Remove legacy devices that use AMOALU
I'm going to change the AMOALU API, and so I'm removing dependent dead code.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package uncore.converters
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.constants._
import config._
import HastiConstants._
/* We need to translate TileLink requests into operations we can actually execute on AHB.
* The general plan of attack is:
* get => one AHB=>TL read
* put => [multiple AHB write fragments=>nill], one AHB write=>TL
* getBlock => AHB burst reads =>TL
* putBlock => AHB burst writes=>TL
* getPrefetch => noop=>TL
* putPrefetch => noop=>TL
* putAtomic => one AHB=>TL read, one idle, one AHB atom_write=>nill, one idle
* This requires that we support a pipeline of optional AHB requests with optional TL responses
class AHBRequestIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiMasterIO
with HasGrantType
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasTileLinkBeatId {
val executeAHB = Bool()
val respondTL = Bool()
val latchAtom = Bool()
val firstBurst = Bool()
val finalBurst = Bool()
val cmd = Bits(width = M_SZ) // atomic op
// AHB stage1: translate TileLink Acquires into AHBRequests
class AHBTileLinkIn(supportAtomics: Boolean = false)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasHastiParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new Acquire).flip // NOTE: acquire must be either a Queue or a Pipe
val request = new DecoupledIO(new AHBRequestIO)
// Match the AHB burst with a TileLink {Put,Get}Block
val burstSize = tlDataBeats match {
// case 2 not supported by AHB
case 4 => HBURST_WRAP4
case 8 => HBURST_WRAP8
case 16 => HBURST_WRAP16
case _ => throw new java.lang.AssertionError("TileLink beats unsupported by AHB")
// Bursts start at 0 and wrap-around back to 0
val finalBurst = UInt(tlDataBeats-1, width = log2Up(tlDataBeats)).asUInt
val firstBurst = UInt(0, width = log2Up(tlDataBeats))
val next_wmask = Wire(UInt(width = tlDataBytes)) // calculated below
// State variables for processing more complicated TileLink Acquires
val s_atom_r :: s_atom_idle1 :: s_atom_w :: s_atom_idle2 :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 4)
val atom_state = Reg(init = s_atom_r) // never changes if !supportAtomics
val done_wmask = Reg(init = UInt(0, width = tlDataBytes))
val burst = Reg(init = firstBurst)
// Grab some view of the TileLink acquire
val acq_wmask = io.acquire.bits.wmask()
val isReadBurst =
val isWriteBurst =
val isBurst = isWriteBurst || isReadBurst
val isAtomic = && Bool(supportAtomics)
val isPut =
// Final states?
val last_wmask = next_wmask === acq_wmask
val last_atom = atom_state === s_atom_idle2
val last_burst = burst === finalBurst
// Block the incoming request until we've fully consumed it
// NOTE: the outgoing grant.valid may happen while acquire.ready is still false;
// for this reason it is essential to have a Queue or a Pipe infront of acquire
io.acquire.ready := io.request.ready && MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, Bool(true), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.getBlockType -> last_burst, // hold it until the last beat is burst
Acquire.putType -> last_wmask, // only accept the put if we can fully consume its wmask
Acquire.putBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putAtomicType -> last_atom, // atomic operation stages complete
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Bool(true)))
// Advance the fragment state
