Refactor L2 transaction trackers to each be capable of processing Voluntary Writebacks.
To elide several races between reading and writing the metadata array for different types of transactions, all L2XactTrackers can now sink Voluntary Releases (writebacks from the L1 in the current implementation). These writebacks are merged with the ongoing transaction, and the merging tracker supplies an acknowledgment of the writeback in addition to its ongoing activities. This change involved another refactoring of the control logic for allocating new trackers and routing incoming Acquires and Releases. BroadcastHub uses the new routing logic, but still processes all voluntary releases through the VoluntaryReleaseTracker (not a problem because there are no metadata update races). Closes #18 Closes #20
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,26 +52,22 @@ class L2BroadcastHub(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerCoherenceAgent()(p)
val sdq_val = Reg(init=Bits(0, sdqDepth))
val sdq_alloc_id = PriorityEncoder(~sdq_val)
val sdq_rdy = !sdq_val.andR
val sdq_enq = && io.iacq().hasData()
val sdq_enq =||_) &&
|||| &&
when (sdq_enq) { sdq(sdq_alloc_id) := io.iacq().data }
// Handle acquire transaction initiation
val trackerAcquireIOs =
val acquireConflicts = Vec(
val acquireMatches = Vec(
val acquireReadys = Vec(
val acquire_idx = Mux(acquireMatches.orR,
val block_acquires = acquireConflicts.orR || !sdq_rdy
io.inner.acquire.ready := acquireReadys.orR && !block_acquires
trackerAcquireIOs.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case(tracker, i) =>
tracker.bits := io.inner.acquire.bits
|||| := DataQueueLocation(sdq_alloc_id, inStoreQueue).toBits
tracker.valid := io.inner.acquire.valid && !block_acquires && (acquire_idx === UInt(i))
val sdqLoc = List.fill(nTransactors) {
DataQueueLocation(sdq_alloc_id, inStoreQueue).toBits
// Queue to store impending Voluntary Release data
val voluntary = io.irel().isVoluntary()
@ -81,17 +77,16 @@ class L2BroadcastHub(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerCoherenceAgent()(p)
when(vwbdq_enq) { vwbdq(rel_data_cnt) := io.irel().data }
// Handle releases, which might be voluntary and might have data
val trackerReleaseIOs =
val releaseReadys = Vec(
io.inner.release.ready := releaseReadys.orR
trackerReleaseIOs.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case(tracker, i) =>
tracker.valid := io.inner.release.valid
tracker.bits := io.inner.release.bits
|||| := DataQueueLocation(rel_data_cnt,
(if(i < nReleaseTransactors) inVolWBQueue
else inClientReleaseQueue)).toBits
val vwbqLoc = (0 until nTransactors).map(i =>
(if(i < nReleaseTransactors) inVolWBQueue
else inClientReleaseQueue)).toBits))
// Wire probe requests and grant reply to clients, finish acks from clients
// Note that we bypass the Grant data subbundles
@ -162,12 +157,12 @@ class BroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)
// Send an acknowledgement
io.inner.grant.valid := state === s_busy && pending_ignt && !pending_irels && io.outer.grant.valid
io.inner.grant.bits := coh.makeGrant(xact, UInt(trackerId))
io.inner.grant.bits := coh.makeGrant(xact)
when( { pending_ignt := Bool(false) }
io.outer.grant.ready := state === s_busy && io.inner.grant.ready
// State machine updates and transaction handler metadata intialization
when(state === s_idle && {
when(state === s_idle && io.inner.release.valid && io.alloc.irel) {
xact := io.irel()
when(io.irel().hasMultibeatData()) {
pending_irels := dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release)
@ -181,8 +176,9 @@ class BroadcastVoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)
when(state === s_busy && all_pending_done) { state := s_idle }
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
io.has_acquire_match := Bool(false)
io.has_acquire_conflict := Bool(false)
io.matches.iacq := (state =/= s_idle) && xact.conflicts(io.iacq())
io.matches.irel := (state =/= s_idle) && xact.conflicts(io.irel()) && io.irel().isVoluntary()
io.matches.oprb := Bool(false)
// Checks for illegal behavior
assert(!(state === s_idle && && !io.irel().isVoluntary()),
@ -221,11 +217,10 @@ class BroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)
val pending_outer_read_ = coh.makeGrant(io.iacq(), UInt(trackerId)).hasData()
val subblock_type = xact.isSubBlockType()
io.has_acquire_conflict := xact.conflicts(io.iacq()) &&
(state =/= s_idle) &&
io.has_acquire_match := xact.conflicts(io.iacq()) &&
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
io.matches.iacq := (state =/= s_idle) && xact.conflicts(io.iacq())
io.matches.irel := (state =/= s_idle) && xact.conflicts(io.irel()) && !io.irel().isVoluntary()
io.matches.oprb := Bool(false)
val outerParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => outerTLId })
@ -286,7 +281,7 @@ class BroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)
io.iacq().client_xact_id =/= xact.client_xact_id),
"AcquireTracker accepted data beat from different client transaction than initial request.")
