DRAMSideLLCLike trait. TSHRFile. New L2 config objects.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
abstract class CacheConfig {
trait CacheConfig {
def sets: Int
def ways: Int
def tl: TileLinkConfiguration
@ -18,12 +18,16 @@ abstract class CacheConfig {
def statebits: Int
case class L2CacheConfig(val sets: Int, val ways: Int,
nReleaseTransactions: Int, nAcquireTransactions: Int,
nrpq: Int, nsdq: Int,
val tl: TileLinkConfiguration,
val as: AddressSpaceConfiguration) extends CacheConfig {
def databits = tl.dataBits
case class L2CacheConfig(
val sets: Int, val ways: Int,
val nrpq: Int, val nsdq: Int,
val nReleaseTransactions: Int,
val nAcquireTransactions: Int,
val tl: TileLinkConfiguration,
val as: AddressSpaceConfiguration)
extends CoherenceAgentConfiguration
with CacheConfig
def states = tl.co.nMasterStates
def lines = sets*ways
def dm = ways == 1
@ -33,8 +37,9 @@ case class L2CacheConfig(val sets: Int, val ways: Int,
def waybits = log2Up(ways)
def untagbits = offbits + idxbits
def tagbits = lineaddrbits - idxbits
def databytes = databits/8
def wordoffbits = log2Up(databytes)
def wordbits = 64
def wordbytes = wordbits/8
def wordoffbits = log2Up(wordbytes)
def rowbits = tl.dataBits
def rowbytes = rowbits/8
def rowoffbits = log2Up(rowbytes)
@ -45,17 +50,17 @@ case class L2CacheConfig(val sets: Int, val ways: Int,
require(states > 0)
require(isPow2(ways)) // TODO: relax this
require(rowbits == tl.dataBits) //TODO: relax this?
require(refillcycles == 1) //TODO: relax this?
abstract trait CacheBundle extends Bundle {
implicit val conf: CacheConfig
override def clone = this.getClass.getConstructors.head.newInstance(conf).asInstanceOf[this.type]
implicit val cacheconf: CacheConfig
override def clone = this.getClass.getConstructors.head.newInstance(cacheconf).asInstanceOf[this.type]
abstract trait L2CacheBundle extends Bundle {
implicit val conf: L2CacheConfig
override def clone = this.getClass.getConstructors.head.newInstance(conf).asInstanceOf[this.type]
implicit val l2cacheconf: L2CacheConfig
override def clone = this.getClass.getConstructors.head.newInstance(l2cacheconf).asInstanceOf[this.type]
abstract class ReplacementPolicy {
@ -64,31 +69,31 @@ abstract class ReplacementPolicy {
def hit: Unit
class RandomReplacement(implicit val conf: CacheConfig) extends ReplacementPolicy {
class RandomReplacement(implicit val cacheconf: CacheConfig) extends ReplacementPolicy {
private val replace = Bool()
replace := Bool(false)
val lfsr = LFSR16(replace)
def way = if(conf.dm) UInt(0) else lfsr(log2Up(conf.ways)-1,0)
def way = if(cacheconf.dm) UInt(0) else lfsr(log2Up(cacheconf.ways)-1,0)
def miss = replace := Bool(true)
def hit = {}
object MetaData {
def apply(tag: Bits, state: UInt)(implicit conf: CacheConfig) = {
def apply(tag: Bits, state: UInt)(implicit cacheconf: CacheConfig) = {
val meta = new MetaData
meta.state := state
meta.tag := tag
class MetaData(implicit val conf: CacheConfig) extends CacheBundle {
val state = UInt(width = conf.statebits)
val tag = Bits(width = conf.tagbits)
class MetaData(implicit val cacheconf: CacheConfig) extends CacheBundle {
val state = UInt(width = cacheconf.statebits)
val tag = Bits(width = cacheconf.tagbits)
class MetaReadReq(implicit val conf: CacheConfig) extends CacheBundle {
val idx = Bits(width = conf.idxbits)
class MetaReadReq(implicit val cacheconf: CacheConfig) extends CacheBundle {
val idx = Bits(width = cacheconf.idxbits)
class MetaWriteReq(implicit conf: CacheConfig) extends MetaReadReq()(conf) {
@ -128,27 +133,26 @@ class MetaDataArray(implicit conf: CacheConfig) extends Module {
io.write.ready := !rst
class L2DataReadReq(implicit val conf: L2CacheConfig) extends L2CacheBundle {
val way_en = Bits(width = conf.ways)
val addr = Bits(width = conf.untagbits)
class L2DataReadReq(implicit val l2cacheconf: L2CacheConfig) extends L2CacheBundle {
val way_en = Bits(width = l2cacheconf.ways)
val addr = Bits(width = l2cacheconf.tl.addrBits)
class L2DataWriteReq(implicit conf: L2CacheConfig) extends L2DataReadReq()(conf) {
