Merge pull request #889 from freechipsproject/acq-before-rel-and-jump-in-frontend

Acquire before release; jump in frontend
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Waterman 2017-07-25 16:26:47 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit d43f02268b
10 changed files with 239 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -11,21 +11,20 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.tile.HasCoreParameters
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
case class BTBParams(
nEntries: Int = 40,
nEntries: Int = 32,
nMatchBits: Int = 14,
nPages: Int = 6,
nRAS: Int = 2,
nRAS: Int = 6,
nBHT: Int = 256,
updatesOutOfOrder: Boolean = false)
trait HasBtbParameters extends HasCoreParameters {
val btbParams = tileParams.btb.getOrElse(BTBParams(nEntries = 0))
val matchBits = btbParams.nMatchBits max log2Ceil(p(CacheBlockBytes) * tileParams.icache.get.nSets)
val entries = btbParams.nEntries
val nRAS = btbParams.nRAS
val updatesOutOfOrder = btbParams.updatesOutOfOrder
val nPages = (btbParams.nPages + 1) / 2 * 2 // control logic assumes 2 divides pages
val opaqueBits = log2Up(entries)
val nBHT = 1 << log2Up(entries*2)
abstract class BtbModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasBtbParameters
@ -53,8 +52,9 @@ class RAS(nras: Int) {
class BHTResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbBundle()(p) {
val history = UInt(width = log2Up(nBHT).max(1))
val history = UInt(width = log2Up(btbParams.nBHT).max(1))
val value = UInt(width = 2)
val taken = Bool()
// BHT contains table of 2-bit counters and a global history register.
@ -68,19 +68,26 @@ class BHTResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbBundle()(p) {
// The updating branch must provide its "fetch pc".
class BHT(nbht: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends HasCoreParameters {
val nbhtbits = log2Up(nbht)
def get(addr: UInt, update: Bool): BHTResp = {
def get(addr: UInt): BHTResp = {
val res = Wire(new BHTResp)
val index = addr(nbhtbits+1, log2Up(coreInstBytes)) ^ history
val index = addr(nbhtbits+log2Up(coreInstBytes)-1, log2Up(coreInstBytes)) ^ history
res.value := table(index)
res.history := history
val taken = res.value(0)
when (update) { history := Cat(taken, history(nbhtbits-1,1)) }
res.taken := res.value(0)
def update(addr: UInt, d: BHTResp, taken: Bool, mispredict: Bool): Unit = {
val index = addr(nbhtbits+1, log2Up(coreInstBytes)) ^ d.history
def updateTable(addr: UInt, d: BHTResp, taken: Bool): Unit = {
val index = addr(nbhtbits+log2Up(coreInstBytes)-1, log2Up(coreInstBytes)) ^ d.history
table(index) := Cat(taken, (d.value(1) & d.value(0)) | ((d.value(1) | d.value(0)) & taken))
when (mispredict) { history := Cat(taken, d.history(nbhtbits-1,1)) }
def resetHistory(d: BHTResp): Unit = {
history := d.history
def updateHistory(addr: UInt, d: BHTResp, taken: Bool): Unit = {
history := Cat(taken, d.history(nbhtbits-1,1))
def advanceHistory(taken: Bool): Unit = {
history := Cat(taken, history(nbhtbits-1,1))
private val table = Mem(nbht, UInt(width = 2))
@ -152,7 +159,9 @@ class BTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbModule {
val resp = Valid(new BTBResp)
val btb_update = Valid(new BTBUpdate).flip
val bht_update = Valid(new BHTUpdate).flip
val bht_advance = Valid(new BTBResp).flip
val ras_update = Valid(new RASUpdate).flip
val ras_head = Valid(UInt(width = vaddrBits))
val idxs = Reg(Vec(entries, UInt(width=matchBits - log2Up(coreInstBytes))))
@ -250,21 +259,34 @@ class BTB(implicit p: Parameters) extends BtbModule {
isValid := isValid & ~idxHit
if (nBHT > 0) {
val bht = new BHT(nBHT)
if (btbParams.nBHT > 0) {
val bht = new BHT(btbParams.nBHT)
val isBranch = (idxHit & cfiType.map(_ === CFIType.branch).asUInt).orR
val res = bht.get(io.req.bits.addr, io.req.valid && io.resp.valid && isBranch)
val update_btb_hit = io.bht_update.bits.prediction.valid
