
when (valid) {
data.io.in.valid := Mux(req.rw, io.req_data.valid, qReady)
data.io.in.bits.addr := Cat(req.way, req.addr(log2Up(sets)-1, 0), count).toUFix
data.io.in.bits.rw := req.rw
when (io.mem_resp.valid) {
data.io.in.valid := Bool(true)
data.io.in.bits.addr := Cat(io.mem_resp_way, io.mem_resp_set, refillCount).toUFix
data.io.in.bits.rw := Bool(true)
data.io.in.bits.wdata := io.mem_resp.bits.data
val tagPipe = Pipe(data.io.in.valid && !data.io.in.bits.rw, Mux(valid, req.tag, io.req.bits.tag), latency)
q.io.enq.valid := tagPipe.valid
q.io.enq.bits.tag := tagPipe.bits
q.io.enq.bits.isWriteback := Pipe(Mux(valid, req.isWriteback, io.req.bits.isWriteback), Bool(false), latency).valid
q.io.enq.bits.data := data.io.rdata
io.req.ready := !valid && Mux(io.req.bits.isWriteback, io.writeback.ready, Bool(true))
io.req_data.ready := !io.mem_resp.valid && Mux(valid, req.rw, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw)
io.writeback.valid := io.req.valid && io.req.ready && io.req.bits.isWriteback
io.writeback.bits := io.req.bits.addr
q.io.deq.ready := Mux(q.io.deq.bits.isWriteback, io.writeback_data.ready, io.resp.ready)
io.resp.valid := q.io.deq.valid && !q.io.deq.bits.isWriteback
io.resp.bits := q.io.deq.bits
io.writeback_data.valid := q.io.deq.valid && q.io.deq.bits.isWriteback
io.writeback_data.bits := q.io.deq.bits
class MemReqArb(n: Int) extends Component // UNTESTED
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = Vec(n) { new ioMem().flip }
val mem = new ioMem
val lock = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val locker = Reg() { UFix() }
val arb = new RRArbiter(n)(new MemReqCmd)
val respWho = io.mem.resp.bits.tag(log2Up(n)-1,0)
val respTag = io.mem.resp.bits.tag >> UFix(log2Up(n))
for (i <- 0 until n) {
val me = UFix(i, log2Up(n))
arb.io.in(i).valid := io.cpu(i).req_cmd.valid
arb.io.in(i).bits := io.cpu(i).req_cmd.bits
arb.io.in(i).bits.tag := Cat(io.cpu(i).req_cmd.bits.tag, me)
io.cpu(i).req_cmd.ready := arb.io.in(i).ready
io.cpu(i).req_data.ready := Bool(false)
val getLock = io.cpu(i).req_cmd.fire() && io.cpu(i).req_cmd.bits.rw && !lock
val haveLock = lock && locker === me
when (getLock) {
lock := Bool(true)
locker := UFix(i)
when (getLock || haveLock) {
io.cpu(i).req_data.ready := io.mem.req_data.ready
io.mem.req_data.valid := Bool(true)
io.mem.req_data.bits := io.cpu(i).req_data.bits
io.cpu(i).resp.valid := io.mem.resp.valid && respWho === me
io.cpu(i).resp.bits := io.mem.resp.bits
io.cpu(i).resp.bits.tag := respTag
io.mem.resp.ready := io.cpu(respWho).resp.ready
val unlock = Counter(io.mem.req_data.fire(), REFILL_CYCLES)._2
when (unlock) { lock := Bool(false) }
class DRAMSideLLC(sets: Int, ways: Int, outstanding: Int, tagLeaf: Mem[Bits], dataLeaf: Mem[Bits]) extends Component
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = new ioMem().flip
val mem = new ioMemPipe
val tagWidth = PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS - log2Up(sets)
val metaWidth = tagWidth + 2 // valid + dirty
val memCmdArb = (new Arbiter(2)) { new MemReqCmd }
val dataArb = (new Arbiter(2)) { new LLCDataReq(ways) }
val mshr = new LLCMSHRFile(sets, ways, outstanding)
val tags = new BigMem(sets, 0, 1, tagLeaf)(Bits(width = metaWidth*ways))
val data = new LLCData(4, sets, ways, dataLeaf)
val writeback = new LLCWriteback(2)
val initCount = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, log2Up(sets+1)))
val initialize = !initCount(log2Up(sets))
when (initialize) { initCount := initCount + UFix(1) }
val stall_s1 = Bool()
