ahb: add a test SRAM

This commit is contained in:
Wesley W. Terpstra 2016-05-24 14:06:57 -07:00
parent 1db40687c6
commit e1e8eda419

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@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ trait HasHastiParameters {
val hastiParams = p(HastiKey(p(HastiId))) val hastiParams = p(HastiKey(p(HastiId)))
val hastiAddrBits = hastiParams.addrBits val hastiAddrBits = hastiParams.addrBits
val hastiDataBits = hastiParams.dataBits val hastiDataBits = hastiParams.dataBits
val hastiDataBytes = hastiDataBits/8
val hastiAlignment = log2Up(hastiDataBytes)
} }
abstract class HastiModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module abstract class HastiModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
@ -420,3 +422,86 @@ class HastiMasterIONastiIOConverter(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule(
when (len === UInt(0)) { state := s_idle } when (len === UInt(0)) { state := s_idle }
} }
} }
class HastiTestSRAM(depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new HastiSlaveIO
// This is a test SRAM with random delays
val ready = LFSR16(Bool(true))(0) // Bool(true)
// Calculate the bitmask of which bytes are being accessed
val mask_decode = Vec.tabulate(hastiAlignment+1) (UInt(_) <= io.hsize)
val mask_wide = Vec.tabulate(hastiDataBytes) { i => mask_decode(log2Up(i+1)) }
val mask_shift = mask_wide.toBits().asUInt() << io.haddr(hastiAlignment-1,0)
// The request had better have been aligned! (AHB-lite requires this)
assert ((io.haddr & mask_decode.toBits()(hastiAlignment,1).asUInt) === UInt(0))
// The mask and address during the address phase
val a_request = io.hsel && (io.htrans === HTRANS_NONSEQ || io.htrans === HTRANS_SEQ)
val a_mask = mask_shift(hastiDataBytes-1, 0)
val a_address = io.haddr >> UInt(hastiAlignment)
val a_write = io.hwrite
// The data phase signals
val d_read = RegEnable(a_request && !a_write, Bool(false), ready)
val d_mask = RegEnable(a_mask, ready && a_request)
val d_wdata = Vec.tabulate(hastiDataBytes) { i => io.hwdata(8*(i+1)-1, 8*i) }
// AHB writes must occur during the data phase; this poses a structural
// hazard with reads which must occur during the address phase. To solve
// this problem, we delay the writes until there is a free cycle.
// The idea is to record the address information from address phase and
// then as soon as possible flush the pending write. This cannot be done
// on a cycle when there is an address phase read, but on any other cycle
// the write will execute. In the case of reads following a write, the
// result must bypass data from the pending write into the read if they
// happen to have matching address.
// Remove this once HoldUnless is in chisel3
def holdUnless[T <: Data](in : T, enable: Bool): T = Mux(!enable, RegEnable(in, enable), in)
// Pending write?
val p_valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val p_address = Reg(a_address)
val p_mask = Reg(a_mask)
val p_latch_d = RegNext(ready && a_request && a_write, Bool(false))
val p_wdata = holdUnless(d_wdata, p_latch_d)
// Use single-ported memory with byte-write enable
val mem = SeqMem(depth, Vec(hastiDataBytes, Bits(width = 8)))
// Decide is the SRAM port is used for reading or (potentially) writing
val read = ready && a_request && !a_write
// In case we are stalled, we need to hold the read data
val d_rdata = holdUnless(mem.read(a_address, read), RegNext(read))
// Whenever the port is not needed for reading, execute pending writes
when (!read) {
when (p_valid) { mem.write(p_address, p_wdata, p_mask.toBools) }
p_valid := Bool(false)
// Record the request for later?
when (ready && a_request && a_write) {
p_valid := Bool(true)
p_address := a_address
p_mask := a_mask
// Does the read need to be muxed with the previous write?
val a_bypass = a_address === p_address && p_valid
val d_bypass = RegEnable(a_bypass, ready && a_request)
// Mux in data from the pending write
val muxdata = Vec((p_mask.toBools zip (p_wdata zip d_rdata))
map { case (m, (p, r)) => Mux(d_bypass && m, p, r) })
// Wipe out any data the master should not see (for testing)
val outdata = Vec((d_mask.toBools zip muxdata)
map { case (m, p) => Mux(d_read && ready && m, p, Bits(0)) })
// Finally, the outputs
io.hrdata := outdata.toBits()
io.hready := ready
io.hresp := HRESP_OKAY