when (io.bht_update.valid && update_btb_hit) {
bht.update(io.bht_update.bits.pc, io.bht_update.bits.prediction.bits.bht, io.bht_update.bits.taken, io.bht_update.bits.mispredict)
val res = bht.get(io.req.bits.addr)
when (io.req.valid && io.resp.valid && isBranch) {
when (!res.value(0) && isBranch) { io.resp.bits.taken := false }
when (io.bht_advance.valid) {
when (io.btb_update.valid) {
when (io.bht_update.valid) {
bht.updateTable(io.bht_update.bits.pc, io.bht_update.bits.prediction.bits.bht, io.bht_update.bits.taken)
when (io.bht_update.bits.mispredict) {
bht.updateHistory(io.bht_update.bits.pc, io.bht_update.bits.prediction.bits.bht, io.bht_update.bits.taken)
when (!res.taken && isBranch) { io.resp.bits.taken := false }
io.resp.bits.bht := res
if (nRAS > 0) {
val ras = new RAS(nRAS)
if (btbParams.nRAS > 0) {
val ras = new RAS(btbParams.nRAS)
val doPeek = (idxHit & cfiType.map(_ === CFIType.ret).asUInt).orR
io.ras_head.valid := !ras.isEmpty
io.ras_head.bits := ras.peek
when (!ras.isEmpty && doPeek) {
io.resp.bits.target := ras.peek

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@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
val q_depth = if (rational) (2 min maxUncachedInFlight-1) else 0
val tl_out_a = Wire(tl_out.a)
tl_out.a <> (if (q_depth == 0) tl_out_a else Queue(tl_out_a, q_depth, flow = true, pipe = true))
val tl_out_c = Wire(tl_out.c)
tl_out.c <> (if (cacheParams.acquireBeforeRelease) Queue(tl_out_c, cacheDataBeats, flow = true) else tl_out_c)
val s1_valid = Reg(next=io.cpu.req.fire(), init=Bool(false))
val s1_probe = Reg(next=tl_out.b.fire(), init=Bool(false))
@ -342,7 +344,7 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
Wire(new TLBundleA(edge.bundle))
tl_out_a.valid := (s2_valid_cached_miss && !s2_victim_dirty) ||
tl_out_a.valid := (s2_valid_cached_miss && (Bool(cacheParams.acquireBeforeRelease) || !s2_victim_dirty)) ||
(s2_valid_uncached && !uncachedInFlight.asUInt.andR)
tl_out_a.bits := Mux(!s2_uncached, acquire, Mux(!s2_write, get, Mux(!s2_read, put, atomics)))
@ -371,7 +373,8 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
val grantInProgress = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val blockProbeAfterGrantCount = Reg(init=UInt(0))
when (blockProbeAfterGrantCount > 0) { blockProbeAfterGrantCount := blockProbeAfterGrantCount - 1 }
tl_out.d.ready := tl_out.e.ready
val canAcceptCachedGrant = if (cacheParams.acquireBeforeRelease) release_state === s_ready else true.B
tl_out.d.ready := Mux(grantIsCached, tl_out.e.ready && canAcceptCachedGrant, true.B)
when (tl_out.d.fire()) {
when (grantIsCached) {
grantInProgress := true
@ -406,7 +409,7 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
// data refill
val doRefillBeat = grantIsRefill && tl_out.d.valid // OK to ignore d.ready
val doRefillBeat = grantIsRefill && tl_out.d.fire()
dataArb.io.in(1).valid := doRefillBeat
assert(dataArb.io.in(1).ready || !doRefillBeat)
dataArb.io.in(1).bits.write := true
@ -438,7 +441,7 @@ class DCacheModule(outer: DCache) extends HellaCacheModule(outer) {
// Finish TileLink transaction by issuing a GrantAck
tl_out.e.valid := tl_out.d.valid && d_first && grantIsCached
tl_out.e.valid := tl_out.d.valid && d_first && grantIsCached && canAcceptCachedGrant
tl_out.e.bits := edge.GrantAck(tl_out.d.bits)
when (tl_out.e.fire()) { assert(tl_out.d.fire()) }

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@ -10,9 +10,13 @@ class EventSet(gate: (UInt, UInt) => Bool, events: Seq[(String, () => Bool)]) {
def size = events.size
def hits = events.map(_._2()).asUInt
def check(mask: UInt) = gate(mask, hits)
def dump() {
for (((name, _), i) <- events.zipWithIndex)
when (check(1.U << i)) { printf(s"Event $name\n") }
class EventSets(eventSets: Seq[EventSet]) {
class EventSets(val eventSets: Seq[EventSet]) {
def maskEventSelector(eventSel: UInt): UInt = {
// allow full associativity between counters and event sets (for now?)
