TileLink scala doc and parameter renaming
This commit is contained in:
@ -216,13 +216,13 @@ class BroadcastAcquireTracker(trackerId: Int) extends BroadcastXactTracker {
"Broadcast Hub does not support PutAtomics, subblock Gets/Puts, or prefetches") // TODO
val release_count = Reg(init=UInt(0, width = log2Up(io.inner.tlNCoherentClients+1)))
val pending_probes = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCoherentClients))
val release_count = Reg(init=UInt(0, width = log2Up(io.inner.tlNCachingClients+1)))
val pending_probes = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCachingClients))
val curr_p_id = PriorityEncoder(pending_probes)
val full_sharers = coh.full()
val probe_self = io.inner.acquire.bits.requiresSelfProbe()
val mask_self_true = UInt(UInt(1) << io.inner.acquire.bits.client_id, width = io.inner.tlNCoherentClients)
val mask_self_false = ~UInt(UInt(1) << io.inner.acquire.bits.client_id, width = io.inner.tlNCoherentClients)
val mask_self_true = UInt(UInt(1) << io.inner.acquire.bits.client_id, width = io.inner.tlNCachingClients)
val mask_self_false = ~UInt(UInt(1) << io.inner.acquire.bits.client_id, width = io.inner.tlNCachingClients)
val mask_self = Mux(probe_self, full_sharers | mask_self_true, full_sharers & mask_self_false)
val mask_incoherent = mask_self & ~io.incoherent.toBits
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int) extends L2XactTracker {
// State holding progress made on processing this transaction
val iacq_data_done = connectIncomingDataBeatCounter(io.inner.acquire)
val pending_irels = connectTwoWayBeatCounter(
max = io.inner.tlNCoherentClients,
max = io.inner.tlNCachingClients,
up = io.inner.probe,
down = io.inner.release)._1
val (pending_ognts, oacq_data_idx, oacq_data_done, ognt_data_idx, ognt_data_done) =
@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int) extends L2XactTracker {
down = io.inner.finish,
track = (g: Grant) => g.requiresAck())._1
val pending_puts = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_iprbs = Reg(init = Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCoherentClients))
val pending_iprbs = Reg(init = Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCachingClients))
val pending_reads = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_writes = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_resps = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
@ -1009,8 +1009,8 @@ class L2WritebackUnit(trackerId: Int) extends L2XactTracker {
val xact_id = Reg{ UInt() }
val irel_had_data = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val irel_cnt = Reg(init = UInt(0, width = log2Up(io.inner.tlNCoherentClients+1)))
val pending_probes = Reg(init = Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCoherentClients))
val irel_cnt = Reg(init = UInt(0, width = log2Up(io.inner.tlNCachingClients+1)))
val pending_probes = Reg(init = Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCachingClients))
val curr_probe_dst = PriorityEncoder(pending_probes)
val full_sharers = io.wb.req.bits.coh.inner.full()
val mask_incoherent = full_sharers & ~io.incoherent.toBits
@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ abstract class CoherenceMetadata extends Bundle {
val id = params(TLId)
/* The ClientMetadata stores the client-side coherence information,
such as permissions on the data and whether the data is dirty.
Its API can be used to make TileLink messages in response to
memory operations or TileLink Probes.
/** Stores the client-side coherence information,
* such as permissions on the data and whether the data is dirty.
* Its API can be used to make TileLink messages in response to
* memory operations or [[uncore.Probe]] messages.