val replay_s1 = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val s1_valid = Reg(io.cpu.req_cmd.valid && !stall_s1 || replay_s1, resetVal = Bool(false))
replay_s1 := s1_valid && stall_s1
val s1 = Reg() { new MemReqCmd }
when (io.cpu.req_cmd.valid && io.cpu.req_cmd.ready) { s1 := io.cpu.req_cmd.bits }
val stall_s2 = Bool()
val s2_valid = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
s2_valid := s1_valid && !replay_s1 && !stall_s1 || stall_s2
val s2 = Reg() { new MemReqCmd }
val s2_tags = Vec(ways) { Reg() { Bits(width = metaWidth) } }
when (s1_valid && !stall_s1 && !replay_s1) {
s2 := s1
for (i <- 0 until ways)
s2_tags(i) := tags.io.rdata(metaWidth*(i+1)-1, metaWidth*i)
val s2_hits = s2_tags.map(t => t(tagWidth) && s2.addr(s2.addr.width-1, s2.addr.width-tagWidth) === t(tagWidth-1, 0))
val s2_hit_way = OHToUFix(s2_hits)
val s2_hit = s2_hits.reduceLeft(_||_)
val s2_hit_dirty = s2_tags(s2_hit_way)(tagWidth+1)
val repl_way = LFSR16(s2_valid)(log2Up(ways)-1, 0)
val repl_tag = s2_tags(repl_way).toUFix
val setDirty = s2_valid && s2.rw && s2_hit && !s2_hit_dirty
stall_s1 := initialize || stall_s2
val tag_we = setDirty || mshr.io.tag.valid
val tag_waddr = Mux(setDirty, s2.addr, mshr.io.tag.bits.addr)(log2Up(sets)-1,0)
val tag_wdata = Cat(setDirty, Bool(true), Mux(setDirty, s2.addr, mshr.io.tag.bits.addr)(mshr.io.tag.bits.addr.width-1, mshr.io.tag.bits.addr.width-tagWidth))
val tag_wway = Mux(setDirty, s2_hit_way, mshr.io.tag.bits.way)
tags.io.in.valid := (io.cpu.req_cmd.valid || replay_s1) && !stall_s1 || initialize || tag_we
tags.io.in.bits.addr := Mux(initialize, initCount, Mux(tag_we, tag_waddr, Mux(replay_s1, s1.addr, io.cpu.req_cmd.bits.addr)(log2Up(sets)-1,0)))
tags.io.in.bits.rw := initialize || tag_we
tags.io.in.bits.wdata := Mux(initialize, UFix(0), Fill(ways, tag_wdata))
tags.io.in.bits.wmask := FillInterleaved(metaWidth, Mux(initialize, Fix(-1, ways), UFixToOH(tag_wway)))
when (tag_we && Mux(stall_s2, s2.addr, s1.addr)(log2Up(sets)-1,0) === tag_waddr) { s2_tags(tag_wway) := tag_wdata }
mshr.io.cpu.valid := s2_valid && !s2_hit && !s2.rw && dataArb.io.in(1).ready && writeback.io.req(0).ready // stall_s2
mshr.io.cpu.bits := s2
mshr.io.repl_way := repl_way
mshr.io.repl_dirty := repl_tag(tagWidth+1, tagWidth).andR
mshr.io.repl_tag := repl_tag
mshr.io.mem.resp := io.mem.resp
mshr.io.tag.ready := !setDirty
data.io.req <> dataArb.io.out
data.io.mem_resp := io.mem.resp
data.io.mem_resp_set := mshr.io.mem_resp_set
data.io.mem_resp_way := mshr.io.mem_resp_way
data.io.req_data.bits := io.cpu.req_data.bits
data.io.req_data.valid := io.cpu.req_data.valid
writeback.io.req(0) <> data.io.writeback
writeback.io.data(0) <> data.io.writeback_data
writeback.io.req(1).valid := s2_valid && !s2_hit && s2.rw && dataArb.io.in(1).ready && mshr.io.cpu.ready // stall_s2
writeback.io.req(1).bits := s2.addr
writeback.io.data(1).valid := io.cpu.req_data.valid
writeback.io.data(1).bits := io.cpu.req_data.bits
memCmdArb.io.in(0) <> mshr.io.mem.req_cmd
memCmdArb.io.in(1) <> writeback.io.mem.req_cmd
dataArb.io.in(0) <> mshr.io.data
dataArb.io.in(1).valid := s2_valid && s2_hit && writeback.io.req(0).ready && mshr.io.cpu.ready // stall_s2
dataArb.io.in(1).bits := s2
dataArb.io.in(1).bits.way := s2_hit_way
dataArb.io.in(1).bits.isWriteback := Bool(false)
stall_s2 := s2_valid && !(dataArb.io.in(1).ready && writeback.io.req(0).ready && mshr.io.cpu.ready)
io.cpu.resp <> data.io.resp
io.cpu.req_cmd.ready := !stall_s1 && !replay_s1