when (io.request.ready && io.acquire.valid && isPut) {
when (last_wmask) { // if this was the last fragment, restart FSM
done_wmask := UInt(0)
} .otherwise {
done_wmask := next_wmask
// Advance the burst state
// We assume here that TileLink gives us all putBlock beats with nothing between them
when (io.request.ready && io.acquire.valid && isBurst) {
when (last_burst) {
burst := UInt(0)
} .otherwise {
burst := burst + UInt(1)
// Advance the atomic state machine
when (io.request.ready && io.acquire.valid && isAtomic) {
switch (atom_state) {
is (s_atom_r) { atom_state := s_atom_idle1 }
is (s_atom_idle1) { atom_state := s_atom_w } // idle1 => AMOALU runs on a different clock than AHB slave read
is (s_atom_w) { atom_state := s_atom_idle2 }
is (s_atom_idle2) { atom_state := s_atom_r } // idle2 state is required by AHB after hmastlock is lowered
// Returns (range=0, range=-1, aligned_wmask, size)
def mask_helper(in_0 : Bool, range : UInt): (Bool, Bool, UInt, UInt) = {
val len = range.getWidth
if (len == 1) {
(range === UInt(0), range === UInt(1), in_0.asUInt() & range, UInt(0))
} else {
val mid = len / 2
val lo = range(mid-1, 0)
val hi = range(len-1, mid)
val (lo_0, lo_1, lo_m, lo_s) = mask_helper(in_0, lo)
val (hi_0, hi_1, hi_m, hi_s) = mask_helper(in_0 && lo_0, hi)
val out_0 = lo_0 && hi_0
val out_1 = lo_1 && hi_1
val out_m = Cat(hi_m, lo_m) | Fill(len, (in_0 && out_1).asUInt())
val out_s = Mux(out_1, UInt(log2Up(len)), Mux(lo_0, hi_s, lo_s))
(out_0, out_1, out_m, out_s)
val pending_wmask = acq_wmask & ~done_wmask
val put_addr = PriorityEncoder(pending_wmask)
val (wmask_0, _, exec_wmask, put_size) = mask_helper(Bool(true), pending_wmask)
next_wmask := done_wmask | exec_wmask
// Calculate the address, with consideration to put fragments and bursts
val addr_block = io.acquire.bits.addr_block
val addr_beatin= io.acquire.bits.addr_beat
val addr_burst = Mux(isReadBurst, addr_beatin + burst, addr_beatin)
val addr_byte = Mux(isPut, put_addr, io.acquire.bits.addr_byte())
val addr_beat = Mux(isWriteBurst, UInt(0), addr_burst)
val ahbAddr = Cat(addr_block, addr_burst, addr_byte)
val ahbSize = Mux(isPut, put_size, Mux(isBurst, UInt(log2Ceil(tlDataBytes)), io.acquire.bits.op_size()))
val ahbBurst = MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, HBURST_SINGLE, Array(
Acquire.getType -> HBURST_SINGLE,
Acquire.getBlockType -> burstSize,
Acquire.putType -> HBURST_SINGLE,
Acquire.putBlockType -> burstSize,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> HBURST_SINGLE,
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> HBURST_SINGLE,
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> HBURST_SINGLE))
val ahbWrite = MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, Bool(false), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Bool(false),
Acquire.getBlockType -> Bool(false),
Acquire.putType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putAtomicType -> MuxLookup(atom_state, Bool(false), Array(
s_atom_r -> Bool(false),
s_atom_idle1 -> Bool(false), // don't care
s_atom_w -> Bool(true),
s_atom_idle2 -> Bool(true))), // don't care
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Bool(false), // don't care
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Bool(true))) // don't care
val ahbExecute = MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, Bool(false), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.getBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putType -> !wmask_0, // handle the case of a Put with no bytes!
