Add some add'l debug features (#1112)
* debug: Update macros from spec * debug: some corrections in the auto-generated files * debug: update renamed fields * Debug: implement the implicit ebreak option for small program buffers * debug: clean up some unused code and add more require() explanations * debug: make implicit ebreak false * debug: Add the havereset/haveresetack functionality * debug: program buffer can still be 16 even if there is an implicit ebreak
This commit is contained in:
@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ object DsbBusConsts {
object DsbRegAddrs{
// These may need to move around to be used by the serial interface.
// These are used by the ROM.
def HALTED = 0x100
def GOING = 0x104
@ -61,8 +59,14 @@ object DsbRegAddrs{
def DATA = 0x380
// We want DATA to immediately follow PROGBUF so that we can
// use them interchangeably.
def PROGBUF(cfg:DebugModuleParams) = {DATA - (cfg.nProgramBufferWords * 4)}
// use them interchangeably. Leave another slot if there is an
// implicit ebreak.
def PROGBUF(cfg:DebugModuleParams) = {
val tmp = DATA - (cfg.nProgramBufferWords * 4)
if (cfg.hasImplicitEbreak) (tmp - 4) else tmp
// This is unused if hasImpEbreak is false, and just points to the end of the PROGBUF.
def IMPEBREAK(cfg: DebugModuleParams) = { DATA - 4 }
// We want abstract to be immediately before PROGBUF
// because we auto-generate 2 instructions.
@ -108,9 +112,11 @@ import DebugAbstractCommandType._
* nProgamBufferWords: Number of 32-bit words for Program Buffer
* hasBusMaster: Whethr or not a bus master should be included
* The size of the accesses supported by the Bus Master.
* nSerialPorts : Number of serial ports to instantiate
* supportQuickAccess : Whether or not to support the quick access command.
* supportHartArray : Whether or not to implement the hart array register.
* hartIdToHartSel: For systems where hart ids are not 1:1 with hartsel, provide the mapping.
* hartSelToHartId: Provide inverse mapping of the above
* hasImplicitEbreak: There is an additional RO program buffer word containing an ebreak
case class DebugModuleParams (
@ -125,27 +131,25 @@ case class DebugModuleParams (
hasAccess32 : Boolean = false,
hasAccess16 : Boolean = false,
hasAccess8 : Boolean = false,
nSerialPorts : Int = 0,
supportQuickAccess : Boolean = false,
supportHartArray : Boolean = false,
hartIdToHartSel : (UInt) => UInt = (x:UInt) => x,
hartSelToHartId : (UInt) => UInt = (x:UInt) => x
hartSelToHartId : (UInt) => UInt = (x:UInt) => x,
hasImplicitEbreak : Boolean = false
) {
if (hasBusMaster == false){
require (hasAccess128 == false)
require (hasAccess64 == false)
require (hasAccess32 == false)
require (hasAccess16 == false)
require (hasAccess8 == false)
require (hasAccess128 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (hasAccess64 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (hasAccess32 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (hasAccess16 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (hasAccess8 == false, "No Bus mastering support in Debug Module yet")
require (nSerialPorts <= 8)
require ((nDMIAddrSize >= 7) && (nDMIAddrSize <= 32), s"Legal DMIAddrSize is 7-32, not ${nDMIAddrSize}")
require ((nDMIAddrSize >= 7) && (nDMIAddrSize <= 32))
require ((nAbstractDataWords > 0) && (nAbstractDataWords <= 16))
require ((nProgramBufferWords >= 0) && (nProgramBufferWords <= 16))
require ((nAbstractDataWords > 0) && (nAbstractDataWords <= 16), s"Legal nAbstractDataWords is 0-16, not ${nAbstractDataWords}")
require ((nProgramBufferWords >= 0) && (nProgramBufferWords <= 16), s"Legal nProgramBufferWords is 0-16, not ${nProgramBufferWords}")
if (supportQuickAccess) {
// TODO: Check that quick access requirements are met.
@ -201,8 +205,9 @@ class DMIIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
class DebugInternalBundle ()(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val resumereq = Bool()
val hartsel = UInt(10.W)
val resumereq = Bool()
val hartsel = UInt(10.W)
val ackhavereset = Bool()
/* structure for top-level Debug Module signals which aren't the bus interfaces.