io.cpu.req_data.ready := writeback.io.data(1).ready || data.io.req_data.ready
io.mem.req_cmd <> memCmdArb.io.out
io.mem.req_data <> writeback.io.mem.req_data
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Chisel._
import Node._
import Constants._
import scala.math._
import uncore._
class ioMemSerialized extends Bundle
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._
import Constants._
import uncore._
class ioReplacementWayGen extends Bundle {
val pick_new_way = Bool(dir = INPUT)
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._
import Node._
import Constants._
import uncore._
class Tile(co: CoherencePolicyWithUncached, resetSignal: Bool = null) extends Component(resetSignal)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package rocket
import Chisel._
import Node._;
import uncore._
import Constants._;
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
package rocket
import Chisel._
import Constants._
class PhysicalAddress extends Bundle {
val addr = UFix(width = PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS)
class MemData extends Bundle {
val data = Bits(width = MEM_DATA_BITS)
class MemReqCmd() extends PhysicalAddress
val rw = Bool()
val tag = Bits(width = MEM_TAG_BITS)
class MemResp () extends MemData
val tag = Bits(width = MEM_TAG_BITS)
class ioMem() extends Bundle
val req_cmd = (new FIFOIO) { new MemReqCmd() }
val req_data = (new FIFOIO) { new MemData() }
val resp = (new FIFOIO) { new MemResp() }.flip
class ioMemPipe() extends Bundle
val req_cmd = (new FIFOIO) { new MemReqCmd() }
val req_data = (new FIFOIO) { new MemData() }
val resp = (new PipeIO) { new MemResp() }.flip
class TrackerProbeData extends Bundle {
val tile_id = Bits(width = TILE_ID_BITS)
class TrackerAllocReq extends Bundle {
val xact_init = new TransactionInit()
val tile_id = Bits(width = TILE_ID_BITS)
class TrackerDependency extends Bundle {
val global_xact_id = Bits(width = GLOBAL_XACT_ID_BITS)
class ioTileLink extends Bundle {
val xact_init = (new FIFOIO) { new TransactionInit }
val xact_init_data = (new FIFOIO) { new TransactionInitData }
val xact_abort = (new FIFOIO) { new TransactionAbort }.flip
val probe_req = (new FIFOIO) { new ProbeRequest }.flip
val probe_rep = (new FIFOIO) { new ProbeReply }
val probe_rep_data = (new FIFOIO) { new ProbeReplyData }
val xact_rep = (new FIFOIO) { new TransactionReply }.flip
val xact_finish = (new FIFOIO) { new TransactionFinish }
val incoherent = Bool(OUTPUT)
class XactTracker(ntiles: Int, id: Int, co: CoherencePolicy) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val alloc_req = (new FIFOIO) { new TrackerAllocReq }.flip
val p_data = (new PipeIO) { new TrackerProbeData }.flip
val can_alloc = Bool(INPUT)
val xact_finish = Bool(INPUT)
val p_rep_cnt_dec = Bits(INPUT, ntiles)
val p_req_cnt_inc = Bits(INPUT, ntiles)
val tile_incoherent = Bits(INPUT, ntiles)
val p_rep_data = (new PipeIO) { new ProbeReplyData }.flip
val x_init_data = (new PipeIO) { new TransactionInitData }.flip
val sent_x_rep_ack = Bool(INPUT)
val p_rep_data_dep = (new PipeIO) { new TrackerDependency }.flip
val x_init_data_dep = (new PipeIO) { new TrackerDependency }.flip
val mem_req_cmd = (new FIFOIO) { new MemReqCmd }
val mem_req_data = (new FIFOIO) { new MemData }
val mem_req_lock = Bool(OUTPUT)
val probe_req = (new FIFOIO) { new ProbeRequest }
val busy = Bool(OUTPUT)
val init_tile_id = Bits(OUTPUT, TILE_ID_BITS)
val p_rep_tile_id = Bits(OUTPUT, TILE_ID_BITS)
val tile_xact_id = Bits(OUTPUT, TILE_XACT_ID_BITS)
val sharer_count = Bits(OUTPUT, TILE_ID_BITS+1)
