make NastiConverterTest act as generator and share blocks

This commit is contained in:
Howard Mao 2016-07-08 13:39:46 -07:00
parent 850fa092a4
commit d80c2f480f

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@ -6,93 +6,48 @@ import uncore.converters._
import junctions._
import cde.Parameters
abstract class NastiTest(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasNastiParameters with HasMIFParameters with HasAddrMapParameters {
class NastiGenerator(id: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasNastiParameters
with HasMIFParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters
with HasGeneratorParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
val mem = new NastiIO
val memStart = addrMap("mem").start + 0x40000
class NastiBlockTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiTest()(p) {
val (s_start :: s_write_req :: s_write_resp ::
s_read_req :: s_read_resp :: s_finish :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 6)
val state = Reg(init = s_start)
val addr_sent = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val data_sent = Reg(init = UInt(0, mifDataBeats))
val data_beats = Vec.tabulate(mifDataBeats) { i => UInt(i * 0x20) }
val (r_count, r_done) = Counter(io.mem.r.fire(), mifDataBeats)
val (w_count, w_done) = Counter(io.mem.w.fire(), mifDataBeats)
io.mem.aw.valid := (state === s_write_req) && !addr_sent
io.mem.aw.bits := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = UInt(memStart),
len = UInt(mifDataBeats - 1),
size = UInt(log2Up(mifDataBits / 8)))
io.mem.w.valid := (state === s_write_req) && !data_sent.andR
io.mem.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(
data = data_beats(w_count),
last = w_count === UInt(mifDataBeats - 1))
io.mem.b.ready := (state === s_write_resp)
io.mem.ar.valid := (state === s_read_req)
io.mem.ar.bits := NastiReadAddressChannel(
id = UInt(1),
addr = UInt(memStart),
len = UInt(mifDataBeats - 1),
size = UInt(log2Up(mifDataBits / 8)))
io.mem.r.ready := (state === s_read_resp)
when (state === s_start) { state := s_write_req }
when (io.mem.aw.fire()) { addr_sent := Bool(true) }
when (io.mem.w.fire()) { data_sent := data_sent | UIntToOH(w_count) }
when (w_done) { state := s_write_resp }
when (io.mem.b.fire()) { state := s_read_req }
when (io.mem.ar.fire()) { state := s_read_resp }
when (r_done) { state := s_finish }
io.finished := (state === s_finish)
assert(!io.mem.r.valid || io.mem.r.bits.data === data_beats(r_count),
"NASTI Block Test: results do not match")
class NastiSmallTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiTest()(p) {
val mifDataBytes = mifDataBits / 8
val (s_start :: s_write_addr :: s_write_data ::
s_read :: s_wait :: s_finish :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 6)
val state = Reg(init = s_start)
val nTests = 512
val ref_data = Vec.tabulate(nTests) { i => UInt(0x35abffcd + i, 32) }
def ref_data(idx: UInt) = UInt(0x35abffcd, genWordBits) + (idx << UInt(3))
val (write_idx, write_done) = Counter(io.mem.w.fire(), nTests)
val write_addr = UInt(memStart + 0x200) + Cat(write_idx, UInt(0, 2))
val write_data = Fill(mifDataBits / 32, ref_data(write_idx))
val part_of_addr =
if (log2Ceil(nGens) > 0) {
Cat(UInt(id, log2Ceil(nGens)),
UInt(0, wordOffset))
} else {
UInt(0, wordOffset)
val (write_idx, write_done) = Counter(io.mem.w.fire(), maxRequests)
val write_addr = UInt(startAddress) + Cat(write_idx, part_of_addr)
val write_data = Fill(mifDataBits / genWordBits, ref_data(write_idx))
val write_align = write_addr(log2Up(mifDataBytes) - 1, 0)
val write_mask = UInt("h0f") << write_align
val write_mask = UInt((1 << genWordBytes) - 1, nastiWStrobeBits) << write_align
val (read_idx, read_done) = Counter(io.mem.ar.fire(), nTests)
val read_addr = UInt(memStart + 0x200) + Cat(read_idx, UInt(0, 2))
val (read_resp_idx, read_resp_done) = Counter(io.mem.r.fire(), nTests)
val (read_idx, read_done) = Counter(io.mem.ar.fire(), maxRequests)
val read_addr = UInt(startAddress) + Cat(read_idx, part_of_addr)
io.mem.aw.valid := (state === s_write_addr)
io.mem.aw.bits := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = write_addr,
len = UInt(0),
size = UInt("b010"))
size = UInt(log2Ceil(genWordBytes)))
io.mem.w.valid := (state === s_write_data)