@ -324,10 +329,11 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuter(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
} .otherwise {
when (DMCONTROLWrEn) {
DMCONTROLNxt.ndmreset := DMCONTROLWrData.ndmreset
DMCONTROLNxt.hartsel := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsel
DMCONTROLNxt.haltreq := DMCONTROLWrData.haltreq
DMCONTROLNxt.resumereq := DMCONTROLWrData.resumereq
DMCONTROLNxt.ndmreset := DMCONTROLWrData.ndmreset
DMCONTROLNxt.hartsel := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsel
DMCONTROLNxt.haltreq := DMCONTROLWrData.haltreq
DMCONTROLNxt.resumereq := DMCONTROLWrData.resumereq
DMCONTROLNxt.ackhavereset := DMCONTROLWrData.ackhavereset
@ -378,8 +384,9 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuter(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
io.innerCtrl.valid := DMCONTROLWrEn
io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsel
io.innerCtrl.bits.resumereq := DMCONTROLWrData.resumereq
io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel := DMCONTROLWrData.hartsel
io.innerCtrl.bits.resumereq := DMCONTROLWrData.resumereq
io.innerCtrl.bits.ackhavereset := DMCONTROLWrData.ackhavereset
io.ctrl.ndreset := DMCONTROLReg.ndmreset
io.ctrl.dmactive := DMCONTROLReg.dmactive
@ -461,17 +468,17 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int)(implicit p:
// Sanity Check Configuration For this implementation.
require (cfg.nSerialPorts == 0)
require (cfg.hasBusMaster == false)
require (cfg.supportQuickAccess == false)
require (cfg.supportHartArray == false)
require (cfg.hasBusMaster == false, "No Bus Mastering support yet")
require (cfg.supportQuickAccess == false, "No Quick Access support yet")
require (cfg.supportHartArray == false, "No Hart Array support yet")
// Register & Wire Declarations (which need to be pre-declared)
val haltedBitRegs = RegInit(Vec.fill(nComponents){false.B})
val resumeReqRegs = RegInit(Vec.fill(nComponents){false.B})
val haltedBitRegs = RegInit(Vec.fill(nComponents){false.B})
val resumeReqRegs = RegInit(Vec.fill(nComponents){false.B})
val haveResetBitRegs = RegInit(Vec.fill(nComponents){true.B})
// --- regmapper outputs
@ -512,7 +519,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int)(implicit p:
val DMSTATUSRdData = Wire(init = (new DMSTATUSFields()).fromBits(0.U))
DMSTATUSRdData.authenticated := true.B // Not implemented
DMSTATUSRdData.versionlo := "b10".U
DMSTATUSRdData.version := 2.U // Version 0.13
// Chisel3 Issue #527 , have to do intermediate assignment.
val unavailVec = Wire(init = Vec.fill(nComponents){false.B})
@ -531,14 +538,24 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int)(implicit p:
DMSTATUSRdData.allrunning := true.B
DMSTATUSRdData.anyrunning := true.B
DMSTATUSRdData.allhavereset := haveResetBitRegs(selectedHartReg)
DMSTATUSRdData.anyhavereset := haveResetBitRegs(selectedHartReg)
val resumereq = && io.innerCtrl.bits.resumereq
when ({
when (io.innerCtrl.bits.ackhavereset) {
haveResetBitRegs(io.innerCtrl.bits.hartsel) := false.B
DMSTATUSRdData.allresumeack := ~resumeReqRegs(selectedHartReg) && ~resumereq
DMSTATUSRdData.anyresumeack := ~resumeReqRegs(selectedHartReg) && ~resumereq
DMSTATUSRdData.cfgstrvalid := false.B
DMSTATUSRdData.devtreevalid := false.B
DMSTATUSRdData.impebreak := (cfg.hasImplicitEbreak).B
@ -562,8 +579,8 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int)(implicit p:
val ABSTRACTCSReset = Wire(init = (new ABSTRACTCSFields()).fromBits(0.U))
ABSTRACTCSReset.datacount := cfg.nAbstractDataWords.U
ABSTRACTCSReset.progsize := cfg.nProgramBufferWords.U
ABSTRACTCSReset.datacount := cfg.nAbstractDataWords.U
ABSTRACTCSReset.progbufsize := cfg.nProgramBufferWords.U
val ABSTRACTCSReg = Reg(new ABSTRACTCSFields())
val ABSTRACTCSWrDataVal = Wire(init = 0.U(32.W))
@ -876,10 +893,11 @@ class TLDebugModuleInner(device: Device, getNComponents: () => Int)(implicit p:
PROGBUF(cfg)-> => RegField(8, x)),
// These sections are read-only.