val wmask = Bits(width = conf.tl.writeMaskBits)
val data = Bits(width = conf.rowbits)
val data = Bits(width = conf.tl.dataBits)
class L2DataArray(implicit conf: L2CacheConfig) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val read = Decoupled(new L2DataReadReq).flip
val write = Decoupled(new L2DataWriteReq).flip
val resp = Vec.fill(conf.ways){Bits(OUTPUT, conf.rowbits)}
val resp = Vec.fill(conf.ways){Bits(OUTPUT, conf.tl.dataBits)}
val waddr = io.write.bits.addr >> UInt(conf.rowoffbits)
val raddr = io.read.bits.addr >> UInt(conf.rowoffbits)
val wmask = FillInterleaved(conf.databits, io.write.bits.wmask)
val waddr = io.write.bits.addr
val raddr = io.read.bits.addr
val wmask = FillInterleaved(conf.wordbits, io.write.bits.wmask)
for (w <- 0 until conf.ways) {
val array = Mem(Bits(width=conf.rowbits), conf.sets*conf.refillcycles, seqRead = true)
when (io.write.bits.way_en(w) && io.write.valid) {
@ -161,11 +165,51 @@ class L2DataArray(implicit conf: L2CacheConfig) extends Module {
io.write.ready := Bool(true)
class L2HellaCache(bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2CacheConfig) extends CoherenceAgent()(conf.tl)
trait InternalRequestState extends CacheBundle {
val tag_match = Bool()
val old_meta = new MetaData
val way_en = Bits(width = cacheconf.ways)
class InternalAcquire(implicit val cacheconf: CacheConfig) extends Acquire()(cacheconf.tl)
with InternalRequestState
class InternalRelease(implicit val cacheconf: CacheConfig) extends Release()(cacheconf.tl)
with InternalRequestState
class InternalTileLinkIO(implicit val l2cacheconf: L2CacheConfig) extends L2CacheBundle {
implicit val (tl, ln) = (l2cacheconf.tl, l2cacheconf.tl.ln)
val acquire = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new InternalAcquire))
val probe = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Probe)).flip
val release = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new InternalRelease))
val grant = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Grant)).flip
val finish = new DecoupledIO(new LogicalNetworkIO(new Finish))
class L2HellaCache(bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2CacheConfig) extends CoherenceAgent {
implicit val (tl, ln, co) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.tl.co)
// Create SHRs for outstanding transactions
val tshrfile = Module(new TSHRFile(bankId))
io.client <> tshrfile.io.client
io.master <> tshrfile.io.outer
io.incoherent <> tshrfile.io.incoherent
class TSHRFile(bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2CacheConfig) extends Module {
implicit val (tl, ln, co) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.tl.co)
val io = new Bundle {
val client = (new InternalTileLinkIO).flip
val outer = new UncachedTileLinkIO
val incoherent = Vec.fill(ln.nClients){Bool()}.asInput
val meta_read_req = Decoupled(new MetaReadReq)
val meta_write_req = Decoupled(new MetaWriteReq)
val data_read_req = Decoupled(new MetaReadReq)
val data_write_req = Decoupled(new MetaWriteReq)
// Create TSHRs for outstanding transactions
val nTrackers = conf.nReleaseTransactions + conf.nAcquireTransactions
val trackerList = (0 until conf.nReleaseTransactions).map(id => Module(new L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(id, bankId))) ++
(conf.nReleaseTransactions until nTrackers).map(id => Module(new L2AcquireTracker(id, bankId)))
@ -222,7 +266,7 @@ class L2HellaCache(bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2CacheConfig) extends CoherenceA
// Create an arbiter for the one memory port
val outer_arb = Module(new UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatPassesId(trackerList.size))
outer_arb.io.in zip trackerList map { case(arb, t) => arb <> t.io.master }
io.master <> outer_arb.io.out
io.outer <> outer_arb.io.out
@ -343,13 +343,15 @@ class MemReqArb(n: Int, refill_cycles: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration
when (unlock) { lock := Bool(false) }
