L2AcquireTracker refactor to support merging Gets and Puts into Prefetches of the correct type.

Transaction metadata for primary and seconday misses now stored in the secondary miss queue.

Added BuiltInAcquireBuilder factory.
This commit is contained in:
Henry Cook 2015-11-16 13:23:17 -08:00
parent 03fa06e6e7
commit 64aaf71b06
5 changed files with 460 additions and 356 deletions

View File

@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ abstract class L2XactTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends XactTracker()(p)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasPartialWritemask(in: DecoupledIO[AcquireFromSrc]): UInt = {
val a = in.bits
val isPartial = a.wmask() != Acquire.fullWriteMask
val isPartial = a.wmask() =/= Acquire.fullWriteMask
addPendingBitWhenBeat(in.fire() && isPartial && Bool(ignoresWriteMask), a)
@ -533,44 +533,62 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
val state = Reg(init=s_idle)
// State holding transaction metadata
val xact = Reg(new BufferedAcquireFromSrc()(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(InnerTLId) })))
val data_buffer = Reg(init=Vec.fill(innerDataBeats)(UInt(0, width = innerDataBits)))
val wmask_buffer = Reg(init=Vec.fill(innerDataBeats)(UInt(0, width = innerDataBits/8)))
val xact_addr_block = Reg{ io.inner.acquire.bits.addr_block }
val xact_tag_match = Reg{ Bool() }
val xact_way_en = Reg{ Bits(width = nWays) }
val xact_old_meta = Reg{ new L2Metadata }
val pending_coh = Reg{ xact_old_meta.coh }
val xact_allocate = Reg{ Bool() }
val xact_amo_shift_bits = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_op_code = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_addr_byte = Reg{ UInt() }
val xact_op_size = Reg{ UInt() }
// Secondary miss queue
val ignt_q = Module(new Queue(new SecondaryMissInfo()(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(InnerTLId) })),
// Miss queue holds transaction metadata used to make grants
val ignt_q = Module(new Queue(
new SecondaryMissInfo()(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(InnerTLId) })),
1 + nSecondaryMisses))
// State holding progress made on processing this transaction
val iacq_data_done = connectIncomingDataBeatCounter(io.inner.acquire)
// Some accessor wires derived from the the above state
val xact = ignt_q.io.deq.bits
val xact_addr_idx = xact_addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
val xact_addr_tag = xact_addr_block >> UInt(idxBits)
// Counters and scoreboard tracking progress made on processing this transaction
val pending_irels = connectTwoWayBeatCounter(
max = io.inner.tlNCachingClients,
up = io.inner.probe,
down = io.inner.release)._1
val (pending_ognt, oacq_data_idx, oacq_data_done, ognt_data_idx, ognt_data_done) =
max = 1,
up = io.outer.acquire,
down = io.outer.grant,
beat = xact.addr_beat)
val (ignt_data_idx, ignt_data_done) = connectOutgoingDataBeatCounter(io.inner.grant, ignt_q.io.deq.bits.addr_beat)
val (ignt_data_idx, ignt_data_done) = connectOutgoingDataBeatCounter(
out = io.inner.grant,
beat = ignt_q.io.deq.bits.addr_beat)
val pending_ifins = connectTwoWayBeatCounter(
max = nSecondaryMisses,
up = io.inner.grant,
down = io.inner.finish,
track = (g: Grant) => g.requiresAck())._1
val pending_puts = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_iprbs = Reg(init = Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlNCachingClients))
val pending_reads = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_writes = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_resps = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_ignt_data = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val pending_ignt_ack = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val pending_meta_write = Reg(Bool())
val ignt_data_ready = Reg(init=Bits(0, width = io.inner.tlDataBeats))
val ignt_ack_ready = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val pending_meta_write = Reg(init = Bool(false))
// Used to decide when to escape from s_busy
val all_pending_done =
!(pending_reads.orR ||
pending_writes.orR ||
@ -584,16 +602,14 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
// Provide a single ALU per tracker to merge Puts and AMOs with data being
// refilled, written back, or extant in the cache
val amoalu = Module(new AMOALU(rhsIsAligned = true))
amoalu.io.addr := xact.full_addr()
amoalu.io.cmd := xact.op_code()
amoalu.io.typ := xact.op_size()
amoalu.io.addr := Cat(xact_addr_block, xact.addr_beat, xact_addr_byte)
amoalu.io.cmd := xact_op_code
amoalu.io.typ := xact_op_size
amoalu.io.lhs := io.data.resp.bits.data // default, overwritten by calls to mergeData
amoalu.io.rhs := xact.data_buffer.head // default, overwritten by calls to mergeData
amoalu.io.rhs := data_buffer.head // default, overwritten by calls to mergeData
val amo_result = Reg(init = UInt(0, xact.tlDataBits))
// Utility functions for updating the data and metadata that will be kept in
// the cache or granted to the original requestor after this transaction:
// Utility function for updating the metadata that will be kept in this cache
def updatePendingCohWhen(flag: Bool, next: HierarchicalMetadata) {
when(flag && pending_coh != next) {
pending_meta_write := Bool(true)
@ -601,79 +617,88 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
// Defined here because of Chisel default wire demands, used in s_meta_resp
val pending_coh_on_hit = HierarchicalMetadata(
val pending_coh_on_miss = HierarchicalMetadata.onReset
// Utility function for applying any buffered stored data to the cache line
// before storing it back into the data array
def mergeData(dataBits: Int)(beat: UInt, incoming: UInt) {
val old_data = incoming // Refilled, written back, or de-cached data
val new_data = xact.data_buffer(beat) // Newly Put data is already in the buffer
amoalu.io.lhs := old_data >> xact.amo_shift_bits()
amoalu.io.rhs := new_data >> xact.amo_shift_bits()
val new_data = data_buffer(beat) // Newly Put data is already in the buffer
amoalu.io.lhs := old_data >> xact_amo_shift_bits
amoalu.io.rhs := new_data >> xact_amo_shift_bits
val wmask = FillInterleaved(8, wmask_buffer(beat))
xact.data_buffer(beat) := ~wmask & old_data |
data_buffer(beat) := ~wmask & old_data |
wmask & Mux(xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putAtomicType),
amoalu.io.out << xact.amo_shift_bits(),
amoalu.io.out << xact_amo_shift_bits,
wmask_buffer(beat) := ~UInt(0, wmask_buffer.head.getWidth)
when(xact.is(Acquire.putAtomicType) && xact.addr_beat === beat) { amo_result := old_data }
// TODO: Deal with the possibility that rowBits != tlDataBits
def mergeDataInternal[T <: L2HellaCacheBundle with HasL2Data with HasL2BeatAddr](in: ValidIO[T]) {
when(in.valid) { mergeData(rowBits)(in.bits.addr_beat, in.bits.data) }
def mergeDataInner[T <: TLBundle with HasTileLinkData with HasTileLinkBeatId](in: DecoupledIO[T]) {
when(in.fire() && in.bits.hasData()) {
mergeData(innerDataBits)(in.bits.addr_beat, in.bits.data)
