Merge pull request #1094 from freechipsproject/in-situ-unit-tests
In situ unit tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ object ValNameImpl
def allOwners(s: c.Symbol): Seq[c.Symbol] =
if (s == `NoSymbol`) Nil else s +: allOwners(s.owner)
val terms = allOwners(c.internal.enclosingOwner).filter(_.isTerm).map(_.asTerm)
terms.filter(_.isVal).map( != '$').map { s =>
terms.filter(t => t.isVal || t.isLazy).map( != '$').map { s =>
val trim = s.replaceAll("\\s", "")
c.Expr[ValNameImpl] { q"_root_.freechips.rocketchip.macros.ValNameImpl(${trim})" }
}.getOrElse(c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Not a valid application."))
@ -24,10 +24,8 @@ case class AHBMasterNode(portParams: Seq[AHBMasterPortParameters])(implicit valN
case class AHBSlaveNode(portParams: Seq[AHBSlavePortParameters])(implicit valName: ValName) extends SinkNode(AHBImp)(portParams)
case class AHBNexusNode(
masterFn: Seq[AHBMasterPortParameters] => AHBMasterPortParameters,
slaveFn: Seq[AHBSlavePortParameters] => AHBSlavePortParameters,
numMasterPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999,
numSlavePorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999)(
slaveFn: Seq[AHBSlavePortParameters] => AHBSlavePortParameters)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends NexusNode(AHBImp)(masterFn, slaveFn, numMasterPorts, numSlavePorts)
extends NexusNode(AHBImp)(masterFn, slaveFn)
case class AHBIdentityNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends IdentityNode(AHBImp)()
@ -138,5 +138,9 @@ class AHBToTL()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
object AHBToTL
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new AHBToTL).node
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters) =
val ahb2tl = LazyModule(new AHBToTL)
@ -10,37 +10,40 @@ import scala.math.{min,max}
class AHBFanout()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = AHBNexusNode(
numSlavePorts = 1 to 1,
numMasterPorts = 1 to 32,
masterFn = { case Seq(m) => m },
slaveFn = { seq => seq(0).copy(slaves = seq.flatMap(_.slaves)) })
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
// Require consistent bus widths
val (io_out, edgesOut) = node.out.unzip
val port0 = edgesOut(0).slave
edgesOut.foreach { edge =>
val port = edge.slave
require (port.beatBytes == port0.beatBytes,
s"${} ${port.beatBytes} vs ${} ${port0.beatBytes}")
if ( >= 1) {
require ( == 1, "AHBFanout does not support multiple masters")
require (node.edges.out.size > 0, "AHBFanout requires at least one slave")
// Require consistent bus widths
val (io_out, edgesOut) = node.out.unzip
val port0 = edgesOut(0).slave
edgesOut.foreach { edge =>
val port = edge.slave
require (port.beatBytes == port0.beatBytes,
s"${} ${port.beatBytes} vs ${} ${port0.beatBytes}")
val port_addrs =
val routingMask = AddressDecoder(port_addrs)
val route_addrs =
val (in, _) =
val a_sel = Vec( => || _)))
val d_sel = Reg(a_sel)
when (in.hready) { d_sel := a_sel }
(a_sel zip io_out) foreach { case (sel, out) =>
out := in
out.hsel := in.hsel && sel
in.hreadyout := !Mux1H(d_sel,!_.hreadyout))
in.hresp := Mux1H(d_sel,
in.hrdata := Mux1H(d_sel,
val port_addrs =
val routingMask = AddressDecoder(port_addrs)
val route_addrs =
val (in, _) =
val a_sel = Vec( => || _)))
val d_sel = Reg(a_sel)
when (in.hready) { d_sel := a_sel }
(a_sel zip io_out) foreach { case (sel, out) =>
out := in
out.hsel := in.hsel && sel
in.hreadyout := !Mux1H(d_sel,!_.hreadyout))
in.hresp := Mux1H(d_sel,
in.hrdata := Mux1H(d_sel,
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
package object ahb
type AHBOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[AHBMasterPortParameters, AHBSlavePortParameters, AHBBundle]
type AHBInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[AHBMasterPortParameters, AHBSlavePortParameters, AHBBundle]
type AHBNode = SimpleNodeHandle[AHBMasterPortParameters, AHBSlavePortParameters, AHBBundle]
type AHBOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[AHBMasterPortParameters, AHBSlavePortParameters, AHBEdgeParameters, AHBBundle]
type AHBInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[AHBMasterPortParameters, AHBSlavePortParameters, AHBEdgeParameters, AHBBundle]
type AHBNode = SimpleNodeHandle[AHBMasterPortParameters, AHBSlavePortParameters, AHBEdgeParameters, AHBBundle]
@ -23,10 +23,8 @@ case class APBMasterNode(portParams: Seq[APBMasterPortParameters])(implicit valN
case class APBSlaveNode(portParams: Seq[APBSlavePortParameters])(implicit valName: ValName) extends SinkNode(APBImp)(portParams)
case class APBNexusNode(
masterFn: Seq[APBMasterPortParameters] => APBMasterPortParameters,
slaveFn: Seq[APBSlavePortParameters] => APBSlavePortParameters,
numMasterPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1,
numSlavePorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 1)(
slaveFn: Seq[APBSlavePortParameters] => APBSlavePortParameters)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends NexusNode(APBImp)(masterFn, slaveFn, numMasterPorts, numSlavePorts)
extends NexusNode(APBImp)(masterFn, slaveFn)
case class APBIdentityNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends IdentityNode(APBImp)()
@ -10,36 +10,39 @@ import scala.math.{min,max}
class APBFanout()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val node = APBNexusNode(
numSlavePorts = 1 to 1,
numMasterPorts = 1 to 32,
masterFn = { case Seq(m) => m },
slaveFn = { seq => seq(0).copy(slaves = seq.flatMap(_.slaves)) })
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val (in, _) =
if ( >= 1) {
require ( == 1, "APBFanout does not support multiple masters")
require (node.edges.out.size > 0, "APBFanout requires at least one slave")
// Require consistent bus widths
val (io_out, edgesOut) = node.out.unzip
val port0 = edgesOut(0).slave
edgesOut.foreach { edge =>
val port = edge.slave
require (port.beatBytes == port0.beatBytes,
s"${} ${port.beatBytes} vs ${} ${port0.beatBytes}")
val (in, _) =
// Require consistent bus widths
val (io_out, edgesOut) = node.out.unzip
val port0 = edgesOut(0).slave
edgesOut.foreach { edge =>
val port = edge.slave
require (port.beatBytes == port0.beatBytes,
s"${} ${port.beatBytes} vs ${} ${port0.beatBytes}")
val port_addrs =
val routingMask = AddressDecoder(port_addrs)
val route_addrs =
val sel = Vec( => || _)))
(sel zip io_out) foreach { case (sel, out) =>
out := in
out.psel := sel && in.psel
out.penable := sel && in.penable
in.pready := !Mux1H(sel,!_.pready))
in.pslverr := Mux1H(sel,
in.prdata := Mux1H(sel,
val port_addrs =
val routingMask = AddressDecoder(port_addrs)
val route_addrs =
val sel = Vec( => || _)))
(sel zip io_out) foreach { case (sel, out) =>
out := in
out.psel := sel && in.psel
out.penable := sel && in.penable
in.pready := !Mux1H(sel,!_.pready))
in.pslverr := Mux1H(sel,
in.prdata := Mux1H(sel,
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
package object apb
type APBOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[APBMasterPortParameters, APBSlavePortParameters, APBBundle]
type APBInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[APBMasterPortParameters, APBSlavePortParameters, APBBundle]
type APBNode = SimpleNodeHandle[APBMasterPortParameters, APBSlavePortParameters, APBBundle]
type APBOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[APBMasterPortParameters, APBSlavePortParameters, APBEdgeParameters, APBBundle]
type APBInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[APBMasterPortParameters, APBSlavePortParameters, APBEdgeParameters, APBBundle]
type APBNode = SimpleNodeHandle[APBMasterPortParameters, APBSlavePortParameters, APBEdgeParameters, APBBundle]
@ -43,12 +43,18 @@ class AXI4AsyncCrossingSink(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameter
object AXI4AsyncCrossingSource
def apply(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new AXI4AsyncCrossingSource(sync)).node
def apply(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val axi4asource = LazyModule(new AXI4AsyncCrossingSource(sync))
object AXI4AsyncCrossingSink
def apply(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new AXI4AsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync)).node
def apply(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val axi4asink = LazyModule(new AXI4AsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
@deprecated("AXI4AsyncCrossing is fragile. Use AXI4AsyncCrossingSource and AXI4AsyncCrossingSink", "rocket-chip 1.2")
@ -99,5 +105,6 @@ class AXI4RAMAsyncCrossing(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
class AXI4RAMAsyncCrossingTest(txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new AXI4RAMAsyncCrossing(txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new AXI4RAMAsyncCrossing(txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -53,5 +53,9 @@ object AXI4Buffer
