writebacks on release network pass asm tests and bmarks
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,20 +28,21 @@ abstract class CoherencePolicy {
def getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix
def getAcquireTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: Acquire): UFix
def getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits
def getAcquireTypeOnWriteback(): Bits
def getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits
def getReleaseTypeOnVoluntaryWriteback(): Bits
def getVoluntaryWriteback(addr: UFix, client_id: UFix, master_id: UFix): Release
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix): Release
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix, id: UFix): Release
def messageHasData (reply: Release): Bool
def messageHasData (rel: Release): Bool
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool
def messageHasData (reply: Grant): Bool
def messageHasData (grant: Grant): Bool
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: Grant): Bool
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool
def isVoluntary(rel: Release): Bool
def isVoluntary(gnt: Grant): Bool
def getGrantType(a_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits
def getGrantType(rel: Release, count: UFix): Bits
def getProbeType(a_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): UFix
@ -50,6 +51,9 @@ abstract class CoherencePolicy {
def needsAckReply(a_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool
def requiresAck(grant: Grant): Bool
def requiresAck(release: Release): Bool
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UFix, p_type: UFix): Bool
def uFixListContains(list: List[UFix], elem: UFix): Bool = list.map(elem === _).reduceLeft(_||_)
trait UncachedTransactions {
@ -66,13 +70,8 @@ abstract class CoherencePolicyWithUncached extends CoherencePolicy with Uncached
abstract class IncoherentPolicy extends CoherencePolicy {
def newStateOnProbe(incoming: Probe, state: UFix): Bits = state
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix): Release = {
val reply = new Release
reply.r_type := UFix(0)
reply.master_xact_id := UFix(0)
def messageHasData (reply: Release) = Bool(false)
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix, id: UFix): Release = Release( UFix(0), UFix(0), UFix(0), UFix(0))
def messageHasData (rel: Release) = Bool(false)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = Bool(false)
def getGrantType(a_type: UFix, count: UFix): Bits = Bits(0)
def getGrantType(rel: Release, count: UFix): Bits = Bits(0)
@ -82,15 +81,19 @@ abstract class IncoherentPolicy extends CoherencePolicy {
def needsAckReply(a_type: UFix, global_state: UFix): Bool = Bool(false)
def requiresAck(grant: Grant) = Bool(true)
def requiresAck(release: Release) = Bool(false)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UFix, p_type: UFix): Bool = Bool(false)
class ThreeStateIncoherence extends IncoherentPolicy {
val tileInvalid :: tileClean :: tileDirty :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val acquireReadClean :: acquireReadDirty :: acquireWriteback :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val grantData :: grantAck :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val grantVoluntaryAck :: grantData :: grantAck :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List()
val hasDataTypeList = List(acquireWriteback)
val uncachedAcquireTypeList = List()
val hasDataAcquireTypeList = List(acquireWriteback)
val hasDataReleaseTypeList = List(acquireWriteback)
val hasDataGrantTypeList = List(grantData)
def isHit ( cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = (state === tileClean || state === tileDirty)
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ class ThreeStateIncoherence extends IncoherentPolicy {
def getVoluntaryWriteback(addr: UFix, client_id: UFix, master_id: UFix) = Release(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, addr, client_id, master_id)
def isVoluntary(rel: Release) = rel.r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData
def isVoluntary(gnt: Grant) = gnt.g_type === grantVoluntaryAck
def getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
@ -125,13 +129,13 @@ class ThreeStateIncoherence extends IncoherentPolicy {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, acquireReadDirty, outstanding.a_type)
def getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = acquireWriteback //TODO
def getAcquireTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = acquireWriteback
def getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData // TODO
def getReleaseTypeOnVoluntaryWriteback(): Bits = releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData
def messageHasData (init: Acquire): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => init.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: Grant) = (reply.g_type === grantData)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def messageHasData (grant: Grant): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataGrantTypeList, grant.g_type)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: Grant) = (reply.g_type === grantData)
def messageIsUncached(init: Acquire): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => init.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(uncachedAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
class MICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