class ClientMetadata extends CoherenceMetadata {
val state = UInt(width = co.clientStateWidth)
@ -3,38 +3,50 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
import scala.math.max
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
// Parameters exposed to the top-level design, set based on
// external requirements or design space exploration
case object TLId extends Field[String] // Unique name per network
/** Parameters exposed to the top-level design, set based on
* external requirements or design space exploration
/** Unique name per TileLink network*/
case object TLId extends Field[String]
/** Coherency policy used to define custom mesage types */
case object TLCoherencePolicy extends Field[CoherencePolicy]
case object TLNManagers extends Field[Int]
/** Number of manager agents */
case object TLNManagers extends Field[Int]
/** Number of client agents */
case object TLNClients extends Field[Int]
case object TLNCoherentClients extends Field[Int]
case object TLNIncoherentClients extends Field[Int]
/** Number of client agents that cache data and use custom [[uncore.Acquire]] types */
case object TLNCachingClients extends Field[Int]
/** Number of client agents that do not cache data and use built-in [[uncoreAcquire]] types */
case object TLNCachelessClients extends Field[Int]
/** Maximum number of unique outstanding transactions per client */
case object TLMaxClientXacts extends Field[Int]
case object TLMaxClientPorts extends Field[Int]
/** Maximum number of clients multiplexed onto a single port */
case object TLMaxClientsPerPort extends Field[Int]
/** Maximum number of unique outstanding transactions per manager */
case object TLMaxManagerXacts extends Field[Int]
/** Width of cache block addresses */
case object TLBlockAddrBits extends Field[Int]
/** Width of data beats */
case object TLDataBits extends Field[Int]
/** Number of data beats per cache block */
case object TLDataBeats extends Field[Int]
/** Whether the underlying physical network preserved point-to-point ordering of messages */
case object TLNetworkIsOrderedP2P extends Field[Boolean]
/** Utility trait for building Modules and Bundles that use TileLink parameters */
trait TileLinkParameters extends UsesParameters {
val tlCoh = params(TLCoherencePolicy)
val tlNManagers = params(TLNManagers)
val tlNClients = params(TLNClients)
val tlNCoherentClients = params(TLNCoherentClients)
val tlNIncoherentClients = params(TLNIncoherentClients)
val tlNCachingClients = params(TLNCachingClients)
val tlNCachelessClients = params(TLNCachelessClients)
val tlClientIdBits = log2Up(tlNClients)
val tlManagerIdBits = log2Up(tlNManagers)
val tlMaxClientXacts = params(TLMaxClientXacts)
val tlMaxClientPorts = params(TLMaxClientPorts)
val tlMaxClientsPerPort = params(TLMaxClientsPerPort)
val tlMaxManagerXacts = params(TLMaxManagerXacts)
val tlClientXactIdBits = log2Up(tlMaxClientXacts*tlMaxClientPorts)
val tlClientXactIdBits = log2Up(tlMaxClientXacts*tlMaxClientsPerPort)
val tlManagerXactIdBits = log2Up(tlMaxManagerXacts)
val tlBlockAddrBits = params(TLBlockAddrBits)
val tlDataBits = params(TLDataBits)
@ -61,19 +73,23 @@ trait TileLinkParameters extends UsesParameters {
abstract class TLBundle extends Bundle with TileLinkParameters
abstract class TLModule extends Module with TileLinkParameters
// Directionality of message channel
// Used to hook up logical network ports to physical network ports
/** Base trait for all TileLink channels */
trait TileLinkChannel extends TLBundle {
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
/** Directionality of message channel. Used to hook up logical network ports to physical network ports */
trait ClientToManagerChannel extends TileLinkChannel
/** Directionality of message channel. Used to hook up logical network ports to physical network ports */
trait ManagerToClientChannel extends TileLinkChannel
/** Directionality of message channel. Used to hook up logical network ports to physical network ports */
trait ClientToClientChannel extends TileLinkChannel // Unused for now
// Common signals that are used in multiple channels.
// These traits are useful for type parameterizing bundle wiring functions.
/** Common signals that are used in multiple channels.
* These traits are useful for type parameterizing bundle wiring functions.