w: BufferParams,
b: BufferParams,
ar: BufferParams,
r: BufferParams)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node = LazyModule(new AXI4Buffer(aw, w, b, ar, r)).node
r: BufferParams)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node =
val axi4buf = LazyModule(new AXI4Buffer(aw, w, b, ar, r))
@ -99,5 +99,9 @@ class AXI4Deinterleaver(maxReadBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyM
object AXI4Deinterleaver
def apply(maxReadBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node = LazyModule(new AXI4Deinterleaver(maxReadBytes)).node
def apply(maxReadBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node =
val axi4deint = LazyModule(new AXI4Deinterleaver(maxReadBytes))
@ -79,5 +79,9 @@ class AXI4Delayer(q: Double)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
object AXI4Delayer
def apply(q: Double)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node = LazyModule(new AXI4Delayer(q)).node
def apply(q: Double)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node =
val axi4delay = LazyModule(new AXI4Delayer(q))
@ -58,5 +58,9 @@ object AXI4Filter
def apply(
Sfilter: AXI4SlaveParameters => Option[AXI4SlaveParameters] = AXI4Filter.Sidentity,
Mfilter: AXI4MasterParameters => Option[AXI4MasterParameters] = AXI4Filter.Midentity
)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node = LazyModule(new AXI4Filter(Sfilter, Mfilter)).node
)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node =
val axi4filt = LazyModule(new AXI4Filter(Sfilter, Mfilter))
@ -199,5 +199,9 @@ class AXI4Fragmenter()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
object AXI4Fragmenter
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node = LazyModule(new AXI4Fragmenter).node
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node =
val axi4frag = LazyModule(new AXI4Fragmenter)
@ -75,5 +75,9 @@ class AXI4IdIndexer(idBits: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
object AXI4IdIndexer
def apply(idBits: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node = LazyModule(new AXI4IdIndexer(idBits)).node
def apply(idBits: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node =
val axi4index = LazyModule(new AXI4IdIndexer(idBits))
@ -23,17 +23,14 @@ case class AXI4MasterNode(portParams: Seq[AXI4MasterPortParameters])(implicit va
case class AXI4SlaveNode(portParams: Seq[AXI4SlavePortParameters])(implicit valName: ValName) extends SinkNode(AXI4Imp)(portParams)
case class AXI4NexusNode(
masterFn: Seq[AXI4MasterPortParameters] => AXI4MasterPortParameters,
slaveFn: Seq[AXI4SlavePortParameters] => AXI4SlavePortParameters,
numMasterPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999,
numSlavePorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999)(
slaveFn: Seq[AXI4SlavePortParameters] => AXI4SlavePortParameters)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends NexusNode(AXI4Imp)(masterFn, slaveFn, numMasterPorts, numSlavePorts)
extends NexusNode(AXI4Imp)(masterFn, slaveFn)
case class AXI4AdapterNode(
masterFn: AXI4MasterPortParameters => AXI4MasterPortParameters = { m => m },
slaveFn: AXI4SlavePortParameters => AXI4SlavePortParameters = { s => s },
numPorts: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999)(
slaveFn: AXI4SlavePortParameters => AXI4SlavePortParameters = { s => s })(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends AdapterNode(AXI4Imp)(masterFn, slaveFn, numPorts)
extends AdapterNode(AXI4Imp)(masterFn, slaveFn)
case class AXI4IdentityNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends IdentityNode(AXI4Imp)()
object AXI4AsyncImp extends SimpleNodeImp[AXI4AsyncMasterPortParameters, AXI4AsyncSlavePortParameters, AXI4AsyncEdgeParameters, AXI4AsyncBundle]
@ -99,5 +99,9 @@ object AXI4RAM
beatBytes: Int = 4,
devName: Option[String] = None,
errors: Seq[AddressSet] = Nil)
(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new AXI4RAM(address, executable, beatBytes, devName, errors)).node
(implicit p: Parameters) =
val axi4ram = LazyModule(new AXI4RAM(address, executable, beatBytes, devName, errors))
@ -160,5 +160,9 @@ class AXI4BundleRError(params: AXI4BundleParameters) extends AXI4BundleBase(para
object AXI4ToTL
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new AXI4ToTL).node
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters) =
val axi42tl = LazyModule(new AXI4ToTL)
@ -91,5 +91,9 @@ class AXI4UserYanker(capMaxFlight: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Parameters) e
object AXI4UserYanker
def apply(capMaxFlight: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node = LazyModule(new AXI4UserYanker(capMaxFlight)).node
def apply(capMaxFlight: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node =
val axi4yank = LazyModule(new AXI4UserYanker(capMaxFlight))
@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ class AXI4Xbar(
require (awQueueDepth >= 1)
val node = AXI4NexusNode(
numMasterPorts = 1 to 999,
numSlavePorts = 1 to 999,
masterFn = { seq =>
userBits =,
@ -56,14 +54,14 @@ class AXI4Xbar(
val awIn = Seq.fill(io_in .size) { Module(new Queue(UInt(width = io_out.size), awQueueDepth, flow = true)) }
val awOut = Seq.fill(io_out.size) { Module(new Queue(UInt(width = io_in .size), awQueueDepth, flow = true)) }
val requestARIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => o( }) })
val requestAWIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => o( }) })
val requestROI = Vec( { o => Vec( { i => i.contains( }) })
val requestBOI = Vec( { o => Vec( { i => i.contains( }) })
val requestARIO = { i => Vec( { o => o( }) }
val requestAWIO = { i => Vec( { o => o( }) }
val requestROI = { o => { i => i.contains( } }
val requestBOI = { o => { i => i.contains( } }
// W follows the path dictated by the AW Q
for (i <- 0 until io_in.size) { awIn(i).io.enq.bits := requestAWIO(i).asUInt }
val requestWIO = Vec( { q => if (io_out.size > 1) Vec( else Vec.fill(1){Bool(true)} })
val requestWIO = { q => if (io_out.size > 1) else Seq(Bool(true)) }
// We need an intermediate size of bundle with the widest possible identifiers
val wide_bundle = AXI4BundleParameters.union( ++
@ -207,7 +205,11 @@ object AXI4Xbar
def apply(
arbitrationPolicy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin,
maxFlightPerId: Int = 7,
awQueueDepth: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new AXI4Xbar(arbitrationPolicy, maxFlightPerId, awQueueDepth)).node
awQueueDepth: Int = 2)(implicit p: Parameters) =
val axi4xbar = LazyModule(new AXI4Xbar(arbitrationPolicy, maxFlightPerId, awQueueDepth))
def mapInputIds(ports: Seq[AXI4MasterPortParameters]) = TLXbar.assignRanges(
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
package object axi4
type AXI4Node = SimpleNodeHandle[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4Bundle]
type AXI4OutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4Bundle]
type AXI4InwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4Bundle]
type AXI4Node = SimpleNodeHandle[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4EdgeParameters, AXI4Bundle]
type AXI4OutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4EdgeParameters, AXI4Bundle]
type AXI4InwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[AXI4MasterPortParameters, AXI4SlavePortParameters, AXI4EdgeParameters, AXI4Bundle]
@ -51,20 +51,20 @@ trait HasCrossingMethods extends LazyModule with LazyScope
def crossTLAsyncInOut(out: Boolean)(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = {
def sourceGen = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync))
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
lazy val asource = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync))
lazy val asink = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
val source = if (out) this { asource } else asource
val sink = if (out) asink else this { asink }
sink.node :=? source.node
checks = CrossingCheck(out, source.node, sink.node) :: checks
NodeHandle(source.node, sink.node)
def crossTLRationalInOut(out: Boolean)(direction: RationalDirection)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = {
def sourceGen = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource)
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(if (out) direction else direction.flip))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
lazy val rsource = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource)
lazy val rsink = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(if (out) direction else direction.flip))
val source = if (out) this { rsource } else rsource
val sink = if (out) rsink else this { rsink }
sink.node :=? source.node
checks = CrossingCheck(out, source.node, sink.node) :: checks
NodeHandle(source.node, sink.node)
