fix D$ critical paths and fix verilog build

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Waterman 2012-03-09 20:01:47 -08:00
parent e591d83e91
commit e3a68848e0
2 changed files with 63 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ class LoadDataGen extends Component {
class MSHRReq extends Bundle {
val tag_miss = Bool()
val old_state = UFix(width = 2)
val old_tag = Bits(width = TAG_BITS)
@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ class MSHR(id: Int) extends Component with FourStateCoherence {
val wb_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new WritebackReq }
val s_invalid :: s_meta_invalidate :: s_wb_req :: s_wb_resp :: s_refill_req :: s_refill_resp :: s_drain_rpq :: s_write_meta :: Nil = Enum(8) { UFix() }
val s_invalid :: s_wb_req :: s_wb_resp :: s_refill_req :: s_refill_resp :: s_drain_rpq :: Nil = Enum(6) { UFix() }
val state = Reg(resetVal = s_invalid)
val flush = Reg { Bool() }
@ -201,13 +202,13 @@ class MSHR(id: Int) extends Component with FourStateCoherence {
val req_cmd = io.req_bits.cmd
val req_use_rpq = (req_cmd != M_PFR) && (req_cmd != M_PFW) && (req_cmd != M_FLA)
val idx_match = req.idx === io.req_bits.idx
val sec_rdy = idx_match && !flush && (state === s_meta_invalidate || state === s_wb_req || state === s_wb_resp || (state === s_refill_req || state === s_refill_resp) && !needsSecondaryXact(req_cmd, io.mem_req.bits))
val sec_rdy = idx_match && !flush && (state === s_wb_req || state === s_wb_resp || (state === s_refill_req || state === s_refill_resp) && !needsSecondaryXact(req_cmd, io.mem_req.bits))
val rpq = (new queue(NRPQ)) { new RPQEntry }
rpq.io.enq.valid := (io.req_pri_val && io.req_pri_rdy || io.req_sec_val && sec_rdy) && req_use_rpq
rpq.io.enq.bits := io.req_bits
rpq.io.enq.bits.sdq_id := io.req_sdq_id
rpq.io.deq.ready := io.replay.ready && (state === s_drain_rpq)
rpq.io.deq.ready := io.replay.ready && (state === s_drain_rpq) || (state === s_invalid)
val abort = io.mem_abort.valid && io.mem_abort.bits.tile_xact_id === UFix(id)
val reply = io.mem_rep.valid && io.mem_rep.bits.tile_xact_id === UFix(id)
@ -218,12 +219,9 @@ class MSHR(id: Int) extends Component with FourStateCoherence {
finish_q.io.enq.valid := wb_done || refill_done
finish_q.io.enq.bits.global_xact_id := io.mem_rep.bits.global_xact_id
when (state === s_write_meta && io.meta_req.ready) {
when (state === s_drain_rpq && !rpq.io.deq.valid && !finish_q.io.deq.valid && io.meta_req.ready) {
state := s_invalid
when (state === s_drain_rpq && !rpq.io.deq.valid && !finish_q.io.deq.valid) {
state := s_write_meta
when (state === s_refill_resp) {
when (refill_done) { state := s_drain_rpq }
when (reply) {
@ -233,7 +231,7 @@ class MSHR(id: Int) extends Component with FourStateCoherence {
when (abort) { state := s_refill_req }
when (state === s_refill_req && io.mem_req.ready) {
state := Mux(flush, s_write_meta, s_refill_resp)
state := Mux(flush, s_drain_rpq, s_refill_resp)
when (state === s_wb_resp) {
when (reply) { state := s_refill_req }
@ -242,20 +240,20 @@ class MSHR(id: Int) extends Component with FourStateCoherence {