assert(!(state === s_idle && &&
assert(!(state === s_idle && && io.alloc.iacq &&
io.iacq().hasMultibeatData() && io.iacq().addr_beat =/= UInt(0)),
"AcquireTracker initialized with a tail data beat.")
@ -309,7 +304,7 @@ class BroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)
switch (state) {
is(s_idle) {
io.inner.acquire.ready := Bool(true)
when(io.inner.acquire.valid) {
when(io.inner.acquire.valid && io.alloc.iacq) {
xact := io.iacq()
xact.data_buffer(UInt(0)) := io.iacq().data
xact.wmask_buffer(UInt(0)) := io.iacq().wmask()
@ -333,7 +328,7 @@ class BroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)
// Handle releases, which may have data to be written back
val matches = xact.conflicts(io.irel()) && !io.irel().isVoluntary()
val matches = io.matches.irel
io.inner.release.ready := (!io.irel().hasData() || io.outer.acquire.ready) && matches
when(io.inner.release.valid && matches) {
when(io.irel().hasData()) {
@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ trait HasL2HellaCacheParameters extends HasCacheParameters with HasCoherenceAgen
val idxLSB = cacheIdBits
val idxMSB = idxLSB + idxBits - 1
val tagLSB = idxLSB + idxBits
def inSameSet(addr1: UInt, addr2: UInt): Bool = addr1(idxMSB,idxLSB) === addr2(idxMSB,idxLSB)
def haveSameTag(addr1: UInt, addr2: UInt): Bool = addr1 >> UInt(tagLSB) === addr2 >> UInt(tagLSB)
//val blockAddrBits = p(TLBlockAddrBits)
val refillCyclesPerBeat = outerDataBits/rowBits
val refillCycles = refillCyclesPerBeat*outerDataBeats
@ -393,8 +395,11 @@ class TSHRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2HellaCacheModule()(p)
val io = new TSHRFileIO
// Create TSHRs for outstanding transactions
val trackerList = (0 until nReleaseTransactors).map(id => Module(new L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(id))) ++
(nReleaseTransactors until nTransactors).map(id => Module(new L2AcquireTracker(id)))
val trackerList =
(0 until nReleaseTransactors).map(id =>
Module(new L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(id))) ++
(nReleaseTransactors until nTransactors).map(id =>
Module(new L2AcquireTracker(id)))
// WritebackUnit evicts data from L2, including invalidating L1s
val wb = Module(new L2WritebackUnit(nTransactors))
@ -406,38 +411,33 @@ class TSHRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2HellaCacheModule()(p)
( :+ foreach { _ := io.incoherent }
// Handle acquire transaction initiation
val trackerAcquireIOs =
val acquireConflicts = Vec(
val acquireMatches = Vec(
val acquireReadys = Vec(
val acquire_idx = Mux(acquireMatches.orR,
val block_acquires = acquireConflicts.orR
io.inner.acquire.ready := acquireReadys.orR && !block_acquires
trackerAcquireIOs.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case(tracker, i) =>
tracker.bits := io.inner.acquire.bits
tracker.valid := io.inner.acquire.valid && !block_acquires && (acquire_idx === UInt(i))
assert(PopCount(acquireMatches) <= UInt(1),
"At most a single tracker should match for any given Acquire")
val irel_vs_iacq_conflict =
io.inner.acquire.valid &&
io.inner.release.valid &&
inSameSet(io.inner.acquire.bits.addr_block, io.inner.release.bits.addr_block)
allocOverride = !irel_vs_iacq_conflict)
assert(PopCount( <= UInt(1),
"At most a single tracker should now be allocated for any given Acquire")
// Wire releases from clients
val releaseReadys = Vec(
io.inner.release.ready := releaseReadys.orR
trackerAndWbIOs foreach { tracker =>
tracker.inner.release.bits := io.inner.release.bits
tracker.inner.release.valid := io.inner.release.valid
assert(!io.inner.release.valid || PopCount(releaseReadys) <= UInt(1),
"At most a single tracker should match for any given Release")
assert(!io.inner.release.valid || io.irel().isVoluntary() || releaseReadys.orR,
"Non-voluntary release should always have a Tracker waiting for it.")