class DRAMSideLLC(sets: Int, ways: Int, outstanding: Int, refill_cycles: Int, tagLeaf: Mem[UInt], dataLeaf: Mem[UInt])(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends Module
abstract class DRAMSideLLCLike(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = new MemIO().flip
val mem = new MemPipeIO
class DRAMSideLLC(sets: Int, ways: Int, outstanding: Int, refill_cycles: Int, tagLeaf: Mem[UInt], dataLeaf: Mem[UInt])(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends DRAMSideLLCLike
val tagWidth = conf.addrBits - log2Up(sets)
val metaWidth = tagWidth + 2 // valid + dirty
@ -497,12 +499,8 @@ object HellaQueue
class DRAMSideLLCNull(numRequests: Int, refillCycles: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration) extends Module
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = new MemIO().flip
val mem = new MemPipeIO
class DRAMSideLLCNull(numRequests: Int, refillCycles: Int)(implicit conf: MemoryIFConfiguration)
extends DRAMSideLLCLike {
val numEntries = numRequests * refillCycles
val size = log2Down(numEntries) + 1
@ -1,18 +1,27 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
abstract class CoherenceAgent(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends Module {
trait CoherenceAgentConfiguration {
def tl: TileLinkConfiguration
def nReleaseTransactions: Int
def nAcquireTransactions: Int
abstract class CoherenceAgent(implicit conf: CoherenceAgentConfiguration) extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val client = (new TileLinkIO).flip
val master = new UncachedTileLinkIO
val incoherent = Vec.fill(conf.ln.nClients){Bool()}.asInput
val client = (new TileLinkIO()(conf.tl)).flip
val master = new UncachedTileLinkIO()(conf.tl)
val incoherent = Vec.fill(conf.tl.ln.nClients){Bool()}.asInput
case class L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration(tl: TileLinkConfiguration, nReleaseTransactions: Int, nAcquireTransactions: Int)
case class L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration(
val tl: TileLinkConfiguration,
val nReleaseTransactions: Int,
val nAcquireTransactions: Int) extends CoherenceAgentConfiguration
class L2CoherenceAgent(bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration) extends CoherenceAgent()(conf.tl)
class L2CoherenceAgent(bankId: Int)(implicit conf: CoherenceAgentConfiguration)
extends CoherenceAgent {
implicit val (tl, ln, co) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.tl.co)
// Create SHRs for outstanding transactions
@ -76,7 +85,7 @@ class L2CoherenceAgent(bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration
abstract class XactTracker()(implicit conf: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration) extends Module {
abstract class XactTracker()(implicit conf: CoherenceAgentConfiguration) extends Module {
implicit val (tl, ln, co) = (conf.tl, conf.tl.ln, conf.tl.co)
val io = new Bundle {
val client = (new TileLinkIO).flip
@ -94,7 +103,8 @@ abstract class XactTracker()(implicit conf: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration) exten
class VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration) extends XactTracker()(conf) {
class VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int)(implicit conf: CoherenceAgentConfiguration)
extends XactTracker()(conf) {
val s_idle :: s_mem :: s_ack :: s_busy :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 4)
val state = Reg(init=s_idle)
val xact = Reg{ new Release }
@ -143,7 +153,8 @@ class VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2Cohe
class AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int)(implicit conf: L2CoherenceAgentConfiguration) extends XactTracker()(conf) {
class AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int)(implicit conf: CoherenceAgentConfiguration)
extends XactTracker()(conf) {
val s_idle :: s_probe :: s_mem_read :: s_mem_write :: s_make_grant :: s_busy :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 6)
val state = Reg(init=s_idle)
val xact = Reg{ new Acquire }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user