WHERETO -> Seq(RegField.r(32, jalAbstract.asUInt)),
ABSTRACT(cfg)->{x => RegField.r(32, x)},
FLAGS ->{x => RegField.r(8, x.asUInt())},
ROMBASE -> DebugRomContents().map(x => RegField.r(8, (x & 0xFF).U(8.W)))
IMPEBREAK(cfg)-> {if (cfg.hasImplicitEbreak) Seq(RegField.r(32, Instructions.EBREAK.value.U)) else Nil},
WHERETO -> Seq(RegField.r(32, jalAbstract.asUInt)),
ABSTRACT(cfg) ->{x => RegField.r(32, x)},
FLAGS ->{x => RegField.r(8, x.asUInt())},
ROMBASE -> DebugRomContents().map(x => RegField.r(8, (x & 0xFF).U(8.W)))
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug
import Chisel._
// This file was auto-generated from the repository at,
// This file was auto-generated from the repository at,
// 'make chisel'
object AC_RegAddrs {
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class ACCESS_REGISTERFields extends Bundle {
val size = UInt(3.W)
val reserved1 = UInt(1.W)
/* When 1, execute the program in the Program Buffer exactly once
after performing the transfer, if any.
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ class ACCESS_REGISTERFields extends Bundle {
/* 0: Don't do the operation specified by \Fwrite.
1: Do the operation specified by \Fwrite.
This bit can be used to just execute the Program Buffer without
having to worry about placing valid values into \Fsize or \Fregno.
val transfer = Bool()
@ -50,7 +53,10 @@ class ACCESS_REGISTERFields extends Bundle {
val write = Bool()
/* Number of the register to access, as described in Table~\ref{tab:regno}.
/* Number of the register to access, as described in
\Rdpc may be used as an alias for PC if this command is
supported on a non-halted hart.
val regno = UInt(16.W)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug
import Chisel._
// This file was auto-generated from the repository at,
// This file was auto-generated from the repository at,
// 'make chisel'
object DMI_RegAddrs {
@ -11,6 +11,14 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
This register reports status for the overall debug module
as well as the currently selected harts, as defined in \Fhasel.
Harts are nonexistent if they will never be part of this system, no
matter how long a user waits. Eg. in a simple single-hart system only
one hart exists, and all others are nonexistent.
Harts are unavailable if they might exist/become available at a later
time. Eg. in a multi-hart system some might temporarily be powered
down, or a system might support hot-swapping harts.
def DMI_DMSTATUS = 0x11
@ -52,8 +60,10 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
/* This register provides R/W access to a 32-bit portion of the
hart array mask register. The position of the window is determined by
hart array mask register.
The position of the window is determined by \Rhawindowsel. I.e. bit 0
refers to hart $\Rhawindowsel * 32$, while bit 31 refers to hart
$\Rhawindowsel * 32 + 31$.
def DMI_HAWINDOW = 0x15
@ -82,27 +92,29 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
/* The Configuration String is described in the RISC-V Priviledged Specification.
When {\tt cfgstrvalid} is set, reading this register returns bits 31:0 of the configuration
string address. Reading the other {\tt cfgstraddr} registers returns the upper bits of the
/* When {\tt devtreevalid} is set, reading this register returns bits 31:0
of the Device Tree address. Reading the other {\tt devtreeaddr}
registers returns the upper bits of the address.
When system bus mastering is implemented, this should be the
address that should be used with the System Bus Access module. Otherwise,
this should be the address that should be used to access the
config string when \Fhartsel=0.