io.mem.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(
@ -105,11 +60,22 @@ class NastiSmallTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiTest()(p) {
id = UInt(0),
addr = read_addr,
len = UInt(0),
size = UInt("b010"))
size = UInt(log2Ceil(genWordBytes)))
io.mem.r.ready := Bool(true)
io.mem.b.ready := Bool(true)
io.finished := (state === s_finish)
val (read_resp_idx, read_resp_done) = Counter(io.mem.r.fire(), maxRequests)
val read_resp_addr = UInt(startAddress) + Cat(read_resp_idx, part_of_addr)
val read_offset = read_resp_addr(log2Up(nastiXDataBits / 8) - 1, 0)
val read_shift = Cat(read_offset, UInt(0, 3))
val read_data = (io.mem.r.bits.data >> read_shift)(genWordBits - 1, 0)
assert(!io.mem.r.valid || read_data === ref_data(read_resp_idx),
"NASTI Test: results do not match")
when (state === s_start) { state := s_write_addr }
when (io.mem.aw.fire()) { state := s_write_data }
when (io.mem.w.fire()) { state := s_write_addr }
@ -117,81 +83,34 @@ class NastiSmallTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends NastiTest()(p) {
when (read_done) { state := s_wait }
when (read_resp_done) { state := s_finish }
io.finished := (state === s_finish)
val readShiftBits = log2Ceil(mifDataBits / 32)
val read_shift = Cat(read_resp_idx(readShiftBits - 1, 0), UInt(0, 5))
val read_data = (io.mem.r.bits.data >> read_shift)(31, 0)
assert(!io.mem.r.valid || read_data === ref_data(read_resp_idx),
"NASTI Small Test: results do not match")
class NastiSequencer(n: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(n, new NastiIO).flip
val out = new NastiIO()
val finished = Vec(n, Bool(INPUT))
val selection = Reg(init = UInt(0, log2Up(n)))
val all_finished = io.finished.reduce(_ && _)
when (!all_finished && io.finished(selection)) {
selection := selection + UInt(1)
io.out.ar.valid := io.in(selection).ar.valid
io.out.ar.bits := io.in(selection).ar.bits
io.out.aw.valid := io.in(selection).aw.valid
io.out.aw.bits := io.in(selection).aw.bits
io.out.w.valid := io.in(selection).w.valid
io.out.w.bits := io.in(selection).w.bits
io.out.b.ready := io.in(selection).b.ready
io.out.r.ready := io.in(selection).r.ready
for ((in, i) <- io.in.zipWithIndex) {
val me = selection === UInt(i)
in.ar.ready := io.out.ar.ready && me
in.aw.ready := io.out.aw.ready && me
in.w.ready := io.out.w.ready && me
in.b.valid := io.out.b.valid && me
in.b.bits := io.out.b.bits
in.r.valid := io.out.r.valid && me
in.r.bits := io.out.r.bits
val r_timer = Module(new Timer(1000, 2))
r_timer.io.start.valid := io.out.ar.fire()
r_timer.io.start.bits := io.out.ar.bits.id
r_timer.io.stop.valid := io.out.r.fire() && io.out.r.bits.last
r_timer.io.stop.bits := io.out.r.bits.id
r_timer.io.start.valid := io.mem.ar.fire()
r_timer.io.start.bits := io.mem.ar.bits.id
r_timer.io.stop.valid := io.mem.r.fire() && io.mem.r.bits.last
r_timer.io.stop.bits := io.mem.r.bits.id
assert(!r_timer.io.timeout, "NASTI Read timed out")
val w_timer = Module(new Timer(1000, 2))
w_timer.io.start.valid := io.out.aw.fire()
w_timer.io.start.bits := io.out.aw.bits.id
w_timer.io.stop.valid := io.out.b.fire()
w_timer.io.stop.bits := io.out.b.bits.id
w_timer.io.start.valid := io.mem.aw.fire()
w_timer.io.start.bits := io.mem.aw.bits.id
w_timer.io.stop.valid := io.mem.b.fire()
w_timer.io.stop.bits := io.mem.b.bits.id
assert(!w_timer.io.timeout, "NASTI Write timed out")
class NastiConverterTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends GroundTest()(p)
with HasNastiParameters {
val tests = Seq(Module(new NastiBlockTest), Module(new NastiSmallTest))
require(tileSettings.uncached == 1 && tileSettings.cached == 0)
val sequencer = Module(new NastiSequencer(tests.size))
val genId = p(GroundTestKey).take(tileId)
.map(settings => settings.cached + settings.uncached)
.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
val test = Module(new NastiGenerator(genId))
val converter = Module(new TileLinkIONastiIOConverter()(
p.alterPartial { case TLId => "Outermost" }))
sequencer.io.in <> tests.map(_.io.mem)
sequencer.io.finished := tests.map(_.io.finished)
converter.io.nasti <> sequencer.io.out
converter.io.nasti <> test.io.mem
TileLinkWidthAdapter(io.mem.head, converter.io.tl)
io.finished := tests.map(_.io.finished).reduce(_ && _)
io.finished := test.io.finished