coreplex: RocketTileWrapper now HasCrossingHelper
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,12 +12,6 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.tile.{BaseTile, TileParams, SharedMemoryTLEdge, HasE
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{HasPeripheryDebug, HasPeripheryDebugModuleImp}
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
/** Enumerates the three types of clock crossing between tiles and system bus */
sealed trait CoreplexClockCrossing
case class SynchronousCrossing(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default) extends CoreplexClockCrossing
case class RationalCrossing(direction: RationalDirection = FastToSlow) extends CoreplexClockCrossing
case class AsynchronousCrossing(depth: Int, sync: Int = 3) extends CoreplexClockCrossing
/** BareCoreplex is the root class for creating a coreplex sub-system */
abstract class BareCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with BindingScope {
lazy val dts = DTS(bindingTree)
@ -7,30 +7,34 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
/** Enumerates the three types of clock crossing between tiles and system bus */
sealed trait CoreplexClockCrossing
case class SynchronousCrossing(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default) extends CoreplexClockCrossing
case class RationalCrossing(direction: RationalDirection = FastToSlow) extends CoreplexClockCrossing
case class AsynchronousCrossing(depth: Int, sync: Int = 3) extends CoreplexClockCrossing
trait HasCrossingHelper extends LazyScope
this: LazyModule =>
val crossing: CoreplexClockCrossing
def cross(x: TLCrossableNode, name: String): TLOutwardNode = {
def cross(x: TLCrossableNode): TLOutwardNode = {
val out = x.node.parentsOut.exists(_ eq this) // is the crossing exiting the wrapper?
crossing match {
case SynchronousCrossing(params) => {
val buffer = this { LazyModule(new TLBuffer(params)) }
buffer.suggestName(name + "SynchronousBuffer")
buffer.node := x.node
// !!! Why does star resolution fail for tile with no slave devices?
// this { TLBuffer(params)(x.node) }
case RationalCrossing(direction) => {
def sourceGen = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource)
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(direction))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
source.suggestName(name + "RationalSource")
sink.suggestName(name + "RationalSink")
source.node := x.node
sink.node := source.node
source.node :=? x.node
sink.node :=? source.node
case AsynchronousCrossing(depth, sync) => {
@ -38,27 +42,29 @@ trait HasCrossingHelper extends LazyScope
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
source.suggestName(name + "AsynchronousSource")
sink.suggestName(name + "AsynchronousSink")
source.node := x.node
sink.node := source.node
source.node :=? x.node
sink.node :=? source.node
def cross(x: IntCrossableNode, name: String, alreadyRegistered: Boolean = false): IntOutwardNode = {
def cross(
name: Option[String] = None,
alreadyRegistered: Boolean = false,
overrideCrossing: Option[CoreplexClockCrossing] = None)
(x: IntCrossableNode): IntOutwardNode = {
val out = x.node.parentsOut.exists(_ eq this) // is the crossing exiting the wrapper?
crossing match {
overrideCrossing.getOrElse(crossing) match {
case SynchronousCrossing(_) => {
def sourceGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered))
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(0))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
source.suggestName(name + "SyncSource")
sink.suggestName(name + "SyncSink")
source.node := x.node
sink.node := source.node
|||| + "SyncSource").foreach(source.suggestName)
|||| + "SyncSink").foreach(sink.suggestName)
source.node :=? x.node
sink.node :=? source.node
case RationalCrossing(_) => {
@ -66,10 +72,10 @@ trait HasCrossingHelper extends LazyScope
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(1))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
source.suggestName(name + "SyncSource")
sink.suggestName(name + "SyncSink")
source.node := x.node
sink.node := source.node
|||| + "SyncSource").foreach(source.suggestName)
|||| + "SyncSink").foreach(sink.suggestName)
source.node :=? x.node
sink.node :=? source.node
case AsynchronousCrossing(_, sync) => {
@ -77,10 +83,10 @@ trait HasCrossingHelper extends LazyScope