@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ trait HasCrossingMethods extends LazyModule with LazyScope
def crossAXI4AsyncInOut(out: Boolean)(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters): AXI4Node = {
def sourceGen = LazyModule(new AXI4AsyncCrossingSource(sync))
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new AXI4AsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
lazy val axi4asource = LazyModule(new AXI4AsyncCrossingSource(sync))
lazy val axi4asink = LazyModule(new AXI4AsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
val source = if (out) this { axi4asource } else axi4asource
val sink = if (out) axi4asink else this { axi4asink }
sink.node :=? source.node
checks = CrossingCheck(out, source.node, sink.node) :: checks
NodeHandle(source.node, sink.node)
@ -127,30 +127,30 @@ trait HasCrossingMethods extends LazyModule with LazyScope
// Interrupts
def crossIntSyncInOut(out: Boolean)(alreadyRegistered: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): IntNode = {
def sourceGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered))
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(0))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
lazy val intssource = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered))
lazy val intssink = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(0))
val source = if (out) this { intssource } else intssource
val sink = if (out) intssink else this { intssink }
sink.node :=? source.node
checks = CrossingCheck(out, source.node, sink.node) :: checks
NodeHandle(source.node, sink.node)
def crossIntAsyncInOut(out: Boolean)(sync: Int = 3, alreadyRegistered: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): IntNode = {
def sourceGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered))
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(sync))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
lazy val intasource = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered))
lazy val intasink = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(sync))
val source = if (out) this { intasource } else intasource
val sink = if (out) intasink else this { intasink }
sink.node :=? source.node
checks = CrossingCheck(out, source.node, sink.node) :: checks
NodeHandle(source.node, sink.node)
def crossIntRationalInOut(out: Boolean)(alreadyRegistered: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): IntNode = {
def sourceGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered))
def sinkGen = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(1))
val source = if (out) this { sourceGen } else sourceGen
val sink = if (out) sinkGen else this { sinkGen }
lazy val intrsource = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered))
lazy val intrsink = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(1))
val source = if (out) this { intrsource } else intrsource
val sink = if (out) intrsink else this { intrsink }
sink.node :=? source.node
checks = CrossingCheck(out, source.node, sink.node) :: checks
NodeHandle(source.node, sink.node)
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class FrontBus(params: FrontBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWrap
def fromCoherentChip: TLInwardNode = inwardNode
def toSystemBus : TLOutwardNode = outwardBufNode
def toSystemBus : TLOutwardNode = TLBuffer(params.slaveBuffering) :=* xbar.node
@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ trait HasFrontBus extends HasSystemBus {
val fbus = LazyModule(new FrontBus(frontbusParams))
FlipRendering { implicit p => sbus.fromFrontBus := fbus.toSystemBus }
FlipRendering { implicit p => sbus.fromFrontBus :=* fbus.toSystemBus }
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class PeripheryBus(params: PeripheryBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends T
val fromSystemBus: TLInwardNode = {
val atomics = LazyModule(new TLAtomicAutomata(arithmetic = params.arithmetic))
inwardBufNode := atomics.node
xbar.node :*= TLBuffer(params.masterBuffering) :*= atomics.node
def toTile(name: Option[String] = None)(gen: Parameters => TLInwardNode) {
@ -59,5 +59,5 @@ trait HasPeripheryBus extends HasSystemBus {
val pbus = LazyModule(new PeripheryBus(pbusParams))
// The peripheryBus hangs off of systemBus; here we convert TL-UH -> TL-UL
pbus.fromSystemBus := sbus.toPeripheryBus()
pbus.fromSystemBus :*= sbus.toPeripheryBus()
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class SystemBus(params: SystemBusParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusWr
def toSplitSlaves: TLOutwardNode = outwardSplitNode
def toPeripheryBus(addBuffers: Int = 0): TLOutwardNode = {
TLBuffer.chain(addBuffers).foldRight(pbus_fixer.node:TLOutwardNode)(_ := _)
TLBuffer.chain(addBuffers).foldRight(pbus_fixer.node:TLOutwardNode)(_ :*= _)
val toMemoryBus: TLOutwardNode = outwardNode
@ -279,11 +279,9 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuter(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
import DMI_RegAddrs._
val intnode = IntNexusNode(
numSourcePorts = 1 to 1024,
numSinkPorts = 0 to 0,
sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1, Seq(Resource(device, "int"))))) },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) }
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
outputRequiresInput = false)
val dmiNode = TLRegisterNode (
address = AddressSet.misaligned(DMI_DMCONTROL << 2, 4),
@ -293,6 +291,7 @@ class TLDebugModuleOuter(device: Device)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
require ( == 0, "Debug Module does not accept interrupts")
val nComponents = intnode.out.size
@ -37,14 +37,21 @@ class TLBusBypass(beatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLBusBypassBas
class TLBypassNode(implicit valName: ValName) extends TLCustomNode
def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
require (iStars == 0 && oStars == 0, "TLBypass node does not support :=* or :*=")
require (iKnown == 1, "TLBypass node expects exactly one input")
require (oKnown == 2, "TLBypass node expects exactly one output")
(0, 0)
def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[TLClientPortParameters]): Seq[TLClientPortParameters] = { p ++ p }
def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[TLManagerPortParameters]): Seq[TLManagerPortParameters] = { p.tail }
class TLBusBypassBar(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
// The client only sees the second slave port
val node = TLNexusNode(
numClientPorts = 2 to 2 ,
numManagerPorts = 1 to 1,
clientFn = { seq => seq(0) },
managerFn = { seq => seq(1) })
val node = new TLBypassNode()
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ class CoreplexLocalInterrupter(params: ClintParams)(implicit p: Parameters) exte
beatBytes = p(XLen)/8)
val intnode = IntNexusNode(
numSourcePorts = 0 to 1024,
numSinkPorts = 0 to 0,
sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(ints, Seq(Resource(device, "int"))))) },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) })
sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(ints, Seq(Resource(device, "int"))))) },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
outputRequiresInput = false)
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
require ( == 0, "CLINT only produces interrupts; it does not accept them")
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val rtcTick = Bool(INPUT)
@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ class TLPLIC(params: PLICParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
concurrency = 1) // limiting concurrency handles RAW hazards on claim registers
val intnode = IntNexusNode(
numSourcePorts = 0 to 1024,
numSinkPorts = 0 to 1024,
sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1, Seq(Resource(device, "int"))))) },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) })
sourceFn = { _ => IntSourcePortParameters(Seq(IntSourceParameters(1, Seq(Resource(device, "int"))))) },
sinkFn = { _ => IntSinkPortParameters(Seq(IntSinkParameters())) },
outputRequiresInput = false,
inputRequiresOutput = false)
/* Negotiated sizes */
def nDevices: Int =
@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ class TLRAMZeroDelay(ramBeatBytes: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) exten
class TLRAMZeroDelayTest(ramBeatBytes: Int, txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMZeroDelay(ramBeatBytes, txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMZeroDelay(ramBeatBytes, txns)).module)
io.finished :=
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
import Chisel._
import chisel3.shim.CloneModule
final class CloneLazyModule private (val base: LazyModule)
// Pay special attention to the .iParams and .oParams of the node, which
// indicate the parameters a stand-in master must supply.