assert(PopCount( <= UInt(1),
"At most a single tracker should now be allocated for any given Release")
// Wire probe requests and grant reply to clients, finish acks from clients
doOutputArbitration(io.inner.probe, :+
doOutputArbitration(io.inner.grant, :+
// Create an arbiter for the one memory port
@ -532,6 +532,11 @@ class L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends
!(pending_writes.orR ||
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
io.matches.iacq := (state =/= s_idle) && inSameSet(io.iacq().addr_block, xact.addr_block)
io.matches.irel := (state =/= s_idle) && io.irel().conflicts(xact)
io.matches.oprb := (state =/= s_idle) && io.oprb().conflicts(xact)
// Accept a voluntary Release (and any further beats of data)
pending_irels := (pending_irels & dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release))
io.inner.release.ready := ((state === s_idle) && io.irel().isVoluntary()) || pending_irels.orR
@ -557,7 +562,7 @@ class L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends
// Send an acknowledgement
io.inner.grant.valid := state === s_busy && pending_ignt && !pending_irels
io.inner.grant.bits := coh.inner.makeGrant(xact, UInt(trackerId))
io.inner.grant.bits := coh.inner.makeGrant(xact)
when( { pending_ignt := Bool(false) }
// End a transaction by updating the block metadata
@ -572,7 +577,7 @@ class L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends
// State machine updates and transaction handler metadata intialization
when(state === s_idle && {
when(state === s_idle && io.inner.release.valid && io.alloc.irel) {
xact := io.irel()
when(io.irel().hasMultibeatData()) {
pending_irels := dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release)
@ -592,10 +597,6 @@ class L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends
when(state === s_busy && all_pending_done) { state := s_meta_write }
when(state === s_meta_write && io.meta.write.ready) { state := s_idle }
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
io.has_acquire_match := Bool(false)
io.has_acquire_conflict := Bool(false)
// Checks for illegal behavior
assert(!(state === s_meta_resp && io.meta.resp.valid && !io.meta.resp.bits.tag_match),
"VoluntaryReleaseTracker accepted Release for a block not resident in this cache!")