When system bus mastering is implemented, this must be an
address that can be used with the System Bus Access module. Otherwise,
this must be an address that can be used to access the
Device Tree from the hart with ID 0.
If {\tt cfgstrvalid} is 0, then the {\tt cfgstraddr} registers
If {\tt devtreevalid} is 0, then the {\tt devtreeaddr} registers
hold identifier information which is not
further specified in this document.
The Device Tree itself is described in the RISC-V Privileged
def DMI_CFGSTRADDR0 = 0x19
def DMI_CFGSTRADDR1 = 0x1a
def DMI_CFGSTRADDR2 = 0x1b
def DMI_CFGSTRADDR3 = 0x1c
/* Basic read/write registers that may be read or changed by abstract
@ -110,6 +122,8 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
Accessing them while an abstract command is executing causes \Fcmderr
to be set.
Attempts to write them while \Fbusy is set does not change their value.
The values in these registers may not be preserved after an abstract
command is executed. The only guarantees on their contents are the ones
offered by the command in question. If the command fails, no
@ -121,6 +135,11 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
/* The {\tt progbuf} registers provide read/write access to the optional
program buffer.
Accessing them while an abstract command is executing causes \Fcmderr
to be set.
Attempts to write them while \Fbusy is set does not change their value.
def DMI_PROGBUF0 = 0x20
@ -135,41 +154,12 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
def DMI_AUTHDATA = 0x30
/* If \Fserialcount is 0, this register is not present.
def DMI_SERCS = 0x34
/* If \Fserialcount is 0, this register is not present.
This register provides access to the write data queue of the serial port
selected by \Fserial in \Rsercs.
If the {\tt error} bit is not set and the queue is not full, a write to this register
adds the written data to the core-to-debugger queue.
Otherwise the {\tt error} bit is set and the write returns error.
A read to this register returns the last data written.
def DMI_SERTX = 0x35
/* If \Fserialcount is 0, this register is not present.
This register provides access to the read data queues of the serial port
selected by \Fserial in \Rsercs.
If the {\tt error} bit is not set and the queue is not empty, a read from this register reads the
oldest entry in the debugger-to-core queue, and removes that entry from the queue.
Otherwise the {\tt error} bit is set and the read returns error.
def DMI_SERRX = 0x36
def DMI_SBCS = 0x38
/* If \Fsbasize is 0, then this register is not present.
When the system bus master is busy,
writes to this register will return error
and \Fsberror is set.
writes to this register will set \Fsberror.
If \Fsberror is 0 and \Fsbautoread is set then the system bus
master will start
@ -189,31 +179,31 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
/* If all of the {\tt sbaccess} bits in \Rsbcs are 0, then this register
is not present.
If \Fsberror isn't 0 then accesses return error, and don't do anything
Any successful system bus read updates the data in this register, and
marks it no longer stale.
Writes to this register:
If \Fsberror isn't 0 then accesses do nothing.
\begin{steps}{Writes to this register:}
\item If the bus master is busy then accesses set \Fsberror, and
don't do anything else.
\item Start a bus write of {\tt sbdata} to {\tt sbaddress}.
\item If \Fsbautoincrement is set, increment {\tt sbaddress}.
1. If the bus master is busy then accesses set \Fsberror, return error,
and don't do anything else.
\begin{steps}{Reads from this register:}
\item If the register is marked stale, then set \Fsberror and don't
do anything else.
\item ``Return'' the data.
\item Mark the register stale.
\item If \Fsbautoincrement is set, increment {\tt sbaddress}.
\item If \Fsbautoread is set, start another system bus read.
2. Update internal data.
3. Start a bus write of the internal data to the internal address.
4. If \Fsbautoincrement is set, increment the internal address.
Reads to this register:
1. If bits 31:0 of the internal data register haven't been updated
since the last time this register was read, then set \Fsberror, return
error, and don't do anything else.
2. ``Return'' the data.