@ -143,8 +147,10 @@ class MICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val grantVoluntaryAck :: grantReadExclusive :: grantReadUncached :: grantWriteUncached :: grantReadWordUncached :: grantWriteWordUncached :: grantAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(7){ UFix() }
val probeInvalidate :: probeCopy :: Nil = Enum(2){ UFix() }
val releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData :: releaseInvalidateData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(5){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, grantReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val uncachedAcquireTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, acquireReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataAcquireTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataReleaseTypeList = List(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateData, releaseCopyData)
val hasDataGrantTypeList = List(grantReadExclusive, grantReadUncached, grantReadWordUncached, grantAtomicUncached)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
@ -194,14 +200,14 @@ class MICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def getVoluntaryWriteback(addr: UFix, client_id: UFix, master_id: UFix) = Release(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, addr, client_id, master_id)
def isUncachedReadTransaction(acq: Acquire) = acq.a_type === acquireReadUncached
def isVoluntary(rel: Release) = rel.r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData
def isVoluntary(gnt: Grant) = gnt.g_type === grantVoluntaryAck
def getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = acquireReadExclusive
def getAcquireTypeOnSecondaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix, outstanding: Acquire): UFix = acquireReadExclusive
def getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = acquireWriteUncached
def getAcquireTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData // TODO
def getReleaseTypeOnVoluntaryWriteback(): Bits = getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix): Release = {
val reply = new Release
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix, id: UFix): Release = {
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateData, Array(
probeInvalidate -> releaseInvalidateData,
probeCopy -> releaseCopyData
@ -210,23 +216,16 @@ class MICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
probeInvalidate -> releaseInvalidateAck,
probeCopy -> releaseCopyAck
reply.r_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.master_xact_id := incoming.master_xact_id
Release( Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data), incoming.addr, id, incoming.master_xact_id)
def messageHasData (reply: Release): Bool = {
(reply.r_type === releaseInvalidateData ||
reply.r_type === releaseCopyData)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => acq.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: Grant): Bool = {
(reply.g_type != grantWriteUncached && reply.g_type != grantWriteWordUncached)
def messageHasData (rel: Release): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataReleaseTypeList, rel.r_type)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def messageHasData (grant: Grant): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataGrantTypeList, grant.g_type)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: Grant): Bool = {
(reply.g_type === grantReadExclusive)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => acq.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(uncachedAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
@ -269,6 +268,7 @@ class MICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def requiresAck(grant: Grant) = Bool(true)
def requiresAck(release: Release) = Bool(false)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UFix, p_type: UFix): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
class MEICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
@ -280,8 +280,11 @@ class MEICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val grantVoluntaryAck :: grantReadExclusive :: grantReadUncached :: grantWriteUncached :: grantReadExclusiveAck :: grantReadWordUncached :: grantWriteWordUncached :: grantAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(8){ UFix() }
val probeInvalidate :: probeDowngrade :: probeCopy :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData :: releaseInvalidateData :: releaseDowngradeData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseDowngradeAck :: releaseCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(7){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, grantReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val uncachedAcquireTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, acquireReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataAcquireTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataReleaseTypeList = List(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData)
val hasDataGrantTypeList = List(grantReadExclusive, grantReadUncached, grantReadWordUncached, grantAtomicUncached)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
def isValid (state: UFix): Bool = state != tileInvalid
@ -340,6 +343,7 @@ class MEICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def getVoluntaryWriteback(addr: UFix, client_id: UFix, master_id: UFix) = Release(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, addr, client_id, master_id)
def isUncachedReadTransaction(acq: Acquire) = acq.a_type === acquireReadUncached