def clone[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](node: NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO])(implicit valName: ValName) =
new MixedTestNode(node, this)
protected[diplomacy] lazy val io = CloneModule(base.module)
object CloneLazyModule
def apply(base: LazyModule) = new CloneLazyModule(base)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
// !!! We need to be inside the chisel3 package to access Builder
package chisel3.shim
import Chisel._
import chisel3.experimental.{RawModule, MultiIOModule, BaseModule}
import chisel3.internal.Builder
import chisel3.core.UserModule
import chisel3.internal.firrtl.{Command, DefInstance}
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
class ClonePorts protected[shim](elts: Data*) extends Record
val elements = ListMap( => d.instanceName -> d.chiselCloneType): _*)
def apply(field: String) = elements(field)
override def cloneType = (new ClonePorts(elts: _*)).asInstanceOf[this.type]
private class CloneModule private (model: RawModule) extends BlackBox
import CloneModule._
override def desiredName =
val io = IO(new ClonePorts( _*))
object CloneModule
def apply(model: BaseModule): ClonePorts = {
// Create the 'BlackBox' stand-in
val mod = Module(new CloneModule(model.asInstanceOf[RawModule]))
// Rewrite the instance definition to be the original module
// (this is needed because the original module gets clobbered by DCE + constant prop)
val method = classOf[UserModule].getDeclaredMethod("_commands")
val commands = method.invoke(Builder.forcedUserModule).asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[Command]]
val victimIdx = commands.lastIndexWhere {
case DefInstance(_, kill, _) => mod eq kill
case _ => false
val victim = commands(victimIdx).asInstanceOf[DefInstance]
val standin = new DefInstance(victim.sourceInfo, model, victim.ports) {
override def name =
commands.update(victimIdx, standin)
// Wire it up
model match {
case _: MultiIOModule =>
||||"clock") := Module.clock
||||"reset") := Module.reset
case _: RawModule => // Do nothing
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ abstract class LazyModule()(implicit val p: Parameters)
getClass.getMethods.filter { m =>
m.getParameterTypes.isEmpty &&
!java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers) &&
m.getName != "children"
m.getName != "children" &&
m.getName != "getChildren"
}.flatMap { m =>
if (classOf[LazyModule].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) {
val obj = m.invoke(this)
@ -126,6 +127,8 @@ abstract class LazyModule()(implicit val p: Parameters)
children.foreach( _.nodeIterator(iterfunc) )
def getChildren = children
object LazyModule
@ -162,7 +165,9 @@ sealed trait LazyModuleImpLike extends BaseModule
protected[diplomacy] def instantiate() = {
val childDangles = wrapper.children.reverse.flatMap { c =>
implicit val sourceInfo =
val mod = Module(c.module)
val nodeDangles = wrapper.nodes.reverse.flatMap(_.instantiate())
@ -181,6 +186,10 @@ sealed trait LazyModuleImpLike extends BaseModule
(auto, dangles)
protected[diplomacy] def finishInstantiate() {
wrapper.nodes.reverse.foreach { _.finishInstantiate() }
class LazyModuleImp(val wrapper: LazyModule) extends MultiIOModule with LazyModuleImpLike {
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ abstract class BaseNode(implicit val valName: ValName)
val serial = BaseNode.serial
BaseNode.serial = BaseNode.serial + 1
protected[diplomacy] def instantiate(): Seq[Dangle]
protected[diplomacy] def finishInstantiate(): Unit
def name = + "." +
def omitGraphML = outputs.isEmpty && inputs.isEmpty
@ -122,50 +123,53 @@ object BaseNode
trait NoHandle
case object NoHandleObject extends NoHandle
trait NodeHandle[DI, UI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, BO <: Data]
extends InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI] with OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO]
trait NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data]
extends InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI] with OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO]
// connecting two full nodes => full node
override def := [DX, UX, BX <: Data](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DO, UO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); NodeHandle(h, this) }
override def :*= [DX, UX, BX <: Data](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DO, UO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); NodeHandle(h, this) }
override def :=* [DX, UX, BX <: Data](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DO, UO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); NodeHandle(h, this) }
override def :=? [DX, UX, BX <: Data](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DO, UO, BO] = { bind(h, p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey)); NodeHandle(h, this) }
override def := [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); NodeHandle(h, this) }
override def :*= [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); NodeHandle(h, this) }
override def :=* [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); NodeHandle(h, this) }
override def :=? [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey)); NodeHandle(h, this) }
// connecting a full node with an output => an output
override def := (h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); this }
override def :*= (h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); this }
override def :=* (h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); this }
override def :=? (h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO] = { bind(h, p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey)); this }
override def := [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); this }
override def :*= [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); this }
override def :=* [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); this }
override def :=? [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO] = { bind(h, p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey)); this }
object NodeHandle
def apply[DI, UI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, BO <: Data](i: InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI], o: OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO]) = NodeHandlePair(i, o)
def apply[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](i: InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI], o: OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO]) = new NodeHandlePair(i, o)
case class NodeHandlePair[DI, UI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, BO <: Data]
(inwardHandle: InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI], outwardHandle: OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO])
extends NodeHandle[DI, UI, BI, DO, UO, BO]
class NodeHandlePair[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data]
(inwardHandle: InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI], outwardHandle: OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO])
extends NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO]
val inward = inwardHandle.inward
val outward = outwardHandle.outward
def inner = inwardHandle.inner
def outer = outwardHandle.outer
trait InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI <: Data] extends NoHandle
trait InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data] extends NoHandle
def inward: InwardNode[DI, UI, BI]
def parentsIn: Seq[LazyModule] = inward.parents
def bind(h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit = inward.bind(h.outward, binding)
def inner: InwardNodeImp[DI, UI, EI, BI]
protected def bind[EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit = inward.bind(h.outward, binding)
// connecting an input node with a full nodes => an input node
def := [DX, UX, BX <: Data](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); h }
def :*= [DX, UX, BX <: Data](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); h }
def :=* [DX, UX, BX <: Data](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); h }
def :=? [DX, UX, BX <: Data](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, BX, DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, BX] = { bind(h, p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey)); h }
def := [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); h }
def :*= [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); h }
def :=* [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX] = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); h }
def :=? [DX, UX, EX, BX <: Data, EY](h: NodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX, DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): InwardNodeHandle[DX, UX, EX, BX] = { bind(h, p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey)); h }
// connecting input node with output node => no node
def := (h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); NoHandleObject }
def :*= (h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); NoHandleObject }
def :=* (h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); NoHandleObject }
def :=? (h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey)); NoHandleObject }
def := [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_ONCE); NoHandleObject }
def :*= [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_STAR); NoHandleObject }
def :=* [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, BIND_QUERY); NoHandleObject }
def :=? [EY](h: OutwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, EY, BI])(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): NoHandle = { bind(h, p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey)); NoHandleObject }
sealed trait NodeBinding
@ -182,22 +186,14 @@ object NodeBinding
trait InwardNode[DI, UI, BI <: Data] extends BaseNode with InwardNodeHandle[DI, UI, BI]
trait InwardNode[DI, UI, BI <: Data] extends BaseNode
val inward = this
protected[diplomacy] val numPI: Range.Inclusive
require (!numPI.isEmpty, s"No number of inputs would be acceptable to ${name}${lazyModule.line}")
require (numPI.start >= 0, s"${name} accepts a negative number of inputs${lazyModule.line}")
private val accPI = ListBuffer[(Int, OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], NodeBinding, Parameters, SourceInfo)]()
private var iRealized = false
protected[diplomacy] def iPushed = accPI.size
protected[diplomacy] def iPush(index: Int, node: OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo) {
val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "")
val noIs = numPI.size == 1 && numPI.contains(0)
require (!noIs, s"${name}${lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a sink" + info)
