Refactor frontend exception passing

Bundle them, and leverage regularity, so that if we have to add more
exceptions in the future, we don't need to change so much code.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Waterman 2017-06-08 17:44:48 -07:00
parent cc2f87c214
commit 3e04a99f61
3 changed files with 31 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -18,13 +18,21 @@ class FrontendReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val speculative = Bool()
class FrontendExceptions extends Bundle {
val pf = new Bundle {
val inst = Bool()
val ae = new Bundle {
val inst = Bool()
class FrontendResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val btb = Valid(new BTBResp)
val pc = UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended) // ID stage PC
val data = UInt(width = fetchWidth * coreInstBits)
val mask = Bits(width = fetchWidth)
val pf = Bool()
val ae = Bool()
val xcpt = new FrontendExceptions
val replay = Bool()
@ -83,9 +91,7 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
val s2_btb_resp_valid = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val s2_btb_resp_bits = Reg(new BTBResp)
val s2_tlb_resp = Reg(tlb.io.resp)
val s2_pf = s2_tlb_resp.pf.inst && !s2_tlb_resp.miss
val s2_ae = s2_tlb_resp.ae.inst && !s2_tlb_resp.miss
val s2_xcpt = s2_pf || s2_ae
val s2_xcpt = !s2_tlb_resp.miss && fq.io.enq.bits.xcpt.asUInt.orR
val s2_speculative = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val fetchBytes = coreInstBytes * fetchWidth
@ -163,8 +169,7 @@ class FrontendModule(outer: Frontend) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
fq.io.enq.bits.data := icache.io.resp.bits
fq.io.enq.bits.mask := UInt((1 << fetchWidth)-1) << s2_pc.extract(log2Ceil(fetchWidth)+log2Ceil(coreInstBytes)-1, log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))
fq.io.enq.bits.pf := s2_pf
fq.io.enq.bits.ae := s2_ae
fq.io.enq.bits.xcpt := s2_tlb_resp
fq.io.enq.bits.replay := icache.io.s2_kill && !icache.io.resp.valid && !s2_xcpt
fq.io.enq.bits.btb.valid := s2_btb_resp_valid
fq.io.enq.bits.btb.bits := s2_btb_resp_bits

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@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ import tile._
import util._
class Instruction(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle with HasCoreParameters {
val pf0 = Bool() // page fault on first half of instruction
val pf1 = Bool() // page fault on second half of instruction
val ae0 = Bool() // access exception on first half of instruction
val ae1 = Bool() // access exception on second half of instruction
val xcpt0 = new FrontendExceptions // exceptions on first half of instruction
val xcpt1 = new FrontendExceptions // exceptions on second half of instruction
val replay = Bool()
val btb_hit = Bool()
val rvc = Bool()
@ -80,8 +78,7 @@ class IBuf(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule {
val valid = (UIntToOH(nValid) - 1)(fetchWidth-1, 0)
val bufMask = UIntToOH(nBufValid) - 1
val pf = valid & (Mux(buf.pf, bufMask, UInt(0)) | Mux(io.imem.bits.pf, ~bufMask, UInt(0)))
val ae = valid & (Mux(buf.ae, bufMask, UInt(0)) | Mux(io.imem.bits.ae, ~bufMask, UInt(0)))
val xcpt = (0 until bufMask.getWidth).map(i => Mux(bufMask(i), buf.xcpt, io.imem.bits.xcpt))
val ic_replay = valid & (Mux(buf.replay, bufMask, UInt(0)) | Mux(io.imem.bits.replay, ~bufMask, UInt(0)))
val ibufBTBHitMask = Mux(ibufBTBHit, UIntToOH(ibufBTBResp.bridx), UInt(0))
assert(!io.imem.valid || !io.imem.bits.btb.valid || io.imem.bits.btb.bits.bridx >= pcWordBits)
@ -100,11 +97,9 @@ class IBuf(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule {
if (usingCompressed) {
val replay = ic_replay(j) || (!exp.io.rvc && (btbHitMask(j) || ic_replay(j+1)))
io.inst(i).valid := valid(j) && (exp.io.rvc || valid(j+1) || pf(j+1) || ae(j+1) || replay)
io.inst(i).bits.pf0 := pf(j)
io.inst(i).bits.pf1 := !exp.io.rvc && pf(j+1)
io.inst(i).bits.ae0 := ae(j)
io.inst(i).bits.ae1 := !exp.io.rvc && ae(j+1)
io.inst(i).valid := valid(j) && (exp.io.rvc || valid(j+1) || xcpt(j+1).asUInt.orR || replay)
io.inst(i).bits.xcpt0 := xcpt(j)
io.inst(i).bits.xcpt1 := Mux(exp.io.rvc, 0.U, xcpt(j+1).asUInt).asTypeOf(new FrontendExceptions)
io.inst(i).bits.replay := replay
io.inst(i).bits.btb_hit := btbHitMask(j) || (!exp.io.rvc && btbHitMask(j+1))
io.inst(i).bits.rvc := exp.io.rvc
@ -115,10 +110,8 @@ class IBuf(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule {
} else {
when (io.inst(i).ready) { nReady := i+1 }
io.inst(i).valid := valid(i)
io.inst(i).bits.pf0 := pf(i)
io.inst(i).bits.pf1 := false
io.inst(i).bits.ae0 := ae(i)
io.inst(i).bits.ae1 := false
io.inst(i).bits.xcpt0 := xcpt(i)
io.inst(i).bits.xcpt1 := 0.U.asTypeOf(new FrontendExceptions)
io.inst(i).bits.replay := ic_replay(i)
io.inst(i).bits.rvc := false
io.inst(i).bits.btb_hit := btbHitMask(i)

