moved ecc lib to uncore, l2 checks for partial write masks when ecc is enabled
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ case object NPrimaryMisses extends Field[Int]
case object NSecondaryMisses extends Field[Int]
case object CacheBlockBytes extends Field[Int]
case object CacheBlockOffsetBits extends Field[Int]
case object ECCCode extends Field[Option[Code]]
abstract trait CacheParameters extends UsesParameters {
val nSets = params(NSets)
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ abstract trait CacheParameters extends UsesParameters {
val rowBits = params(RowBits)
val rowBytes = rowBits/8
val rowOffBits = log2Up(rowBytes)
val code = params(ECCCode).getOrElse(new IdentityCode)
abstract class CacheBundle extends Bundle with CacheParameters
@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ abstract trait L2HellaCacheParameters extends CacheParameters with CoherenceAgen
require(rowBits == innerDataBits) // TODO: relax this by improving s_data_* states
val nSecondaryMisses = params(NSecondaryMisses)
val isLastLevelCache = true
val ignoresWriteMask = !params(ECCCode).isEmpty
abstract class L2HellaCacheBundle extends Bundle with L2HellaCacheParameters
@ -462,6 +465,12 @@ abstract class L2XactTracker extends XactTracker with L2HellaCacheParameters {
def dropPendingBitInternal[T <: HasL2BeatAddr] (in: ValidIO[T]) =
~Fill(in.bits.refillCycles, in.valid) | ~UIntToOH(in.bits.addr_beat)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasPartialWritemask(in: DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[Acquire]]): UInt = {
val a = in.bits.payload
val isPartial = a.wmask() != Acquire.fullWriteMask
addPendingBitWhenBeat( && isPartial && Bool(ignoresWriteMask), in.bits.payload)
class L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int) extends L2XactTracker {
@ -805,7 +814,8 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int) extends L2XactTracker {
dropPendingBit( &
dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.release) &
dropPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.outer.grant)) |
addPendingBitWhenBeatIsGetOrAtomic(io.inner.acquire) |
val curr_read_beat = PriorityEncoder(pending_reads)
|||| := state === s_busy &&
pending_reads.orR &&
@ -880,7 +890,8 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int) extends L2XactTracker {
pending_reads := Mux(
io.iacq().isBuiltInType(Acquire.getBlockType) || !io.iacq().isBuiltInType(),
SInt(-1, width = innerDataBeats),
(addPendingBitWhenBeatIsGetOrAtomic(io.inner.acquire) |
pending_writes := addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData(io.inner.acquire)
pending_resps := UInt(0)
pending_ignt_data := UInt(0)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore
import Chisel._
abstract class Decoding
def uncorrected: Bits
def corrected: Bits
def correctable: Bool
def uncorrectable: Bool
def error = correctable || uncorrectable
abstract class Code
def width(w0: Int): Int
def encode(x: Bits): Bits
def decode(x: Bits): Decoding
class IdentityCode extends Code
def width(w0: Int) = w0
def encode(x: Bits) = x
def decode(y: Bits) = new Decoding {
def uncorrected = y
def corrected = y
def correctable = Bool(false)
def uncorrectable = Bool(false)
class ParityCode extends Code
def width(w0: Int) = w0+1
def encode(x: Bits) = Cat(x.xorR, x)
def decode(y: Bits) = new Decoding {
def uncorrected = y(y.getWidth-2,0)
def corrected = uncorrected
def correctable = Bool(false)
def uncorrectable = y.xorR
class SECCode extends Code
def width(k: Int) = {
val m = new Unsigned(k).log2 + 1
k + m + (if((1 << m) < m+k+1) 1 else 0)
def encode(x: Bits) = {
val k = x.getWidth