/** Address of a cache block. */
trait HasCacheBlockAddress extends TLBundle {
val addr_block = UInt(width = tlBlockAddrBits)
@ -81,18 +97,22 @@ trait HasCacheBlockAddress extends TLBundle {
def conflicts(addr: UInt) = this.addr_block === addr
/** Sub-block address or beat id of multi-beat data */
trait HasTileLinkBeatId extends TLBundle {
val addr_beat = UInt(width = tlBeatAddrBits)
/* Client-side transaction id. Usually Miss Status Handling Register File index */
trait HasClientTransactionId extends TLBundle {
val client_xact_id = Bits(width = tlClientXactIdBits)
/** Manager-side transaction id. Usually Transaction Status Handling Register File index. */
trait HasManagerTransactionId extends TLBundle {
val manager_xact_id = Bits(width = tlManagerXactIdBits)
/** A single beat of cache block data */
trait HasTileLinkData extends HasTileLinkBeatId {
val data = UInt(width = tlDataBits)
@ -100,61 +120,90 @@ trait HasTileLinkData extends HasTileLinkBeatId {
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
/** The id of a client source or destination. Used in managers. */
trait HasClientId extends TLBundle {
val client_id = UInt(width = tlClientIdBits)
// Actual TileLink channel bundle definitions
/** TileLink channel bundle definitions */
/** The Acquire channel is used to intiate coherence protocol transactions in
* order to gain access to a cache block's data with certain permissions
* enabled. Messages sent over this channel may be custom types defined by
* a [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]] for cached data accesse or may be built-in types
* used for uncached data accesses. Acquires may contain data for Put or
* PutAtomic built-in types. After sending an Acquire, clients must
* wait for a manager to send them a [[uncore.Grant]] message in response.
class Acquire extends ClientToManagerChannel
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasTileLinkData {
// Actual bundle fields
// Actual bundle fields:
val is_builtin_type = Bool()
val a_type = UInt(width = tlAcquireTypeBits)
val union = Bits(width = tlAcquireUnionBits)
// Utility funcs for accessing subblock union
// Utility funcs for accessing subblock union:
val opCodeOff = 1
val opSizeOff = tlMemoryOpcodeBits + opCodeOff
val addrByteOff = tlMemoryOperandSizeBits + opSizeOff
val addrByteMSB = tlByteAddrBits + addrByteOff
/** Hint whether to allocate the block in any interveneing caches */
def allocate(dummy: Int = 0) = union(0)
def op_code(dummy: Int = 0) = Mux(isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType) || isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType),
/** Op code for [[uncore.PutAtomic]] operations */
def op_code(dummy: Int = 0) = Mux(
isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType) || isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType),
M_XWR, union(opSizeOff-1, opCodeOff))
/** Operand size for [[uncore.PutAtomic]] */
def op_size(dummy: Int = 0) = union(addrByteOff-1, opSizeOff)
/** Byte address for [[uncore.PutAtomic]] operand */
def addr_byte(dummy: Int = 0) = union(addrByteMSB-1, addrByteOff)
private def amo_offset(dummy: Int = 0) = addr_byte()(tlByteAddrBits-1, log2Up(amoAluOperandBits/8))
/** Bit offset of [[uncore.PutAtomic]] operand */
def amo_shift_bits(dummy: Int = 0) = UInt(amoAluOperandBits)*amo_offset()
/** Write mask for [[uncore.Put]], [[uncore.PutBlock]], [[uncore.PutAtomic]] */
def wmask(dummy: Int = 0) =
FillInterleaved(amoAluOperandBits/8, UIntToOH(amo_offset())),
Mux(isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType) || isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType),
union(tlWriteMaskBits, 1),
UInt(0, width = tlWriteMaskBits)))
/** Full, beat-sized writemask */
def full_wmask(dummy: Int = 0) = FillInterleaved(8, wmask())
/** Complete physical address for block, beat or operand */
def addr(dummy: Int = 0) = Cat(this.addr_block, this.addr_beat, this.addr_byte())
// Other helper funcs
// Other helper functions:
/** Message type equality */
def is(t: UInt) = a_type === t //TODO: make this more opaque; def ===?
/** Is this message a built-in or custom type */
def isBuiltInType(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = is_builtin_type
/** Is this message a particular built-in type */
def isBuiltInType(t: UInt): Bool = is_builtin_type && a_type === t
/** Does this message refer to subblock operands using info in the Acquire.union subbundle */
def isSubBlockType(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && Acquire.typesOnSubBlocks.contains(a_type)
/** Is this message a built-in prefetch message */
def isPrefetch(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && is(Acquire.prefetchType)
// Assumes no custom types have data
/** Does this message contain data? Assumes that no custom message types have data. */
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && Acquire.typesWithData.contains(a_type)
/** Does this message contain multiple beats of data? Assumes that no custom message types have data. */
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = Bool(tlDataBeats > 1) && isBuiltInType() &&
/** Does this message require the manager to probe the client the very client that sent it?