def mergeDataOuter[T <: TLBundle with HasTileLinkData with HasTileLinkBeatId](in: DecoupledIO[T]) {
when(in.fire() && in.bits.hasData()) {
mergeData(outerDataBits)(in.bits.addr_beat, in.bits.data)
def addPendingBitFromBufferedAcquire(xact: AcquireMetadata): UInt =
Fill(innerDataBeats, UInt(1, 1)),
// and Puts-under-Put, and either may also merge witha preceding prefetch
// that requested the correct permissions (via op_code)
def acquiresAreMergeable(sec: AcquireMetadata): Bool = {
val allowedTypes = List((Acquire.getType, Acquire.getType),
(Acquire.putType, Acquire.putType),
(Acquire.putBlockType, Acquire.putBlockType),
(Acquire.prefetchType, Acquire.prefetchType),
(Acquire.prefetchType, Acquire.getType),
(Acquire.prefetchType, Acquire.putType),
(Acquire.prefetchType, Acquire.putBlockType))
allowedTypes.map { case(a, b) => xact.isBuiltInType(a) && sec.isBuiltInType(b) }.reduce(_||_) &&
xact_op_code === sec.op_code() &&
sec.conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
(xact_allocate || xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType))
// Actual transaction processing logic begins here:
// First, take care of accpeting new requires or secondary misses
// For now, the only allowed secondary miss types are Gets-under-Get
// and Puts-under-Put from the same client
val can_merge_iacq_get = (xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.getType) &&
io.iacq().isBuiltInType(Acquire.getType)) &&
xact.client_id === io.iacq().client_id && //TODO remove
xact.conflicts(io.iacq()) &&
state != s_idle && state != s_meta_write &&
// First, take care of accpeting new acquires or secondary misses
val iacq_can_merge = acquiresAreMergeable(io.iacq()) &&
state =/= s_idle && state =/= s_meta_write &&
!all_pending_done &&
xact.allocate() &&
!io.inner.release.fire() &&
!io.outer.grant.fire() &&
!io.data.resp.valid &&
ignt_q.io.enq.ready && ignt_q.io.deq.valid
// This logic also allows the tail beats of a PutBlock to be merged in
val can_merge_iacq_put = ((xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType) &&
io.iacq().isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType)) ||
(xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType) &&
io.iacq().isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType))) &&
xact.client_id === io.iacq().client_id && //TODO remove
xact.conflicts(io.iacq()) &&
state != s_idle && state != s_meta_write &&
!all_pending_done &&
(xact.allocate() || xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType)) &&
!io.inner.release.fire() &&
!io.outer.grant.fire() &&
!io.data.resp.valid &&
io.inner.acquire.ready := state === s_idle || iacq_can_merge
io.inner.acquire.ready := state === s_idle ||
can_merge_iacq_put ||
// Handling of primary and secondary misses' data and write mask merging
when(io.inner.acquire.fire() && io.iacq().hasData()) {
val beat = io.iacq().addr_beat
val full = FillInterleaved(8, io.iacq().wmask())
data_buffer(beat) := (~full & data_buffer(beat)) | (full & io.iacq().data)
wmask_buffer(beat) := io.iacq().wmask() | wmask_buffer(beat) // assumes wmask_buffer is zeroed
// Enqueue secondary miss information
ignt_q.io.enq.valid := iacq_data_done
ignt_q.io.enq.bits.client_xact_id := io.iacq().client_xact_id
ignt_q.io.enq.bits.addr_beat := io.iacq().addr_beat
// TODO add ignt.dst <- iacq.src
// Enqueue some metadata information that we'll use to make coherence updates with later
ignt_q.io.enq.valid := Mux(io.iacq().hasMultibeatData(),
io.inner.acquire.fire() && state === s_idle,
ignt_q.io.enq.bits := io.iacq()
// Track whether any beats are missing from a PutBlock
pending_puts := (pending_puts & dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.acquire))
@ -681,13 +706,13 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
// Begin a transaction by getting the current block metadata
io.meta.read.valid := state === s_meta_read
io.meta.read.bits.id := UInt(trackerId)
io.meta.read.bits.idx := xact.addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
io.meta.read.bits.tag := xact.addr_block >> UInt(idxBits)
io.meta.read.bits.idx := xact_addr_idx
io.meta.read.bits.tag := xact_addr_tag
// Issue a request to the writeback unit
io.wb.req.valid := state === s_wb_req
io.wb.req.bits.id := UInt(trackerId)
io.wb.req.bits.idx := xact.addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
io.wb.req.bits.idx := xact_addr_idx
io.wb.req.bits.tag := xact_old_meta.tag
io.wb.req.bits.coh := xact_old_meta.coh
io.wb.req.bits.way_en := xact_way_en
@ -696,7 +721,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
pending_iprbs := pending_iprbs & dropPendingBitAtDest(io.inner.probe)
val curr_probe_dst = PriorityEncoder(pending_iprbs)
io.inner.probe.valid := state === s_inner_probe && pending_iprbs.orR
io.inner.probe.bits := pending_coh.inner.makeProbe(curr_probe_dst, xact)
io.inner.probe.bits := pending_coh.inner.makeProbe(curr_probe_dst, xact, xact_addr_block)
// Handle incoming releases from clients, which may reduce sharer counts
// and/or write back dirty data
@ -709,61 +734,101 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
updatePendingCohWhen(io.inner.release.fire(), pending_coh_on_irel)
val outerParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(OuterTLId) })
// Handle misses or coherence permission upgrades by initiating a new transaction in the outer memory:
// If we're allocating in this cache, we can use the current metadata
// to make an appropriate custom Acquire, otherwise we copy over the
// built-in Acquire from the inner TL to the outer TL
io.outer.acquire.valid := state === s_outer_acquire &&
(xact.allocate() || !pending_puts(oacq_data_idx))
io.outer.acquire.bits := Mux(xact.allocate(),
(xact_allocate || !pending_puts(oacq_data_idx))
io.outer.acquire.bits := Mux(xact_allocate,
op_code = xact_op_code,
client_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_block = xact.addr_block,
op_code = xact.op_code()),
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
addr_block = xact_addr_block),
a_type = xact.a_type,
client_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_block = xact.addr_block,
addr_beat = xact.addr_beat,
union = xact.union)(outerParams))
io.oacq().data := xact.data_buffer(oacq_data_idx)
addr_block = xact_addr_block,
addr_beat = oacq_data_idx,
data = data_buffer(oacq_data_idx),
addr_byte = xact_addr_byte,
operand_size = xact_op_size,
opcode = xact_op_code,
wmask = wmask_buffer(oacq_data_idx),
alloc = Bool(false))
(p.alterPartial({ case TLId => p(OuterTLId)})))
// Handle the response from outer memory
io.outer.grant.ready := state === s_busy
val pending_coh_on_ognt = HierarchicalMetadata(
pending_coh.outer.onGrant(io.outer.grant.bits, xact.op_code()))
pending_coh.outer.onGrant(io.outer.grant.bits, xact_op_code))
updatePendingCohWhen(ognt_data_done, pending_coh_on_ognt)
// Going back to the original inner transaction, we can issue a Grant as
// Going back to the original inner transaction:
// We read from the the cache at this level if data wasn't written back or refilled.