when (state === s_wb_req && io.wb_req.ready) {
state := s_wb_resp
when (state === s_meta_invalidate && io.meta_req.ready) {
state := Mux(needsWriteback(req.old_state), s_wb_req, s_refill_req)
when (io.req_sec_val && io.req_sec_rdy) { // s_meta_invalidate, s_wb_req, s_wb_resp, s_refill_req
when (io.req_sec_val && io.req_sec_rdy) { // s_wb_req, s_wb_resp, s_refill_req
xact_type := newTransactionOnSecondaryMiss(req_cmd, newStateOnFlush(), io.mem_req.bits)
when ((state === s_invalid) && io.req_pri_val) {
state := s_meta_invalidate
flush := req_cmd === M_FLA
line_state := newStateOnFlush()
refill_count := UFix(0)
xact_type := newTransactionOnPrimaryMiss(req_cmd, newStateOnFlush())
req := io.req_bits
when (io.req_bits.tag_miss) {
state := Mux(needsWriteback(io.req_bits.old_state), s_wb_req, s_refill_req)
io.idx_match := (state != s_invalid) && idx_match
@ -266,7 +264,7 @@ class MSHR(id: Int) extends Component with FourStateCoherence {
io.req_pri_rdy := (state === s_invalid)
io.req_sec_rdy := sec_rdy && rpq.io.enq.ready
io.meta_req.valid := (state === s_write_meta) || (state === s_meta_invalidate)
io.meta_req.valid := (state === s_drain_rpq) && !rpq.io.deq.valid && !finish_q.io.deq.valid
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.rw := Bool(true)
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.idx := req.idx
io.meta_req.bits.inner_req.data.state := line_state
@ -389,7 +387,8 @@ class MSHRFile extends Component {
val (replay_read, replay_write) = cpuCmdToRW(replay.bits.cmd)
val sdq_free = replay.valid && replay.ready && replay_write
sdq_val := sdq_val & ~(sdq_free.toUFix << replay.bits.sdq_id) | (sdq_enq.toUFix << sdq_alloc_id)
sdq_val := sdq_val & ~(sdq_free.toUFix << replay.bits.sdq_id) |
PriorityEncoderOH(~sdq_val(NSDQ-1,0)) & Fill(NSDQ, sdq_enq && io.req.bits.tag_miss)
io.data_req.bits.data := sdq.read(Mux(replay.valid && !replay.ready, replay.bits.sdq_id, replay_arb.io.out.bits.sdq_id))
io.cpu_resp_val := Reg(replay.valid && replay.ready && replay_read, resetVal = Bool(false))
@ -454,7 +453,7 @@ class FlushUnit(lines: Int) extends Component with FourStateCoherence{
val io = new Bundle {
val req = (new ioDecoupled) { Bool() }.flip
val meta_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayArrayReq() }
val mshr_req = (new ioDecoupled) { Bool() }.flip
val mshr_req = (new ioDecoupled) { Bool() }
val s_reset :: s_ready :: s_meta_read :: s_meta_wait :: Nil = Enum(4) { UFix() }
@ -506,14 +505,12 @@ class MetaDataArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
val state_req = (new ioDecoupled) { new MetaArrayReq() }.flip
val permissions_array = Mem(lines){ Bits(width = 2) }
val permissions_array = Mem(lines){ UFix(width = 2) }
permissions_array.write(io.state_req.bits.idx, io.state_req.bits.data.state, io.state_req.valid && io.state_req.bits.rw)
val permissions_rdata1 = permissions_array.rw(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.data.state, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw)
// don't allow reading and writing of vd_array in same cycle.
// this could be eliminated if the read port were combinational.