@ -624,6 +625,9 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
val xact_op_code = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_addr_byte = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_op_size = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_vol_irel_r_type = Reg{ io.irel().r_type }
val xact_vol_irel_src = Reg{ io.irel().client_id }
val xact_vol_irel_client_xact_id = Reg{ io.irel().client_xact_id }
// Miss queue holds transaction metadata used to make grants
val ignt_q = Module(new Queue(
@ -634,12 +638,27 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
val xact =
val xact_addr_idx = xact_addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
val xact_addr_tag = xact_addr_block >> UInt(tagLSB)
val xact_vol_irel = Release(
src = xact_vol_irel_src,
voluntary = Bool(true),
r_type = xact_vol_irel_r_type,
client_xact_id = xact_vol_irel_client_xact_id,
addr_block = xact_addr_block)
(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(InnerTLId) }))
// Counters and scoreboard tracking progress made on processing this transaction
val pending_irels = connectTwoWayBeatCounter(
max = io.inner.tlNCachingClients,
up = io.inner.probe,
down = io.inner.release)._1
down = io.inner.release,
trackDown = (r: Release) => !r.isVoluntary())._1
val pending_vol_ignt = connectTwoWayBeatCounter(
max = 1,
up = io.inner.release,
down = io.inner.grant,
trackUp = (r: Release) => r.isVoluntary(),
trackDown = (g: Grant) => g.isVoluntary())._1
val (pending_ognt, oacq_data_idx, oacq_data_done, ognt_data_idx, ognt_data_done) =
@ -656,7 +675,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
max = nSecondaryMisses,
up = io.inner.grant,
down = io.inner.finish,
track = (g: Grant) => g.requiresAck())._1
trackUp = (g: Grant) => g.requiresAck())._1
val pending_puts = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_iprbs = Reg(init = Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCachingClients))
@ -674,6 +693,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
pending_puts.orR ||
pending_ognt ||
|||| > UInt(0) ||
pending_vol_ignt ||
//pending_meta_write || // Has own state: s_meta_write
@ -726,7 +746,6 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
wmask & Mux(xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putAtomicType),
|||| << (xact_amo_shift_bytes << 3),
wmask_buffer(beat) := ~UInt(0, wmask_buffer.head.getWidth)
when( && xact.addr_beat === beat) { amo_result := old_data }
@ -764,6 +783,15 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
val iacq_in_same_set = inSameSet(xact_addr_idx, io.iacq().addr_block)
val irel_in_same_set = inSameSet(xact_addr_idx,io.irel().addr_block)
val before_wb_alloc = Vec(s_meta_read, s_meta_resp, s_wb_req).contains(state)
io.matches.iacq := (state =/= s_idle) && iacq_in_same_set
io.matches.irel := (state =/= s_idle) &&
Mux(before_wb_alloc, irel_in_same_set, io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block))
io.matches.oprb := Bool(false) //TODO
// Actual transaction processing logic begins here:
// First, take care of accpeting new acquires or secondary misses
@ -774,14 +802,19 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
! &&
! &&
|||| &&
val iacq_same_xact = xact.client_xact_id === io.iacq().client_xact_id &&
xact.hasMultibeatData() && &&
io.inner.acquire.ready := state === s_idle || iacq_can_merge || iacq_same_xact
val iacq_same_xact = xact.client_xact_id === io.iacq().client_xact_id &&
xact.hasMultibeatData() &&
|||| && // i.e. state =/= s_idle
val iacq_accepted = &&
(io.alloc.iacq || iacq_can_merge || iacq_same_xact)
io.inner.acquire.ready := state === s_idle || iacq_can_merge || iacq_same_xact
// Handling of primary and secondary misses' data and write mask merging
when( && io.iacq().hasData()) {
when(iacq_accepted && io.iacq().hasData()) {
val beat = io.iacq().addr_beat
val full = FillInterleaved(8, io.iacq().wmask())
data_buffer(beat) := (~full & data_buffer(beat)) | (full & io.iacq().data)
@ -789,7 +822,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
// Enqueue some metadata information that we'll use to make coherence updates with later