3. If \Fsbautoincrement is set, increment the internal address.
4. If \Fsbautoread is set, start another system bus read.
Only \Rsbdatazero has this behavior. The other {\tt sbdata} registers
have no side effects. On systems that have buses wider than 32 bits, a
debugger should access \Rsbdatazero after accessing the other {\tt
sbdata} registers.
def DMI_SBDATA0 = 0x3c
@ -234,13 +224,47 @@ object DMI_RegAddrs {
class DMSTATUSFields extends Bundle {
val reserved0 = UInt(14.W)
val reserved0 = UInt(5.W)
/* This field is 1 when all currently selected harts have acknowledged the previous \Fresumereq.
/* Gets set if the Debug Module was accessed incorrectly.
0 (none): No error.
1 (badaddr): There was an access to an unimplemented Debug Module
7 (other): An access failed for another reason.
val dmerr = UInt(3.W)
val reserved1 = UInt(1.W)
/* If 1, then there is an implicit {\tt ebreak} instruction at the
non-existent word immediately after the Program Buffer. This saves
the debugger from having to write the {\tt ebreak} itself, and
allows the Program Buffer to be one word smaller.
This must be 1 when \Fprogbufsize is 1.
val impebreak = Bool()
val reserved2 = UInt(2.W)
/* This field is 1 when all currently selected harts have been reset but the reset has not been acknowledged.
val allhavereset = Bool()
/* This field is 1 when any currently selected hart has been reset but the reset has not been acknowledged.
val anyhavereset = Bool()
/* This field is 1 when all currently selected harts have acknowledged
the previous resume request.
val allresumeack = Bool()
/* This field is 1 when any currently selected hart has acknowledged the previous \Fresumereq.
/* This field is 1 when any currently selected hart has acknowledged
the previous resume request.
val anyresumeack = Bool()
@ -293,49 +317,58 @@ class DMSTATUSFields extends Bundle {
val authbusy = Bool()
val reserved1 = UInt(1.W)
val reserved3 = UInt(1.W)
val cfgstrvalid = Bool()
/* 0: \Rdevtreeaddrzero--\Rdevtreeaddrthree hold information which
is not relevant to the Device Tree.
/* Reserved for future use. Reads as 0.
1: \Rdevtreeaddrzero--\Rdevtreeaddrthree registers hold the address of the
Device Tree.
val versionhi = UInt(2.W)
val devtreevalid = Bool()
/* 00: There is no Debug Module present.
/* 0: There is no Debug Module present.
01: There is a Debug Module and it conforms to version 0.11 of this
1: There is a Debug Module and it conforms to version 0.11 of this
10: There is a Debug Module and it conforms to version 0.13 of this
2: There is a Debug Module and it conforms to version 0.13 of this
11: Reserved for future use.
15: There is a Debug Module but it does not conform to any
available version of this spec.
val versionlo = UInt(2.W)
val version = UInt(4.W)
class DMCONTROLFields extends Bundle {
/* Halt request signal for all currently selected harts. When set to 1, the
hart will halt if it is not currently halted.
Setting both \Fhaltreq and \Fresumereq leads to undefined behavior.
/* Writes the halt request bit for all currently selected harts.
When set to 1, each selected hart will halt if it is not currently
Writing 1 or 0 has no effect on a hart which is already halted, but
the bit must be cleared to 0 before the hart is resumed.
Writes apply to the new value of \Fhartsel and \Fhasel.
val haltreq = Bool()
/* Resume request signal for all currently selected harts. When set to 1,
the hart will resume if it is currently halted.
Setting both \Fhaltreq and \Fresumereq leads to undefined behavior.
/* Writes the resume request bit for all currently selected harts.
When set to 1, each selected hart will resume if it is currently
The resume request bit is ignored while the halt request bit is
Writes apply to the new value of \Fhartsel and \Fhasel.
val resumereq = Bool()
/* This optional bit controls reset to all the currently selected harts.
To perform a reset the debugger writes 1, and then writes 0 to
deassert the reset signal.
/* This optional field writes the reset bit for all the currently
selected harts. To perform a reset the debugger writes 1, and then
writes 0 to deassert the reset signal.
If this feature is not implemented, the bit always stays 0, so
after writing 1 the debugger can read the register back to see if
@ -345,7 +378,14 @@ class DMCONTROLFields extends Bundle {
val hartreset = Bool()
val reserved0 = UInt(2.W)
/* Writing 1 to this bit clears the {\tt havereset} bits for
any selected harts.