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@ -231,14 +231,16 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
bpu.io.pc := ibuf.io.pc
bpu.io.ea := mem_reg_wdata
val id_xcpt_pf = ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.pf0 || ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.pf1
val id_xcpt_ae = ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.ae0 || ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.ae1
val id_xcpt0 = ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.xcpt0
val id_xcpt1 = ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.xcpt1
val (id_xcpt, id_cause) = checkExceptions(List(
(csr.io.interrupt, csr.io.interrupt_cause),
(bpu.io.debug_if, UInt(CSR.debugTriggerCause)),
(bpu.io.xcpt_if, UInt(Causes.breakpoint)),
(id_xcpt_pf, UInt(Causes.fetch_page_fault)),
(id_xcpt_ae, UInt(Causes.fetch_access)),
(id_xcpt0.pf.inst, UInt(Causes.fetch_page_fault)),
(id_xcpt0.ae.inst, UInt(Causes.fetch_access)),
(id_xcpt1.pf.inst, UInt(Causes.fetch_page_fault)),
(id_xcpt1.ae.inst, UInt(Causes.fetch_access)),
(id_illegal_insn, UInt(Causes.illegal_instruction))))
val dcache_bypass_data =
@ -305,15 +307,15 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
ex_ctrl.alu_dw := DW_XPR
ex_ctrl.sel_alu1 := A1_RS1 // badaddr := instruction
ex_ctrl.sel_alu2 := A2_ZERO
when (bpu.io.xcpt_if || id_xcpt_pf || id_xcpt_ae) { // badaddr := PC
when (id_xcpt1.asUInt.orR) { // badaddr := PC+2
ex_ctrl.sel_alu1 := A1_PC
val pf_second = !ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.pf0 && ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.pf1
val ae_second = !ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.ae0 && ibuf.io.inst(0).bits.ae1
when (!bpu.io.xcpt_if && (pf_second || (!id_xcpt_pf && ae_second))) { // badaddr := PC+2
ex_ctrl.sel_alu2 := A2_SIZE
ex_reg_rvc := true
when (bpu.io.xcpt_if || id_xcpt0.asUInt.orR) { // badaddr := PC
ex_ctrl.sel_alu1 := A1_PC
ex_ctrl.sel_alu2 := A2_ZERO
ex_reg_flush_pipe := id_ctrl.fence_i || id_csr_flush
ex_reg_load_use := id_load_use