val x_type = Bits(OUTPUT, X_INIT_TYPE_MAX_BITS)
val push_p_req = Bits(OUTPUT, ntiles)
val pop_p_rep = Bits(OUTPUT, ntiles)
val pop_p_rep_data = Bits(OUTPUT, ntiles)
val pop_p_rep_dep = Bits(OUTPUT, ntiles)
val pop_x_init = Bits(OUTPUT, ntiles)
val pop_x_init_data = Bits(OUTPUT, ntiles)
val pop_x_init_dep = Bits(OUTPUT, ntiles)
val send_x_rep_ack = Bool(OUTPUT)
def doMemReqWrite(req_cmd: FIFOIO[MemReqCmd], req_data: FIFOIO[MemData], lock: Bool, data: PipeIO[MemData], trigger: Bool, cmd_sent: Bool, pop_data: Bits, pop_dep: Bits, at_front_of_dep_queue: Bool, tile_id: UFix) {
req_cmd.bits.rw := Bool(true)
req_data.bits := data.bits
when(req_cmd.ready && req_cmd.valid) {
cmd_sent := Bool(true)
when (at_front_of_dep_queue) {
req_cmd.valid := !cmd_sent && req_data.ready && data.valid
lock := data.valid || cmd_sent
when (req_cmd.ready || cmd_sent) {
req_data.valid := data.valid
when(req_data.ready) {
pop_data := UFix(1) << tile_id
when (data.valid) {
mem_cnt := mem_cnt_next
when(mem_cnt === UFix(REFILL_CYCLES-1)) {
pop_dep := UFix(1) << tile_id
trigger := Bool(false)
def doMemReqRead(req_cmd: FIFOIO[MemReqCmd], trigger: Bool) {
req_cmd.valid := Bool(true)
req_cmd.bits.rw := Bool(false)
when(req_cmd.ready) {
trigger := Bool(false)
val s_idle :: s_ack :: s_mem :: s_probe :: s_busy :: Nil = Enum(5){ UFix() }
val state = Reg(resetVal = s_idle)
val addr_ = Reg{ UFix() }
val x_type_ = Reg{ Bits() }
val init_tile_id_ = Reg{ Bits() }
val tile_xact_id_ = Reg{ Bits() }
val p_rep_count = if (ntiles == 1) UFix(0) else Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width = log2Up(ntiles)))
val p_req_flags = Reg(resetVal = Bits(0, width = ntiles))
val p_rep_tile_id_ = Reg{ Bits() }
val x_needs_read = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val x_init_data_needs_write = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val p_rep_data_needs_write = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val x_w_mem_cmd_sent = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val p_w_mem_cmd_sent = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val mem_cnt = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val mem_cnt_next = mem_cnt + UFix(1)
val mem_cnt_max = ~UFix(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES))
val p_req_initial_flags = Bits(width = ntiles)
p_req_initial_flags := (if (ntiles == 1) Bits(0) else ~(io.tile_incoherent | UFixToOH(io.alloc_req.bits.tile_id(log2Up(ntiles)-1,0)))) //TODO: Broadcast only
io.busy := state != s_idle
io.addr := addr_
io.init_tile_id := init_tile_id_
io.p_rep_tile_id := p_rep_tile_id_
io.tile_xact_id := tile_xact_id_
io.sharer_count := UFix(ntiles) // TODO: Broadcast only
io.x_type := x_type_
io.mem_req_cmd.valid := Bool(false)
io.mem_req_cmd.bits.rw := Bool(false)
io.mem_req_cmd.bits.addr := addr_
io.mem_req_cmd.bits.tag := UFix(id)
io.mem_req_data.valid := Bool(false)
io.mem_req_data.bits.data := UFix(0)
io.mem_req_lock := Bool(false)
io.probe_req.valid := Bool(false)
io.probe_req.bits.p_type := co.getProbeRequestType(x_type_, UFix(0))
io.probe_req.bits.global_xact_id := UFix(id)
io.probe_req.bits.addr := addr_
io.push_p_req := Bits(0, width = ntiles)
io.pop_p_rep := Bits(0, width = ntiles)
io.pop_p_rep_data := Bits(0, width = ntiles)
io.pop_p_rep_dep := Bits(0, width = ntiles)
io.pop_x_init := Bits(0, width = ntiles)
io.pop_x_init_data := Bits(0, width = ntiles)
io.pop_x_init_dep := Bits(0, width = ntiles)
io.send_x_rep_ack := Bool(false)
switch (state) {
is(s_idle) {
when( io.alloc_req.valid && io.can_alloc ) {