require(k > 0)
val n = width(k)
val y = for (i <- 1 to n) yield {
if (isPow2(i)) {
val r = for (j <- 1 to n; if j != i && (j & i) != 0)
yield x(mapping(j))
r reduce (_^_)
} else
def decode(y: Bits) = new Decoding {
val n = y.getWidth
require(n > 0 && !isPow2(n))
val p2 = for (i <- 0 until log2Up(n)) yield 1 << i
val syndrome = p2 map { i =>
val r = for (j <- 1 to n; if (j & i) != 0)
yield y(j-1)
r reduce (_^_)
val s = Vec(syndrome).toBits
private def swizzle(z: Bits) = Vec((1 to n).filter(i => !isPow2(i)).map(i => z(i-1))).toBits
def uncorrected = swizzle(y)
def corrected = swizzle(((y.toUInt << UInt(1)) ^ UIntToOH(s)) >> UInt(1))
def correctable = s.orR
def uncorrectable = Bool(false)
private def mapping(i: Int) = i-1-log2Up(i)
class SECDEDCode extends Code
private val sec = new SECCode
private val par = new ParityCode
def width(k: Int) = sec.width(k)+1
def encode(x: Bits) = par.encode(sec.encode(x))
def decode(x: Bits) = new Decoding {
val secdec = sec.decode(x(x.getWidth-2,0))
val pardec = par.decode(x)
def uncorrected = secdec.uncorrected
def corrected = secdec.corrected
def correctable = pardec.uncorrectable
def uncorrectable = !pardec.uncorrectable && secdec.correctable
object ErrGen
// generate a 1-bit error with approximate probability 2^-f
def apply(width: Int, f: Int): Bits = {
require(width > 0 && f >= 0 && log2Up(width) + f <= 16)
def apply(x: Bits, f: Int): Bits = x ^ apply(x.getWidth, f)
class SECDEDTest extends Module
val code = new SECDEDCode
val k = 4
val n = code.width(k)
val io = new Bundle {
val original = Bits(OUTPUT, k)
val encoded = Bits(OUTPUT, n)
val injected = Bits(OUTPUT, n)
val uncorrected = Bits(OUTPUT, k)
val corrected = Bits(OUTPUT, k)
val correctable = Bool(OUTPUT)
val uncorrectable = Bool(OUTPUT)
val c = Counter(Bool(true), 1 << k)
val numErrors = Counter(c._2, 3)._1
val e = code.encode(c._1)
val i = e ^ Mux(numErrors < UInt(1), UInt(0), ErrGen(n, 1)) ^ Mux(numErrors < UInt(2), UInt(0), ErrGen(n, 1))
val d = code.decode(i)
io.original := c._1
io.encoded := e
io.injected := i
io.uncorrected := d.uncorrected
io.corrected := d.corrected
io.correctable := d.correctable
io.uncorrectable := d.uncorrectable
@ -132,8 +132,10 @@ class HierarchicalXactTrackerIO extends HierarchicalTLIO with HasTrackerConflict
abstract class XactTracker extends CoherenceAgentModule
with HasDataBeatCounters {
def addPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](inc: Bool, in: T): UInt = Fill(in.tlDataBeats, inc) & UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def dropPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](dec: Bool, in: T): UInt = ~Fill(in.tlDataBeats, dec) | ~UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def addPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](inc: Bool, in: T): UInt =
Fill(in.tlDataBeats, inc) & UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def dropPendingBitWhenBeat[T <: HasBeat](dec: Bool, in: T): UInt =
~Fill(in.tlDataBeats, dec) | ~UIntToOH(in.addr_beat)
def addPendingBitWhenBeatHasData[T <: Data : TypeTag](in: DecoupledIO[T]): UInt = {
in.bits match {
@ -5,6 +5,14 @@ package uncore
import Chisel._
import scala.math._
class Unsigned(x: Int) {
require(x >= 0)
def clog2: Int = { require(x > 0); ceil(log(x)/log(2)).toInt }
def log2: Int = { require(x > 0); floor(log(x)/log(2)).toInt }
def isPow2: Boolean = x > 0 && (x & (x-1)) == 0
def nextPow2: Int = if (x == 0) 1 else 1 << clog2
object MuxBundle {
def apply[T <: Data] (default: T, mapping: Seq[(Bool, T)]): T = {
mapping.reverse.foldLeft(default)((b, a) => Mux(a._1, a._2, b))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user