clean up I$ parity code
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,26 +14,38 @@ abstract class Decoding
def error = correctable || uncorrectable
abstract class Encoding
abstract class Code
def width(w0: Int): Int
def encode(x: Bits): Bits
def decode(x: Bits): Decoding
class Parity extends Encoding
class IdentityCode extends Code
def width(w0: Int) = w0
def encode(x: Bits) = x
def decode(y: Bits) = new Decoding {
def uncorrected = y
def corrected = y
def correctable = Bool(false)
def uncorrectable = Bool(false)
class ParityCode extends Code
def width(w0: Int) = w0+1
def encode(x: Bits) = Cat(x.xorR, x)
def decode(y: Bits) = new Decoding {
def uncorrected = y(y.getWidth-2,0)
def corrected = uncorrected
def correctable = y.xorR
def uncorrectable = Bool(false)
def correctable = Bool(false)
def uncorrectable = y.xorR
class SEC extends Encoding
class SECCode extends Code
def width(k: Int) = {
val m = log2Up(k) + 1 - !isPow2(k)
@ -75,30 +87,37 @@ class SEC extends Encoding
private def mapping(i: Int) = i-1-log2Up(i)
class SECDED extends Encoding
class SECDEDCode extends Code
def width(k: Int) = new SEC().width(k)+1
def encode(x: Bits) = new Parity().encode(new SEC().encode(x))
private val sec = new SECCode
private val par = new ParityCode
def width(k: Int) = sec.width(k)+1
def encode(x: Bits) = par.encode(sec.encode(x))
def decode(x: Bits) = new Decoding {
val sec = new SEC().decode(x(x.getWidth-2,0))
val par = new Parity().decode(x)
def uncorrected = sec.uncorrected
def corrected = sec.corrected
def correctable = par.correctable
def uncorrectable = !par.correctable && sec.correctable
val secdec = sec.decode(x(x.getWidth-2,0))
val pardec = par.decode(x)
def uncorrected = secdec.uncorrected
def corrected = secdec.corrected
def correctable = pardec.uncorrectable
def uncorrectable = !pardec.uncorrectable && secdec.correctable
object ErrGen
// generate a 1-bit error with approximate probability 2^-f
def apply(width: Int, f: Int): Bits = {
require(width > 0 && f >= 0 && log2Up(width) + f <= 16)
def apply(x: Bits, f: Int): Bits = x ^ apply(x.getWidth, f)
class SECDEDTest extends Component
def inject(x: Bits, n: UFix) = {
val r = LFSR16()
val r1 = UFixToOH(r(log2Up(x.getWidth)-1,0))(x.getWidth-1,0)
val r2 = UFixToOH(r(log2Up(x.getWidth)*2-1,log2Up(x.getWidth)))(x.getWidth-1,0)
x ^ Mux(n < UFix(1), UFix(0), r1) ^ Mux(n < UFix(2), UFix(0), r2)
val code = new SECDED
val code = new SECDEDCode
val k = 4
val n = code.width(k)
@ -115,7 +134,7 @@ class SECDEDTest extends Component
val c = Counter(Bool(true), 1 << k)
val numErrors = Counter(c._2, 3)._1
val e = code.encode(c._1)
val i = inject(e, numErrors)
val i = e ^ Mux(numErrors < 1, 0, ErrGen(n, 1)) ^ Mux(numErrors < 2, 0, ErrGen(n, 1))
val d = code.decode(i)
io.original := c._1
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import uncore._
import Util._
case class ICacheConfig(sets: Int, assoc: Int, co: CoherencePolicyWithUncached,
parity: Boolean = false)
code: Code = new IdentityCode)
val w = 1
val ibytes = 4
@ -15,12 +15,10 @@ case class ICacheConfig(sets: Int, assoc: Int, co: CoherencePolicyWithUncached,
val dm = assoc == 1
val lines = sets * assoc
val databits = MEM_DATA_BITS
val datawidth = databits + (if (parity) 1 else 0)