Acquire.putBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putAtomicType -> MuxLookup(atom_state, Bool(false), Array(
s_atom_r -> Bool(true),
s_atom_idle1 -> Bool(false),
s_atom_w -> Bool(true),
s_atom_idle2 -> Bool(false))),
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Bool(false),
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Bool(false)))
val respondTL = MuxLookup(io.acquire.bits.a_type, Bool(false), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.getBlockType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putType -> last_wmask,
Acquire.putBlockType -> last_burst,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> MuxLookup(atom_state, Bool(false), Array(
s_atom_r -> Bool(true), // they want the old data
s_atom_idle1 -> Bool(false),
s_atom_w -> Bool(false),
s_atom_idle2 -> Bool(false))),
Acquire.getPrefetchType -> Bool(true),
Acquire.putPrefetchType -> Bool(true)))
io.request.valid := io.acquire.valid
io.request.bits.htrans := HTRANS_IDLE // unused/ignored
io.request.bits.haddr := ahbAddr
io.request.bits.hmastlock := isAtomic && atom_state =/= s_atom_idle2
io.request.bits.hwrite := ahbWrite
io.request.bits.hburst := ahbBurst
io.request.bits.hsize := ahbSize
io.request.bits.hprot := HPROT_DATA | HPROT_PRIVILEGED
io.request.bits.hwdata :=
io.request.bits.executeAHB := ahbExecute
io.request.bits.respondTL := respondTL
io.request.bits.latchAtom := isAtomic && atom_state === s_atom_r
io.request.bits.firstBurst := burst === firstBurst
io.request.bits.finalBurst := burst === finalBurst || !isBurst
io.request.bits.cmd := io.acquire.bits.op_code()
io.request.bits.is_builtin_type := Bool(true)
io.request.bits.g_type := io.acquire.bits.getBuiltInGrantType()
io.request.bits.client_xact_id := io.acquire.bits.client_xact_id
io.request.bits.addr_beat := addr_beat
val debugBurst = Reg(UInt())
when (io.request.valid) {
debugBurst := addr_burst - burst
// We only support built-in TileLink requests
assert(!io.acquire.valid || io.acquire.bits.is_builtin_type, "AHB bridge only supports builtin TileLink types")
// Ensure alignment of address to size
assert(!io.acquire.valid || (ahbAddr & ((UInt(1) << ahbSize) - UInt(1))) === UInt(0), "TileLink operation misaligned")
// If this is a putBlock, make sure it moves properly
assert(!io.acquire.valid || !isBurst || burst === firstBurst || debugBurst === addr_burst - burst, "TileLink putBlock beats not sequential")
// We better not get an incomplete TileLink acquire
assert(!io.acquire.valid || isBurst || burst === firstBurst, "TileLink never completed a putBlock")
// If we disabled atomic support, we better not see a request
assert(! || Bool(supportAtomics))
// AHB stage2: execute AHBRequests
class AHBBusMaster(supportAtomics: Boolean = false)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasHastiParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val request = new DecoupledIO(new AHBRequestIO).flip
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new Grant)
val ahb = new HastiMasterIO()
// All AHB outputs are registered (they might be IOs)
val midBurst = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val htrans = Reg(init = HTRANS_IDLE)
val haddr = Reg(UInt())
val hmastlock = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val hwrite = Reg(Bool())
val hburst = Reg(UInt())
val hsize = Reg(init = UInt(0, width = SZ_HSIZE))
val hprot = Reg(UInt())
val hwdata0 = Reg(Bits())
val hwdata1 = Reg(Bits())
val hrdata = Reg(Bits())
io.ahb.htrans := htrans
io.ahb.haddr := haddr
io.ahb.hmastlock := hmastlock
io.ahb.hwrite := hwrite
io.ahb.hburst := hburst
io.ahb.hsize := hsize
io.ahb.hprot := hprot
io.ahb.hwdata := hwdata1 // one cycle after the address phase
// TileLink response data needed in data phase
val respondTL0 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val respondTL1 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val latchAtom0 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val latchAtom1 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val executeAHB0 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val executeAHB1 = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val bubble = Reg(init = Bool(true)) // nothing useful in address phase
val cmd = Reg(Bits())
val g_type0 = Reg(UInt())
val g_type1 = Reg(UInt())
val client_xact_id0 = Reg(Bits())
val client_xact_id1 = Reg(Bits())
val addr_beat0 = Reg(UInt())
val addr_beat1 = Reg(UInt())
val grant1 = Reg(new Grant)
// It is allowed to progress from Idle/Busy during a wait state
val addrReady = io.ahb.hready || bubble || (!executeAHB1 && !executeAHB0)
val dataReady = io.ahb.hready || !executeAHB1
// Only accept a new AHBRequest if we have enough buffer space in the pad
// to accomodate a persistent drop in TileLink's grant.ready
io.request.ready := addrReady && io.grant.ready
// htrans must be updated even if no request is valid
when (addrReady) {
when ( && io.request.bits.executeAHB) {
midBurst := !io.request.bits.finalBurst
when (io.request.bits.firstBurst) {
} .otherwise {
htrans := HTRANS_SEQ
} .otherwise {
when (midBurst) {
htrans := HTRANS_BUSY
} .otherwise {
htrans := HTRANS_IDLE
// Address phase, clear repondTL when we have nothing to do
when (addrReady) {
when ( {
respondTL0 := io.request.bits.respondTL
latchAtom0 := io.request.bits.latchAtom
executeAHB0:= io.request.bits.executeAHB
bubble := Bool(false)
} .otherwise {
respondTL0 := Bool(false)
latchAtom0 := Bool(false)
executeAHB0:= Bool(false)
bubble := Bool(true) // an atom-injected Idle is not a bubble!