require (!iRealized, s"${name}${lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a sink after its .module was used" + info)
accPI += ((index, node, binding, p, sourceInfo))
@ -206,33 +202,26 @@ trait InwardNode[DI, UI, BI <: Data] extends BaseNode with InwardNodeHandle[DI,
protected[diplomacy] val iStar: Int
protected[diplomacy] val iPortMapping: Seq[(Int, Int)]
protected[diplomacy] val iParams: Seq[UI]
protected[diplomacy] val diParams: Seq[DI] // from connected nodes
protected[diplomacy] val uiParams: Seq[UI] // from this node
protected[diplomacy] def bind(h: OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Unit
trait OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO <: Data] extends NoHandle
trait OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] extends NoHandle
def outward: OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO]
def parentsOut: Seq[LazyModule] = outward.parents
def outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO]
trait OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO <: Data] extends BaseNode with OutwardNodeHandle[DO, UO, BO]
trait OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO <: Data] extends BaseNode
val outward = this
protected[diplomacy] val numPO: Range.Inclusive
require (!numPO.isEmpty, s"No number of outputs would be acceptable to ${name}${lazyModule.line}")
require (numPO.start >= 0, s"${name} accepts a negative number of outputs${lazyModule.line}")
private val accPO = ListBuffer[(Int, InwardNode [DO, UO, BO], NodeBinding, Parameters, SourceInfo)]()
private var oRealized = false
protected[diplomacy] def oPushed = accPO.size
protected[diplomacy] def oPush(index: Int, node: InwardNode [DO, UO, BO], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo) {
val info = sourceLine(sourceInfo, " at ", "")
val noOs = numPO.size == 1 && numPO.contains(0)
require (!noOs, s"${name}${lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a source" + info)
require (!oRealized, s"${name}${lazyModule.line} was incorrectly connected as a source after its .module was used" + info)
accPO += ((index, node, binding, p, sourceInfo))
@ -241,7 +230,8 @@ trait OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO <: Data] extends BaseNode with OutwardNodeHandle[DO
protected[diplomacy] val oStar: Int
protected[diplomacy] val oPortMapping: Seq[(Int, Int)]
protected[diplomacy] val oParams: Seq[DO]
protected[diplomacy] val uoParams: Seq[UO] // from connected nodes
protected[diplomacy] val doParams: Seq[DO] // from this node
abstract class CycleException(kind: String, loop: Seq[String]) extends Exception(s"Diplomatic ${kind} cycle detected involving ${loop}")
@ -251,13 +241,14 @@ case class UpwardCycleException(loop: Seq[String] = Nil) extends CycleException(
case class Edges[EI, EO](in: EI, out: EO)
sealed abstract class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
protected[diplomacy] val numPO: Range.Inclusive,
protected[diplomacy] val numPI: Range.Inclusive)(
val inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
val outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends BaseNode with NodeHandle[DI, UI, BI, DO, UO, BO] with InwardNode[DI, UI, BI] with OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO]
extends BaseNode with NodeHandle[DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO] with InwardNode[DI, UI, BI] with OutwardNode[DO, UO, BO]
val inward = this
val outward = this
protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStar: Int, oStar: Int): (Int, Int)
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO]
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI]
@ -287,8 +278,6 @@ sealed abstract class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
case BIND_STAR => iStar }}.scanLeft(0)(_+_)
val oTotal = oSum.lastOption.getOrElse(0)
val iTotal = iSum.lastOption.getOrElse(0)
require(numPO.contains(oTotal), s"${name} has ${oTotal} outputs, expected ${numPO}${lazyModule.line}")
require(numPI.contains(iTotal), s"${name} has ${iTotal} inputs, expected ${numPI}${lazyModule.line}")
(oSum.init zip oSum.tail, iSum.init zip iSum.tail, oStar, iStar)
} catch {
case c: StarCycleException => throw c.copy(loop = s"${name}${lazyModule.line}" +: c.loop)
@ -305,11 +294,12 @@ sealed abstract class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
private var oParamsCycleGuard = false
protected[diplomacy] lazy val oParams: Seq[DO] = {
protected[diplomacy] lazy val diParams: Seq[DI] = { case (i, n, _, _) => n.doParams(i) }
protected[diplomacy] lazy val doParams: Seq[DO] = {
try {
if (oParamsCycleGuard) throw DownwardCycleException()
oParamsCycleGuard = true
val o = mapParamsD(oPorts.size, { case (i, n, _, _) => n.oParams(i) })
val o = mapParamsD(oPorts.size, diParams)
require (o.size == oPorts.size, s"Bug in diplomacy; ${name} has ${o.size} != ${oPorts.size} down/up outer parameters${lazyModule.line}")
||||, this))
} catch {
@ -318,11 +308,12 @@ sealed abstract class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
private var iParamsCycleGuard = false
protected[diplomacy] lazy val iParams: Seq[UI] = {
protected[diplomacy] lazy val uoParams: Seq[UO] = { case (o, n, _, _) => n.uiParams(o) }
protected[diplomacy] lazy val uiParams: Seq[UI] = {
try {
if (iParamsCycleGuard) throw UpwardCycleException()
iParamsCycleGuard = true
val i = mapParamsU(iPorts.size, { case (o, n, _, _) => n.iParams(o) })
val i = mapParamsU(iPorts.size, uoParams)
require (i.size == iPorts.size, s"Bug in diplomacy; ${name} has ${i.size} != ${iPorts.size} up/down inner parameters${lazyModule.line}")
||||, this))
} catch {
@ -330,11 +321,11 @@ sealed abstract class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
protected[diplomacy] def gco = if (iParams.size != 1) None else inner.getO(iParams(0))
protected[diplomacy] def gci = if (oParams.size != 1) None else outer.getI(oParams(0))
protected[diplomacy] def gco = if (uiParams.size != 1) None else inner.getO(uiParams(0))
protected[diplomacy] def gci = if (doParams.size != 1) None else outer.getI(doParams(0))
protected[diplomacy] lazy val edgesOut = (oPorts zip oParams).map { case ((i, n, p, s), o) => outer.edgeO(o, n.iParams(i), p, s) }
protected[diplomacy] lazy val edgesIn = (iPorts zip iParams).map { case ((o, n, p, s), i) => inner.edgeI(n.oParams(o), i, p, s) }
protected[diplomacy] lazy val edgesOut = (oPorts zip doParams).map { case ((i, n, p, s), o) => outer.edgeO(o, n.uiParams(i), p, s) }
protected[diplomacy] lazy val edgesIn = (iPorts zip uiParams).map { case ((o, n, p, s), i) => inner.edgeI(n.doParams(o), i, p, s) }
// If you need access to the edges of a foreign Node, use this method (in/out create bundles)
lazy val edges = Edges(edgesIn, edgesOut)
@ -381,6 +372,10 @@ sealed abstract class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
danglesOut ++ danglesIn
protected[diplomacy] def finishInstantiate() = {
bundlesSafeNow = false
// connects the outward part of a node with the inward part of this node
protected[diplomacy] def bind(h: OutwardNode[DI, UI, BI], binding: NodeBinding)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo) {
val x = this // x := y
@ -406,10 +401,8 @@ sealed abstract class MixedNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
abstract class MixedCustomNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
numPO: Range.Inclusive,
numPI: Range.Inclusive)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedNode(inner, outer)(numPO, numPI)
extends MixedNode(inner, outer)
def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int)
def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO]
@ -417,28 +410,28 @@ abstract class MixedCustomNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
abstract class CustomNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
numPO: Range.Inclusive,
numPI: Range.Inclusive)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedCustomNode(imp, imp)(numPO, numPI)
extends MixedCustomNode(imp, imp)
class MixedAdapterNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
inner: InwardNodeImp [DI, UI, EI, BI],
outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
dFn: DI => DO,
uFn: UO => UI,
num: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999)(
uFn: UO => UI)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedNode(inner, outer)(num, num)
extends MixedNode(inner, outer)
protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
require (oStars + iStars <= 1, s"${name} (an adapter) appears left of a :*= ${iStars} times and right of a :=* ${oStars} times; at most once is allowed${lazyModule.line}")
if (oStars > 0) {
require (iKnown >= oKnown, s"${name} (an adapter) has ${oKnown} outputs and ${iKnown} inputs; cannot assign ${iKnown-oKnown} edges to resolve :=*${lazyModule.line}")
(0, iKnown - oKnown)
} else {
} else if (iStars > 0) {
require (oKnown >= iKnown, s"${name} (an adapter) has ${oKnown} outputs and ${iKnown} inputs; cannot assign ${oKnown-iKnown} edges to resolve :*=${lazyModule.line}")
(oKnown - iKnown, 0)
} else {
require (oKnown == iKnown, s"${name} (an adapter) has ${oKnown} outputs and ${iKnown} inputs; these do not match")
(0, 0)
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = {
@ -453,10 +446,9 @@ class MixedAdapterNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
class AdapterNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
dFn: D => D,
uFn: U => U,
num: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999)(
uFn: U => U)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedAdapterNode[D, U, EI, B, D, U, EO, B](imp, imp)(dFn, uFn, num)
extends MixedAdapterNode[D, U, EI, B, D, U, EO, B](imp, imp)(dFn, uFn)
// IdentityNodes automatically connect their inputs to outputs
class IdentityNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])()(implicit valName: ValName)
@ -475,39 +467,39 @@ class MixedNexusNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
outer: OutwardNodeImp[DO, UO, EO, BO])(
dFn: Seq[DI] => DO,
uFn: Seq[UO] => UI,
numPO: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999,
numPI: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999)(
// no inputs and no outputs is always allowed
inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = true,
outputRequiresInput: Boolean = true)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedNode(inner, outer)(numPO, numPI)
extends MixedNode(inner, outer)
// require (numPO.end >= 1, s"${name} does not accept outputs${lazyModule.line}")
// require (numPI.end >= 1, s"${name} does not accept inputs${lazyModule.line}")
protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
require (iStars == 0, s"${name} (a nexus) appears left of :*= (perhaps you should flip the '*' to :=*?)${lazyModule.line}")