addr_ := io.alloc_req.bits.xact_init.addr
x_type_ := io.alloc_req.bits.xact_init.x_type
init_tile_id_ := io.alloc_req.bits.tile_id
tile_xact_id_ := io.alloc_req.bits.xact_init.tile_xact_id
x_init_data_needs_write := co.messageHasData(io.alloc_req.bits.xact_init)
x_needs_read := co.needsMemRead(io.alloc_req.bits.xact_init.x_type, UFix(0))
p_req_flags := p_req_initial_flags
mem_cnt := UFix(0)
p_w_mem_cmd_sent := Bool(false)
x_w_mem_cmd_sent := Bool(false)
io.pop_x_init := UFix(1) << io.alloc_req.bits.tile_id
if(ntiles > 1) {
p_rep_count := PopCount(p_req_initial_flags)
state := Mux(p_req_initial_flags.orR, s_probe, s_mem)
} else state := s_mem
is(s_probe) {
when(p_req_flags.orR) {
io.push_p_req := p_req_flags
io.probe_req.valid := Bool(true)
when(io.p_req_cnt_inc.orR) {
p_req_flags := p_req_flags & ~io.p_req_cnt_inc // unflag sent reqs
when(io.p_rep_cnt_dec.orR) {
val dec = PopCount(io.p_rep_cnt_dec)
io.pop_p_rep := io.p_rep_cnt_dec
if(ntiles > 1) p_rep_count := p_rep_count - dec
when(p_rep_count === dec) {
state := s_mem
when(io.p_data.valid) {
p_rep_data_needs_write := Bool(true)
p_rep_tile_id_ := io.p_data.bits.tile_id
is(s_mem) {
when (p_rep_data_needs_write) {
io.p_rep_data_dep.valid && (io.p_rep_data_dep.bits.global_xact_id === UFix(id)),
} . elsewhen(x_init_data_needs_write) {
io.x_init_data_dep.valid && (io.x_init_data_dep.bits.global_xact_id === UFix(id)),
} . elsewhen (x_needs_read) {
doMemReqRead(io.mem_req_cmd, x_needs_read)
} . otherwise {
state := Mux(co.needsAckReply(x_type_, UFix(0)), s_ack, s_busy)
is(s_ack) {
io.send_x_rep_ack := Bool(true)
when(io.sent_x_rep_ack) { state := s_busy }
is(s_busy) { // Nothing left to do but wait for transaction to complete
when (io.xact_finish) {
state := s_idle
abstract class CoherenceHub(ntiles: Int, co: CoherencePolicy) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val tiles = Vec(ntiles) { new ioTileLink() }.flip
val mem = new ioMem
class CoherenceHubNull(co: ThreeStateIncoherence) extends CoherenceHub(1, co)
val x_init = io.tiles(0).xact_init
val is_write = x_init.bits.x_type === co.xactInitWriteback
x_init.ready := io.mem.req_cmd.ready && !(is_write && io.mem.resp.valid) //stall write req/resp to handle previous read resp
io.mem.req_cmd.valid := x_init.valid && !(is_write && io.mem.resp.valid)
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw := is_write
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.tag := x_init.bits.tile_xact_id
io.mem.req_cmd.bits.addr := x_init.bits.addr
io.mem.req_data <> io.tiles(0).xact_init_data
val x_rep = io.tiles(0).xact_rep
x_rep.bits.x_type := Mux(io.mem.resp.valid, co.xactReplyData, co.xactReplyAck)
x_rep.bits.tile_xact_id := Mux(io.mem.resp.valid, io.mem.resp.bits.tag, x_init.bits.tile_xact_id)
x_rep.bits.global_xact_id := UFix(0) // don't care
x_rep.bits.data := io.mem.resp.bits.data
x_rep.bits.require_ack := Bool(true)
x_rep.valid := io.mem.resp.valid || x_init.valid && is_write && io.mem.req_cmd.ready
io.tiles(0).xact_abort.valid := Bool(false)
io.tiles(0).xact_finish.ready := Bool(true)
io.tiles(0).probe_req.valid := Bool(false)
io.tiles(0).probe_rep.ready := Bool(true)
io.tiles(0).probe_rep_data.ready := Bool(true)
class CoherenceHubBroadcast(ntiles: Int, co: CoherencePolicy) extends CoherenceHub(ntiles, co)
val trackerList = (0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS).map(new XactTracker(ntiles, _, co))
val busy_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