|||| := && io.iacq().first()
|||| := iacq_accepted && io.iacq().first()
|||| := io.iacq()
// Track whether any beats are missing from a PutBlock
@ -818,17 +851,35 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
io.inner.probe.bits := pending_coh.inner.makeProbe(curr_probe_dst, xact, xact_addr_block)
// Handle incoming releases from clients, which may reduce sharer counts
// and/or write back dirty data
io.inner.release.ready := state === s_inner_probe &&
io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
// and/or write back dirty data, and may be unexpected voluntary releases
val irel_can_merge = io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
!Vec(s_idle, s_meta_read, s_meta_resp, s_meta_write).contains(state) &&
!all_pending_done &&
! &&
! &&
val irel_same_xact = io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
!io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
state === s_inner_probe
val irel_accepted = &&
(io.alloc.irel || irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact)
io.inner.release.ready := irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact
val pending_coh_on_irel = HierarchicalMetadata(
pending_coh.inner.onRelease(io.irel()), // Drop sharer
Mux(io.irel().hasData(), // Dirty writeback
Mux(io.irel().hasData(), // Dirty writeback
updatePendingCohWhen(, pending_coh_on_irel)
when( && irel_can_merge) {
xact_vol_irel_r_type := io.irel().r_type
xact_vol_irel_src := io.irel().client_id
xact_vol_irel_client_xact_id := io.irel().client_xact_id
// Handle misses or coherence permission upgrades by initiating a new transaction in the outer memory:
@ -902,7 +953,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
|||| := xact_way_en
|||| := xact_addr_idx
|||| := curr_write_beat
|||| := wmask_buffer(curr_write_beat)
|||| := SInt(-1) // Always writes a full beat
|||| := data_buffer(curr_write_beat)
// soon as the data is released, granted, put, or read from the cache
@ -912,22 +963,28 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
// We can issue a grant for a pending write once all data is
// received and committed to the data array or outer memory
val ignt_ack_ready = !(state === s_idle || state === s_meta_read ||
pending_puts.orR || pending_writes.orR || pending_ognt)
val ignt_ack_ready = !(state === s_idle ||
state === s_meta_read ||
pending_puts.orR ||
pending_writes.orR ||
|||| := ignt_data_done
io.inner.grant.valid := state === s_busy &&
|||| &&
|||| := !pending_vol_ignt && ignt_data_done
io.inner.grant.valid := pending_vol_ignt ||
(state === s_busy &&
|||| &&
// Make the Grant message using the data stored in the secondary miss queue
io.inner.grant.bits := pending_coh.inner.makeGrant(
sec =,
manager_xact_id = UInt(trackerId),
data = Mux(,
val grant_from_acquire = pending_coh.inner.makeGrant(
sec =,
manager_xact_id = UInt(trackerId),
data = Mux(,
val grant_from_release = pending_coh.inner.makeGrant(xact_vol_irel)
io.inner.grant.bits := Mux(pending_vol_ignt, grant_from_release, grant_from_acquire)
io.inner.grant.bits.addr_beat := ignt_data_idx // override based on outgoing counter
val pending_coh_on_ignt = HierarchicalMetadata(
@ -949,7 +1006,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
|||| := pending_coh
// State machine updates and transaction handler metadata intialization
when(state === s_idle && io.inner.acquire.valid) {
when(state === s_idle && io.inner.acquire.valid && io.alloc.iacq) {
xact_addr_block := io.iacq().addr_block
xact_allocate := io.iacq().allocate()
xact_amo_shift_bytes := io.iacq().amo_shift_bytes()
@ -1027,12 +1084,6 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
state := Mux(pending_meta_write, s_meta_write, s_idle)
when(state === s_meta_write && io.meta.write.ready) { state := s_idle }
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
val in_same_set = xact_addr_idx === io.iacq().addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
io.has_acquire_match := iacq_can_merge || iacq_same_xact
io.has_acquire_conflict := in_same_set && (state =/= s_idle) && !io.has_acquire_match
//TODO: relax from in_same_set to xact.conflicts(io.iacq())?