// Transfer bulk address phase
when ( {
haddr := io.request.bits.haddr
hmastlock := io.request.bits.hmastlock
hwrite := io.request.bits.hwrite
hburst := io.request.bits.hburst
hsize := io.request.bits.hsize
hprot := io.request.bits.hprot
hwdata0 := io.request.bits.hwdata
cmd := io.request.bits.cmd
g_type0 := io.request.bits.g_type
client_xact_id0 := io.request.bits.client_xact_id
addr_beat0 := io.request.bits.addr_beat
// Execute Atomic ops; unused and optimized away if !supportAtomics
val amo_p = p.alterPartial({
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => hastiAddrBits
val alu = Module(new AMOALU(hastiDataBits, rhsIsAligned = true)(amo_p))
|||| := haddr
|||| := cmd
|||| := hsize
|||| := hwdata0
|||| := hrdata
// Transfer bulk data phase
when (dataReady) {
when (addrReady) {
respondTL1 := respondTL0
latchAtom1 := latchAtom0
executeAHB1 := executeAHB0
} .otherwise {
respondTL1 := Bool(false)
latchAtom1 := Bool(false)
executeAHB1 := Bool(false)
hwdata1 := Mux(Bool(supportAtomics),, hwdata0)
g_type1 := g_type0
client_xact_id1 := client_xact_id0
addr_beat1 := addr_beat0
// Latch the read result for an atomic operation
when (dataReady && latchAtom1) {
hrdata := io.ahb.hrdata
// Only issue TL grant when the slave has provided data
io.grant.valid := dataReady && respondTL1
io.grant.bits := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = g_type1,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id1,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = addr_beat1,
data = io.ahb.hrdata)
// We cannot support errors from AHB to TileLink
assert(!io.ahb.hresp, "AHB hresp error detected and cannot be reported via TileLink")
class AHBBridge(supportAtomics: Boolean = true)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasHastiParameters
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val tl = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val ahb = new HastiMasterIO()
// Hasti and TileLink widths must agree at this point in the topology
require (tlDataBits == hastiDataBits)
require (p(rocket.PAddrBits) == hastiAddrBits)
// AHB does not permit bursts to cross a 1KB boundary
require (tlDataBits * tlDataBeats <= 1024*8)
// tlDataBytes must be a power of 2
require (1 << log2Ceil(tlDataBytes) == tlDataBytes)
// Create the sub-blocks
val fsm = Module(new AHBTileLinkIn(supportAtomics))
val bus = Module(new AHBBusMaster(supportAtomics))
val pad = Module(new Queue(new Grant, 4))
|||| <> Queue(, 2) // Pipe is also acceptable
|||| <>
io.ahb <>
|||| <>
// The pad is needed to absorb AHB progress while !grant.ready
// We are only 'ready' if the pad has at least 3 cycles of space
|||| := <= UInt(1)
|||| :=
|||| :=
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import rocket.PAddrBits
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.devices.TileLinkTestRAM
import unittest.UnitTest
import config._
@ -604,183 +603,3 @@ class TileLinkIONarrower(innerTLId: String, outerTLId: String)
sending_get := Bool(false)
class TileLinkWidthAdapterTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest {
val narrowConfig = p(TLKey(p(TLId)))
val wideConfig = narrowConfig.copy(
dataBeats = narrowConfig.dataBeats / 2)
val adapterParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLKey("WIDE") => wideConfig })
val depth = 2 * narrowConfig.dataBeats
val ram = Module(new TileLinkTestRAM(depth))
val driver = Module(new DriverSet(
(driverParams: Parameters) => {
implicit val p = driverParams
Module(new PutSweepDriver(depth)),
Module(new PutMaskDriver),
Module(new PutAtomicDriver),
Module(new PutBlockSweepDriver(depth / narrowConfig.dataBeats)),
Module(new PrefetchDriver),
Module(new GetMultiWidthDriver))