val addr_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=PADDR_BITS-OFFSET_BITS) }
val init_tile_id_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=TILE_ID_BITS) }
val tile_xact_id_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=TILE_XACT_ID_BITS) }
val x_type_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=X_INIT_TYPE_MAX_BITS) }
val sh_count_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width=TILE_ID_BITS) }
val send_x_rep_ack_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
val do_free_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
val p_rep_cnt_dec_arr = VecBuf(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Vec(ntiles){ Bool()} }
val p_req_cnt_inc_arr = VecBuf(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Vec(ntiles){ Bool()} }
val sent_x_rep_ack_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
val p_data_tile_id_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bits(width = TILE_ID_BITS) }
val p_data_valid_arr = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS){ Bool() }
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS) {
val t = trackerList(i).io
busy_arr(i) := t.busy
addr_arr(i) := t.addr
init_tile_id_arr(i) := t.init_tile_id
tile_xact_id_arr(i) := t.tile_xact_id
x_type_arr(i) := t.x_type
sh_count_arr(i) := t.sharer_count
send_x_rep_ack_arr(i) := t.send_x_rep_ack
t.xact_finish := do_free_arr(i)
t.p_data.bits.tile_id := p_data_tile_id_arr(i)
t.p_data.valid := p_data_valid_arr(i)
t.p_rep_cnt_dec := p_rep_cnt_dec_arr(i).toBits
t.p_req_cnt_inc := p_req_cnt_inc_arr(i).toBits
t.tile_incoherent := (Vec(io.tiles.map(_.incoherent)) { Bool() }).toBits
t.sent_x_rep_ack := sent_x_rep_ack_arr(i)
do_free_arr(i) := Bool(false)
sent_x_rep_ack_arr(i) := Bool(false)
p_data_tile_id_arr(i) := Bits(0, width = TILE_ID_BITS)
p_data_valid_arr(i) := Bool(false)
for( j <- 0 until ntiles) {
p_rep_cnt_dec_arr(i)(j) := Bool(false)
p_req_cnt_inc_arr(i)(j) := Bool(false)
val p_rep_data_dep_list = List.fill(ntiles)((new Queue(NGLOBAL_XACTS)){new TrackerDependency}) // depth must >= NPRIMARY
val x_init_data_dep_list = List.fill(ntiles)((new Queue(NGLOBAL_XACTS)){new TrackerDependency}) // depth should >= NPRIMARY
// Free finished transactions
for( j <- 0 until ntiles ) {
val finish = io.tiles(j).xact_finish
when (finish.valid) {
do_free_arr(finish.bits.global_xact_id) := Bool(true)
finish.ready := Bool(true)
// Reply to initial requestor
// Forward memory responses from mem to tile or arbitrate to ack
val mem_idx = io.mem.resp.bits.tag
val ack_idx = PriorityEncoder(send_x_rep_ack_arr.toBits)
for( j <- 0 until ntiles ) {
val rep = io.tiles(j).xact_rep
rep.bits.x_type := UFix(0)
rep.bits.tile_xact_id := UFix(0)
rep.bits.global_xact_id := UFix(0)
rep.bits.data := io.mem.resp.bits.data
rep.bits.require_ack := Bool(true)
rep.valid := Bool(false)
when(io.mem.resp.valid && (UFix(j) === init_tile_id_arr(mem_idx))) {
rep.bits.x_type := co.getTransactionReplyType(x_type_arr(mem_idx), sh_count_arr(mem_idx))
rep.bits.tile_xact_id := tile_xact_id_arr(mem_idx)
rep.bits.global_xact_id := mem_idx
rep.valid := Bool(true)
} . otherwise {
rep.bits.x_type := co.getTransactionReplyType(x_type_arr(ack_idx), sh_count_arr(ack_idx))
rep.bits.tile_xact_id := tile_xact_id_arr(ack_idx)
rep.bits.global_xact_id := ack_idx
when (UFix(j) === init_tile_id_arr(ack_idx)) {
rep.valid := send_x_rep_ack_arr.toBits.orR
sent_x_rep_ack_arr(ack_idx) := rep.ready
io.mem.resp.ready := io.tiles(init_tile_id_arr(mem_idx)).xact_rep.ready
// Create an arbiter for the one memory port