class L2WritebackReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2Metadata()(p) with HasL2Id {
@ -1061,17 +1112,47 @@ class L2WritebackUnit(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTrac
val xact = Reg(new L2WritebackReq)
val data_buffer = Reg(init=Vec.fill(innerDataBeats)(UInt(0, width = innerDataBits)))
val xact_addr_block = Cat(xact.tag, xact.idx, UInt(cacheId, cacheIdBits))
val xact_vol_irel_r_type = Reg{ io.irel().r_type }
val xact_vol_irel_src = Reg{ io.irel().client_id }
val xact_vol_irel_client_xact_id = Reg{ io.irel().client_xact_id }
val xact_addr_block = Cat(xact.tag, xact.idx, UInt(cacheId, cacheIdBits))
val xact_vol_irel = Release(
src = xact_vol_irel_src,
voluntary = Bool(true),
r_type = xact_vol_irel_r_type,
client_xact_id = xact_vol_irel_client_xact_id,
addr_block = xact_addr_block)
val pending_irels = connectTwoWayBeatCounter(
max = io.inner.tlNCachingClients,
up = io.inner.probe,
down = io.inner.release,
trackDown = (r: Release) => !r.isVoluntary())._1
val pending_vol_ignt = connectTwoWayBeatCounter(
max = 1,
up = io.inner.release,
down = io.inner.grant,
trackUp = (r: Release) => r.isVoluntary(),
trackDown = (g: Grant) => g.isVoluntary())._1
val pending_irels =
connectTwoWayBeatCounter(max = io.inner.tlNCachingClients, up = io.inner.probe, down = io.inner.release)._1
val (pending_ognt, orel_data_idx, orel_data_done, ognt_data_idx, ognt_data_done) =
connectTwoWayBeatCounter(max = 1, up = io.outer.release, down = io.outer.grant)
max = 1,
up = io.outer.release,
down = io.outer.grant)
val pending_iprbs = Reg(init = Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCachingClients))
val pending_reads = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_resps = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_orel_data = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
io.matches.iacq := (state =/= s_idle) && io.iacq().conflicts(xact_addr_block)
io.matches.irel := (state =/= s_idle) && io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block)
io.matches.oprb := (state =/= s_idle) && io.oprb().conflicts(xact_addr_block)
// Start the writeback sub-transaction
io.wb.req.ready := state === s_idle
@ -1083,17 +1164,32 @@ class L2WritebackUnit(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTrac
// Handle incoming releases from clients, which may reduce sharer counts
// and/or write back dirty data
val inner_coh_on_irel = xact.coh.inner.onRelease(io.irel())
val outer_coh_on_irel = xact.coh.outer.onHit(M_XWR)
io.inner.release.ready := (state === s_inner_probe || state === s_busy) &&
io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
val irel_can_merge = io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
state === s_inner_probe &&
val irel_same_xact = io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
!io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
state === s_inner_probe
val irel_accepted = &&
(io.alloc.irel || irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact)
io.inner.release.ready := irel_can_merge || irel_same_xact
val pending_coh_on_irel = HierarchicalMetadata(
xact.coh.inner.onRelease(io.irel()), // Drop sharer
Mux(io.irel().hasData(), // Dirty writeback
when( {
xact.coh.inner := inner_coh_on_irel
data_buffer(io.inner.release.bits.addr_beat) :=
when(io.inner.release.valid && io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) && io.irel().hasData()) {
xact.coh.outer := outer_coh_on_irel // must writeback dirty data supplied by any matching release, even voluntary ones
xact.coh := pending_coh_on_irel
when(io.irel().hasData()) { data_buffer(io.irel().addr_beat) := io.irel().data }
when(irel_can_merge) {
xact_vol_irel_r_type := io.irel().r_type
xact_vol_irel_src := io.irel().client_id
xact_vol_irel_client_xact_id := io.irel().client_xact_id
// If a release didn't write back data, have to read it from data array
@ -1126,6 +1222,10 @@ class L2WritebackUnit(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTrac
addr_beat = orel_data_idx,
data = data_buffer(orel_data_idx))
// Ack a voluntary release if we got one
io.inner.grant.valid := pending_vol_ignt
io.inner.grant.bits := xact.coh.inner.makeGrant(xact_vol_irel)
// Wait for an acknowledgement
io.outer.grant.ready := state === s_outer_grant
@ -1144,7 +1244,7 @@ class L2WritebackUnit(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTrac
pending_orel_data := UInt(0)
state := Mux(needs_inner_probes, s_inner_probe, s_busy)