require (oStars == 0, s"${name} (a nexus) appears right of a :=* (perhaps you should flip the '*' to :*=?)${lazyModule.line}")
(0, 0)
// a nexus treats :=* as a weak pointer
require (!outputRequiresInput || oKnown == 0 || iStars + iKnown != 0, s"${name} (a nexus) has ${oKnown} required outputs and no possible inputs")
require (!inputRequiresOutput || iKnown == 0 || oStars + oKnown != 0, s"${name} (a nexus) has ${iKnown} required inputs and no possible outputs")
if (iKnown == 0 && oKnown == 0) (0, 0) else (1, 1)
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = { val a = dFn(p); Seq.fill(n)(a) }
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] = { val a = uFn(p); Seq.fill(n)(a) }
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = { if (n > 0) { val a = dFn(p); Seq.fill(n)(a) } else Nil }
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] = { if (n > 0) { val a = uFn(p); Seq.fill(n)(a) } else Nil }
class NexusNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
dFn: Seq[D] => D,
uFn: Seq[U] => U,
numPO: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999,
numPI: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999)(
inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = true,
outputRequiresInput: Boolean = true)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedNexusNode[D, U, EI, B, D, U, EO, B](imp, imp)(dFn, uFn, numPO, numPI)
extends MixedNexusNode[D, U, EI, B, D, U, EO, B](imp, imp)(dFn, uFn, inputRequiresOutput, outputRequiresInput)
// There are no Mixed SourceNodes
class SourceNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(po: Seq[D])(implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedNode(imp, imp)(po.size to po.size, 0 to 0)
extends MixedNode(imp, imp)
protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
require (oStars <= 1, s"${name} (a source) appears right of a :=* ${oStars} times; at most once is allowed${lazyModule.line}")
require (iStars == 0, s"${name} (a source) cannot appear left of a :*=${lazyModule.line}")
require (iKnown == 0, s"${name} (a source) cannot appear left of a :=${lazyModule.line}")
require (po.size == oKnown || oStars == 1, s"${name} (a source) has only ${oKnown} outputs connected out of ${po.size}")
require (po.size >= oKnown, s"${name} (a source) has ${oKnown} outputs out of ${po.size}; cannot assign ${po.size - oKnown} edges to resolve :=*${lazyModule.line}")
(0, po.size - oKnown)
@ -517,15 +509,58 @@ class SourceNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(po: Seq
// There are no Mixed SinkNodes
class SinkNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(pi: Seq[U])(implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedNode(imp, imp)(0 to 0, pi.size to pi.size)
extends MixedNode(imp, imp)
protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
require (iStars <= 1, s"${name} (a sink) appears left of a :*= ${iStars} times; at most once is allowed${lazyModule.line}")
require (oStars == 0, s"${name} (a sink) cannot appear right of a :=*${lazyModule.line}")
require (oKnown == 0, s"${name} (a sink) cannot appear right of a :=${lazyModule.line}")
require (pi.size == iKnown || iStars == 1, s"${name} (a sink) has only ${iKnown} inputs connected out of ${pi.size}")
require (pi.size >= iKnown, s"${name} (a sink) has ${iKnown} inputs out of ${pi.size}; cannot assign ${pi.size - iKnown} edges to resolve :*=${lazyModule.line}")
(pi.size - iKnown, 0)
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[D]): Seq[D] = Seq()
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[U]): Seq[U] = pi
class MixedTestNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data] protected[diplomacy](
node: NodeHandle [DI, UI, EI, BI, DO, UO, EO, BO], clone: CloneLazyModule)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends MixedNode(node.inner, node.outer)
// The devices connected to this test node must recreate these parameters:
def iParams: Seq[DI] = node.inward .diParams
def oParams: Seq[UO] = node.outward.uoParams
protected[diplomacy] def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
require (oStars <= 1, s"${name} (a test node) appears right of a :=* ${oStars} times; at most once is allowed${lazyModule.line}")
require (iStars <= 1, s"${name} (a test node) appears left of a :*= ${iStars} times; at most once is allowed${lazyModule.line}")
require (node.inward .uiParams.size == iKnown || iStars == 1, s"${name} (a test node) has only ${iKnown} inputs connected out of ${node.inward.uiParams.size}")
require (node.outward.doParams.size == oKnown || oStars == 1, s"${name} (a test node) has only ${oKnown} outputs connected out of ${node.outward.doParams.size}")
(node.inward.uiParams.size - iKnown, node.outward.doParams.size - oKnown)
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] = node.inward .uiParams
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = node.outward.doParams
override protected[diplomacy] def instantiate() = {
val dangles = super.instantiate()
val orig_module = clone.base.module
val clone_auto ="auto").asInstanceOf[AutoBundle]
danglesOut.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (d, i) =>
val orig = orig_module.dangles.find(_.source == HalfEdge(node.outward.serial, i))
require (orig.isDefined, s"Cloned node ${} must be connected externally out ${}")
val io_name = eq
|||| <> clone_auto.elements(io_name)
danglesIn.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (d, i) =>
val orig = orig_module.dangles.find(_.sink == HalfEdge(node.inward.serial, i))
require (orig.isDefined, s"Cloned node ${} must be connected externally in ${}")
val io_name = eq
clone_auto.elements(io_name) <>
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
package object diplomacy
type SimpleNodeHandle[D, U, B <: Chisel.Data] = NodeHandle[D, U, B, D, U, B]
type SimpleNodeHandle[D, U, E, B <: Chisel.Data] = NodeHandle[D, U, E, B, D, U, E, B]
def sourceLine(sourceInfo: SourceInfo, prefix: String = " (", suffix: String = ")") = sourceInfo match {
case SourceLine(filename, line, col) => s"$prefix$filename:$line:$col$suffix"
@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ class IntXing(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
object IntSyncCrossingSource
def apply(alreadyRegistered: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered)).node
def apply(alreadyRegistered: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) =
val intsource = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered))
@ -54,5 +58,9 @@ class IntSyncCrossingSink(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
object IntSyncCrossingSink
def apply(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(sync)).node
def apply(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) =
val intsink = LazyModule(new IntSyncCrossingSink(sync))
@ -23,19 +23,18 @@ case class IntSourceNode(portParams: Seq[IntSourcePortParameters])(implicit valN
case class IntSinkNode(portParams: Seq[IntSinkPortParameters])(implicit valName: ValName) extends SinkNode(IntImp)(portParams)
case class IntAdapterNode(
sourceFn: IntSourcePortParameters => IntSourcePortParameters = { s => s },
sinkFn: IntSinkPortParameters => IntSinkPortParameters = { s => s },
num: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999)(
sinkFn: IntSinkPortParameters => IntSinkPortParameters = { s => s })(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends AdapterNode(IntImp)(sourceFn, sinkFn, num)
extends AdapterNode(IntImp)(sourceFn, sinkFn)
case class IntIdentityNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends IdentityNode(IntImp)()
case class IntNexusNode(
sourceFn: Seq[IntSourcePortParameters] => IntSourcePortParameters,
sinkFn: Seq[IntSinkPortParameters] => IntSinkPortParameters,
numSourcePorts: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 128,
numSinkPorts: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 128)(
inputRequiresOutput: Boolean = true,
outputRequiresInput: Boolean = true)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends NexusNode(IntImp)(sourceFn, sinkFn, numSourcePorts, numSinkPorts)
extends NexusNode(IntImp)(sourceFn, sinkFn, inputRequiresOutput, outputRequiresInput)
object IntSyncImp extends SimpleNodeImp[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntEdge, SyncInterrupts]
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
package object interrupts
type IntInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, Vec[Bool]]
type IntOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, Vec[Bool]]
type IntNode = SimpleNodeHandle[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, Vec[Bool]]
type IntInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntEdge, Vec[Bool]]
type IntOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntEdge, Vec[Bool]]
type IntNode = SimpleNodeHandle[IntSourcePortParameters, IntSinkPortParameters, IntEdge, Vec[Bool]]
@ -78,12 +78,20 @@ class TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters)
object TLAsyncCrossingSource
def apply(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync)).node
def apply(sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) =
val asource = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync))
object TLAsyncCrossingSink
def apply(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync)).node
def apply(depth: Int = 8, sync: Int = 3)(implicit p: Parameters) =
val asink = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
@deprecated("TLAsyncCrossing is fragile. Use TLAsyncCrossingSource and TLAsyncCrossingSink", "rocket-chip 1.2")
@ -131,5 +139,6 @@ class TLRAMAsyncCrossing(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
class TLRAMAsyncCrossingTest(txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMAsyncCrossing(txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMAsyncCrossing(txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -266,7 +266,10 @@ class TLAtomicAutomata(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, conc
object TLAtomicAutomata
def apply(logical: Boolean = true, arithmetic: Boolean = true, concurrency: Int = 1, passthrough: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
LazyModule(new TLAtomicAutomata(logical, arithmetic, concurrency, passthrough)).node
val atomics = LazyModule(new TLAtomicAutomata(logical, arithmetic, concurrency, passthrough))
case class CAMParams(a: TLBundleParameters, domainsNeedingHelp: Int)
@ -318,5 +321,6 @@ class TLRAMAtomicAutomata(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
class TLRAMAtomicAutomataTest(txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMAtomicAutomata(txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMAtomicAutomata(txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -205,6 +205,15 @@ class TLBroadcast(lineBytes: Int, numTrackers: Int = 4, bufferless: Boolean = fa