// We may still merge further Gets, requiring further beats to be read.
// If ECC requires a full writemask, we'll read out data on partial writes as well.
pending_reads := (pending_reads &
dropPendingBit(io.data.read) &
dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release) &
dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.outer.grant)) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatIsGetOrAtomic(io.inner.acquire) |
val curr_read_beat = PriorityEncoder(pending_reads)
io.data.read.valid := state === s_busy && pending_reads.orR && !pending_ognt
io.data.read.bits.id := UInt(trackerId)
io.data.read.bits.way_en := xact_way_en
io.data.read.bits.addr_idx := xact_addr_idx
io.data.read.bits.addr_beat := curr_read_beat
pending_resps := (pending_resps & dropPendingBitInternal(io.data.resp)) |
// We write data to the cache at this level if it was Put here with allocate flag,
// written back dirty, or refilled from outer memory.
pending_writes := (pending_writes & dropPendingBit(io.data.write)) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasDataAndAllocs(io.inner.acquire) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.outer.grant, xact_allocate)
val curr_write_beat = PriorityEncoder(pending_writes)
io.data.write.valid := state === s_busy &&
pending_writes.orR &&
!pending_ognt &&
!pending_reads(curr_write_beat) &&
io.data.write.bits.id := UInt(trackerId)
io.data.write.bits.way_en := xact_way_en
io.data.write.bits.addr_idx := xact_addr_idx
io.data.write.bits.addr_beat := curr_write_beat
io.data.write.bits.wmask := wmask_buffer(curr_write_beat)
io.data.write.bits.data := data_buffer(curr_write_beat)
// soon as the data is released, granted, put, or read from the cache
pending_ignt_data := pending_ignt_data |
ignt_data_ready := ignt_data_ready |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.outer.grant) |
// We can issue a grant for a pending write once the write is committed
pending_ignt_ack := pending_ignt_ack |
ignt_ack_ready := ignt_ack_ready |
io.data.write.fire() |
io.outer.grant.fire() && !io.outer.grant.bits.hasData()
ignt_q.io.deq.ready := ignt_data_done
io.inner.grant.valid := state === s_busy &&
ignt_q.io.deq.valid &&
// Make the Grant message using the data stored in the secondary miss queue
io.inner.grant.bits := pending_coh.inner.makeGrant(
pri = xact,
sec = ignt_q.io.deq.bits,
manager_xact_id = UInt(trackerId),
data = Mux(xact.is(Acquire.putAtomicType),
io.inner.grant.bits.addr_beat := ignt_data_idx // override based on outgoing counter
val pending_coh_on_ignt = HierarchicalMetadata(
@ -776,72 +841,22 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
// We must wait for as many Finishes as we sent Grants
io.inner.finish.ready := state === s_busy
// We read from the the cache at this level if data wasn't written back or refilled.
// We may merge Gets, requiring further beats to be read.
// If ECC requires a full writemask, we'll read out data on partial writes as well.
pending_reads := (pending_reads &
dropPendingBit(io.data.read) &
dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release) &
dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.outer.grant)) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatIsGetOrAtomic(io.inner.acquire) |
val curr_read_beat = PriorityEncoder(pending_reads)
io.data.read.valid := state === s_busy && pending_reads.orR && !pending_ognt
io.data.read.bits.id := UInt(trackerId)
io.data.read.bits.way_en := xact_way_en
io.data.read.bits.addr_idx := xact.addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
io.data.read.bits.addr_beat := curr_read_beat
pending_resps := (pending_resps & dropPendingBitInternal(io.data.resp)) |
// We write data to the cache at this level if it was Put here with allocate flag,
// written back dirty, or refilled from outer memory.
pending_writes := (pending_writes & dropPendingBit(io.data.write)) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasDataAndAllocs(io.inner.acquire) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release) |
(Fill(refillCycles, xact.allocate()) &
val curr_write_beat = PriorityEncoder(pending_writes)
io.data.write.valid := state === s_busy &&
pending_writes.orR &&
!pending_ognt &&
!pending_reads(curr_write_beat) &&
io.data.write.bits.id := UInt(trackerId)
io.data.write.bits.way_en := xact_way_en
io.data.write.bits.addr_idx := xact.addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
io.data.write.bits.addr_beat := curr_write_beat
io.data.write.bits.wmask := wmask_buffer(curr_write_beat)
io.data.write.bits.data := xact.data_buffer(curr_write_beat)
// End a transaction by updating the block metadata
io.meta.write.valid := state === s_meta_write
io.meta.write.bits.id := UInt(trackerId)
io.meta.write.bits.idx := xact.addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
io.meta.write.bits.idx := xact_addr_idx
io.meta.write.bits.way_en := xact_way_en
io.meta.write.bits.data.tag := xact.addr_block >> UInt(idxBits)
io.meta.write.bits.data.tag := xact_addr_tag
io.meta.write.bits.data.coh := pending_coh
// Handling of secondary misses (Gets and Puts only for now)
when(io.inner.acquire.fire() && io.iacq().hasData()) { // state <= s_meta_wrtie
val beat = io.iacq().addr_beat
val wmask = io.iacq().wmask()
val full = FillInterleaved(8, wmask)
xact.data_buffer(beat) := (~full & xact.data_buffer(beat)) | (full & io.iacq().data)
wmask_buffer(beat) := wmask | Mux(state === s_idle, Bits(0), wmask_buffer(beat))
// Defined here because of Chisel default wire demands, used in s_meta_resp
val pending_coh_on_hit = HierarchicalMetadata(
val pending_coh_on_miss = HierarchicalMetadata.onReset
// State machine updates and transaction handler metadata intialization
when(state === s_idle && io.inner.acquire.valid) {
xact := io.iacq()
xact_addr_block := io.iacq().addr_block
xact_allocate := io.iacq().allocate()
xact_amo_shift_bits := io.iacq().amo_shift_bits()
xact_op_code := io.iacq().op_code()
xact_addr_byte := io.iacq().addr_byte()
xact_op_size := io.iacq().op_size()
amo_result := UInt(0)
pending_puts := Mux( // Make sure to collect all data from a PutBlock
@ -854,8 +869,8 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
pending_writes := addPendingBitWhenBeatHasDataAndAllocs(io.inner.acquire)
pending_resps := UInt(0)
pending_ignt_data := UInt(0)
pending_ignt_ack := Bool(false)
ignt_data_ready := UInt(0)
ignt_ack_ready := Bool(false)
pending_meta_write := Bool(false)
state := s_meta_read
@ -866,15 +881,15 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
xact_way_en := io.meta.resp.bits.way_en
val coh = io.meta.resp.bits.meta.coh
val tag_match = io.meta.resp.bits.tag_match
val is_hit = (if(!isLastLevelCache) tag_match && coh.outer.isHit(xact.op_code())
val is_hit = (if(!isLastLevelCache) tag_match && coh.outer.isHit(xact_op_code)
else xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType) ||
tag_match && coh.outer.isValid())
val needs_writeback = !tag_match &&
xact.allocate() &&
xact_allocate &&
(coh.outer.requiresVoluntaryWriteback() ||
val needs_inner_probes = tag_match && coh.inner.requiresProbes(xact)
val should_update_meta = !tag_match && xact.allocate() ||
val should_update_meta = !tag_match && xact_allocate ||
is_hit && pending_coh_on_hit != coh
// Determine any changes to the coherence metadata
when (should_update_meta) { pending_meta_write := Bool(true) }
@ -889,14 +904,14 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
val mask_incoherent = mask_self & ~io.incoherent.toBits
pending_iprbs := mask_incoherent
// If a prefetch is a hit, note that we have to ack it
// If a prefetch is a hit, note that we should ack it ASAP
when (is_hit && xact.isPrefetch()) {
pending_ignt_ack := Bool(true)
ignt_ack_ready := Bool(true)
// If the write is marked no-allocate but is already in the cache,
// we do, in fact, need to write the data to the cache
when (is_hit && !xact.allocate() && xact.hasData()) {
pending_writes := addPendingBitFromBufferedAcquire(xact)
// If some kind of Put is marked no-allocate but is already in the cache,
// we need to write its data to the data array
when (is_hit && !xact_allocate && xact.hasData()) {
pending_writes := addPendingBitsFromAcquire(xact)
// Next: request writeback, issue probes, query outer memory, or respond
state := Mux(needs_writeback, s_wb_req,
@ -913,28 +928,25 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2XactTra