when(state === s_inner_probe && !(pending_iprbs.orR || pending_irels)) {
when(state === s_inner_probe && !(pending_iprbs.orR || pending_irels || pending_vol_ignt)) {
state := Mux(xact.coh.outer.requiresVoluntaryWriteback(), s_busy, s_wb_resp)
when(state === s_busy && orel_data_done) {
@ -1152,8 +1252,4 @@ class L2WritebackUnit(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTrac
when(state === s_outer_grant && ognt_data_done) { state := s_wb_resp }
when(state === s_wb_resp ) { state := s_idle }
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
io.has_acquire_match := Bool(false)
io.has_acquire_conflict := Bool(false)
@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ object ManagerTileLinkHeaderCreator {
trait HasDataBeatCounters {
type HasBeat = TileLinkChannel with HasTileLinkBeatId
type HasId = TileLinkChannel with HasClientId
/** Returns the current count on this channel and when a message is done
* @param inc increment the counter (usually .valid or .fire())
@ -259,11 +260,12 @@ trait HasDataBeatCounters {
up: DecoupledIO[T],
down: DecoupledIO[S],
beat: UInt = UInt(0),
track: T => Bool = (t: T) => Bool(true)): (Bool, UInt, Bool, UInt, Bool) = {
trackUp: T => Bool = (t: T) => Bool(true),
trackDown: S => Bool = (s: S) => Bool(true)): (Bool, UInt, Bool, UInt, Bool) = {
val (up_idx, up_done) = connectDataBeatCounter(, up.bits, beat)
val (down_idx, down_done) = connectDataBeatCounter(, down.bits, beat)
val do_inc = up_done && track(up.bits)
val do_dec = down_done
val do_inc = up_done && trackUp(up.bits)
val do_dec = down_done && trackDown(down.bits)
val cnt = TwoWayCounter(do_inc, do_dec, max)
(cnt > UInt(0), up_idx, up_done, down_idx, down_done)
@ -218,15 +218,14 @@ class ManagerMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceMetadata()(p) {
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.GrantToDst]] to acknowledge an [[uncore.Release]]
* @param rel Release message being acknowledged by this Grant
* @param manager_xact_id manager's transaction id
def makeGrant(rel: ReleaseMetadata with HasClientId, manager_xact_id: UInt): GrantToDst =
def makeGrant(rel: ReleaseMetadata with HasClientId): GrantToDst =
dst = rel.client_id,
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
g_type = Grant.voluntaryAckType,
client_xact_id = rel.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = manager_xact_id)(p)
manager_xact_id = UInt(0))(p)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.GrantToDst]] to respond to an [[uncore.Acquire]]
@ -227,7 +227,11 @@ trait HasProbeType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
trait HasReleaseType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
trait MightBeVoluntary {
def isVoluntary(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
trait HasReleaseType extends HasTileLinkParameters with MightBeVoluntary {
val voluntary = Bool()
val r_type = UInt(width = tlCoh.releaseTypeWidth)
@ -239,7 +243,7 @@ trait HasReleaseType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
def requiresAck(dummy: Int = 0) = !Bool(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering)
trait HasGrantType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
trait HasGrantType extends HasTileLinkParameters with MightBeVoluntary {
val is_builtin_type = Bool()
val g_type = UInt(width = tlGrantTypeBits)
@ -720,8 +724,8 @@ object Release {
r_type: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0))
addr_beat: UInt,
data: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Release = {
val rel = Wire(new Release)
rel.r_type := r_type
@ -732,6 +736,26 @@ object Release {
rel.voluntary := voluntary
def apply(
src: UInt,
voluntary: Bool,
r_type: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0))
(implicit p: Parameters): ReleaseFromSrc = {
val rel = Wire(new ReleaseFromSrc)
rel.client_id := src
rel.voluntary := voluntary
rel.r_type := r_type
rel.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
rel.addr_block := addr_block
rel.addr_beat := addr_beat
|||| := data
/** The Grant channel is used to refill data or grant permissions requested of the
@ -59,6 +59,38 @@ trait HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
|||| { case (o,i) => o.valid := in.valid && idx === UInt(i) }
in.ready := Vec(
/** Broadcasts valid messages on this channel to all trackers,
* but includes logic to allocate a new tracker in the case where
* no previously allocated tracker matches the new req's addr.