object TLBroadcast
def apply(lineBytes: Int, numTrackers: Int = 4, bufferless: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val broadcast = LazyModule(new TLBroadcast(lineBytes, numTrackers, bufferless))
class TLBroadcastTracker(id: Int, lineBytes: Int, probeCountBits: Int, bufferless: Boolean, edgeIn: TLEdgeIn, edgeOut: TLEdgeOut) extends Module
val io = new Bundle {
@ -64,7 +64,11 @@ object TLBuffer
b: BufferParams,
c: BufferParams,
d: BufferParams,
e: BufferParams)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(a, b, c, d, e)).node
e: BufferParams)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val buffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(a, b, c, d, e))
def chain(depth: Int, name: Option[String] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): Seq[TLNode] = {
val buffers = Seq.fill(depth) { LazyModule(new TLBuffer()) }
@ -121,5 +121,9 @@ class TLCacheCork(unsafe: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyM
object TLCacheCork
def apply(unsafe: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLCacheCork(unsafe)).node
def apply(unsafe: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val cork = LazyModule(new TLCacheCork(unsafe))
@ -72,5 +72,9 @@ class TLDelayer(q: Double)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
object TLDelayer
def apply(q: Double)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLDelayer(q)).node
def apply(q: Double)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val delayer = LazyModule(new TLDelayer(q))
@ -62,5 +62,8 @@ class TLErrorEvaluator(test: RequestPattern, testOn: Boolean, testOff: Boolean)(
object TLErrorEvaluator
def apply(test: RequestPattern, testOn: Boolean = false, testOff: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
LazyModule(new TLErrorEvaluator(test, testOn, testOff)).node
val errors = LazyModule(new TLErrorEvaluator(test, testOn, testOff))
@ -113,5 +113,9 @@ object TLFIFOFixer
val allFIFO: Policy = m => m.fifoId.isDefined
val allUncacheable: Policy = m => m.regionType <= UNCACHEABLE
def apply(policy: Policy = all)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer(policy)).node
def apply(policy: Policy = all)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer(policy))
@ -91,5 +91,9 @@ object TLFilter
def apply(
Mfilter: TLManagerParameters => Option[TLManagerParameters] = TLFilter.Midentity,
Cfilter: TLClientParameters => Option[TLClientParameters] = TLFilter.Cidentity
)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLFilter(Mfilter, Cfilter)).node
)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val filter = LazyModule(new TLFilter(Mfilter, Cfilter))
@ -294,7 +294,10 @@ class TLFragmenter(val minSize: Int, val maxSize: Int, val alwaysMin: Boolean =
object TLFragmenter
def apply(minSize: Int, maxSize: Int, alwaysMin: Boolean = false, earlyAck: EarlyAck.T = EarlyAck.None)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
LazyModule(new TLFragmenter(minSize, maxSize, alwaysMin, earlyAck)).node
val fragmenter = LazyModule(new TLFragmenter(minSize, maxSize, alwaysMin, earlyAck))
/** Synthesizeable unit tests */
@ -324,5 +327,6 @@ class TLRAMFragmenter(ramBeatBytes: Int, maxSize: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Pa
class TLRAMFragmenterTest(ramBeatBytes: Int, maxSize: Int, txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMFragmenter(ramBeatBytes,maxSize,txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMFragmenter(ramBeatBytes,maxSize,txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -221,6 +221,24 @@ class TLFuzzer(
object TLFuzzer
def apply(
nOperations: Int,
inFlight: Int = 32,
noiseMaker: (Int, Bool, Int) => UInt = {
(wide: Int, increment: Bool, abs_values: Int) =>
LFSRNoiseMaker(wide=wide, increment=increment)
noModify: Boolean = false,
overrideAddress: Option[AddressSet] = None,
nOrdered: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): TLOutwardNode =
val fuzzer = LazyModule(new TLFuzzer(nOperations, inFlight, noiseMaker, noModify, overrideAddress, nOrdered))
/** Synthesizeable integration test */
import freechips.rocketchip.unittest._
@ -92,7 +92,10 @@ class TLHintHandler(supportManagers: Boolean = true, supportClients: Boolean = f
object TLHintHandler
def apply(supportManagers: Boolean = true, supportClients: Boolean = false, passthrough: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
LazyModule(new TLHintHandler(supportManagers, supportClients, passthrough)).node
val hints = LazyModule(new TLHintHandler(supportManagers, supportClients, passthrough))
/** Synthesizeable unit tests */
@ -119,5 +122,6 @@ class TLRAMHintHandler(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
class TLRAMHintHandlerTest(txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMHintHandler(txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMHintHandler(txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -38,5 +38,9 @@ class TLMap(fn: AddressSet => BigInt)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
object TLMap
def apply(fn: AddressSet => BigInt)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLMap(fn)).node
def apply(fn: AddressSet => BigInt)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val map = LazyModule(new TLMap(fn))
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
case class TLNodeNumbererNode(nodeAddressOffset: Option[Int] = None)(implicit valName: ValName) extends TLCustomNode(0 to 999, 0 to 999)
case class TLNodeNumbererNode(nodeAddressOffset: Option[Int] = None)(implicit valName: ValName) extends TLCustomNode
def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
require (oStars + iStars <= 1, s"${name} (a custom adapter) appears left of a :*= ${iStars} times and right of a :=* ${oStars} times; at most once is allowed${lazyModule.line}")
@ -55,5 +55,9 @@ class TLNodeNumberer(nodeAddressOffset: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Paramete
object TLNodeNumberer
def apply(nodeAddressOffset: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLNodeNumberer(nodeAddressOffset)).node
def apply(nodeAddressOffset: Option[Int] = None)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val numberer = LazyModule(new TLNodeNumberer(nodeAddressOffset))
@ -49,26 +49,20 @@ case class TLManagerNode(portParams: Seq[TLManagerPortParameters])(implicit valN
case class TLAdapterNode(
clientFn: TLClientPortParameters => TLClientPortParameters = { s => s },
managerFn: TLManagerPortParameters => TLManagerPortParameters = { s => s },
num: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999)(
managerFn: TLManagerPortParameters => TLManagerPortParameters = { s => s })(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends AdapterNode(TLImp)(clientFn, managerFn, num)
extends AdapterNode(TLImp)(clientFn, managerFn)
case class TLIdentityNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends IdentityNode(TLImp)()
case class TLNexusNode(
clientFn: Seq[TLClientPortParameters] => TLClientPortParameters,
managerFn: Seq[TLManagerPortParameters] => TLManagerPortParameters,
numClientPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999,
numManagerPorts: Range.Inclusive = 1 to 999)(
managerFn: Seq[TLManagerPortParameters] => TLManagerPortParameters)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends NexusNode(TLImp)(clientFn, managerFn, numClientPorts, numManagerPorts)
extends NexusNode(TLImp)(clientFn, managerFn)
abstract class TLCustomNode(
numClientPorts: Range.Inclusive,
numManagerPorts: Range.Inclusive)(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends CustomNode(TLImp)(numClientPorts, numManagerPorts)
abstract class TLCustomNode(implicit valName: ValName)
extends CustomNode(TLImp)
// Asynchronous crossings
@ -86,10 +80,9 @@ object TLAsyncImp extends SimpleNodeImp[TLAsyncClientPortParameters, TLAsyncMana
case class TLAsyncAdapterNode(
clientFn: TLAsyncClientPortParameters => TLAsyncClientPortParameters = { s => s },
managerFn: TLAsyncManagerPortParameters => TLAsyncManagerPortParameters = { s => s },
num: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999)(
managerFn: TLAsyncManagerPortParameters => TLAsyncManagerPortParameters = { s => s })(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends AdapterNode(TLAsyncImp)(clientFn, managerFn, num)
extends AdapterNode(TLAsyncImp)(clientFn, managerFn)
case class TLAsyncIdentityNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends IdentityNode(TLAsyncImp)()
@ -119,10 +112,9 @@ object TLRationalImp extends SimpleNodeImp[TLRationalClientPortParameters, TLRat
case class TLRationalAdapterNode(
clientFn: TLRationalClientPortParameters => TLRationalClientPortParameters = { s => s },
managerFn: TLRationalManagerPortParameters => TLRationalManagerPortParameters = { s => s },
num: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999)(
managerFn: TLRationalManagerPortParameters => TLRationalManagerPortParameters = { s => s })(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends AdapterNode(TLRationalImp)(clientFn, managerFn, num)
extends AdapterNode(TLRationalImp)(clientFn, managerFn)
case class TLRationalIdentityNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends IdentityNode(TLRationalImp)()
@ -84,3 +84,12 @@ class TLPatternPusher(name: String, pattern: Seq[Pattern])(implicit p: Parameter
tl_out.e.valid := Bool(false)
object TLPatternPusher
def apply(name: String, pattern: Seq[Pattern])(implicit p: Parameters): TLOutwardNode =
val pusher = LazyModule(new TLPatternPusher(name, pattern))
@ -333,8 +333,11 @@ class TLRAMModel(log: String = "", ignoreErrorData: Boolean = false)(implicit p:
object TLRAMModel
def apply(log: String = "", ignoreErrorData: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) =
LazyModule(new TLRAMModel(log, ignoreErrorData)).node
def apply(log: String = "", ignoreErrorData: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val model = LazyModule(new TLRAMModel(log, ignoreErrorData))
case class MonitorParameters(addressBits: Int, sizeBits: Int)
@ -78,12 +78,20 @@ class TLRationalCrossingSink(direction: RationalDirection = Symmetric)(implicit
object TLRationalCrossingSource
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource).node
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters) =
val rsource = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource)
object TLRationalCrossingSink
def apply(direction: RationalDirection = Symmetric)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(direction)).node
def apply(direction: RationalDirection = Symmetric)(implicit p: Parameters) =
val rsink = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(direction))