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(sync))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
source.suggestName(name + "SyncSource")
sink.suggestName(name + "SyncSink")
source.node := x.node
sink.node := source.node
|||| + "SyncSource").foreach(source.suggestName)
|||| + "SyncSink").foreach(sink.suggestName)
source.node :=? x.node
sink.node :=? source.node
@ -31,27 +31,26 @@ class PeripheryBus(params: PeripheryBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends T
TLFragmenter(params.beatBytes, maxXferBytes)(outwardBufNode)
def toSyncSlaves(adapt: TLOutwardNode => TLOutwardNode, name: Option[String]): TLOutwardNode = adapt(outwardBufNode)
def toAsyncSlaves(sync: Int, adapt: TLOutwardNode => TLOutwardNode, name: Option[String]): TLAsyncOutwardNode = SinkCardinality { implicit p =>
val source = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync))
name.foreach{ n => source.suggestName(s"${busName}_${n}_TLAsyncCrossingSource")}
source.node :*= adapt(outwardNode)
def toRationalSlaves(adapt: TLOutwardNode => TLOutwardNode, name: Option[String]): TLRationalOutwardNode = SinkCardinality { implicit p =>
val source = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource())
name.foreach{ n => source.suggestName(s"${busName}_${n}_TLRationalCrossingSource")}
source.node :*= adapt(outwardNode)
val fromSystemBus: TLInwardNode = {
val atomics = LazyModule(new TLAtomicAutomata(arithmetic = params.arithmetic))
inwardBufNode := atomics.node
def toTile(
adapt: TLOutwardNode => TLOutwardNode,
to: TLInwardNode,
name: Option[String] = None) {
this {
LazyScope(s"${busName}ToTile${name.getOrElse("")}") {
SinkCardinality { implicit p =>
FlipRendering { implicit p =>
to :*= adapt(outwardNode)
/** Provides buses that serve as attachment points,
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ case class TileMasterPortParams(
addBuffers: Int = 0,
blockerCtrlAddr: Option[BigInt] = None,
cork: Option[Boolean] = None) {
def adapt(coreplex: HasPeripheryBus)
(masterNode: TLOutwardNode)
(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = {
@ -29,16 +30,15 @@ case class TileMasterPortParams(
val tile_master_fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer(TLFIFOFixer.allUncacheable))
val tile_master_buffer = LazyModule(new TLBufferChain(addBuffers))
tile_master_blocker.foreach { _.controlNode := coreplex.pbus.toVariableWidthSlaves }
val node: Option[TLNode] = TLNodeChain(List(
val node: Option[TLNode] = SourceCardinality { implicit p =>
tile_master_blocker.foreach { _.controlNode := coreplex.pbus.toVariableWidthSlaves }
node.foreach { _ :=* masterNode }
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ case class TileMasterPortParams(
case class TileSlavePortParams(
addBuffers: Int = 0,
blockerCtrlAddr: Option[BigInt] = None) {
def adapt(coreplex: HasPeripheryBus)
(masterNode: TLOutwardNode)
(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = {
@ -55,14 +56,13 @@ case class TileSlavePortParams(
.map(bp => LazyModule(new BasicBusBlocker(bp)))
val tile_slave_buffer = LazyModule(new TLBufferChain(addBuffers))
tile_slave_blocker.foreach { _.controlNode := coreplex.pbus.toVariableWidthSlaves }
val node: Option[TLNode] = TLNodeChain(List(
val node: Option[TLNode] = SinkCardinality { implicit p =>
tile_slave_blocker.foreach { _.controlNode := coreplex.pbus.toVariableWidthSlaves }
node.foreach { _ :*= masterNode }
@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ case class TileSlavePortParams(
case class RocketCrossingParams(
crossingType: CoreplexClockCrossing = SynchronousCrossing(),
master: TileMasterPortParams = TileMasterPortParams(),
slave: TileSlavePortParams = TileSlavePortParams()) {
slave: TileSlavePortParams = TileSlavePortParams(),
boundaryBuffers: Boolean = false) {
def knownRatio: Option[Int] = crossingType match {
case RationalCrossing(_) => Some(2)
case _ => None
@ -95,67 +96,72 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends HasTiles
case NumRocketTiles => crossingParams
case _ => throw new Exception("RocketCrossingKey.size must == 1 or == RocketTilesKey.size")
private val crossingTuples =
// Make a wrapper for each tile that will wire it to coreplex devices and crossbars,
// according to the specified type of clock crossing.