val setMask = (BigInt(1) << log2Ceil(eventSets.size)) - 1

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@ -81,21 +81,24 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
val icache = outer.icache.module
require(fetchWidth*coreInstBytes == outer.icacheParams.fetchBytes)
val tlb = Module(new TLB(log2Ceil(coreInstBytes*fetchWidth), nTLBEntries))
val fq = withReset(reset || io.cpu.req.valid) { Module(new ShiftQueue(new FrontendResp, 4, flow = true)) }
val fetchBytes = coreInstBytes * fetchWidth
val tlb = Module(new TLB(log2Ceil(fetchBytes), nTLBEntries))
val fq = withReset(reset || io.cpu.req.valid) { Module(new ShiftQueue(new FrontendResp, 5, flow = true)) }
val s0_valid = io.cpu.req.valid || !fq.io.mask(fq.io.mask.getWidth-2)
val s0_valid = io.cpu.req.valid || !fq.io.mask(fq.io.mask.getWidth-3)
val s1_pc = Reg(UInt(width=vaddrBitsExtended))
val s1_speculative = Reg(Bool())
val s2_valid = RegInit(false.B)
val s2_pc = Reg(init=io.resetVector)
val s2_btb_resp_valid = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val s2_pc = RegInit(alignPC(io.resetVector))
val s2_btb_resp_valid = if (usingBTB) Reg(Bool()) else false.B
val s2_btb_resp_bits = Reg(new BTBResp)
val s2_tlb_resp = Reg(tlb.io.resp)
val s2_xcpt = !s2_tlb_resp.miss && fq.io.enq.bits.xcpt.asUInt.orR
val s2_speculative = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val s2_partial_insn_valid = RegInit(false.B)
val s2_partial_insn = Reg(UInt(width = coreInstBits))
val s2_wrong_path = Reg(Bool())
val fetchBytes = coreInstBytes * fetchWidth
val s1_base_pc = ~(~s1_pc | (fetchBytes - 1))
val ntpc = s1_base_pc + fetchBytes.U
val predicted_npc = Wire(init = ntpc)
@ -113,40 +116,15 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
else Bool(true)
s1_speculative := Mux(io.cpu.req.valid, io.cpu.req.bits.speculative, Mux(s2_replay, s2_speculative, s0_speculative))
val s2_redirect = Wire(init = io.cpu.req.valid)
s2_valid := false
when (!s2_replay && !io.cpu.req.valid) {
when (!s2_replay && !s2_redirect) {
s2_valid := true
s2_pc := s1_pc
s2_speculative := s1_speculative
s2_tlb_resp := tlb.io.resp
if (usingBTB) {
val btb = Module(new BTB)
btb.io.req.valid := false
btb.io.req.bits.addr := s1_pc
btb.io.btb_update := io.cpu.btb_update
btb.io.bht_update := io.cpu.bht_update
btb.io.ras_update := io.cpu.ras_update
when (!s2_replay) {
btb.io.req.valid := true
s2_btb_resp_valid := btb.io.resp.valid
s2_btb_resp_bits := btb.io.resp.bits
when (btb.io.resp.valid && btb.io.resp.bits.taken) {
predicted_npc := btb.io.resp.bits.target.sextTo(vaddrBitsExtended)
predicted_taken := Bool(true)
// push RAS speculatively
btb.io.ras_update.valid := btb.io.req.valid && btb.io.resp.valid && btb.io.resp.bits.cfiType.isOneOf(CFIType.call, CFIType.ret)
val returnAddrLSBs = btb.io.resp.bits.bridx +& 1
btb.io.ras_update.bits.returnAddr :=
Mux(returnAddrLSBs(log2Ceil(fetchWidth)), ntpc, s1_base_pc | ((returnAddrLSBs << log2Ceil(coreInstBytes)) & (fetchBytes - 1)))
btb.io.ras_update.bits.cfiType := btb.io.resp.bits.cfiType
btb.io.ras_update.bits.prediction.valid := true