when(state === s_inner_probe && !(pending_iprbs.orR || pending_irels)) {
// Tag matches, so if this is the last level cache we can use the data without upgrading permissions
val skip_outer_acquire =
(if(!isLastLevelCache) xact_old_meta.coh.outer.isHit(xact.op_code())
(if(!isLastLevelCache) xact_old_meta.coh.outer.isHit(xact_op_code)
else xact.isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType) || xact_old_meta.coh.outer.isValid())
state := Mux(!skip_outer_acquire, s_outer_acquire, s_busy)
when(state === s_outer_acquire && oacq_data_done) { state := s_busy }
when(state === s_busy && all_pending_done) {
wmask_buffer.foreach { w => w := UInt(0) }
wmask_buffer.foreach { w => w := UInt(0) } // This is the only reg that must be clear in s_idle
state := Mux(pending_meta_write, s_meta_write, s_idle)
when(state === s_meta_write && io.meta.write.ready) { state := s_idle }
// These IOs are used for routing in the parent
val in_same_set = xact.addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB) === io.iacq().addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
io.has_release_match := xact.conflicts(io.irel()) && !io.irel().isVoluntary() && io.inner.release.ready
io.has_acquire_match := can_merge_iacq_put || can_merge_iacq_get
io.has_acquire_conflict := in_same_set && (state != s_idle) && !io.has_acquire_match
val in_same_set = xact_addr_idx === io.iacq().addr_block(idxMSB,idxLSB)
io.has_release_match := io.irel().conflicts(xact_addr_block) &&
!io.irel().isVoluntary() &&
io.has_acquire_match := iacq_can_merge
io.has_acquire_conflict := in_same_set && (state =/= s_idle) && !io.has_acquire_match
//TODO: relax from in_same_set to xact.conflicts(io.iacq())?
// Checks for illegal behavior
assert(!(state != s_idle && io.inner.acquire.fire() &&
io.inner.acquire.bits.client_id != xact.client_id),
"AcquireTracker accepted data beat from different network source than initial request.")
class L2WritebackReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends L2Metadata()(p) with HasL2Id {

View File

@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ trait HasClientSideCoherencePolicy {
// Determine which custom message type to use
def getAcquireType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt
def getReleaseType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt
def getReleaseType(p: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt
def getReleaseType(p: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt
// Mutate ClientMetadata based on messages or cmds
def clientMetadataOnHit(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
def clientMetadataOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: Grant, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): ClientMetadata
/** This API contains all functions required for manager coherence agents.
@ -90,18 +90,18 @@ trait HasManagerSideCoherencePolicy extends HasDirectoryRepresentation {
def masterStateWidth = log2Ceil(nManagerStates)
// Transaction probing logic
def requiresProbes(acq: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): Bool
def requiresProbes(acq: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): Bool
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): Bool
// Determine which custom message type to use in response
def getProbeType(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt
def getProbeType(acq: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt
def getGrantType(acq: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt
def getProbeType(acq: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt
def getGrantType(acq: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt
// Mutate ManagerMetadata based on messages or cmds
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: ReleaseMetadata, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): ManagerMetadata
def managerMetadataOnGrant(outgoing: GrantMetadata, dst: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): ManagerMetadata
def managerMetadataOnGrant(outgoing: HasGrantType, dst: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
ManagerMetadata(sharers=Mux(outgoing.isBuiltInType(), // Assumes all built-ins are uncached
dir.push(meta.sharers, dst)))(meta.p)
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class MICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeCopy -> getReleaseType(M_CLEAN, meta)))
@ -161,17 +161,17 @@ class MICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
def clientMetadataOnCacheControl(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(cmd === M_FLUSH, clientInvalid, meta.state))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: Grant, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid, clientValid))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
ClientMetadata(Mux(incoming.p_type === probeInvalidate,
clientInvalid, meta.state))(meta.p)
// Manager states and functions:
val nManagerStates = 0 // We don't actually need any states for this protocol
def requiresProbes(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ class MICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
MuxLookup(cmd, probeCopy, Array(
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate))
def getProbeType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
@ -189,10 +189,11 @@ class MICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
Acquire.putAtomicType -> probeInvalidate)),
def getGrantType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt = grantExclusive
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type), grantExclusive)
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: ReleaseMetadata, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxBundle(meta, Array(
incoming.is(releaseInvalidateData) -> popped,
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ class MEICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeDowngrade -> getReleaseType(M_PRODUCE, meta),
@ -255,12 +256,12 @@ class MEICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_FLUSH -> clientInvalid,
M_CLEAN -> Mux(meta.state === clientExclusiveDirty, clientExclusiveClean, meta.state))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: Grant, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid,
Mux(isWrite(cmd), clientExclusiveDirty, clientExclusiveClean)))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, meta.state, Array(
probeInvalidate -> clientInvalid,
@ -270,7 +271,7 @@ class MEICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
// Manager states and functions:
val nManagerStates = 0 // We don't actually need any states for this protocol
def requiresProbes(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def requiresProbes(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = !dir.none(meta.sharers)
def getProbeType(cmd: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ class MEICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate,
M_PRODUCE -> probeDowngrade))
def getProbeType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
@ -288,10 +289,11 @@ class MEICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
Acquire.putAtomicType -> probeInvalidate)),
def getGrantType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt = grantExclusive
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type), grantExclusive)
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: ReleaseMetadata, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxBundle(meta, Array(
incoming.is(releaseInvalidateData) -> popped,
@ -339,7 +341,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeDowngrade -> getReleaseType(M_PRODUCE, meta),
@ -355,7 +357,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_PRODUCE -> Mux(clientStatesWithWritePermission.contains(meta.state),
clientShared, meta.state))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: Grant, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid,
MuxLookup(incoming.g_type, clientInvalid, Array(
@ -363,7 +365,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
grantExclusive -> clientExclusiveDirty,
grantExclusiveAck -> clientExclusiveDirty))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, meta.state, Array(
probeInvalidate -> clientInvalid,
@ -376,7 +378,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
// notification msg to track clean drops)
// Also could avoid probes on outer WBs.