private val crossingTuples =
val tiles: Seq[BaseTile] = { case ((lip, tp), crossing) =>
val pWithExtra = p.alterPartial {
case TileKey => tp
case BuildRoCC => tp.rocc
case SharedMemoryTLEdge => sharedMemoryTLEdge
case RocketCrossingKey => List(crossing)
// For legacy reasons, it is convenient to store some state
// in the global Parameters about the specific tile being built now
val wrapper = LazyModule(new RocketTileWrapper(
params = tp,
crossing = crossing.crossingType,
boundaryBuffers = crossing.boundaryBuffers
)(p.alterPartial {
case TileKey => tp
case BuildRoCC => tp.rocc
case SharedMemoryTLEdge => sharedMemoryTLEdge
case RocketCrossingKey => List(crossing)
val wrapper = crossing.crossingType match {
case SynchronousCrossing(params) => {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new SyncRocketTile(tp)(pWithExtra))
sbus.fromSyncTiles(params, crossing.master.adapt(this) _, :=* wrapper.masterNode
FlipRendering { implicit p => wrapper.slaveNode:*= pbus.toSyncSlaves(crossing.slave.adapt(this) _, }
case AsynchronousCrossing(depth, sync) => {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new AsyncRocketTile(tp)(pWithExtra))
sbus.fromAsyncTiles(depth, sync, crossing.master.adapt(this) _, :=* wrapper.masterNode
FlipRendering { implicit p => wrapper.slaveNode :*= pbus.toAsyncSlaves(sync, crossing.slave.adapt(this) _, }
case RationalCrossing(direction) => {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new RationalRocketTile(tp)(pWithExtra))
sbus.fromRationalTiles(direction, crossing.master.adapt(this) _, :=* wrapper.masterNode
FlipRendering { implicit p => wrapper.slaveNode :*= pbus.toRationalSlaves(crossing.slave.adapt(this) _, }
|||| // Try to stabilize this name for downstream tools
// Connect the master ports of the tile to the system bus
adapt = {x: TLOutwardNode => wrapper.cross(x) } andThen
crossing.master.adapt(this) _,
from = wrapper.masterNode,
name =
// Local Interrupts must be synchronized to the core clock
// before being passed into this module.
// This allows faster latency for interrupts which are already synchronized.
// The CLINT and PLIC outputs interrupts that are synchronous to the periphery clock,
// so may or may not need to be synchronized depending on the Tile's crossing type.
// Debug interrupt is definitely asynchronous in all cases.
val asyncIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
asyncIntXbar.intnode := debug.intnode // debug
wrapper.asyncIntNode := asyncIntXbar.intnode
// Connect the slave ports of the tile to the periphery bus
adapt = {x: TLOutwardNode => wrapper.cross(x) } compose
crossing.slave.adapt(this) _,
to = wrapper.slaveNode,
name =
val periphIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
periphIntXbar.intnode := clint.intnode // msip+mtip
periphIntXbar.intnode := plic.intnode // meip
// Handle all the different types of interrupts crossing to or from the tile:
// 1. Debug interrupt is definitely asynchronous in all cases.
// 2. The CLINT and PLIC output interrupts are synchronous to the periphery clock,
// so might need to be synchronized depending on the Tile's crossing type.
// 3. Local Interrupts are required to already be synchronous to the tile clock.
// 4. Interrupts coming out of the tile are sent to the PLIC,
// so might need to be synchronized depending on the Tile's crossing type.
// NOTE: The order of calls to := matters! They must match how interrupts
// are decoded from rocket.intNode inside the tile.
val asyncIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar).suggestName( + "AsyncIntXbar"))
asyncIntXbar.intnode := debug.intnode // debug
wrapper.intXbar.intnode := wrapper.cross( // 1. always crosses
name = + "AsyncIntXbar"),
overrideCrossing = Some(AsynchronousCrossing(8,3))
)(x = asyncIntXbar.intnode)
val periphIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar).suggestName( + "PeriphIntXbar"))
periphIntXbar.intnode := clint.intnode // msip+mtip
periphIntXbar.intnode := plic.intnode // meip
if (tp.core.useVM) periphIntXbar.intnode := plic.intnode // seip
wrapper.periphIntNode := periphIntXbar.intnode
wrapper.intXbar.intnode := wrapper.cross( // 2. conditionally crosses
name = + "PeriphIntXbar")
)(x = periphIntXbar.intnode)
val coreIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
lip.foreach { coreIntXbar.intnode := _ } // lip
wrapper.coreIntNode := coreIntXbar.intnode
val coreIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar).suggestName( + "CoreIntXbar"))
lip.foreach { coreIntXbar.intnode := _ } // lip
wrapper.intXbar.intnode := coreIntXbar.intnode // 3. never crosses
wrapper.intOutputNode.foreach { case int =>
val rocketIntXing = LazyModule(new IntXing(wrapper.outputInterruptXingLatency))
FlipRendering { implicit p => rocketIntXing.intnode := int }
plic.intnode := rocketIntXing.intnode
wrapper.rocket.intOutputNode.foreach { i => // 4. conditionally crosses
plic.intnode := FlipRendering { implicit p =>
wrapper.cross(name = + "PeriphIntOutput"))(x = i)
@ -52,28 +52,17 @@ class SystemBus(params: SystemBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWr
def fromFrontBus: TLInwardNode = master_splitter.node
def fromSyncTiles(params: BufferParams, adapt: TLOutwardNode => TLOutwardNode, name: Option[String] = None): TLInwardNode = this {
val tile_sink = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(params))
name.foreach { n => tile_sink.suggestName(s"${busName}_${n}_TLBuffer") }
master_splitter.node :=* adapt(tile_sink.node)
def fromRationalTiles(dir: RationalDirection, adapt: TLOutwardNode => TLOutwardNode, name: Option[String] = None): TLRationalInwardNode = this {
val tile_sink = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(direction = dir))
name.foreach { n => tile_sink.suggestName(s"${busName}_${n}_TLRationalCrossingSink") }
master_splitter.node :=* adapt(tile_sink.node)
def fromAsyncTiles(depth: Int, sync: Int, adapt: TLOutwardNode => TLOutwardNode, name: Option[String] = None): TLAsyncInwardNode = this {
val tile_sink = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
name.foreach { n => tile_sink.suggestName(s"${busName}_${n}_TLAsyncCrossingSink") }
master_splitter.node :=* adapt(tile_sink.node)
def fromTile(
adapt: TLOutwardNode => TLOutwardNode,
from: TLOutwardNode,
name: Option[String] = None) {
this {
LazyScope(s"${busName}FromTile${name.getOrElse("")}") {
SourceCardinality { implicit p =>
master_splitter.node :=* adapt(from)
def fromSyncPorts(params: BufferParams = BufferParams.default, name: Option[String] = None): TLInwardNode = {
@ -25,8 +25,13 @@ abstract class LazyModule()(implicit val p: Parameters)
LazyModule.scope = Some(this)
parent.foreach(p => p.children = this :: p.children)
// suggestedName accumulates Some(names), taking the final one. Nones are ignored.
private var suggestedName: Option[String] = None
def suggestName(x: String) = suggestedName = Some(x)
def suggestName(x: String): this.type = suggestName(Some(x))
def suggestName(x: Option[String]): this.type = {
x.foreach { n => suggestedName = Some(n) }
private lazy val childNames =
getClass.getMethods.filter { m =>
@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ class GroundTestCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseCoreplex
tiles.flatMap(_.dcacheOpt).foreach {
sbus.fromSyncTiles(BufferParams.default, TileMasterPortParams().adapt(this) _) :=* _.node
tiles.flatMap(_.dcacheOpt).foreach { dc =>
adapt = TileMasterPortParams(addBuffers = 1).adapt(this) _,
from = dc.node)
val pbusRAM = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(testRamAddr, 0xffff), true, false, pbus.beatBytes))
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ case class RocketTileParams(
rocc: Seq[RoCCParams] = Nil,
btb: Option[BTBParams] = Some(BTBParams()),
dataScratchpadBytes: Int = 0,
boundaryBuffers: Boolean = false,
trace: Boolean = false,
hcfOnUncorrectable: Boolean = false,
name: Option[String] = Some("tile"),
@ -188,38 +187,29 @@ class RocketTileWrapperBundle[+L <: RocketTileWrapper](_outer: L) extends BaseTi
val halt_and_catch_fire =
abstract class RocketTileWrapper(rtp: RocketTileParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTile(rtp) {