io.ptw <> tlb.io.ptw
tlb.io.req.valid := !s2_replay
tlb.io.req.bits.vaddr := s1_pc
@ -161,12 +139,12 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
icache.io.invalidate := io.cpu.flush_icache
icache.io.s1_paddr := tlb.io.resp.paddr
icache.io.s2_vaddr := s2_pc
icache.io.s1_kill := io.cpu.req.valid || tlb.io.resp.miss || s2_replay
icache.io.s1_kill := s2_redirect || tlb.io.resp.miss || s2_replay
icache.io.s2_kill := s2_valid && (s2_speculative && !s2_tlb_resp.cacheable || s2_xcpt)
fq.io.enq.valid := s2_valid && (icache.io.resp.valid || icache.io.s2_kill)
fq.io.enq.bits.pc := s2_pc
io.cpu.npc := ~(~Mux(io.cpu.req.valid, io.cpu.req.bits.pc, npc) | (coreInstBytes-1)) // discard LSB(s)
io.cpu.npc := alignPC(Mux(io.cpu.req.valid, io.cpu.req.bits.pc, npc))
fq.io.enq.bits.data := icache.io.resp.bits.data
fq.io.enq.bits.mask := UInt((1 << fetchWidth)-1) << s2_pc.extract(log2Ceil(fetchWidth)+log2Ceil(coreInstBytes)-1, log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))
@ -176,11 +154,126 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
fq.io.enq.bits.xcpt := s2_tlb_resp
when (icache.io.resp.valid && icache.io.resp.bits.ae) { fq.io.enq.bits.xcpt.ae.inst := true }
if (usingBTB) {
val btb = Module(new BTB)
btb.io.req.valid := false
btb.io.req.bits.addr := s1_pc
btb.io.btb_update := io.cpu.btb_update
btb.io.bht_update := io.cpu.bht_update
btb.io.ras_update.valid := false
btb.io.bht_advance.valid := false
when (!s2_replay) {
btb.io.req.valid := !s2_redirect
s2_btb_resp_valid := btb.io.resp.valid
s2_btb_resp_bits := btb.io.resp.bits
when (btb.io.resp.valid && btb.io.resp.bits.taken) {
predicted_npc := btb.io.resp.bits.target.sextTo(vaddrBitsExtended)
predicted_taken := Bool(true)
if (!coreParams.jumpInFrontend) {
// push RAS speculatively
btb.io.ras_update.valid := btb.io.req.valid && btb.io.resp.valid && btb.io.resp.bits.cfiType.isOneOf(CFIType.call, CFIType.ret)
val returnAddrLSBs = btb.io.resp.bits.bridx +& 1
btb.io.ras_update.bits.returnAddr :=
Mux(returnAddrLSBs(log2Ceil(fetchWidth)), ntpc, s1_base_pc | ((returnAddrLSBs << log2Ceil(coreInstBytes)) & (fetchBytes - 1)))
btb.io.ras_update.bits.cfiType := btb.io.resp.bits.cfiType
btb.io.ras_update.bits.prediction.valid := true
} else when (fq.io.enq.fire()) {
val s2_btb_hit = s2_btb_resp_valid && s2_btb_resp_bits.taken
val s2_base_pc = ~(~s2_pc | (fetchBytes-1))
val taken_idx = Wire(UInt())
val after_idx = Wire(UInt())
def scanInsns(idx: Int, prevValid: Bool, prevBits: UInt, prevTaken: Bool): Bool = {
val prevRVI = prevValid && prevBits(1,0) === 3
val valid = fq.io.enq.bits.mask(idx) && !prevRVI
val bits = fq.io.enq.bits.data(coreInstBits*(idx+1)-1, coreInstBits*idx)
val rvc = bits(1,0) =/= 3
val rviBits = Cat(bits, prevBits)
val rviBranch = rviBits(6,0) === Instructions.BEQ.value.asUInt()(6,0)
val rviJump = rviBits(6,0) === Instructions.JAL.value.asUInt()(6,0)
val rviJALR = rviBits(6,0) === Instructions.JALR.value.asUInt()(6,0)
val rviReturn = rviJALR && !rviBits(7) && BitPat("b00?01") === rviBits(19,15)