def requiresProbes(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
Mux(dir.none(meta.sharers), Bool(false),
Mux(dir.one(meta.sharers), Bool(true), //TODO: for now we assume it's Exclusive
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), a.hasData(), a.a_type != acquireShared)))
@ -388,7 +390,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate,
M_PRODUCE -> probeDowngrade))
def getProbeType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
@ -400,13 +402,14 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
acquireShared -> probeDowngrade,
acquireExclusive -> probeInvalidate)))
def getGrantType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type),
Mux(a.a_type === acquireShared,
Mux(!dir.none(meta.sharers), grantShared, grantExclusive),
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: ReleaseMetadata, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxBundle(meta, Array(
incoming.is(releaseInvalidateData) -> popped,
@ -441,7 +444,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
def clientStatesWithWritePermission = Vec(clientExclusiveClean, clientExclusiveDirty)
def clientStatesWithDirtyData = Vec(clientExclusiveDirty)
def isValid (meta: ClientMetadata): Bool = meta.state != clientInvalid
def isValid(meta: ClientMetadata): Bool = meta.state != clientInvalid
def getAcquireType(cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
Mux(isWriteIntent(cmd), acquireExclusive, acquireShared)
@ -454,7 +457,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateAck, Array(
probeInvalidate -> getReleaseType(M_FLUSH, meta),
probeDowngrade -> getReleaseType(M_PRODUCE, meta),
@ -472,7 +475,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_CLEAN -> Mux(meta.state === clientExclusiveDirty,
clientExclusiveClean, meta.state))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: Grant, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid,
MuxLookup(incoming.g_type, clientInvalid, Array(
@ -480,7 +483,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
grantExclusive -> Mux(isWrite(cmd), clientExclusiveDirty, clientExclusiveClean),
grantExclusiveAck -> clientExclusiveDirty))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, meta.state, Array(
probeInvalidate -> clientInvalid,
@ -493,7 +496,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
// notification msg to track clean drops)
// Also could avoid probes on outer WBs.
def requiresProbes(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
Mux(dir.none(meta.sharers), Bool(false),
Mux(dir.one(meta.sharers), Bool(true), //TODO: for now we assume it's Exclusive
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), a.hasData(), a.a_type != acquireShared)))
@ -505,7 +508,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate,
M_PRODUCE -> probeDowngrade))
def getProbeType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
@ -517,13 +520,14 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(dir) {
acquireShared -> probeDowngrade,
acquireExclusive -> probeInvalidate)))
def getGrantType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type),
Mux(a.a_type === acquireShared,
Mux(!dir.none(meta.sharers), grantShared, grantExclusive),
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: ReleaseMetadata, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxBundle(meta, Array(
incoming.is(releaseInvalidateData) -> popped,
@ -569,7 +573,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(d
M_CLEAN -> Mux(dirty, releaseCopyData, releaseCopyAck)))
def getReleaseType(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = {
def getReleaseType(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata): UInt = {
val dirty = clientStatesWithDirtyData.contains(meta.state)
val with_data = MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, releaseInvalidateData, Array(
probeInvalidate -> Mux(Vec(clientExclusiveDirty, clientMigratoryDirty).contains(meta.state),
@ -605,7 +609,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(d
clientExclusiveDirty -> clientExclusiveClean,
clientMigratoryDirty -> clientMigratoryClean)))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: Grant, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnGrant(incoming: HasGrantType, cmd: UInt, meta: ClientMetadata) =
Mux(incoming.isBuiltInType(), clientInvalid,
MuxLookup(incoming.g_type, clientInvalid, Array(
@ -615,7 +619,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(d
grantReadMigratory -> Mux(isWrite(cmd),
clientMigratoryDirty, clientMigratoryClean)))))(meta.p)
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: Probe, meta: ClientMetadata) =
def clientMetadataOnProbe(incoming: HasProbeType, meta: ClientMetadata) =
MuxLookup(incoming.p_type, meta.state, Array(
probeInvalidate -> clientInvalid,
@ -631,7 +635,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(d
// Manager states and functions:
val nManagerStates = 0 // TODO: we could add some states to reduce the number of message types
def requiresProbes(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
def requiresProbes(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata) =
Mux(dir.none(meta.sharers), Bool(false),
Mux(dir.one(meta.sharers), Bool(true), //TODO: for now we assume it's Exclusive
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), a.hasData(), a.a_type != acquireShared)))
@ -643,7 +647,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(d
M_FLUSH -> probeInvalidate,
M_PRODUCE -> probeDowngrade))
def getProbeType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
def getProbeType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
MuxLookup(a.a_type, probeCopy, Array(
Acquire.getBlockType -> probeCopy,
@ -656,14 +660,15 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicy(d
acquireExclusive -> probeInvalidate,
acquireInvalidateOthers -> probeInvalidateOthers)))
def getGrantType(a: AcquireMetadata, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
def getGrantType(a: HasAcquireType, meta: ManagerMetadata): UInt =
Mux(a.isBuiltInType(), Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(a.a_type),
MuxLookup(a.a_type, grantShared, Array(
acquireShared -> Mux(!dir.none(meta.sharers), grantShared, grantExclusive),
acquireExclusive -> grantExclusive,
acquireInvalidateOthers -> grantExclusiveAck)) //TODO: add this to MESI for broadcast?
acquireInvalidateOthers -> grantExclusiveAck))) //TODO: add this to MESI for broadcast?