* Needed if multiple caches are attached to the same port.
def requiresSelfProbe(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
/** Mapping between each built-in Acquire type (defined in companion object)
* and a built-in Grant type.
def getBuiltInGrantType(dummy: Int = 0): UInt = {
MuxLookup(this.a_type, Grant.putAckType, Array(
Acquire.getType -> Grant.getDataBeatType,
@ -166,15 +215,33 @@ class Acquire extends ClientToManagerChannel
/** [[uncore.Acquire]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class AcquireFromSrc extends Acquire with HasClientId
/** Contains definitions of the the built-in Acquire types and a factory
* for [[uncore.Acquire]]
* In general you should avoid using this factory directly and use
* [[uncore.ClientMetadata.makeAcquire]] for custom cached Acquires and
* [[uncore.Get]], [[uncore.Put]], etc. for built-in uncached Acquires.
* @param is_builtin_type built-in or custom type message?
* @param a_type built-in type enum or custom type enum
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param data data being put outwards
* @param union additional fields used for uncached types
object Acquire {
val nBuiltInTypes = 5
//TODO: Use Enum
def getType = UInt("b000")
def getBlockType = UInt("b001")
def putType = UInt("b010")
def putBlockType = UInt("b011")
def putAtomicType = UInt("b100")
def prefetchType = UInt("b101")
def getType = UInt("b000") // Get a single beat of data
def getBlockType = UInt("b001") // Get a whole block of data
def putType = UInt("b010") // Put a single beat of data
def putBlockType = UInt("b011") // Put a whole block of data
def putAtomicType = UInt("b100") // Perform an atomic memory op
def prefetchType = UInt("b101") // Prefetch a whole block of data
def typesWithData = Vec(putType, putBlockType, putAtomicType)
def typesWithMultibeatData = Vec(putBlockType)
def typesOnSubBlocks = Vec(putType, getType, putAtomicType)
@ -208,7 +275,16 @@ object Acquire {
// Asks for a single TileLink beat of data
/** Get a single beat of data from the outer memory hierarchy
* The client can hint whether he block containing this beat should be
* allocated in the intervening levels of the hierarchy.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param alloc hint whether the block should be allocated in intervening caches
object Get {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
@ -225,7 +301,15 @@ object Get {
// Asks for an entire cache block of data
/** Get a whole cache block of data from the outer memory hierarchy
* The client can hint whether the block should be allocated in the
* intervening levels of the hierarchy.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param alloc hint whether the block should be allocated in intervening caches
object GetBlock {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt = UInt(0),
@ -240,8 +324,12 @@ object GetBlock {
// Prefetch a cache block into the next level of the memory hierarchy
// with read permissions
/** Prefetch a cache block into the next-outermost level of the memory hierarchy
* with read permissions.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
object GetPrefetch {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
@ -256,7 +344,16 @@ object GetPrefetch {
// Writes up to a single TileLink beat of data, using mask
/** Put a single beat of data into the outer memory hierarchy
* The block will be allocated in the next-outermost level of the hierarchy.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat)
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
* @param wmask per-byte write mask for this beat
object Put {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
@ -275,7 +372,19 @@ object Put {
// Writes an entire cache block of data
/** Put a whole cache block of data into the outer memory hierarchy
* If the write mask is not full, the block will be allocated in the
* next-outermost level of the hierarchy. If the write mask is full, the
* client can hint whether the block should be allocated or not.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (which beat of several)
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
* @param wmask per-byte write mask for this beat
* @param alloc hint whether the block should be allocated in intervening caches
object PutBlock {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
@ -309,7 +418,36 @@ object PutBlock {
// Performs an atomic operation in the outer memory
/** Prefetch a cache block into the next-outermost level of the memory hierarchy
* with write permissions.
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
object PutPrefetch {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.prefetchType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = UInt(0),
union = Cat(M_XWR, Bool(true)))
/** Perform an atomic memory operation in the next-outermost level of the memory hierarchy
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat sub-block address (within which beat)
* @param addr_byte sub-block address (which byte)
* @param atomic_opcode {swap, add, xor, and, min, max, minu, maxu} from [[uncore.MemoryOpConstants]]
* @param operand_size {byte, half, word, double} from [[uncore.MemoryOpConstants]]
* @param data source operand data
object PutAtomic {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
@ -330,22 +468,11 @@ object PutAtomic {
// Prefetch a cache block into the next level of the memory hierarchy
// with write permissions
object PutPrefetch {
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.prefetchType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = UInt(0),
union = Cat(M_XWR, Bool(true)))
/** The Probe channel is used to force clients to release data or cede permissions
* on a cache block. Clients respond to Probes with [[uncore.Release]] messages.