val rviCall = (rviJALR || rviJump) && rviBits(7)
val rvcBranch = bits === Instructions.C_BEQZ || bits === Instructions.C_BNEZ
val rvcJAL = Bool(xLen == 32) && bits === Instructions.C_JAL
val rvcJump = bits === Instructions.C_J || rvcJAL
val rvcImm = Mux(bits(14), new RVCDecoder(bits).bImm.asSInt, 0.S) | Mux(bits(14,13) === 1, new RVCDecoder(bits).jImm.asSInt, 0.S)
val rvcJR = bits === Instructions.C_MV && bits(6,2) === 0
val rvcReturn = rvcJR && BitPat("b00?01") === bits(11,7)
val rvcJALR = bits === Instructions.C_ADD && bits(6,2) === 0
val rvcCall = rvcJAL || rvcJALR
val rviImm = Mux(rviBits(3), ImmGen(IMM_UJ, rviBits), 0.S) | Mux(!rviBits(2), ImmGen(IMM_SB, rviBits), 0.S)
val taken =
prevRVI && (rviJump || rviJALR || rviBranch && s2_btb_resp_bits.bht.taken) ||
valid && (rvcJump || rvcJALR || rvcJR || rvcBranch && s2_btb_resp_bits.bht.taken)
when (!prevTaken) {
taken_idx := idx
after_idx := idx + 1
btb.io.ras_update.valid := !s2_wrong_path && (prevRVI && (rviCall || rviReturn) || valid && (rvcCall || rvcReturn))
btb.io.ras_update.bits.prediction.valid := true
btb.io.ras_update.bits.cfiType := Mux(Mux(prevRVI, rviReturn, rvcReturn), CFIType.ret, CFIType.call)
when (!s2_btb_hit) {
when (prevRVI && (rviJALR && !(rviReturn && btb.io.ras_head.valid)) ||
valid && (rvcJALR || (rvcJR && !btb.io.ras_head.valid))) {
s2_wrong_path := true
when (taken) {
val pc = s2_base_pc | (idx*coreInstBytes)
val npc =
if (idx == 0) pc.asSInt + Mux(prevRVI, rviImm -& 2.S, rvcImm)
else Mux(prevRVI, pc - coreInstBytes, pc).asSInt + Mux(prevRVI, rviImm, rvcImm)
predicted_npc := Mux(prevRVI && rviReturn || valid && rvcReturn, btb.io.ras_head.bits, npc.asUInt)
when (prevRVI && rviBranch || valid && rvcBranch) {
btb.io.bht_advance.valid := !s2_wrong_path && !s2_btb_resp_valid
btb.io.bht_advance.bits := s2_btb_resp_bits
if (idx == fetchWidth-1) {
s2_partial_insn_valid := false
when (valid && !prevTaken && !rvc) {
s2_partial_insn_valid := true
s2_partial_insn := bits | 0x3
prevTaken || taken
} else {
scanInsns(idx + 1, valid, bits, prevTaken || taken)
btb.io.ras_update.bits.returnAddr := s2_base_pc + (after_idx << log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))
val taken = scanInsns(0, s2_partial_insn_valid, s2_partial_insn, false.B)
when (s2_btb_hit) {
s2_partial_insn_valid := false
}.otherwise {
fq.io.enq.bits.btb.bits.bridx := taken_idx
when (taken) {
fq.io.enq.bits.btb.valid := true
fq.io.enq.bits.btb.bits.taken := true
s2_redirect := true
when (s2_redirect) { s2_partial_insn_valid := false }
when (io.cpu.req.valid) { s2_wrong_path := false }
io.cpu.resp <> fq.io.deq
// performance events
io.cpu.perf.acquire := edge.done(icache.io.tl_out(0).a)
io.cpu.perf.tlbMiss := io.ptw.req.fire()
def alignPC(pc: UInt) = ~(~pc | (coreInstBytes - 1))
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that have an ICache-based pipeline frontend */

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ case class DCacheParams(
nRPQ: Int = 16,
nMMIOs: Int = 1,
blockBytes: Int = 64,
acquireBeforeRelease: Boolean = false,