val widener = Module(new TileLinkIOWidener(p(TLId), "WIDE")(adapterParams))
val narrower = Module(new TileLinkIONarrower("WIDE", p(TLId))(adapterParams))
|||| <>
|||| <>
|||| <>
|||| := io.start
io.finished :=
class TileLinkFragmenterSource(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(new Acquire).flip
val out = Decoupled(new Acquire)
val que = Decoupled(UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits))
// Pipeline stage with acquire data; needed to ensure in.bits stay fixed when !in.ready
val acq_valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val acq_bits = Reg(new Acquire)
// The last beat of generate acquire to send
val acq_last_beat = Reg(UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits))
val acq_last = acq_bits.addr_beat === acq_last_beat
// 'in' has the first beat?
val in_multi_put =
val in_multi_get =
val in_first_beat = !in_multi_put || === UInt(0)
// Move stuff from acq to out whenever out is ready
io.out.valid := acq_valid
// When can acq accept a request?
val acq_ready = !acq_valid || (acq_last && io.out.ready)
// Move the first beat from in to acq only when both acq and que are ready
|||| := (!in_first_beat || io.que.ready) && acq_ready
io.que.valid := (in_first_beat && && acq_ready
// moves data from in to acq and (optionally) que
// moves data from acq to out
// Desired flow control results:
assert (! || // 1. =>
assert (!( && in_first_beat) || // 2. && in_first_beat =>
assert (! || acq_valid) // 3. => acq_valid
assert (! || (!acq_valid || ( && acq_last))) // 4. => !acq_valid || ( && acq_last)
// Proofs:
// 1. => que.ready && in.valid && acq_ready => in.ready && in.valid
// 2. && in_first_beat => in.valid && acq_ready && [(!in_first_beat || que.ready) && in_first_beat] =>
// in.valid && acq_ready && que.ready && in_first_beat => que.valid && que.ready
// 3. => out.valid => acq_valid
// 4. => acq_ready => !acq_valid || (acq_last && out.ready) =>
// !acq_valid || (acq_valid && acq_last && out.ready) => !acq_valid || (acq_last &&
val multi_size = SInt(-1, width = tlBeatAddrBits).asUInt // TL2: use in.bits.size()/beatBits-1
val in_sizeMinus1 = Mux(in_multi_get || in_multi_put, multi_size, UInt(0))
val in_insertSizeMinus1 = Mux(in_multi_get, multi_size, UInt(0))
when ( {
// Theorem 4 makes this safe; we overwrite garbage, or replace the final acq
acq_valid := Bool(true)
acq_bits :=
acq_last_beat := + in_insertSizeMinus1
// Replace this with size truncation in TL2:
acq_bits.a_type := Mux(in_multi_put, Acquire.putType, Mux(in_multi_get, Acquire.getType,
} .elsewhen ( {
acq_valid := !acq_last // false => !in.valid || (!que.ready && in_first_beat)
acq_bits.addr_beat := acq_bits.addr_beat + UInt(1)
// acq_last && => acq_last && out.ready && acq_valid => acq_ready
// Suppose in.valid, then ! => !in.ready => !(!in_first_beat || que.ready) => !que.ready && in_first_beat
// Safe by theorem 3
io.out.bits := acq_bits
// Safe by theorem 1
io.que.bits := in_sizeMinus1
class TileLinkFragmenterSink(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Decoupled(new Grant).flip
val out = Decoupled(new Grant)
val que = Decoupled(UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits)).flip
val count_valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val multi_op = Reg(Bool())
val count_bits = Reg(UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits))
val last = count_bits === UInt(0)
val in_put =
val in_get =
val deliver = last || in_get
// Accept the input, discarding the non-final put grant
|||| := count_valid && (io.out.ready || !deliver)
// Output the grant whenever we want delivery
io.out.valid := count_valid && && deliver