val rocket = LazyModule(new RocketTile(rtp))
val asyncIntNode : IntInwardNode
val periphIntNode : IntInwardNode
val coreIntNode : IntInwardNode
val intOutputNode = rocket.intOutputNode
class RocketTileWrapper(
params: RocketTileParams,
val crossing: CoreplexClockCrossing,
val boundaryBuffers: Boolean = false)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseTile(params) with HasCrossingHelper {
val rocket = LazyModule(new RocketTile(params))
val masterBuffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(BufferParams.none, BufferParams.flow, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.flow, BufferParams(1)))
val masterNode: TLOutwardNode = if (boundaryBuffers) {
masterBuffer.node :=* rocket.masterNode
} else { rocket.masterNode }
val slaveBuffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(BufferParams.flow, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none))
val slaveNode: TLInwardNode = DisableMonitors { implicit p => if (boundaryBuffers) {
rocket.slaveNode :*= slaveBuffer.node
} else { rocket.slaveNode } }
val intXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
rocket.intNode := intXbar.intnode
def optionalMasterBuffer(in: TLOutwardNode): TLOutwardNode = {
if (rtp.boundaryBuffers) {
val mbuf = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(BufferParams.none, BufferParams.flow, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.flow, BufferParams(1)))
mbuf.node :=* in
} else {
def optionalSlaveBuffer(out: TLInwardNode): TLInwardNode = {
if (rtp.boundaryBuffers) {
val sbuf = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(BufferParams.flow, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none, BufferParams.none))
DisableMonitors { implicit p => out :*= sbuf.node }
} else {
def outputInterruptXingLatency: Int
override lazy val module = new BaseTileModule(this, () => new RocketTileWrapperBundle(this)) {
// signals that do not change based on crossing type:
|||| := io.hartid
@ -228,76 +218,3 @@ abstract class RocketTileWrapper(rtp: RocketTileParams)(implicit p: Parameters)
io.halt_and_catch_fire.foreach { _ := }
class SyncRocketTile(rtp: RocketTileParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends RocketTileWrapper(rtp) {
val masterNode = optionalMasterBuffer(rocket.masterNode)
val slaveNode = optionalSlaveBuffer(rocket.slaveNode)
// Fully async interrupts need synchronizers.
// Others need no synchronization.
val xing = LazyModule(new IntXing(3))
val asyncIntNode = xing.intnode
val periphIntNode = IntIdentityNode()
val coreIntNode = IntIdentityNode()
// order here matters
intXbar.intnode := xing.intnode
intXbar.intnode := periphIntNode
intXbar.intnode := coreIntNode
def outputInterruptXingLatency = 0
class AsyncRocketTile(rtp: RocketTileParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends RocketTileWrapper(rtp) {
val source = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSource)
source.node :=* rocket.masterNode
val masterNode = source.node
val sink = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink)
DisableMonitors { implicit p => rocket.slaveNode :*= sink.node }
val slaveNode = sink.node
// Fully async interrupts need synchronizers,
// as do those coming from the periphery clock.
// Others need no synchronization.
val asyncXing = LazyModule(new IntXing(3))
val periphXing = LazyModule(new IntXing(3))
val asyncIntNode = asyncXing.intnode
val periphIntNode = periphXing.intnode
val coreIntNode = IntIdentityNode()
// order here matters
intXbar.intnode := asyncXing.intnode
intXbar.intnode := periphXing.intnode
intXbar.intnode := coreIntNode
def outputInterruptXingLatency = 3
class RationalRocketTile(rtp: RocketTileParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends RocketTileWrapper(rtp) {
val source = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource)
source.node :=* optionalMasterBuffer(rocket.masterNode)
val masterNode = source.node
val sink = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(SlowToFast))
DisableMonitors { implicit p => optionalSlaveBuffer(rocket.slaveNode) :*= sink.node }
val slaveNode = sink.node
// Fully async interrupts need synchronizers.
// Those coming from periphery clock need a
// rational synchronizer.
// Others need no synchronization.
val asyncXing = LazyModule(new IntXing(3))
val periphXing = LazyModule(new IntXing(1))
val asyncIntNode = asyncXing.intnode
val periphIntNode = periphXing.intnode
val coreIntNode = IntIdentityNode()
// order here matters
intXbar.intnode := asyncXing.intnode
intXbar.intnode := periphXing.intnode
intXbar.intnode := coreIntNode
def outputInterruptXingLatency = 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user