* The available types of Probes are customized by a particular
* [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]].
class Probe extends ManagerToClientChannel
with HasCacheBlockAddress {
val p_type = UInt(width = tlCoh.probeTypeWidth)
@ -355,6 +482,18 @@ class Probe extends ManagerToClientChannel
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
/** [[uncore.Probe]] with an extra field stating its destination id */
class ProbeToDst extends Probe with HasClientId
/** Contains factories for [[uncore.Probe]] and [[uncore.ProbeToDst]]
* In general you should avoid using these factories directly and use
* [[uncore.ManagerMetadata.makeProbe]] instead.
* @param dst id of client to which probe should be sent
* @param p_type custom probe type
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
object Probe {
def apply(p_type: UInt, addr_block: UInt): Probe = {
val prb = new Probe
@ -371,6 +510,13 @@ object Probe {
/** The Release channel is used to release data or permission back to the manager
* in response to [[uncore.Probe]] messages. It can also be used to voluntarily
* write back data, for example in the event that dirty data must be evicted on
* a cache miss. The available types of Release messages are always customized by
* a particular [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]]. Releases may contain data or may be
* simple acknowledgements. Voluntary Releases are acknowledged with [[uncore.Grants]].
class Release extends ClientToManagerChannel
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasClientTransactionId
@ -387,6 +533,21 @@ class Release extends ClientToManagerChannel
def requiresAck(dummy: Int = 0) = !Bool(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering)
/** [[uncore.Release]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class ReleaseFromSrc extends Release with HasClientId
/** Contains a [[uncore.Release]] factory
* In general you should avoid using this factory directly and use
* [[uncore.ClientMetadata.makeRelease]] instead.
* @param voluntary is this a voluntary writeback
* @param r_type type enum defined by coherence protocol
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param addr_block address of the cache block
* @param addr_beat beat id of the data
* @param data data being written back
object Release {
def apply(
voluntary: Bool,
@ -406,6 +567,13 @@ object Release {
/** The Grant channel is used to refill data or grant permissions requested of the
* manager agent via an [[uncore.Acquire]] message. It is also used to acknowledge
* the receipt of voluntary writeback from clients in the form of [[uncore.Release]]
* messages. There are built-in Grant messages used for Gets and Puts, and
* coherence policies may also define custom Grant types. Grants may contain data
* or may be simple acknowledgements. Grants are responded to with [[uncore.Finish]].
class Grant extends ManagerToClientChannel
with HasTileLinkData
with HasClientTransactionId
@ -433,13 +601,30 @@ class Grant extends ManagerToClientChannel
/** [[uncore.Grant]] with an extra field stating its destination */
class GrantToDst extends Grant with HasClientId
/** Contains definitions of the the built-in grant types and factories
* for [[uncore.Grant]] and [[uncore.GrantToDst]]
* In general you should avoid using these factories directly and use
* [[uncore.ManagerMetadata.makeGrant]] instead.
* @param dst id of client to which grant should be sent
* @param is_builtin_type built-in or custom type message?
* @param g_type built-in type enum or custom type enum
* @param client_xact_id client's transaction id
* @param manager_xact_id manager's transaction id
* @param addr_beat beat id of the data
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
object Grant {
val nBuiltInTypes = 5
def voluntaryAckType = UInt("b000")
def putAckType = UInt("b001")
def prefetchAckType = UInt("b011")
def getDataBeatType = UInt("b100")
def getDataBlockType = UInt("b101")
def voluntaryAckType = UInt("b000") // For acking Releases
def prefetchAckType = UInt("b001") // For acking any kind of Prefetch
def putAckType = UInt("b011") // For acking any kind of non-prfetch Put
def getDataBeatType = UInt("b100") // Supplying a single beat of Get
def getDataBlockType = UInt("b101") // Supplying all beats of a GetBlock
def typesWithData = Vec(getDataBlockType, getDataBeatType)
def typesWithMultibeatData= Vec(getDataBlockType)
@ -480,62 +665,69 @@ object Grant {
/** The Finish channel is used to provide a global ordering of transactions
* in networks that do not guarantee point-to-point ordering of messages.