// Take a new number whenever we deliver the last beat
io.que.ready := !count_valid || ( && io.out.ready && last)
// Desired flow control results:
assert (! || (count_valid && // 1. => && count_valid
assert (!( && deliver) || // 2. && deliver =>
assert (!( && last) || io.que.ready) // 3. && last => que.ready
assert (! || (!count_valid || // 4. => !count_valid || ( && last)
// Proofs:
// 1. => out.ready && (count_valid && in.valid && deliver) => (count_valid && out.ready) && in.valid =>
// 2. && deliver => in.valid && count_valid && [(out.ready || !deliver) && deliver] =>
// in.valid && count_valid && deliver && out.ready =>
// 3. && last => out.valid && out.ready && last => in.valid && out.ready && last => que.ready
// 4. => que.valid && (!count_valid || (in.valid && out.ready && last))
// => !count_valid || (count_valid && in.valid && out.ready && [last => deliver])
// => !count_valid || (out.valid && out.ready && last)
when ( {
// Theorem 4 makes this safe; we overwrite garbage or last output
count_valid := Bool(true)
count_bits := io.que.bits
multi_op := io.que.bits =/= UInt(0)
} .elsewhen ( {
count_valid := !last // false => !que.valid
count_bits := count_bits - UInt(1)
// Proof: && [last => deliver] =2=> && last =3=> que.ready
// ! && que.ready => !que.valid
// Safe by Theorem 1
io.out.bits :=
io.out.bits.g_type := Mux(multi_op, Mux(in_get, Grant.getDataBlockType, Grant.putAckType),
class TileLinkFragmenter(depth: Int = 1)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
// TL2:
// supportsAcquire = false
// modify all outward managers to supportsMultibeat = true
// assert: all managers must behaveFIFO (not inspect duplicated id field)
val source = Module(new TileLinkFragmenterSource)
val sink = Module(new TileLinkFragmenterSink)
|||| <> Queue(, depth)
|||| <>
io.out.acquire <>
|||| <> io.out.grant
|||| <>
object TileLinkFragmenter {
// Pass the source/client to fragment
def apply(source: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, depth: Int = 1): ClientUncachedTileLinkIO = {
val fragmenter = Module(new TileLinkFragmenter(depth)(source.p))
|||| <> source
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details.
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import config._
import unittest.UnitTest
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.util._
import util._
import HastiConstants._
class BRAMSlave(depth: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
// For TL2:
// supportsAcquire = false
// supportsMultibeat = false
// supportsHint = false
// supportsAtomic = false
// Timing-wise, we assume the input is coming out of registers
// since you probably needed a TileLinkFragmenter infront of us
// Thus, only one pipeline stage: the grant result
val g_valid = RegInit(Bool(false))
val g_bits = Reg(new Grant)
// Just pass the pipeline straight through
io.grant.valid := g_valid
io.grant.bits := g_bits
io.acquire.ready := !g_valid || io.grant.ready
val acq_get = io.acquire.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getType)
val acq_put = io.acquire.bits.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType)
val acq_addr = Cat(io.acquire.bits.addr_block, io.acquire.bits.addr_beat)
val bram = Mem(depth, Bits(width = tlDataBits))
val ren = acq_get &&
val wen = acq_put &&
when ( {
g_valid := Bool(false)
when ( {
g_valid := Bool(true)
g_bits := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = io.acquire.bits.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = io.acquire.bits.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = io.acquire.bits.addr_beat,
data = UInt(0))
when (wen) {
assert(io.acquire.bits.wmask().andR, "BRAMSlave: partial write masks not supported")