def isVoluntary(rel: Release) = rel.r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData
def isVoluntary(gnt: Grant) = gnt.g_type === grantVoluntaryAck
def getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
@ -349,11 +353,10 @@ class MEICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, acquireReadExclusiveDirty, outstanding.a_type)
def getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = acquireWriteUncached
def getAcquireTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData // TODO
def getReleaseTypeOnVoluntaryWriteback(): Bits = getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix): Release = {
val reply = new Release
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix, id: UFix): Release = {
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateData, Array(
probeInvalidate -> releaseInvalidateData,
probeDowngrade -> releaseDowngradeData,
@ -364,24 +367,16 @@ class MEICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
probeDowngrade -> releaseDowngradeAck,
probeCopy -> releaseCopyAck
reply.r_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.master_xact_id := incoming.master_xact_id
Release( Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data), incoming.addr, id, incoming.master_xact_id)
def messageHasData (reply: Release): Bool = {
(reply.r_type === releaseInvalidateData ||
reply.r_type === releaseDowngradeData ||
reply.r_type === releaseCopyData)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => acq.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: Grant): Bool = {
(reply.g_type != grantWriteUncached && reply.g_type != grantReadExclusiveAck && reply.g_type != grantWriteWordUncached)
def messageHasData (rel: Release): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataReleaseTypeList, rel.r_type)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def messageHasData (grant: Grant): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataGrantTypeList, grant.g_type)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: Grant): Bool = {
(reply.g_type === grantReadExclusive)
def messageIsUncached(init: Acquire): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => init.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(uncachedAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
@ -426,6 +421,8 @@ class MEICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def requiresAck(grant: Grant) = Bool(true)
def requiresAck(release: Release) = Bool(false)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UFix, p_type: UFix): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
class MSICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
@ -437,8 +434,10 @@ class MSICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val grantVoluntaryAck :: grantReadShared :: grantReadExclusive :: grantReadUncached :: grantWriteUncached :: grantReadExclusiveAck :: grantReadWordUncached :: grantWriteWordUncached :: grantAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(9){ UFix() }
val probeInvalidate :: probeDowngrade :: probeCopy :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData :: releaseInvalidateData :: releaseDowngradeData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseDowngradeAck :: releaseCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(7){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, grantReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val uncachedAcquireTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, acquireReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataAcquireTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataReleaseTypeList = List(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData)
val hasDataGrantTypeList = List(grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive, grantReadUncached, grantReadWordUncached, grantAtomicUncached)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
@ -504,6 +503,7 @@ class MSICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def getVoluntaryWriteback(addr: UFix, client_id: UFix, master_id: UFix) = Release(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, addr, client_id, master_id)
def isUncachedReadTransaction(acq: Acquire) = acq.a_type === acquireReadUncached
def isVoluntary(rel: Release) = rel.r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData
def isVoluntary(gnt: Grant) = gnt.g_type === grantVoluntaryAck
def getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
@ -513,11 +513,10 @@ class MSICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, acquireReadExclusive, outstanding.a_type)
def getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = acquireWriteUncached
def getAcquireTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData // TODO
def getReleaseTypeOnVoluntaryWriteback(): Bits = getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix): Release = {
val reply = new Release
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix, id: UFix): Release = {
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateData, Array(
probeInvalidate -> releaseInvalidateData,
probeDowngrade -> releaseDowngradeData,
@ -528,24 +527,16 @@ class MSICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
probeDowngrade -> releaseDowngradeAck,
probeCopy -> releaseCopyAck
reply.r_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.master_xact_id := incoming.master_xact_id
Release( Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data), incoming.addr, id, incoming.master_xact_id)
def messageHasData (reply: Release): Bool = {