* A Finsish message is sent as acknowledgement of receipt of a [[uncore.Grant]].
* When a Finish message is received, a manager knows it is safe to begin
* processing other transactions that touch the same cache block.
class Finish extends ClientToManagerChannel with HasManagerTransactionId {
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
// These subtypes include a field for the source or destination ClientId
class AcquireFromSrc extends Acquire with HasClientId
class ProbeToDst extends Probe with HasClientId
class ReleaseFromSrc extends Release with HasClientId
class GrantToDst extends Grant with HasClientId
// Complete IO definitions for two types of TileLink clients, including
// networking headers
/** Complete IO definition for incoherent TileLink, including networking headers */
class UncachedTileLinkIO extends TLBundle {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Acquire))
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Grant)).flip
val finish = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Finish))
/** Complete IO definition for coherent TileLink, including networking headers */
class TileLinkIO extends UncachedTileLinkIO {
val probe = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Probe)).flip
val release = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Release))
// Converts UncachedTileLinkIO to regular TileLinkIO by pinning
// probe.ready and release.valid low
class TileLinkIOWrapper extends TLModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new UncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new TileLinkIO
io.out.acquire <> io.in.acquire
io.out.grant <> io.in.grant
io.out.finish <> io.in.finish
io.out.probe.ready := Bool(true)
io.out.release.valid := Bool(false)
// This version of TileLinkIO does not contain network headers. The headers
// are provided in the top-level that instantiates the clients and network,
// probably using a TileLinkClientPort module.
// By eliding the header subbundles within the clients we can enable
// hierarchical P&R while minimizing unconnected port errors in GDS.
// Secondly, this version of the interface elides Finish messages, with the
// assumption that a FinishUnit has been coupled to the TileLinkIO port
// to deal with acking received Grants.
/** This version of UncachedTileLinkIO does not contain network headers.
* It is intended for use within client agents.
* Headers are provided in the top-level that instantiates the clients and network,
* probably using a [[uncore.ClientTileLinkPort]] module.
* By eliding the header subbundles within the clients we can enable
* hierarchical P-and-R while minimizing unconnected port errors in GDS.
* Secondly, this version of the interface elides [[uncore.Finish]] messages, with the
* assumption that a [[uncore.FinishUnit]] has been coupled to the TileLinkIO port
* to deal with acking received [[uncore.Grants]].
class ClientUncachedTileLinkIO extends TLBundle {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new Acquire)
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new Grant).flip
/** This version of TileLinkIO does not contain network headers.
* It is intended for use within client agents.
class ClientTileLinkIO extends ClientUncachedTileLinkIO {
val probe = new DecoupledIO(new Probe).flip
val release = new DecoupledIO(new Release)
/** This version of TileLinkIO does not contain network headers, but
* every channel does include an extra client_id subbundle.
* It is intended for use within Management agents.
* Managers need to track where [[uncore.Acquire]] and [[uncore.Release]] messages
* originated so that they can send a [[uncore.Grant]] to the right place.
* Similarly they must be able to issues Probes to particular clients.
* However, we'd still prefer to have [[uncore.ManagerTileLinkPort]] fill in
* the header.src to enable hierarchical p-and-r of the managers. Additionally,
* coherent clients might be mapped to random network port ids, and we'll leave it to the
* [[uncore.ManagerTileLinkPort]] to apply the correct mapping. Managers do need to
* see Finished so they know when to allow new transactions on a cache
* block to proceed.