@deprecated("TLRationalCrossing is fragile. Use TLRationalCrossingSource and TLRationalCrossingSink", "rocket-chip 1.2")
@ -189,5 +197,6 @@ class TLRAMRationalCrossing(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModul
class TLRAMRationalCrossingTest(txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMRationalCrossing(txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMRationalCrossing(txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -268,7 +268,8 @@ class FuzzRRTest0(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
class TLRR0Test(txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new FuzzRRTest0(txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new FuzzRRTest0(txns)).module)
io.finished :=
class FuzzRRTest1(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
@ -283,6 +284,7 @@ class FuzzRRTest1(txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
class TLRR1Test(txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new FuzzRRTest1(txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new FuzzRRTest1(txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -81,6 +81,21 @@ class TLRAM(
object TLRAM
def apply(
address: AddressSet,
cacheable: Boolean = true,
executable: Boolean = true,
beatBytes: Int = 4,
devName: Option[String] = None,
errors: Seq[AddressSet] = Nil)(implicit p: Parameters): TLInwardNode =
val ram = LazyModule(new TLRAM(address, cacheable, executable, beatBytes, devName, errors))
/** Synthesizeable unit testing */
import freechips.rocketchip.unittest._
@ -97,5 +112,6 @@ class TLRAMSimple(ramBeatBytes: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends
class TLRAMSimpleTest(ramBeatBytes: Int, txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMSimple(ramBeatBytes, txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMSimple(ramBeatBytes, txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -74,5 +74,9 @@ class TLSourceShrinker(maxInFlight: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
object TLSourceShrinker
def apply(maxInFlight: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLSourceShrinker(maxInFlight)).node
def apply(maxInFlight: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val shrinker = LazyModule(new TLSourceShrinker(maxInFlight))
@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
case class SplitterArg[T](newSize: Int, ports: Seq[T])
case class TLSplitterNode(
clientFn: SplitterArg[TLClientPortParameters] => Seq[TLClientPortParameters],
managerFn: SplitterArg[TLManagerPortParameters] => Seq[TLManagerPortParameters],
numClientPorts: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999,
numManagerPorts: Range.Inclusive = 0 to 999)(
managerFn: SplitterArg[TLManagerPortParameters] => Seq[TLManagerPortParameters])(
implicit valName: ValName)
extends TLCustomNode(numClientPorts, numManagerPorts)
extends TLCustomNode
def resolveStar(iKnown: Int, oKnown: Int, iStars: Int, oStars: Int): (Int, Int) = {
require (oKnown == 0, s"${name} (a splitter) appears right of a := or :*=; use a :=* instead${lazyModule.line}")
@ -186,5 +186,9 @@ class TLToAHB(val aFlow: Boolean = false)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMo
object TLToAHB
def apply(aFlow: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new TLToAHB(aFlow)).node
def apply(aFlow: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters) =
val tl2ahb = LazyModule(new TLToAHB(aFlow))
@ -85,5 +85,9 @@ class TLToAPB(val aFlow: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
object TLToAPB
def apply(aFlow: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters) = LazyModule(new TLToAPB(aFlow)).node
def apply(aFlow: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters) =
val tl2apb = LazyModule(new TLToAPB(aFlow))
@ -227,7 +227,10 @@ class TLToAXI4(val combinational: Boolean = true, val adapterName: Option[String
object TLToAXI4
def apply(combinational: Boolean = true, adapterName: Option[String] = None, stripBits: Int = 0)(implicit p: Parameters) =
LazyModule(new TLToAXI4(combinational, adapterName, stripBits)).node
val tl2axi4 = LazyModule(new TLToAXI4(combinational, adapterName, stripBits))
def sortByType(a: TLClientParameters, b: TLClientParameters): Boolean = {
if ( a.supportsProbe && !b.supportsProbe) return false
@ -184,7 +184,11 @@ class TLWidthWidget(innerBeatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyMod
object TLWidthWidget
def apply(innerBeatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode = LazyModule(new TLWidthWidget(innerBeatBytes)).node
def apply(innerBeatBytes: Int)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val widget = LazyModule(new TLWidthWidget(innerBeatBytes))
/** Synthesizeable unit tests */
@ -210,5 +214,6 @@ class TLRAMWidthWidget(first: Int, second: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameter
class TLRAMWidthWidgetTest(little: Int, big: Int, txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMWidthWidget(little,big,txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMWidthWidget(little,big,txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ private case object ForceFanoutKey extends Field(ForceFanoutParams(false, false,
class TLXbar(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val node = TLNexusNode(
numClientPorts = 1 to 999,
numManagerPorts = 1 to 999,
clientFn = { seq =>
minLatency =,
@ -159,20 +157,20 @@ class TLXbar(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parame
val addressA = (in zip edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.address(i.a.bits) }
val addressC = (in zip edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.address(i.c.bits) }
val requestAIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => o(i) }) })
val requestCIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => o(i) }) })
val requestBOI = Vec( { o => Vec( { i => i.contains(o.b.bits.source) }) })
val requestDOI = Vec( { o => Vec( { i => i.contains(o.d.bits.source) }) })
val requestEIO = Vec( { i => Vec( { o => }) })
val requestAIO = { i => { o => o(i) } }
val requestCIO = { i => { o => o(i) } }
val requestBOI = { o => { i => i.contains(o.b.bits.source) } }
val requestDOI = { o => { i => i.contains(o.d.bits.source) } }
val requestEIO = { i => { o => } }
val beatsAI = Vec((in zip edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats1(i.a.bits) })
val beatsBO = Vec((out zip edgesOut) map { case (o, e) => e.numBeats1(o.b.bits) })
val beatsCI = Vec((in zip edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats1(i.c.bits) })
val beatsDO = Vec((out zip edgesOut) map { case (o, e) => e.numBeats1(o.d.bits) })
val beatsEI = Vec((in zip edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats1(i.e.bits) })
val beatsAI = (in zip edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats1(i.a.bits) }
val beatsBO = (out zip edgesOut) map { case (o, e) => e.numBeats1(o.b.bits) }
val beatsCI = (in zip edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats1(i.c.bits) }
val beatsDO = (out zip edgesOut) map { case (o, e) => e.numBeats1(o.d.bits) }
val beatsEI = (in zip edgesIn) map { case (i, e) => e.numBeats1(i.e.bits) }
// Which pairs support support transfers
def transpose[T](x: Seq[Seq[T]]) = Seq.tabulate(x(0).size) { i => Seq.tabulate(x.size) { j => x(j)(i) } }
def transpose[T](x: Seq[Seq[T]]) = if (x.isEmpty) Nil else Seq.tabulate(x(0).size) { i => Seq.tabulate(x.size) { j => x(j)(i) } }
def filter[T](data: Seq[T], mask: Seq[Boolean]) = (data zip mask).filter(_._2).map(_._1)
// Fanout the input sources to the output sinks
@ -206,6 +204,12 @@ class TLXbar(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parame
object TLXbar
def apply(policy: TLArbiter.Policy = TLArbiter.roundRobin)(implicit p: Parameters): TLNode =
val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar(policy))
def mapInputIds (ports: Seq[TLClientPortParameters ]) = assignRanges(
def mapOutputIds(ports: Seq[TLManagerPortParameters]) = assignRanges(
@ -266,7 +270,8 @@ class TLRAMXbar(nManagers: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyM
class TLRAMXbarTest(nManagers: Int, txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMXbar(nManagers,txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLRAMXbar(nManagers,txns)).module)
io.finished :=
class TLMulticlientXbar(nManagers: Int, nClients: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
@ -289,5 +294,6 @@ class TLMulticlientXbar(nManagers: Int, nClients: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Pa
class TLMulticlientXbarTest(nManagers: Int, nClients: Int, txns: Int = 5000, timeout: Int = 500000)(implicit p: Parameters) extends UnitTest(timeout) {
io.finished := Module(LazyModule(new TLMulticlientXbar(nManagers, nClients, txns)).module).io.finished
val dut = Module(LazyModule(new TLMulticlientXbar(nManagers, nClients, txns)).module)
io.finished :=
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
package object tilelink
type TLInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TLBundle]
type TLOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TLBundle]
type TLNode = SimpleNodeHandle[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TLBundle]
type TLInwardNode = InwardNodeHandle[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TLEdgeIn, TLBundle]
type TLOutwardNode = OutwardNodeHandle[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TLEdgeOut, TLBundle]
type TLNode = NodeHandle[TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TLEdgeIn, TLBundle, TLClientPortParameters, TLManagerPortParameters, TLEdgeOut, TLBundle]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.unittest
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
abstract class LazyUnitTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
{ self =>
protected def finished: Bool
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val finished = IO(Bool(OUTPUT))
finished := self.finished
// FYI, you can call .finished on a Seq[LazyUnitTest]
class TestGenerator(gen: LazyModule => Seq[LazyUnitTest])
def apply(lm: LazyModule) = gen(lm)
def ++ (other: TestGenerator) = new TestGenerator(gen = lm => gen(lm) ++ other(lm))
object TestGenerator
def apply(matcher: PartialFunction[LazyModule, Seq[LazyUnitTest]]): TestGenerator =
new TestGenerator(gen = matcher.lift(_).getOrElse(Nil))
def recurse(other: TestGenerator): TestGenerator = {
def helper(lm: LazyModule, tail: Seq[LazyUnitTest]): Seq[LazyUnitTest] =
lm.getChildren.foldLeft(other(lm) ++ tail) { case (tail, child) => helper(child, tail) }
new TestGenerator(gen = helper(_, Nil))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip
import Chisel._
package object unittest
implicit class LazyUnitTestSeq(val seq: Seq[LazyUnitTest]) {
def finished = && _)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user