Writes apply to the new value of \Fhartsel and \Fhasel.
val ackhavereset = Bool()
val reserved0 = UInt(1.W)
/* Selects the definition of currently selected harts.
@ -369,7 +409,11 @@ class DMCONTROLFields extends Bundle {
val reserved1 = UInt(14.W)
/* This bit controls the reset signal from the DM to the rest of the
system. To perform a reset the debugger writes 1, and then writes 0
system. The signal should reset every part of the system, including
every hart, except for the DM and any logic required to access the
To perform a system reset the debugger writes 1,
and then writes 0
to deassert the reset.
val ndmreset = Bool()
@ -386,8 +430,8 @@ class DMCONTROLFields extends Bundle {
Debug Module after power up, including the platform's system reset
or Debug Transport reset signals.
A debugger should pulse this bit low to ensure that the Debug
Module is fully reset and ready to use.
A debugger may pulse this bit low to get the debug module into a
known state.
Implementations may use this bit to aid debugging, for example by
preventing the Debug Module from being power gated while debugging
@ -431,7 +475,7 @@ class HARTINFOFields extends Bundle {
shadowing the {\tt data} registers.
If \Fdataaccess is 1: Signed address of RAM where the {\tt data}
registers are shadowed.
registers are shadowed, to be used to access relative to \Rzero.
val dataaddr = UInt(12.W)
@ -524,11 +568,8 @@ class ABSTRACTCSFields extends Bundle {
val reserved0 = UInt(3.W)
/* Size of the Program Buffer, in 32-bit words. Valid sizes are 0 - 16.
TODO: Explain what can be done with each size of the buffer, to suggest
why you would want more or less words.
val progsize = UInt(5.W)
val progbufsize = UInt(5.W)
val reserved1 = UInt(11.W)
@ -547,8 +588,9 @@ class ABSTRACTCSFields extends Bundle {
0 (none): No error.
1 (busy): An abstract command was executing while \Rcommand or one
of the {\tt data} registers was accessed.
1 (busy): An abstract command was executing while \Rcommand,
\Rabstractcs, \Rabstractauto was written, or when one
of the {\tt data} or {\tt progbuf} registers was read or written.
2 (not supported): The requested command is not supported. A
command that is not supported while the hart is running may be
@ -567,7 +609,7 @@ class ABSTRACTCSFields extends Bundle {
val reserved3 = UInt(3.W)
/* Number of {\tt data} registers that are implemented as part of the
abstract command interface. Valid sizes are 0 - 8.
abstract command interface. Valid sizes are 0 - 12.
val datacount = UInt(5.W)
@ -590,20 +632,20 @@ class COMMANDFields extends Bundle {
class ABSTRACTAUTOFields extends Bundle {
/* When a bit in this field is 1, read or write accesses the corresponding {\tt progbuf} word
cause the command in \Rcommand to be executed again.
cause the command in \Rcommand to be executed again.
val autoexecprogbuf = UInt(16.W)
val reserved0 = UInt(4.W)
/* When a bit in this field is 1, read or write accesses the corresponding {\tt data} word
cause the command in \Rcommand to be executed again.
cause the command in \Rcommand to be executed again.
val autoexecdata = UInt(12.W)
class CFGSTRADDR0Fields extends Bundle {
class DEVTREEADDR0Fields extends Bundle {
val addr = UInt(32.W)
@ -627,88 +669,6 @@ class AUTHDATAFields extends Bundle {
class SERCSFields extends Bundle {
/* Number of supported serial ports.
val serialcount = UInt(4.W)
val reserved0 = UInt(1.W)
/* Select which serial port is accessed by \Rserrx and \Rsertx.
val serial = UInt(3.W)
val error7 = Bool()
val valid7 = Bool()
val full7 = Bool()
val error6 = Bool()
val valid6 = Bool()
val full6 = Bool()
val error5 = Bool()
val valid5 = Bool()
val full5 = Bool()
val error4 = Bool()
val valid4 = Bool()
val full4 = Bool()
val error3 = Bool()
val valid3 = Bool()
val full3 = Bool()
val error2 = Bool()
val valid2 = Bool()
val full2 = Bool()
val error1 = Bool()
val valid1 = Bool()
val full1 = Bool()
/* 1 when the debugger-to-core queue for serial port 0 has
over or underflowed. This bit will remain set until it is reset by
writing 1 to this bit.