class ManagerTileLinkIO extends TLBundle {
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new AcquireFromSrc).flip
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new GrantToDst)
@ -544,17 +736,7 @@ class ManagerTileLinkIO extends TLBundle {
val release = new DecoupledIO(new ReleaseFromSrc).flip
class ClientTileLinkIOWrapper extends TLModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new ClientTileLinkIO
io.out.acquire <> io.in.acquire
io.out.grant <> io.in.grant
io.out.probe.ready := Bool(true)
io.out.release.valid := Bool(false)
/** Utilities for safely wrapping a *UncachedTileLink by pinning probe.ready and release.valid low */
object TileLinkIOWrapper {
def apply(utl: ClientUncachedTileLinkIO, p: Parameters): ClientTileLinkIO = {
val conv = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOWrapper)(p)
@ -580,13 +762,32 @@ object TileLinkIOWrapper {
def apply(tl: TileLinkIO): TileLinkIO = tl
class FinishQueueEntry extends TLBundle {
val fin = new Finish
val dst = UInt(width = log2Up(params(LNEndpoints)))
class TileLinkIOWrapper extends TLModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new UncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new TileLinkIO
io.out.acquire <> io.in.acquire
io.out.grant <> io.in.grant
io.out.finish <> io.in.finish
io.out.probe.ready := Bool(true)
io.out.release.valid := Bool(false)
class FinishQueue(entries: Int) extends Queue(new FinishQueueEntry, entries)
class ClientTileLinkIOWrapper extends TLModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip
val out = new ClientTileLinkIO
io.out.acquire <> io.in.acquire
io.out.grant <> io.in.grant
io.out.probe.ready := Bool(true)
io.out.release.valid := Bool(false)
/** A helper module that automatically issues [[uncore.Finish]] messages in repsonse
* to [[uncore.Grant]] that it receives from a manager and forwards to a client
class FinishUnit(srcId: Int = 0, outstanding: Int = 2) extends TLModule with HasDataBeatCounters {
val io = new Bundle {
val grant = Decoupled(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Grant)).flip
@ -633,36 +834,23 @@ class FinishUnit(srcId: Int = 0, outstanding: Int = 2) extends TLModule with Has
object ClientTileLinkHeaderCreator {
def apply[T <: ClientToManagerChannel with HasCacheBlockAddress : ClassTag](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
clientId: Int,
addrConvert: UInt => UInt): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits.clone)).asDirectionless
out.bits.payload := in.bits
out.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
out.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(in.bits.addr_block)
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
class FinishQueueEntry extends TLBundle {
val fin = new Finish
val dst = UInt(width = log2Up(params(LNEndpoints)))
object ManagerTileLinkHeaderCreator {
def apply[T <: ManagerToClientChannel with HasClientId : ClassTag](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
managerId: Int,
idConvert: UInt => UInt): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits.clone)).asDirectionless
out.bits.payload := in.bits
out.bits.header.src := UInt(managerId)
out.bits.header.dst := idConvert(in.bits.client_id)
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
class FinishQueue(entries: Int) extends Queue(new FinishQueueEntry, entries)
/** A port to convert [[uncore.ClientTileLinkIO]].flip into [[uncore.TileLinkIO]]
* Creates network headers for [[uncore.Acquire]] and [[uncore.Release]] messages,
* calculating header.dst and filling in header.src.
* Strips headers from [[uncore.Probes]].
* Responds to [[uncore.Grant]] by automatically issuing [[uncore.Finish]] to the granting managers.
* @param clientId network port id of this agent
* @param addrConvert how a physical address maps to a destination manager port id
class ClientTileLinkNetworkPort(clientId: Int, addrConvert: UInt => UInt) extends TLModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val client = new ClientTileLinkIO().flip
@ -686,6 +874,31 @@ class ClientTileLinkNetworkPort(clientId: Int, addrConvert: UInt => UInt) extend
io.client.grant <> gnt_without_header
object ClientTileLinkHeaderCreator {
def apply[T <: ClientToManagerChannel with HasCacheBlockAddress](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
clientId: Int,
addrConvert: UInt => UInt): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits.clone)).asDirectionless
out.bits.payload := in.bits
out.bits.header.src := UInt(clientId)
out.bits.header.dst := addrConvert(in.bits.addr_block)
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
/** A port to convert [[uncore.ManagerTileLinkIO]].flip into [[uncore.TileLinkIO]].flip
* Creates network headers for [[uncore.Probe]] and [[uncore.Grant]] messagess,
* calculating header.dst and filling in header.src.