val permissions_conflict = io.state_req.valid && (io.req.bits.idx === io.state_req.bits.idx)
permissions_array.write(io.req.bits.idx, io.req.bits.data.state, io.req.valid && io.req.bits.rw)
val raddr = Reg() { Bits() }
when (io.req.valid && !io.req.bits.rw) { raddr := io.req.bits.idx }
val permissions_rdata1 = permissions_array.read(raddr)
val tag_array = Mem(lines){ Bits(width=TAG_BITS) }
@ -522,7 +519,7 @@ class MetaDataArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
io.resp.state := permissions_rdata1.toUFix
io.resp.tag := tag_rdata
io.req.ready := !permissions_conflict
io.req.ready := Bool(true)
class MetaDataArrayArray(lines: Int) extends Component {
@ -782,11 +779,10 @@ class HellaCacheUniproc extends HellaCache with FourStateCoherence {
val hit_way_oh = Cat(Bits(0),tag_match_arr.reverse:_*)(NWAYS-1, 0) //TODO: use Vec
val meta_resp_way_oh = Mux(meta.io.way_en === ~UFix(0, NWAYS), hit_way_oh, meta.io.way_en)
val data_resp_way_oh = Mux(data.io.way_en === ~UFix(0, NWAYS), hit_way_oh, data.io.way_en)
val meta_resp_mux = Mux1H(NWAYS, meta_resp_way_oh, meta.io.resp)
val data_resp_mux = Mux1H(NWAYS, data_resp_way_oh, data.io.resp)
val meta_resp_mux = Mux1H(meta_resp_way_oh, meta.io.resp)
val data_resp_mux = Mux1H(data_resp_way_oh, data.io.resp)
// writeback unit
val finish_arb = (new Arbiter(2)) { new TransactionFinish }
val wb = new WritebackUnit
wb.io.req <> mshr.io.wb_req
wb.io.data_req <> data_arb.io.in(3)
@ -796,7 +792,7 @@ class HellaCacheUniproc extends HellaCache with FourStateCoherence {
val replacer = new RandomReplacementWayGen()
replacer.io.way_en := ~UFix(0, NWAYS)
val replaced_way_oh = Mux(flusher.io.mshr_req.valid, r_way_oh, UFixToOH(replacer.io.way_id, NWAYS))
val meta_wb_mux = Mux1H(NWAYS, replaced_way_oh, meta.io.resp)
val meta_wb_mux = Mux1H(replaced_way_oh, meta.io.resp)
// refill response
data_arb.io.in(0).bits.inner_req.offset := mshr.io.mem_resp_offset
@ -833,17 +829,17 @@ class HellaCacheUniproc extends HellaCache with FourStateCoherence {
val drain_store = drain_store_val && data_arb.io.in(2).ready
val p_amo = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
val p_store_rdy = !(p_store_valid && !drain_store) && !(mshr.io.data_req.valid || r_replay_amo || p_amo)
p_amo := tag_hit && mshr.io.req.ready && r_req_amo && p_store_rdy && !p_store_match || r_replay_amo
p_store_valid := p_store_valid && !drain_store || (tag_hit && mshr.io.req.ready && r_req_store && p_store_rdy) || p_amo
p_amo := tag_hit && r_req_amo && mshr.io.req.ready && !nack_hit || r_replay_amo
p_store_valid := p_store_valid && !drain_store || (tag_hit && r_req_store && mshr.io.req.ready && !nack_hit) || p_amo
// tag update after a store to an exclusive clean line.
val new_hit_state = newStateOnHit(r_cpu_req_cmd, meta_resp_mux.state)
val set_hit_state = tag_hit && meta_resp_mux.state != new_hit_state
meta.io.state_req.bits.inner_req.rw := Bool(true)
meta.io.state_req.bits.inner_req.idx := r_cpu_req_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb)
meta.io.state_req.bits.inner_req.data.state := new_hit_state
meta.io.state_req.bits.way_en := hit_way_oh
meta.io.state_req.valid := set_hit_state
meta.io.state_req.bits.inner_req.idx := Reg(r_cpu_req_idx(indexmsb,indexlsb))
meta.io.state_req.bits.inner_req.data.state := Reg(new_hit_state)
meta.io.state_req.bits.way_en := Reg(hit_way_oh)
meta.io.state_req.valid := Reg(set_hit_state, resetVal = Bool(false))
// pending store data, also used for AMO RHS
val amoalu = new AMOALU
@ -859,7 +855,8 @@ class HellaCacheUniproc extends HellaCache with FourStateCoherence {
// miss handling
mshr.io.req.valid := tag_miss && r_req_readwrite && !nack_hit || flusher.io.mshr_req.valid
mshr.io.req.valid := r_cpu_req_val && r_req_readwrite && !nack_hit || flusher.io.mshr_req.valid
mshr.io.req.bits.tag_miss := tag_miss || flusher.io.mshr_req.valid
mshr.io.req.bits.old_state := meta_wb_mux.state
mshr.io.req.bits.old_tag := meta_wb_mux.tag
mshr.io.req.bits.tag := cpu_req_tag
@ -872,7 +869,6 @@ class HellaCacheUniproc extends HellaCache with FourStateCoherence {
mshr.io.req.bits.data := cpu_req_data
mshr.io.mem_rep <> io.mem.xact_rep
mshr.io.mem_finish <> finish_arb.io.in(1)
mshr.io.mem_abort.valid := io.mem.xact_abort.valid
mshr.io.mem_abort.bits := io.mem.xact_abort.bits
mshr.io.meta_req <> meta_arb.io.in(1)
@ -925,7 +921,8 @@ class HellaCacheUniproc extends HellaCache with FourStateCoherence {
// fences and flushes are the exceptions.