def getExclusiveGrantType(): UInt = grantExclusive
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: ReleaseMetadata, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
def managerMetadataOnRelease(incoming: HasReleaseType, src: UInt, meta: ManagerMetadata) = {
val popped = ManagerMetadata(sharers=dir.pop(meta.sharers, src))(meta.p)
MuxBundle(meta, Array(
incoming.is(releaseInvalidateData) -> popped,

View File

@ -174,13 +174,22 @@ class ManagerMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceMetadata()(p) {
def full(dummy: Int = 0): UInt = co.dir.full(this.sharers)
/** Does this [[uncore.Acquire]] require [[uncore.Probe Probes]] to be sent */
def requiresProbes(acq: AcquireMetadata): Bool = co.requiresProbes(acq, this)
def requiresProbes(acq: HasAcquireType): Bool = co.requiresProbes(acq, this)
/** Does this memory op require [[uncore.Probe Probes]] to be sent */
def requiresProbes(op_code: UInt): Bool = co.requiresProbes(op_code, this)
/** Does an eviction require [[uncore.Probe Probes]] to be sent */
def requiresProbesOnVoluntaryWriteback(dummy: Int = 0): Bool =
co.requiresProbes(M_FLUSH, this)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.ProbeToDst]] for a given [[uncore.Acquire]]
* @param dst Destination client id for this Probe
* @param acq Acquire message triggering this Probe
* @param addr_block address of the cache block being probed
def makeProbe(dst: UInt, acq: HasAcquireType, addr_block: UInt): ProbeToDst =
Probe(dst, co.getProbeType(acq, this), addr_block)(p)
/** Construct an appropriate [[uncore.ProbeToDst]] for a given [[uncore.Acquire]]
* @param dst Destination client id for this Probe
@ -236,9 +245,7 @@ class ManagerMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceMetadata()(p) {
dst = acq.client_id,
is_builtin_type = acq.isBuiltInType(),
g_type = Mux(acq.isBuiltInType(),
co.getGrantType(acq, this)),
g_type = co.getGrantType(acq, this),
client_xact_id = acq.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
@ -249,19 +256,22 @@ class ManagerMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceMetadata()(p) {
* Used to respond to secondary misses merged into this transaction.
* May contain single or multiple beats of data.
* @param pri Primary miss's Acquire message, used to get g_type and dst
* @param sec Secondary miss info, used to get beat and client_xact_id
* @param sec Secondary miss info
* @param manager_xact_id manager's transaction id
* @param data data being refilled to the original requestor
def makeGrant(
pri: AcquireMetadata with HasClientId,
sec: SecondaryMissInfo,
manager_xact_id: UInt,
data: UInt): GrantToDst = {
val g = makeGrant(pri, manager_xact_id, sec.addr_beat, data)
g.client_xact_id := sec.client_xact_id
dst = sec.client_id,
is_builtin_type = sec.isBuiltInType(),
g_type = co.getGrantType(sec, this),
client_xact_id = sec.client_xact_id,
manager_xact_id = manager_xact_id,
addr_beat = sec.addr_beat,
data = data)(p)
/** New metadata after receiving a [[uncore.ReleaseFromSrc]]

View File

@ -143,26 +143,11 @@ trait HasClientId extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val client_id = UInt(width = tlClientIdBits)
/** TileLink channel bundle definitions */
/** The Acquire channel is used to intiate coherence protocol transactions in
* order to gain access to a cache block's data with certain permissions
* enabled. Messages sent over this channel may be custom types defined by
* a [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]] for cached data accesse or may be built-in types
* used for uncached data accesses. Acquires may contain data for Put or
* PutAtomic built-in types. After sending an Acquire, clients must
* wait for a manager to send them a [[uncore.Grant]] message in response.
class AcquireMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel()(p)
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasTileLinkBeatId {
// Actual bundle fields:
val is_builtin_type = Bool()
val a_type = UInt(width = tlAcquireTypeBits)
trait HasAcquireUnion extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val union = Bits(width = tlAcquireUnionBits)
// Utility funcs for accessing subblock union:
def isBuiltInType(t: UInt): Bool
val opCodeOff = 1
val opSizeOff = tlMemoryOpcodeBits + opCodeOff
val addrByteOff = tlMemoryOperandSizeBits + opSizeOff
@ -177,22 +162,25 @@ class AcquireMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel()(p
def op_size(dummy: Int = 0) = union(addrByteOff-1, opSizeOff)
/** Byte address for [[uncore.PutAtomic]] operand */
def addr_byte(dummy: Int = 0) = union(addrByteMSB-1, addrByteOff)
private def amo_offset(dummy: Int = 0) = addr_byte()(tlByteAddrBits-1, log2Up(amoAluOperandBits/8))
def amo_offset(dummy: Int = 0) = addr_byte()(tlByteAddrBits-1, log2Up(amoAluOperandBits/8))
/** Bit offset of [[uncore.PutAtomic]] operand */
def amo_shift_bits(dummy: Int = 0) = UInt(amoAluOperandBits)*amo_offset()
/** Write mask for [[uncore.Put]], [[uncore.PutBlock]], [[uncore.PutAtomic]] */
def wmask(dummy: Int = 0) =
def wmask(dummy: Int = 0): UInt = {
FillInterleaved(amoAluOperandBits/8, UIntToOH(amo_offset())),
Mux(isBuiltInType(Acquire.putBlockType) || isBuiltInType(Acquire.putType),
union(tlWriteMaskBits, 1),
UInt(0, width = tlWriteMaskBits)))
/** Full, beat-sized writemask */
def full_wmask(dummy: Int = 0) = FillInterleaved(8, wmask())
/** Complete physical address for block, beat or operand */
def full_addr(dummy: Int = 0) = Cat(this.addr_block, this.addr_beat, this.addr_byte())
trait HasAcquireType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val is_builtin_type = Bool()
val a_type = UInt(width = tlAcquireTypeBits)
// Other helper functions:
/** Message type equality */
def is(t: UInt) = a_type === t //TODO: make this more opaque; def ===?
@ -219,31 +207,93 @@ class AcquireMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel()(p
def requiresSelfProbe(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
/** Mapping between each built-in Acquire type (defined in companion object)
* and a built-in Grant type.
/** Mapping between each built-in Acquire type and a built-in Grant type. */
def getBuiltInGrantType(dummy: Int = 0): UInt = Acquire.getBuiltInGrantType(this.a_type)
trait HasProbeType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val p_type = UInt(width = tlCoh.probeTypeWidth)
def is(t: UInt) = p_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
trait HasReleaseType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val voluntary = Bool()
val r_type = UInt(width = tlCoh.releaseTypeWidth)
def is(t: UInt) = r_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0) = tlCoh.releaseTypesWithData.contains(r_type)
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(tlDataBeats > 1) &&
def isVoluntary(dummy: Int = 0) = voluntary
def requiresAck(dummy: Int = 0) = !Bool(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering)
trait HasGrantType extends HasTileLinkParameters {
val is_builtin_type = Bool()
val g_type = UInt(width = tlGrantTypeBits)
// Helper funcs
def isBuiltInType(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = is_builtin_type
def isBuiltInType(t: UInt): Bool = is_builtin_type && g_type === t
def is(t: UInt):Bool = g_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = Mux(isBuiltInType(),
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool =
Bool(tlDataBeats > 1) && Mux(isBuiltInType(),
def isVoluntary(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && (g_type === Grant.voluntaryAckType)
def requiresAck(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = !Bool(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering) && !isVoluntary()
/** TileLink channel bundle definitions */
/** The Acquire channel is used to intiate coherence protocol transactions in
* order to gain access to a cache block's data with certain permissions
* enabled. Messages sent over this channel may be custom types defined by
* a [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]] for cached data accesse or may be built-in types
* used for uncached data accesses. Acquires may contain data for Put or
* PutAtomic built-in types. After sending an Acquire, clients must
* wait for a manager to send them a [[uncore.Grant]] message in response.