val error0 = Bool()
/* 1 when the core-to-debugger queue for serial port 0 is not empty.
val valid0 = Bool()
/* 1 when the debugger-to-core queue for serial port 0 is full.
val full0 = Bool()
class SERTXFields extends Bundle {
val data = UInt(32.W)
class SERRXFields extends Bundle {
val data = UInt(32.W)
class SBCSFields extends Bundle {
val reserved0 = UInt(11.W)
@ -731,20 +691,18 @@ class SBCSFields extends Bundle {
4: 128-bit
If an unsupported system bus access size is written here,
the DM may not perform the access, or may perform the access
with any access size.
If an unsupported system bus access size is written here, the DM
does not perform the access and sberror is set to 3.
val sbaccess = UInt(3.W)
/* When 1, the internal address value (used by the system bus master)
is incremented by the access size (in bytes) selected in \Fsbaccess
after every system bus access.
/* When 1, {\tt sbaddress} is incremented by the access size (in
bytes) selected in \Fsbaccess after every system bus access.
val sbautoincrement = Bool()
/* When 1, every read from \Rsbdatazero automatically triggers a system
bus read at the new address.
/* When 1, every read from \Rsbdatazero automatically triggers a
system bus read at the (possibly auto-incremented) address.
val sbautoread = Bool()
@ -762,10 +720,9 @@ class SBCSFields extends Bundle {
3: There was some other error (eg. alignment).
4: The system bus master was busy when a one of the
4: The system bus master was busy when one of the
{\tt sbaddress} or {\tt sbdata} registers was written,
or the {\tt sbdata} register was read when it had
stale data.
or \Rsbdatazero was read when it had stale data.
val sberror = UInt(3.W)
@ -798,7 +755,7 @@ class SBCSFields extends Bundle {
class SBADDRESS0Fields extends Bundle {
/* Accesses bits 31:0 of the internal address.
/* Accesses bits 31:0 of the physical address in {\tt sbaddress}.
val address = UInt(32.W)
@ -806,8 +763,8 @@ class SBADDRESS0Fields extends Bundle {
class SBADDRESS1Fields extends Bundle {
/* Accesses bits 63:32 of the internal address (if the system address
bus is that wide).
/* Accesses bits 63:32 of the physical address in {\tt sbaddress} (if
the system address bus is that wide).
val address = UInt(32.W)
@ -815,8 +772,8 @@ class SBADDRESS1Fields extends Bundle {
class SBADDRESS2Fields extends Bundle {
/* Accesses bits 95:64 of the internal address (if the system address
bus is that wide).
/* Accesses bits 95:64 of the physical address in {\tt sbaddress} (if
the system address bus is that wide).
val address = UInt(32.W)
@ -824,7 +781,7 @@ class SBADDRESS2Fields extends Bundle {
class SBDATA0Fields extends Bundle {
/* Accesses bits 31:0 of the internal data.
/* Accesses bits 31:0 of {\tt sbdata}.
val data = UInt(32.W)
@ -832,8 +789,8 @@ class SBDATA0Fields extends Bundle {
class SBDATA1Fields extends Bundle {
/* Accesses bits 63:32 of the internal data (if the system bus is
that wide).
/* Accesses bits 63:32 of {\tt sbdata} (if the system bus is that
val data = UInt(32.W)
@ -841,8 +798,8 @@ class SBDATA1Fields extends Bundle {
class SBDATA2Fields extends Bundle {
/* Accesses bits 95:64 of the internal data (if the system bus is
that wide).
/* Accesses bits 95:64 of {\tt sbdata} (if the system bus is that
val data = UInt(32.W)
@ -850,8 +807,8 @@ class SBDATA2Fields extends Bundle {
class SBDATA3Fields extends Bundle {
/* Accesses bits 127:96 of the internal data (if the system bus is
that wide).
/* Accesses bits 127:96 of {\tt sbdata} (if the system bus is that
val data = UInt(32.W)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user