* When a match is reported, if ready is high the new transaction
* is merged; when ready is low the transaction is being blocked.
* When no match is reported, any high readys are presumed to be
* from trackers that are available for allocation, and one is
* assigned via alloc based on priority; f no readys are high then
* all trackers are busy with other transactions.
def doInputRoutingWithAllocation[T <: TileLinkChannel with HasTileLinkData](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
outs: Seq[DecoupledIO[T]],
matches: Seq[Bool],
allocs: Seq[Bool],
dataOverrides: Option[Seq[UInt]] = None,
allocOverride: Option[Bool] = None) {
val ready_bits = Vec(
val alloc_bits = PriorityEncoderOH(ready_bits)
val match_bits = Vec(matches).toBits
val no_matches = !match_bits.orR
val do_alloc = allocOverride.getOrElse(Bool(true))
in.ready := Mux(no_matches, ready_bits.orR, (match_bits & ready_bits).orR) && do_alloc
|||| { case((out, a), i) =>
out.valid := in.valid
out.bits := in.bits
dataOverrides foreach { d => := d(i) }
a := alloc_bits(i) & no_matches & do_alloc
trait HasInnerTLIO extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
@ -114,24 +146,39 @@ abstract class HierarchicalCoherenceAgent(implicit p: Parameters) extends Cohere
def incoherent = io.incoherent
trait HasTrackerConflictIO extends Bundle {
val has_acquire_conflict = Bool(OUTPUT)
val has_acquire_match = Bool(OUTPUT)
trait HasTrackerAllocationIO extends Bundle {
val matches = new Bundle {
val iacq = Bool(OUTPUT)
val irel = Bool(OUTPUT)
val oprb = Bool(OUTPUT)
val alloc = new Bundle {
val iacq = Bool(INPUT)
val irel = Bool(INPUT)
val oprb = Bool(INPUT)
class ManagerXactTrackerIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerTLIO()(p)
with HasTrackerConflictIO
with HasTrackerAllocationIO
class HierarchicalXactTrackerIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HierarchicalTLIO()(p)
with HasTrackerConflictIO
with HasTrackerAllocationIO
abstract class XactTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentModule()(p)
with HasDataBeatCounters {
def addPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](inc: Bool, in: T): UInt =
Fill(in.tlDataBeats, inc) & UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def dropPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](dec: Bool, in: T): UInt =
~Fill(in.tlDataBeats, dec) | ~UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def addPendingBitWhenId[T <: HasClientId](inc: Bool, in: T): UInt =
Fill(in.tlNCachingClients, inc) & UIntToOH(in.client_id)
def dropPendingBitWhenId[T <: HasClientId](dec: Bool, in: T): UInt =
~Fill(in.tlNCachingClients, dec) | ~UIntToOH(in.client_id)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData[T <: HasBeat](in: DecoupledIO[T], inc: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenBeat( && in.bits.hasData() && inc, in.bits)
@ -151,8 +198,17 @@ abstract class XactTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentModule(
def dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData[T <: HasBeat](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
dropPendingBitWhenBeat( && in.bits.hasData(), in.bits)
def dropPendingBitAtDest(in: DecoupledIO[ProbeToDst]): UInt =
~Fill(in.bits.tlNCachingClients, | ~UIntToOH(in.bits.client_id)
def dropPendingBitAtDest[T <: HasId](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
dropPendingBitWhenId(, in.bits)
def dropPendingBitAtDestWhenVoluntary[T <: HasId with MightBeVoluntary](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
dropPendingBitWhenId( && in.bits.isVoluntary(), in.bits)
def addPendingBitAtSrc[T <: HasId](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenId(, in.bits)
def addPendingBitAtSrcWhenVoluntary[T <: HasId with MightBeVoluntary](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenId( && in.bits.isVoluntary(), in.bits)
def pinAllReadyValidLow[T <: Data](b: Bundle) {
b.elements.foreach {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user