def getBuiltInGrantType(dummy: Int = 0): UInt = {
MuxLookup(this.a_type, Grant.putAckType, Array(
Acquire.getType -> Grant.getDataBeatType,
Acquire.getBlockType -> Grant.getDataBlockType,
Acquire.putType -> Grant.putAckType,
Acquire.putBlockType -> Grant.putAckType,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> Grant.getDataBeatType,
Acquire.prefetchType -> Grant.prefetchAckType))
class AcquireMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasAcquireType
with HasAcquireUnion {
/** Complete physical address for block, beat or operand */
def full_addr(dummy: Int = 0) = Cat(this.addr_block, this.addr_beat, this.addr_byte())
/** [[uncore.AcquireMetadata]] with an extra field containing the data beat */
class Acquire(implicit p: Parameters) extends AcquireMetadata()(p) with HasTileLinkData
class Acquire(implicit p: Parameters) extends AcquireMetadata
with HasTileLinkData
/** [[uncore.AcquireMetadata]] with an extra field containing the entire cache block */
class BufferedAcquire(implicit p: Parameters) extends AcquireMetadata()(p) with HasTileLinkBlock
class BufferedAcquire(implicit p: Parameters) extends AcquireMetadata
with HasTileLinkBlock
/** [[uncore.Acquire]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class AcquireFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends Acquire()(p) with HasClientId
class AcquireFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends Acquire
with HasClientId
/** [[uncore.BufferedAcquire]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class BufferedAcquireFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedAcquire()(p) with HasClientId
class BufferedAcquireFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedAcquire
with HasClientId
/** Used to track metadata for transactions where multiple secondary misses have been merged
* and handled by a single transaction tracker.
class SecondaryMissInfo(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasClientId
with HasAcquireType
/** Contains definitions of the the built-in Acquire types and a factory
* for [[uncore.Acquire]]
@ -273,6 +323,33 @@ object Acquire {
def typesWithMultibeatData = Vec(putBlockType)
def typesOnSubBlocks = Vec(putType, getType, putAtomicType)
/** Mapping between each built-in Acquire type and a built-in Grant type. */
def getBuiltInGrantType(a_type: UInt): UInt = {
MuxLookup(a_type, Grant.putAckType, Array(
Acquire.getType -> Grant.getDataBeatType,
Acquire.getBlockType -> Grant.getDataBlockType,
Acquire.putType -> Grant.putAckType,
Acquire.putBlockType -> Grant.putAckType,
Acquire.putAtomicType -> Grant.getDataBeatType,
Acquire.prefetchType -> Grant.prefetchAckType))
def makeUnion(
a_type: UInt,
addr_byte: UInt,
operand_size: UInt,
opcode: UInt,
wmask: UInt,
alloc: Bool): UInt = {
MuxLookup(a_type, UInt(0), Array(
Acquire.getType -> Cat(addr_byte, operand_size, opcode, alloc),
Acquire.getBlockType -> Cat(operand_size, opcode, alloc),
Acquire.putType -> Cat(wmask, alloc),
Acquire.putBlockType -> Cat(wmask, alloc),
Acquire.putAtomicType -> Cat(addr_byte, operand_size, opcode, alloc),
Acquire.prefetchType -> Cat(opcode, alloc)))
def fullWriteMask(implicit p: Parameters) = SInt(-1, width = p(TLKey(p(TLId))).writeMaskBits).toUInt
// Most generic constructor
@ -295,6 +372,7 @@ object Acquire {
acq.union := union
// Copy constructor
def apply(a: Acquire): Acquire = {
val acq = Wire(new Acquire()(a.p))
@ -303,6 +381,30 @@ object Acquire {
object BuiltInAcquireBuilder {
def apply(
a_type: UInt,
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt,
addr_beat: UInt = UInt(0),
data: UInt = UInt(0),
addr_byte: UInt = UInt(0),
operand_size: UInt = MT_Q,
opcode: UInt = UInt(0),
wmask: UInt = UInt(0),
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = a_type,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data,
union = Acquire.makeUnion(a_type, addr_byte, operand_size, opcode, wmask, alloc))
/** Get a single beat of data from the outer memory hierarchy
* The client can hint whether he block containing this beat should be
@ -322,13 +424,13 @@ object Get {
addr_beat: UInt,
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.getType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
union = Cat(MT_Q, M_XRD, alloc))
opcode = M_XRD,
alloc = alloc)
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
@ -338,13 +440,15 @@ object Get {
operand_size: UInt,
alloc: Bool)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.getType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
union = Cat(addr_byte, operand_size, M_XRD, alloc))
addr_byte = addr_byte,
operand_size = operand_size,
opcode = M_XRD,
alloc = alloc)
@ -363,12 +467,12 @@ object GetBlock {
addr_block: UInt,
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.getBlockType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
union = Cat(MT_Q, M_XRD, alloc))
opcode = M_XRD,
alloc = alloc)
@ -383,13 +487,11 @@ object GetPrefetch {
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.prefetchType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = UInt(0),
union = Cat(MT_Q, M_XRD, Bool(true)))
opcode = M_XRD)
@ -413,14 +515,14 @@ object Put {
wmask: Option[UInt]= None,
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.putType,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
data = data,
union = Cat(wmask.getOrElse(Acquire.fullWriteMask), alloc))
wmask = wmask.getOrElse(Acquire.fullWriteMask),
alloc = alloc)
@ -445,14 +547,14 @@ object PutBlock {
data: UInt,
wmask: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.putBlockType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data,
union = Cat(wmask, (wmask != Acquire.fullWriteMask)))
wmask = wmask,
alloc = (wmask != Acquire.fullWriteMask))
def apply(
client_xact_id: UInt,
@ -461,14 +563,14 @@ object PutBlock {
data: UInt,
alloc: Bool = Bool(true))
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.putBlockType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data,
union = Cat(Acquire.fullWriteMask, alloc))
wmask = Acquire.fullWriteMask,
alloc = alloc)
@ -483,13 +585,11 @@ object PutPrefetch {
client_xact_id: UInt,
addr_block: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.prefetchType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = UInt(0),
union = Cat(M_XWR, Bool(true)))
opcode = M_XWR)
@ -513,14 +613,15 @@ object PutAtomic {
operand_size: UInt,
data: UInt)
(implicit p: Parameters): Acquire = {
is_builtin_type = Bool(true),
a_type = Acquire.putAtomicType,
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data,
union = Cat(addr_byte, operand_size, atomic_opcode, Bool(true)))
addr_byte = addr_byte,
operand_size = operand_size,
opcode = atomic_opcode)
@ -529,14 +630,9 @@ object PutAtomic {
* The available types of Probes are customized by a particular
* [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]].
class Probe(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerToClientChannel()(p)
with HasCacheBlockAddress {
val p_type = UInt(width = tlCoh.probeTypeWidth)
def is(t: UInt) = p_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
class Probe(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerToClientChannel
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasProbeType
/** [[uncore.Probe]] with an extra field stating its destination id */
class ProbeToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends Probe()(p) with HasClientId
@ -573,34 +669,29 @@ object Probe {
* a particular [[uncore.CoherencePolicy]]. Releases may contain data or may be
* simple acknowledgements. Voluntary Releases are acknowledged with [[uncore.Grant Grants]].
class ReleaseMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel()(p)
class ReleaseMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientToManagerChannel
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasCacheBlockAddress
with HasClientTransactionId {
val r_type = UInt(width = tlCoh.releaseTypeWidth)
val voluntary = Bool()
// Helper funcs
def is(t: UInt) = r_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0) = tlCoh.releaseTypesWithData.contains(r_type)
//TODO: Assumes all releases write back full cache blocks:
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(tlDataBeats > 1) && tlCoh.releaseTypesWithData.contains(r_type)
def isVoluntary(dummy: Int = 0) = voluntary
def requiresAck(dummy: Int = 0) = !Bool(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering)
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasReleaseType {
def full_addr(dummy: Int = 0) = Cat(this.addr_block, this.addr_beat, UInt(0, width = tlByteAddrBits))
/** [[uncore.ReleaseMetadata]] with an extra field containing the data beat */
class Release(implicit p: Parameters) extends ReleaseMetadata()(p) with HasTileLinkData
class Release(implicit p: Parameters) extends ReleaseMetadata
with HasTileLinkData
/** [[uncore.ReleaseMetadata]] with an extra field containing the entire cache block */
class BufferedRelease(implicit p: Parameters) extends ReleaseMetadata()(p) with HasTileLinkBlock
class BufferedRelease(implicit p: Parameters) extends ReleaseMetadata
with HasTileLinkBlock
/** [[uncore.Release]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class ReleaseFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends Release()(p) with HasClientId
class ReleaseFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends Release
with HasClientId
/** [[uncore.BufferedRelease]] with an extra field stating its source id */
class BufferedReleaseFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedRelease()(p) with HasClientId
class BufferedReleaseFromSrc(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedRelease
with HasClientId
/** Contains a [[uncore.Release]] factory
@ -641,26 +732,11 @@ object Release {
* coherence policies may also define custom Grant types. Grants may contain data
* or may be simple acknowledgements. Grants are responded to with [[uncore.Finish]].
class GrantMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerToClientChannel()(p)
class GrantMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerToClientChannel
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasClientTransactionId
with HasManagerTransactionId {
val is_builtin_type = Bool()
val g_type = UInt(width = tlGrantTypeBits)
// Helper funcs
def isBuiltInType(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = is_builtin_type
def isBuiltInType(t: UInt): Bool = is_builtin_type && g_type === t
def is(t: UInt):Bool = g_type === t
def hasData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = Mux(isBuiltInType(),
def hasMultibeatData(dummy: Int = 0): Bool =
Bool(tlDataBeats > 1) && Mux(isBuiltInType(),
def isVoluntary(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = isBuiltInType() && (g_type === Grant.voluntaryAckType)
def requiresAck(dummy: Int = 0): Bool = !Bool(tlNetworkPreservesPointToPointOrdering) && !isVoluntary()
with HasManagerTransactionId
with HasGrantType {
def makeFinish(dummy: Int = 0): Finish = {
val f = Wire(new Finish)
f.manager_xact_id := this.manager_xact_id
@ -669,16 +745,20 @@ class GrantMetadata(implicit p: Parameters) extends ManagerToClientChannel()(p)
/** [[uncore.GrantMetadata]] with an extra field containing a single beat of data */
class Grant(implicit p: Parameters) extends GrantMetadata()(p) with HasTileLinkData
class Grant(implicit p: Parameters) extends GrantMetadata
with HasTileLinkData
/** [[uncore.Grant]] with an extra field stating its destination */
class GrantToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends Grant()(p) with HasClientId
class GrantToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends Grant
with HasClientId
/** [[uncore.GrantMetadata]] with an extra field containing an entire cache block */
class BufferedGrant(implicit p: Parameters) extends GrantMetadata()(p) with HasTileLinkBlock
class BufferedGrant(implicit p: Parameters) extends GrantMetadata
with HasTileLinkBlock
/** [[uncore.BufferedGrant]] with an extra field stating its destination */
class BufferedGrantToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedGrant()(p) with HasClientId
class BufferedGrantToDst(implicit p: Parameters) extends BufferedGrant
with HasClientId
/** Contains definitions of the the built-in grant types and factories
* for [[uncore.Grant]] and [[uncore.GrantToDst]]
@ -854,14 +934,6 @@ class ClientTileLinkIOWrapper(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
io.out.release.valid := Bool(false)
/** Used to track metadata for transactions where multiple secondary misses have been merged
* and handled by a single transaction tracker.
class SecondaryMissInfo(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBundle()(p)
with HasTileLinkBeatId
with HasClientTransactionId
// TODO: add a_type to merge e.g. Get+GetBlocks, and/or HasClientId
/** A helper module that automatically issues [[uncore.Finish]] messages in repsonse
* to [[uncore.Grant]] that it receives from a manager and forwards to a client
@ -1264,8 +1336,10 @@ trait HasDataBeatCounters {
/** Counter for beats on outgoing [[chisel.DecoupledIO]] */
def connectOutgoingDataBeatCounter[T <: TileLinkChannel](in: DecoupledIO[T], beat: UInt = UInt(0)): (UInt, Bool) =
connectDataBeatCounter(in.fire(), in.bits, beat)
def connectOutgoingDataBeatCounter[T <: TileLinkChannel](
out: DecoupledIO[T],
beat: UInt = UInt(0)): (UInt, Bool) =
connectDataBeatCounter(out.fire(), out.bits, beat)
/** Returns done but not cnt. Use the addr_beat subbundle instead of cnt for beats on
* incoming channels in case of network reordering.

View File

@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ abstract class XactTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentModule(
def dropPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](dec: Bool, in: T): UInt =
~Fill(in.tlDataBeats, dec) | ~UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData[T <: HasBeat](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenBeat(in.fire() && in.bits.hasData(), in.bits)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData[T <: HasBeat](in: DecoupledIO[T], inc: Bool = Bool(true)): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenBeat(in.fire() && in.bits.hasData() && inc, in.bits)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasDataAndAllocs(in: DecoupledIO[AcquireFromSrc]): UInt =
addPendingBitWhenBeat(in.fire() && in.bits.hasData() && in.bits.allocate(), in.bits)
addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(in, in.bits.allocate())
def addPendingBitWhenBeatIsGetOrAtomic(in: DecoupledIO[AcquireFromSrc]): UInt = {
val a = in.bits
@ -145,6 +145,9 @@ abstract class XactTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentModule(
addPendingBitWhenBeat(in.fire() && isGetOrAtomic, a)
def addPendingBitsFromAcquire(a: SecondaryMissInfo): UInt =
Mux(a.hasMultibeatData(), Fill(a.tlDataBeats, UInt(1, 1)), UIntToOH(a.addr_beat))
def dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData[T <: HasBeat](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt =
dropPendingBitWhenBeat(in.fire() && in.bits.hasData(), in.bits)