scratch: Option[BigInt] = None) extends L1CacheParams {
def dataScratchpadBytes: Int = scratch.map(_ => nSets*blockBytes).getOrElse(0)

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@ -171,6 +171,38 @@ object Instructions {
def FMSUB_D = BitPat("b?????01??????????????????1000111")
def FNMSUB_D = BitPat("b?????01??????????????????1001011")
def FNMADD_D = BitPat("b?????01??????????????????1001111")
def C_ADDI4SPN = BitPat("b????????????????000???????????00")
def C_FLD = BitPat("b????????????????001???????????00")
def C_LW = BitPat("b????????????????010???????????00")
def C_FLW = BitPat("b????????????????011???????????00")
def C_FSD = BitPat("b????????????????101???????????00")
def C_SW = BitPat("b????????????????110???????????00")
def C_FSW = BitPat("b????????????????111???????????00")
def C_ADDI = BitPat("b????????????????000???????????01")
def C_JAL = BitPat("b????????????????001???????????01")
def C_LI = BitPat("b????????????????010???????????01")
def C_LUI = BitPat("b????????????????011???????????01")
def C_SRLI = BitPat("b????????????????100?00????????01")
def C_SRAI = BitPat("b????????????????100?01????????01")
def C_ANDI = BitPat("b????????????????100?10????????01")
def C_SUB = BitPat("b????????????????100011???00???01")
def C_XOR = BitPat("b????????????????100011???01???01")
def C_OR = BitPat("b????????????????100011???10???01")
def C_AND = BitPat("b????????????????100011???11???01")
def C_SUBW = BitPat("b????????????????100111???00???01")
def C_ADDW = BitPat("b????????????????100111???01???01")
def C_J = BitPat("b????????????????101???????????01")
def C_BEQZ = BitPat("b????????????????110???????????01")
def C_BNEZ = BitPat("b????????????????111???????????01")
def C_SLLI = BitPat("b????????????????000???????????10")
def C_FLDSP = BitPat("b????????????????001???????????10")
def C_LWSP = BitPat("b????????????????010???????????10")
def C_FLWSP = BitPat("b????????????????011???????????10")
def C_MV = BitPat("b????????????????1000??????????10")
def C_ADD = BitPat("b????????????????1001??????????10")
def C_FSDSP = BitPat("b????????????????101???????????10")
def C_SWSP = BitPat("b????????????????110???????????10")
def C_FSWSP = BitPat("b????????????????111???????????10")
def CUSTOM0 = BitPat("b?????????????????000?????0001011")
def CUSTOM0_RS1 = BitPat("b?????????????????010?????0001011")
def CUSTOM0_RS1_RS2 = BitPat("b?????????????????011?????0001011")

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@ -32,12 +32,17 @@ class TLBPTWIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p)
val pmp = Vec(nPMPs, new PMP).asInput
class PTWPerfEvents extends Bundle {
val l2miss = Bool()
class DatapathPTWIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p)
with HasRocketCoreParameters {
val ptbr = new PTBR().asInput
val sfence = Valid(new SFenceReq).flip
val status = new MStatus().asInput
val pmp = Vec(nPMPs, new PMP).asInput
val perf = new PTWPerfEvents().asOutput
class PTE(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
@ -129,6 +134,7 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