(reply.r_type === releaseInvalidateData ||
reply.r_type === releaseDowngradeData ||
reply.r_type === releaseCopyData)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => acq.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: Grant): Bool = {
(reply.g_type != grantWriteUncached && reply.g_type != grantReadExclusiveAck && reply.g_type != grantWriteWordUncached)
def messageHasData (rel: Release): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataReleaseTypeList, rel.r_type)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def messageHasData (grant: Grant): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataGrantTypeList, grant.g_type)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: Grant): Bool = {
(reply.g_type === grantReadShared || reply.g_type === grantReadExclusive)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => acq.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(uncachedAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
@ -587,6 +578,8 @@ class MSICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def requiresAck(grant: Grant) = Bool(true)
def requiresAck(release: Release) = Bool(false)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UFix, p_type: UFix): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
class MESICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
@ -598,8 +591,11 @@ class MESICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val grantVoluntaryAck :: grantReadShared :: grantReadExclusive :: grantReadUncached :: grantWriteUncached :: grantReadExclusiveAck :: grantReadWordUncached :: grantWriteWordUncached :: grantAtomicUncached :: Nil = Enum(9){ UFix() }
val probeInvalidate :: probeDowngrade :: probeCopy :: Nil = Enum(3){ UFix() }
val releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData :: releaseInvalidateData :: releaseDowngradeData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseDowngradeAck :: releaseCopyAck :: Nil = Enum(7){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, acquireReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val uncachedAcquireTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, acquireReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataAcquireTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataReleaseTypeList = List(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData)
val hasDataGrantTypeList = List(grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive, grantReadUncached, grantReadWordUncached, grantAtomicUncached)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
@ -665,6 +661,7 @@ class MESICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def getVoluntaryWriteback(addr: UFix, client_id: UFix, master_id: UFix) = Release(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, addr, client_id, master_id)
def isUncachedReadTransaction(acq: Acquire) = acq.a_type === acquireReadUncached
def isVoluntary(rel: Release) = rel.r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData
def isVoluntary(gnt: Grant) = gnt.g_type === grantVoluntaryAck
def getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
@ -674,11 +671,10 @@ class MESICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, acquireReadExclusive, outstanding.a_type)
def getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = acquireWriteUncached
def getAcquireTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData // TODO
def getReleaseTypeOnVoluntaryWriteback(): Bits = getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix): Release = {
val reply = new Release
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix, id: UFix): Release = {
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateData, Array(
probeInvalidate -> releaseInvalidateData,
probeDowngrade -> releaseDowngradeData,
@ -689,24 +685,16 @@ class MESICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
probeDowngrade -> releaseDowngradeAck,
probeCopy -> releaseCopyAck
reply.r_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.master_xact_id := incoming.master_xact_id
Release( Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data), incoming.addr, id, incoming.master_xact_id)
def messageHasData (reply: Release): Bool = {
(reply.r_type === releaseInvalidateData ||
reply.r_type === releaseDowngradeData ||
reply.r_type === releaseCopyData)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = hasDataTypeList.map(t => acq.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageHasData (reply: Grant): Bool = {
(reply.g_type != grantWriteUncached && reply.g_type != grantReadExclusiveAck && reply.g_type != grantWriteWordUncached)
def messageHasData (rel: Release): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataReleaseTypeList, rel.r_type)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def messageHasData (grant: Grant): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataGrantTypeList, grant.g_type)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: Grant): Bool = {
(reply.g_type === grantReadShared || reply.g_type === grantReadExclusive)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uncachedTypeList.map(t => acq.a_type === t).reduceLeft(_||_)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(uncachedAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
@ -752,6 +740,8 @@ class MESICoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def requiresAck(grant: Grant) = Bool(true)
def requiresAck(release: Release) = Bool(false)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UFix, p_type: UFix): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
class MigratoryCoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
@ -762,10 +752,11 @@ class MigratoryCoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val grantVoluntaryAck :: grantReadShared :: grantReadExclusive :: grantReadUncached :: grantWriteUncached :: grantReadExclusiveAck :: grantReadWordUncached :: grantWriteWordUncached :: grantAtomicUncached :: grantReadMigratory :: Nil = Enum(10){ UFix() }
val probeInvalidate :: probeDowngrade :: probeCopy :: probeInvalidateOthers :: Nil = Enum(4){ UFix() }
val releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData :: releaseInvalidateData :: releaseDowngradeData :: releaseCopyData :: releaseInvalidateAck :: releaseDowngradeAck :: releaseCopyAck :: releaseDowngradeDataMigratory :: releaseDowngradeAckHasCopy :: releaseInvalidateDataMigratory :: releaseInvalidateAckMigratory :: Nil = Enum(11){ UFix() }
val uncachedTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, acquireReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
def uFixListContains(list: List[UFix], elem: UFix): Bool = list.map(elem === _).reduceLeft(_||_)
val uncachedAcquireTypeList = List(acquireReadUncached, acquireWriteUncached, acquireReadWordUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataAcquireTypeList = List(acquireWriteUncached, acquireWriteWordUncached, acquireAtomicUncached)
val hasDataGrantTypeList = List(grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive, grantReadUncached, grantReadMigratory, grantReadWordUncached, grantAtomicUncached)
val hasDataReleaseTypeList = List(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData, releaseInvalidateDataMigratory, releaseDowngradeDataMigratory)
def isHit (cmd: Bits, state: UFix): Bool = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
@ -844,6 +835,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def getVoluntaryWriteback(addr: UFix, client_id: UFix, master_id: UFix) = Release(releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData, addr, client_id, master_id)
def isUncachedReadTransaction(acq: Acquire) = acq.a_type === acquireReadUncached
def isVoluntary(rel: Release) = rel.r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData
def isVoluntary(gnt: Grant) = gnt.g_type === grantVoluntaryAck
def getAcquireTypeOnPrimaryMiss(cmd: Bits, state: UFix): UFix = {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
@ -853,12 +845,11 @@ class MigratoryCoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
val (read, write) = cpuCmdToRW(cmd)
Mux(write, Mux(state === tileInvalid, acquireReadExclusive, acquireInvalidateOthers), outstanding.a_type)
def getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = acquireWriteUncached
def getAcquireTypeOnWriteback(): Bits = getAcquireTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(cmd: Bits): Bits = releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData // TODO
def getReleaseTypeOnVoluntaryWriteback(): Bits = getReleaseTypeOnCacheControl(M_INV)
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix): Release = {
def newRelease (incoming: Probe, state: UFix, id: UFix): Release = {
Assert( incoming.p_type === probeInvalidateOthers && needsWriteback(state), "Bad probe request type, should be impossible.")
val reply = new Release()
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateData, Array(
probeInvalidate -> Mux(uFixListContains(List(tileExclusiveDirty, tileMigratoryDirty), state),
releaseInvalidateDataMigratory, releaseInvalidateData),
@ -871,22 +862,16 @@ class MigratoryCoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
probeDowngrade -> Mux(state != tileInvalid, releaseDowngradeAckHasCopy, releaseDowngradeAck),
probeCopy -> releaseCopyAck
reply.r_type := Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data)
reply.master_xact_id := incoming.master_xact_id
Release( Mux(needsWriteback(state), with_data, without_data), incoming.addr, id, incoming.master_xact_id)
def messageHasData (reply: Release): Bool = {
uFixListContains(List(releaseInvalidateData, releaseDowngradeData, releaseCopyData, releaseInvalidateDataMigratory, releaseDowngradeDataMigratory), reply.r_type)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataTypeList, acq.a_type)
def messageHasData (reply: Grant): Bool = {
uFixListContains(List(grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive, grantReadUncached, grantReadMigratory, grantReadWordUncached, grantAtomicUncached), reply.g_type)
def messageHasData (acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def messageHasData (rel: Release): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataReleaseTypeList, rel.r_type)
def messageHasData (grant: Grant): Bool = uFixListContains(hasDataGrantTypeList, grant.g_type)
def messageUpdatesDataArray (reply: Grant): Bool = {
uFixListContains(List(grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive, grantReadMigratory), reply.g_type)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(uncachedTypeList, acq.a_type)
def messageIsUncached(acq: Acquire): Bool = uFixListContains(uncachedAcquireTypeList, acq.a_type)
def isCoherenceConflict(addr1: Bits, addr2: Bits): Bool = (addr1 === addr2)
@ -933,4 +918,6 @@ class MigratoryCoherence extends CoherencePolicyWithUncached {
def requiresAck(grant: Grant) = Bool(true)
def requiresAck(release: Release) = Bool(false)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UFix, p_type: UFix): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user