val idxbits = log2Up(sets)
val offbits = OFFSET_BITS
val untagbits = idxbits + offbits
val tagbits = PADDR_BITS - untagbits
val tagwidth = tagbits + (if (parity) 1 else 0)
require(isPow2(sets) && isPow2(assoc))
require(isPow2(w) && isPow2(ibytes))
@ -176,11 +174,12 @@ class ICache(implicit c: ICacheConfig) extends Component
val (rf_cnt, refill_done) = Counter(io.mem.xact_rep.valid, REFILL_CYCLES)
val repl_way = if ( UFix(0) else LFSR16(s2_miss)(log2Up(c.assoc)-1,0)
val tag_array = Mem(c.sets, seqRead = true) { Bits(width = c.tagwidth*c.assoc) }
val enc_tagbits = c.code.width(c.tagbits)
val tag_array = Mem(c.sets, seqRead = true) { Bits(width = enc_tagbits*c.assoc) }
val tag_rdata = Reg() { Bits() }
when (refill_done) {
val wmask = FillInterleaved(c.tagwidth, if ( Bits(1) else UFixToOH(repl_way))
val tag = Cat(if (c.parity) s2_tag.xorR else null, s2_tag)
val wmask = FillInterleaved(enc_tagbits, if ( Bits(1) else UFixToOH(repl_way))
val tag = c.code.encode(s2_tag)
tag_array.write(s2_idx, Fill(c.assoc, tag), wmask)
/*.else*/when (s0_valid) { // uncomment ".else" to infer 6T SRAM
@ -201,39 +200,37 @@ class ICache(implicit c: ICacheConfig) extends Component
val s1_tag_match = Vec(c.assoc) { Bool() }
val s2_tag_hit = Vec(c.assoc) { Bool() }
val s2_data_disparity = Vec(c.assoc) { Bool() }
val s2_dout = Vec(c.assoc){Reg{Bits()}}
for (i <- 0 until c.assoc) {
val s1_vb = vb_array(Cat(UFix(i), s1_pgoff(c.untagbits-1,c.offbits))).toBool
val s2_vb = Reg() { Bool() }
val s2_tag_disparity = Reg() { Bool() }
val s2_tag_match = Reg() { Bool() }
val tag_out = tag_rdata(c.tagwidth*(i+1)-1, c.tagwidth*i)
val tag_out = tag_rdata(enc_tagbits*(i+1)-1, enc_tagbits*i)
when (s1_valid && rdy && !stall) {
s2_vb := s1_vb
s2_tag_disparity := tag_out.xorR
s2_tag_disparity := c.code.decode(tag_out).error
s2_tag_match := s1_tag_match(i)
s1_tag_match(i) := tag_out(c.tagbits-1,0) === s1_tag
s2_tag_hit(i) := s2_vb && s2_tag_match
s2_disparity(i) := Bool(c.parity) && s2_vb && (s2_tag_disparity || s2_data_disparity(i))
s2_disparity(i) := s2_vb && (s2_tag_disparity || c.code.decode(s2_dout(i)).error)
s2_any_tag_hit := s2_tag_hit.reduceLeft(_||_) && !s2_disparity.reduceLeft(_||_)
val s2_dout = Vec(c.assoc) { Reg() { Bits(width = c.databits) } }
for (i <- 0 until c.assoc) {
val data_array = Mem(c.sets*REFILL_CYCLES, seqRead = true){ Bits(width = c.datawidth) }
val data_array = Mem(c.sets*REFILL_CYCLES, seqRead = true){ Bits(width = c.code.width(c.databits)) }
val s1_dout = Reg(){ Bits() }
when (io.mem.xact_rep.valid && repl_way === UFix(i)) {
val d =
val wdata = if (c.parity) Cat(d.xorR, d) else d
data_array(Cat(s2_idx,rf_cnt)) := wdata
data_array(Cat(s2_idx,rf_cnt)) := c.code.encode(d)
/*.else*/when (s0_valid) { // uncomment ".else" to infer 6T SRAM
s1_dout := data_array(s0_pgoff(c.untagbits-1,c.offbits-rf_cnt.getWidth))
// if s1_tag_match is critical, replace with partial tag check
when (s1_valid && rdy && !stall && (Bool( || s1_tag_match(i))) { s2_dout(i) := s1_dout }
s2_data_disparity(i) := s2_dout(i).xorR
val s2_dout_word = => (x >> (s2_offset(log2Up(c.databits/8)-1,log2Up(c.ibytes)) << log2Up(c.ibytes*8)))(c.ibytes*8-1,0))
|||| := Mux1H(s2_tag_hit, s2_dout_word)
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