val l2_refill = RegNext(false.B)
io.dpath.perf.l2miss := false
val (l2_hit, l2_pte) = if (coreParams.nL2TLBEntries == 0) (false.B, Wire(new PTE)) else {
class Entry extends Bundle {
val ppn = UInt(width = ppnBits)
@ -172,6 +178,7 @@ class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(
val (s2_entry, s2_tag) = Split(s2_rdata.uncorrected, tagBits)
val s2_hit = s2_valid && !s2_rdata.error && r_tag === s2_tag
io.dpath.perf.l2miss := s2_valid && !(r_tag === s2_tag)
val s2_pte = Wire(new PTE)
s2_pte := s2_entry.asTypeOf(new Entry)
s2_pte.g := g(r_idx)

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ case class RocketCoreParams(
mtvecWritable: Boolean = true,
fastLoadWord: Boolean = true,
fastLoadByte: Boolean = false,
fastJAL: Boolean = false,
jumpInFrontend: Boolean = true,
mulDiv: Option[MulDivParams] = Some(MulDivParams()),
fpu: Option[FPUParams] = Some(FPUParams())
) extends CoreParams {
@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ trait HasRocketCoreParameters extends HasCoreParameters {
val fastLoadWord = rocketParams.fastLoadWord
val fastLoadByte = rocketParams.fastLoadByte
val fastJAL = rocketParams.fastJAL
val nBreakpoints = rocketParams.nBreakpoints
val nPMPs = rocketParams.nPMPs
val nPerfCounters = rocketParams.nPerfCounters
@ -106,7 +105,8 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
("D$ miss", () => io.dmem.perf.acquire),
("D$ release", () => io.dmem.perf.release),
("ITLB miss", () => io.imem.perf.tlbMiss),
("DTLB miss", () => io.dmem.perf.tlbMiss)))))
("DTLB miss", () => io.dmem.perf.tlbMiss),
("L2 TLB miss", () => io.ptw.perf.l2miss)))))
val decode_table = {
(if (usingMulDiv) new MDecode +: (xLen > 32).option(new M64Decode).toSeq else Nil) ++:
@ -169,9 +169,8 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val wb_reg_rs2 = Reg(Bits())
val take_pc_wb = Wire(Bool())
val take_pc_id = Wire(Bool())
val take_pc_mem_wb = take_pc_wb || take_pc_mem
val take_pc = take_pc_mem_wb || take_pc_id
val take_pc = take_pc_mem_wb
// decode stage
val ibuf = Module(new IBuf)
@ -194,7 +193,6 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val id_rs = id_raddr.map(rf.read _)
val ctrl_killd = Wire(Bool())
val id_npc = (ibuf.io.pc.asSInt + ImmGen(IMM_UJ, id_inst(0))).asUInt
take_pc_id := Bool(fastJAL) && !ctrl_killd && id_ctrl.jal
val csr = Module(new CSRFile(perfEvents))
val id_csr_en = id_ctrl.csr.isOneOf(CSR.S, CSR.C, CSR.W)
@ -295,7 +293,6 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
ex_reg_xcpt := !ctrl_killd && id_xcpt
ex_reg_xcpt_interrupt := !take_pc && ibuf.io.inst(0).valid && csr.io.interrupt
ex_reg_btb_hit := ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.btb_hit
when (ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.btb_hit) { ex_reg_btb_resp := ibuf.io.btb_resp }
when (!ctrl_killd) {
ex_ctrl := id_ctrl
@ -344,6 +341,7 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
ex_reg_cause := id_cause
ex_reg_inst := id_inst(0)
ex_reg_pc := ibuf.io.pc
ex_reg_btb_resp := ibuf.io.btb_resp
// replay inst in ex stage?