// We have to arbitrate between the different trackers' memory requests
// and once we have picked a request, get the right write data
val mem_req_cmd_arb = (new Arbiter(NGLOBAL_XACTS)) { new MemReqCmd() }
val mem_req_data_arb = (new LockingArbiter(NGLOBAL_XACTS)) { new MemData() }
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS ) {
mem_req_cmd_arb.io.in(i) <> trackerList(i).io.mem_req_cmd
mem_req_data_arb.io.in(i) <> trackerList(i).io.mem_req_data
mem_req_data_arb.io.lock(i) <> trackerList(i).io.mem_req_lock
io.mem.req_cmd <> Queue(mem_req_cmd_arb.io.out)
io.mem.req_data <> Queue(mem_req_data_arb.io.out)
// Handle probe replies, which may or may not have data
for( j <- 0 until ntiles ) {
val p_rep = io.tiles(j).probe_rep
val p_rep_data = io.tiles(j).probe_rep_data
val idx = p_rep.bits.global_xact_id
val pop_p_reps = trackerList.map(_.io.pop_p_rep(j).toBool)
val do_pop = foldR(pop_p_reps)(_ || _)
p_rep.ready := Bool(true)
p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.enq.valid := p_rep.valid && co.messageHasData(p_rep.bits)
p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.enq.bits.global_xact_id := p_rep.bits.global_xact_id
p_rep_data.ready := foldR(trackerList.map(_.io.pop_p_rep_data(j)))(_ || _)
when (p_rep.valid && co.messageHasData(p_rep.bits)) {
p_data_valid_arr(idx) := Bool(true)
p_data_tile_id_arr(idx) := UFix(j)
p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.ready := foldR(trackerList.map(_.io.pop_p_rep_dep(j).toBool))(_||_)
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS ) {
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data.valid := io.tiles(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id).probe_rep_data.valid
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data.bits := io.tiles(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id).probe_rep_data.bits
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data_dep.valid := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id, p_rep_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.valid, (0 until ntiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.valid))
trackerList(i).io.p_rep_data_dep.bits := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.p_rep_tile_id, p_rep_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.bits, (0 until ntiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> p_rep_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.bits))
for( j <- 0 until ntiles) {
val p_rep = io.tiles(j).probe_rep
p_rep_cnt_dec_arr(i)(j) := p_rep.valid && (p_rep.bits.global_xact_id === UFix(i))
// Nack conflicting transaction init attempts
val s_idle :: s_abort_drain :: s_abort_send :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val abort_state_arr = Vec(ntiles) { Reg(resetVal = s_idle) }
val want_to_abort_arr = Vec(ntiles) { Bool() }
for( j <- 0 until ntiles ) {
val x_init = io.tiles(j).xact_init
val x_init_data = io.tiles(j).xact_init_data
val x_abort = io.tiles(j).xact_abort
val abort_cnt = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES)))
val conflicts = Vec(NGLOBAL_XACTS) { Bool() }
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS) {
val t = trackerList(i).io
conflicts(i) := t.busy && x_init.valid && co.isCoherenceConflict(t.addr, x_init.bits.addr)
x_abort.bits.tile_xact_id := x_init.bits.tile_xact_id
want_to_abort_arr(j) := x_init.valid && (conflicts.toBits.orR || busy_arr.toBits.andR || (!x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.enq.ready && co.messageHasData(x_init.bits)))