val pending_fence = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false))
pending_fence := (r_cpu_req_val_ && r_req_fence || pending_fence) && !mshr.io.fence_rdy
nack_hit := p_store_match || replay_val || r_req_write && !p_store_rdy
nack_hit := p_store_match || replay_val || r_req_write && !p_store_rdy ||
p_store_idx_match && meta.io.state_req.valid
val nack_miss = !mshr.io.req.ready
val nack_flush = !mshr.io.fence_rdy && (r_req_fence || r_req_flush) ||
!flushed && r_req_flush
@ -947,5 +944,5 @@ class HellaCacheUniproc extends HellaCache with FourStateCoherence {
io.mem.xact_init <> xact_init_arb.io.out
io.mem.xact_init_data <> wb.io.mem_req_data
io.mem.xact_finish <> finish_arb.io.out
io.mem.xact_finish <> mshr.io.mem_finish

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@ -119,46 +119,7 @@ object ShiftRegister
object Mux1H
//TODO: cloning in(0) is unsafe if other elements have different widths, but
//is that even allowable?
def apply [T <: Data](n: Int, sel: Vec[Bool], in: Vec[T]): T = {
MuxCase(in(0), (0 until n).map( i => (sel(i), in(i))))
// val mux = (new Mux1H(n)){ in(0).clone }
// mux.io.sel <> sel
// mux.io.in <> in
// mux.io.out.asInstanceOf[T]
def apply [T <: Data](n: Int, sel: Seq[Bool], in: Vec[T]): T = {
MuxCase(in(0), (0 until n).map( i => (sel(i), in(i))))
// val mux = (new Mux1H(n)){ in(0).clone }
// for(i <- 0 until n) {
// mux.io.sel(i) := sel(i)
// }
// mux.io.in <> in.asOutput
// mux.io.out.asInstanceOf[T]
def apply [T <: Data](n: Int, sel: Bits, in: Vec[T]): T = {
MuxCase(in(0), (0 until n).map( i => (sel(i).toBool, in(i))))
// val mux = (new Mux1H(n)){ in(0).clone }
// for(i <- 0 until n) {
// mux.io.sel(i) := sel(i).toBool
// }
// mux.io.in := in
// mux.io.out
class Mux1H [T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: => T) extends Component
val io = new Bundle {
val sel = Vec(n) { Bool(dir = INPUT) }
val in = Vec(n) { gen }.asInput
val out = gen.asOutput
def buildMux(sel: Bits, in: Vec[T], i: Int, n: Int): T = {
def buildMux[T <: Data](sel: Bits, in: Vec[T], i: Int, n: Int): T = {
if (n == 1)
@ -170,7 +131,19 @@ class Mux1H [T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: => T) extends Component
io.out := buildMux(io.sel.toBits, io.in, 0, n)
def apply [T <: Data](sel: Bits, in: Vec[T]): T = buildMux(sel, in, 0, sel.getWidth)
def apply [T <: Data](sel: Vec[Bool], in: Vec[T]): T = apply(sel.toBits, in)
class Mux1H [T <: Data](n: Int)(gen: => T) extends Component
val io = new Bundle {
val sel = Vec(n) { Bool(dir = INPUT) }
val in = Vec(n) { gen }.asInput
val out = gen.asOutput
io.out := Mux1H(io.sel, io.in)
@ -267,3 +240,17 @@ object PriorityEncoder
Mux(in(n), UFix(n), doApply(in, n+1))
object PriorityEncoderOH
def apply(in: Bits): UFix = doApply(in, 0)
def doApply(in: Bits, n: Int = 0): UFix = {
val out = Vec(in.getWidth) { Wire() { Bool() } }
var none_hot = Bool(true)
for (i <- 0 until in.getWidth) {
out(i) := none_hot && in(i)
none_hot = none_hot && !in(i)