@ -366,15 +364,17 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
val mem_br_taken = mem_reg_wdata(0)
val mem_br_target = mem_reg_pc.asSInt +
Mux(mem_ctrl.branch && mem_br_taken, ImmGen(IMM_SB, mem_reg_inst),
Mux(Bool(!fastJAL) && mem_ctrl.jal, ImmGen(IMM_UJ, mem_reg_inst),
Mux(mem_ctrl.jal, ImmGen(IMM_UJ, mem_reg_inst),
Mux(mem_reg_rvc, SInt(2), SInt(4))))
val mem_npc = (Mux(mem_ctrl.jalr || mem_reg_sfence, encodeVirtualAddress(mem_reg_wdata, mem_reg_wdata).asSInt, mem_br_target) & SInt(-2)).asUInt
val mem_wrong_npc = Mux(ex_pc_valid, mem_npc =/= ex_reg_pc, Mux(ibuf.io.inst(0).valid, mem_npc =/= ibuf.io.pc, Bool(true)))
val mem_wrong_npc =
Mux(ex_pc_valid, mem_npc =/= ex_reg_pc,
Mux(ibuf.io.inst(0).valid || ibuf.io.imem.valid, mem_npc =/= ibuf.io.pc, Bool(true)))
val mem_npc_misaligned = !csr.io.status.isa('c'-'a') && mem_npc(1) && !mem_reg_sfence
val mem_int_wdata = Mux(!mem_reg_xcpt && (mem_ctrl.jalr ^ mem_npc_misaligned), mem_br_target, mem_reg_wdata.asSInt).asUInt
val mem_cfi = mem_ctrl.branch || mem_ctrl.jalr || mem_ctrl.jal
val mem_cfi_taken = (mem_ctrl.branch && mem_br_taken) || mem_ctrl.jalr || (Bool(!fastJAL) && mem_ctrl.jal)
val mem_direction_misprediction = mem_reg_btb_hit && mem_ctrl.branch && mem_br_taken =/= mem_reg_btb_resp.taken
val mem_cfi_taken = (mem_ctrl.branch && mem_br_taken) || mem_ctrl.jalr || mem_ctrl.jal
val mem_direction_misprediction = (Bool(coreParams.jumpInFrontend) || mem_reg_btb_hit) && mem_ctrl.branch && mem_br_taken =/= mem_reg_btb_resp.taken
val mem_misprediction = if (usingBTB) mem_wrong_npc else mem_cfi_taken
take_pc_mem := mem_reg_valid && (mem_misprediction || mem_reg_sfence || (mem_ctrl.jalr && csr.io.status.debug))
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
mem_reg_store := ex_ctrl.mem && isWrite(ex_ctrl.mem_cmd)
mem_reg_sfence := ex_sfence
mem_reg_btb_hit := ex_reg_btb_hit
when (ex_reg_btb_hit) { mem_reg_btb_resp := ex_reg_btb_resp }
mem_reg_btb_resp := ex_reg_btb_resp
mem_reg_flush_pipe := ex_reg_flush_pipe
mem_reg_slow_bypass := ex_slow_bypass
@ -582,8 +582,7 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
io.imem.req.bits.pc :=
Mux(wb_xcpt || csr.io.eret, csr.io.evec, // exception or [m|s]ret
Mux(replay_wb || wb_reg_flush_pipe, wb_npc, // replay or flush
Mux(take_pc_mem || Bool(!fastJAL), mem_npc, // branch misprediction
id_npc))) // JAL
mem_npc)) // branch misprediction
io.imem.flush_icache := wb_reg_valid && wb_ctrl.fence_i && !io.dmem.s2_nack
io.imem.sfence.valid := wb_reg_valid && wb_reg_sfence
io.imem.sfence.bits.rs1 := wb_ctrl.mem_type(0)
@ -594,7 +593,7 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
ibuf.io.inst(0).ready := !ctrl_stalld || csr.io.interrupt
io.imem.btb_update.valid := (mem_reg_replay && mem_reg_btb_hit) || (mem_reg_valid && !take_pc_wb && (((mem_cfi_taken || !mem_cfi) && mem_wrong_npc) || (Bool(fastJAL) && mem_ctrl.jal && !mem_reg_btb_hit)))
io.imem.btb_update.valid := (mem_reg_replay && mem_reg_btb_hit) || (mem_reg_valid && !take_pc_wb && mem_misprediction)
io.imem.btb_update.bits.isValid := !mem_reg_replay && mem_cfi
io.imem.btb_update.bits.cfiType :=
Mux((mem_ctrl.jal || mem_ctrl.jalr) && mem_waddr(0), CFIType.call,

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@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ class ExampleRocketSystemModule[+L <: ExampleRocketSystem](_outer: L) extends Ro
with HasMasterAXI4MemPortModuleImp
with HasMasterAXI4MMIOPortModuleImp
with HasSlaveAXI4PortModuleImp
with HasPeripheryBootROMModuleImp

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ trait CoreParams {
val instBits: Int
val nLocalInterrupts: Int
val nL2TLBEntries: Int
val jumpInFrontend: Boolean
trait HasCoreParameters extends HasTileParameters {