|||| := RegEnable(, ren)
class HastiRAM(depth: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends HastiModule()(p) {
val io = new HastiSlaveIO
val wdata = Vec.tabulate(hastiDataBytes)(i => io.hwdata(8*(i+1)-1,8*i))
val waddr = Reg(UInt(width = hastiAddrBits))
val wvalid = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val wsize = Reg(UInt(width = SZ_HSIZE))
val ram = SeqMem(depth, Vec(hastiDataBytes, Bits(width = 8)))
val max_size = log2Ceil(hastiDataBytes)
val wmask_lut = MuxLookup(wsize, SInt(-1, hastiDataBytes).asUInt,
(0 until max_size).map(sz => (UInt(sz) -> UInt((1 << (1 << sz)) - 1))))
val wmask = (wmask_lut << waddr(max_size - 1, 0))(hastiDataBytes - 1, 0)
val is_trans = io.hsel && io.htrans.isOneOf(HTRANS_NONSEQ, HTRANS_SEQ)
val raddr = io.haddr >> UInt(max_size)
val ren = is_trans && !io.hwrite
val bypass = Reg(init = Bool(false))
when (is_trans && io.hwrite) {
waddr := io.haddr
wsize := io.hsize
wvalid := Bool(true)
} .otherwise { wvalid := Bool(false) }
when (ren) { bypass := wvalid && (waddr >> UInt(max_size)) === raddr }
when (wvalid) {
ram.write(waddr >> UInt(max_size), wdata, wmask.toBools)
val rdata =, ren)
io.hrdata := Cat( {
case ((rbyte, wsel), wbyte) => Mux(wsel && bypass, wbyte, rbyte)
io.hready := Bool(true)
io.hresp := HRESP_OKAY
* This RAM is not meant to be particularly performant.
* It just supports the entire range of uncached TileLink operations in the
* simplest way possible.
class TileLinkTestRAM(depth: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val ram = Mem(depth, UInt(width = tlDataBits))
val responding = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val acq = io.acquire.bits
val r_acq = Reg(io.acquire.bits)
val acq_addr = Cat(acq.addr_block, acq.addr_beat)
val r_acq_addr = Cat(r_acq.addr_block, r_acq.addr_beat)
when ( && io.acquire.bits.last()) {
r_acq := io.acquire.bits
responding := Bool(true)
when ( {
val is_getblk = r_acq.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getBlockType)
val last_beat = r_acq.addr_beat === UInt(tlDataBeats - 1)
when (is_getblk && !last_beat) {
r_acq.addr_beat := r_acq.addr_beat + UInt(1)
} .otherwise { responding := Bool(false) }
val old_data = ram(acq_addr)
val new_data =
val r_old_data = RegEnable(old_data,
io.acquire.ready := !responding
io.grant.valid := responding
io.grant.bits := Grant(
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = r_acq.getBuiltInGrantType(),
client_xact_id = r_acq.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_beat = r_acq.addr_beat,
data = Mux(r_acq.isAtomic(), r_old_data, ram(r_acq_addr)))
val amo_shift_bits = acq.amo_shift_bytes() << UInt(3)
val amoalu = Module(new AMOALU(amoAluOperandBits, rhsIsAligned = true))
|||| := Cat(acq.addr_block, acq.addr_beat, acq.addr_byte())
|||| := acq.op_code()
|||| := acq.op_size()
|||| := old_data >> amo_shift_bits
|||| := new_data >> amo_shift_bits
val result = Mux(acq.isAtomic(), << amo_shift_bits, new_data)
val wmask = FillInterleaved(8, acq.wmask())
when ( && acq.hasData()) {
ram(acq_addr) := (old_data & ~wmask) | (result & wmask)
class TileLinkRAMTest(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends UnitTest with HasTileLinkParameters {
val depth = 2 * tlDataBeats
val ram = Module(new TileLinkTestRAM(depth))
val driver = Module(new DriverSet(
(driverParams: Parameters) => {
implicit val p = driverParams
Module(new PutSweepDriver(depth)),
Module(new PutMaskDriver),
Module(new PutAtomicDriver),
Module(new PutBlockSweepDriver(depth / tlDataBeats)),
Module(new PrefetchDriver),
Module(new GetMultiWidthDriver))
|||| <>
|||| := io.start
io.finished :=
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