x_abort.valid := Bool(false)
switch(abort_state_arr(j)) {
is(s_idle) {
when(want_to_abort_arr(j)) {
when(co.messageHasData(x_init.bits)) {
abort_state_arr(j) := s_abort_drain
} . otherwise {
abort_state_arr(j) := s_abort_send
is(s_abort_drain) { // raises x_init_data.ready below
when(x_init_data.valid) {
abort_cnt := abort_cnt + UFix(1)
when(abort_cnt === ~UFix(0, width = log2Up(REFILL_CYCLES))) {
abort_state_arr(j) := s_abort_send
is(s_abort_send) { // nothing is dequeued for now
x_abort.valid := Bool(true)
when(x_abort.ready) { // raises x_init.ready below
abort_state_arr(j) := s_idle
// Handle transaction initiation requests
// Only one allocation per cycle
// Init requests may or may not have data
val alloc_arb = (new Arbiter(NGLOBAL_XACTS)) { Bool() }
val init_arb = (new Arbiter(ntiles)) { new TrackerAllocReq() }
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS ) {
alloc_arb.io.in(i).valid := !trackerList(i).io.busy
trackerList(i).io.can_alloc := alloc_arb.io.in(i).ready
trackerList(i).io.alloc_req.bits := init_arb.io.out.bits
trackerList(i).io.alloc_req.valid := init_arb.io.out.valid
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data.bits := io.tiles(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id).xact_init_data.bits
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data.valid := io.tiles(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id).xact_init_data.valid
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data_dep.bits := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id, x_init_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.bits, (0 until ntiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.bits))
trackerList(i).io.x_init_data_dep.valid := MuxLookup(trackerList(i).io.init_tile_id, x_init_data_dep_list(0).io.deq.valid, (0 until ntiles).map( j => UFix(j) -> x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.deq.valid))
for( j <- 0 until ntiles ) {
val x_init = io.tiles(j).xact_init
val x_init_data = io.tiles(j).xact_init_data
val x_init_data_dep = x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.deq
val x_abort = io.tiles(j).xact_abort
init_arb.io.in(j).valid := (abort_state_arr(j) === s_idle) && !want_to_abort_arr(j) && x_init.valid
init_arb.io.in(j).bits.xact_init := x_init.bits
init_arb.io.in(j).bits.tile_id := UFix(j)
val pop_x_inits = trackerList.map(_.io.pop_x_init(j).toBool)
val do_pop = foldR(pop_x_inits)(_||_)
x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.enq.valid := do_pop && co.messageHasData(x_init.bits) && (abort_state_arr(j) === s_idle)
x_init_data_dep_list(j).io.enq.bits.global_xact_id := OHToUFix(pop_x_inits)
x_init.ready := (x_abort.valid && x_abort.ready) || do_pop
x_init_data.ready := (abort_state_arr(j) === s_abort_drain) || foldR(trackerList.map(_.io.pop_x_init_data(j).toBool))(_||_)
x_init_data_dep.ready := foldR(trackerList.map(_.io.pop_x_init_dep(j).toBool))(_||_)
alloc_arb.io.out.ready := init_arb.io.out.valid
// Handle probe request generation
// Must arbitrate for each request port
val p_req_arb_arr = List.fill(ntiles)((new Arbiter(NGLOBAL_XACTS)) { new ProbeRequest() })
for( j <- 0 until ntiles ) {
for( i <- 0 until NGLOBAL_XACTS ) {
val t = trackerList(i).io
p_req_arb_arr(j).io.in(i).bits := t.probe_req.bits
p_req_arb_arr(j).io.in(i).valid := t.probe_req.valid && t.push_p_req(j)
p_req_cnt_inc_arr(i)(j) := p_req_arb_arr(j).io.in(i).ready
p_req_arb_arr(j).io.out <> io.tiles(j).probe_req
Reference in New Issue
Block a user