* Strips headers from [[uncore.Acquire]], [[uncore.Release]] and [[uncore.Finish],
* but supplies client_id instead.
* @param managerId the network port id of this agent
* @param idConvert how a sharer id maps to a destination client port id
class ManagerTileLinkNetworkPort(managerId: Int, idConvert: UInt => UInt) extends TLModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val manager = new ManagerTileLinkIO().flip
@ -700,8 +913,25 @@ class ManagerTileLinkNetworkPort(managerId: Int, idConvert: UInt => UInt) extend
io.manager.finish <> DecoupledLogicalNetworkIOUnwrapper(io.network.finish)
object ManagerTileLinkHeaderCreator {
def apply[T <: ManagerToClientChannel with HasClientId](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
managerId: Int,
idConvert: UInt => UInt): DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]] = {
val out = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(in.bits.clone)).asDirectionless
out.bits.payload := in.bits
out.bits.header.src := UInt(managerId)
out.bits.header.dst := idConvert(in.bits.client_id)
out.valid := in.valid
in.ready := out.ready
/** Struct for describing per-channel queue depths */
case class TileLinkDepths(acq: Int, prb: Int, rel: Int, gnt: Int, fin: Int)
/** Optionally enqueues each [[uncore.TileLinkChannel]] individually */
class TileLinkEnqueuer(depths: TileLinkDepths) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val client = new TileLinkIO().flip
@ -905,10 +1135,10 @@ class ClientTileLinkIOArbiter(val arbN: Int) extends Module with TileLinkArbiter
/** Utility trait containing wiring functions to keep track of how many data beats have
* been sent or recieved over a particular TileLinkChannel or pair of channels.
* been sent or recieved over a particular [[uncore.TileLinkChannel]] or pair of channels.
* Won't count message types that don't have data.
* Used in XactTrackers and FinishUnit.
* Used in [[uncore.XactTracker]] and [[uncore.FinishUnit]].
trait HasDataBeatCounters {
type HasBeat = TileLinkChannel with HasTileLinkBeatId
@ -926,7 +1156,7 @@ trait HasDataBeatCounters {
(cnt, done)
/** Counter for beats on outgoing DecoupledIOs */
/** Counter for beats on outgoing [[chisel.DecoupledIO]] */
def connectOutgoingDataBeatCounter[T <: TileLinkChannel](in: DecoupledIO[T], beat: UInt = UInt(0)): (UInt, Bool) =
connectDataBeatCounter(in.fire(), in.bits, beat)
@ -2,15 +2,10 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
case object NReleaseTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NProbeTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NAcquireTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NIncoherentClients extends Field[Int]
case object NCoherentClients extends Field[Int]
case object L2CoherencePolicy extends Field[CoherencePolicy]
trait CoherenceAgentParameters extends UsesParameters {
val nReleaseTransactors = 1
@ -28,6 +23,7 @@ trait CoherenceAgentParameters extends UsesParameters {
val innerByteAddrBits = log2Up(innerDataBits/8)
require(outerDataBeats == innerDataBeats) //TODO: must fix all xact_data Vecs to remove this requirement
abstract class CoherenceAgentBundle extends Bundle with CoherenceAgentParameters
abstract class CoherenceAgentModule extends Module with CoherenceAgentParameters
@ -53,7 +49,7 @@ trait HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
trait HasInnerTLIO extends CoherenceAgentBundle {
val inner = Bundle(new ManagerTileLinkIO)(innerTLParams)
val incoherent = Vec.fill(inner.tlNCoherentClients){Bool()}.asInput
val incoherent = Vec.fill(inner.tlNCachingClients){Bool()}.asInput
def iacq(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.acquire.bits
def iprb(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.probe.bits
def irel(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.release.bits
@ -129,5 +125,5 @@ abstract class XactTracker extends CoherenceAgentModule with HasDataBeatCounters
dropPendingBitWhenBeat(in.fire() && in.bits.hasData(), in.bits)
def dropPendingBitAtDest(in: DecoupledIO[ProbeToDst]): UInt =
~Fill(in.bits.tlNCoherentClients, in.fire()) | ~UIntToOH(in.bits.client_id)
~Fill(in.bits.tlNCachingClients, in.fire()) | ~UIntToOH(in.bits.client_id)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user