tilelink2: make TLBuffer API more flexible
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,33 +8,60 @@ import config._
import diplomacy._
import scala.math.{min,max}
// pipe is only used if a queue has depth = 1
class TLBuffer(a: Int = 2, b: Int = 2, c: Int = 2, d: Int = 2, e: Int = 2, pipe: Boolean = true)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
case class TLBufferParams(depth: Int, flow: Boolean, pipe: Boolean)
require (a >= 0)
require (b >= 0)
require (c >= 0)
require (d >= 0)
require (e >= 0)
require (depth >= 0)
def isDefined = depth > 0
def latency = if (isDefined && !flow) 1 else 0
object TLBufferParams
implicit def apply(depth: Int): TLBufferParams = TLBufferParams(depth, false, false)
val default = TLBufferParams(2)
val none = TLBufferParams(0)
val flow = TLBufferParams(1, true, false)
val pipe = TLBufferParams(1, false, true)
class TLBuffer(
a: TLBufferParams,
b: TLBufferParams,
c: TLBufferParams,
d: TLBufferParams,
e: TLBufferParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
def this(ace: TLBufferParams, bd: TLBufferParams)(implicit p: Parameters) = this(ace, bd, ace, bd, ace)
def this(abcde: TLBufferParams)(implicit p: Parameters) = this(abcde, abcde)
def this()(implicit p: Parameters) = this(TLBufferParams.default)
val node = TLAdapterNode(
clientFn = { p => p.copy(minLatency = p.minLatency + min(1,b) + min(1,c)) },
managerFn = { p => p.copy(minLatency = p.minLatency + min(1,a) + min(1,d)) })
clientFn = { p => p.copy(minLatency = p.minLatency + b.latency + c.latency) },
managerFn = { p => p.copy(minLatency = p.minLatency + a.latency + d.latency) })
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = node.bundleIn
val out = node.bundleOut
def buffer[T <: Data](config: TLBufferParams, data: DecoupledIO[T]): DecoupledIO[T] = {
if (config.isDefined) {
Queue(data, config.depth, pipe=config.pipe, flow=config.flow)
} else {
((io.in zip io.out) zip (node.edgesIn zip node.edgesOut)) foreach { case ((in, out), (edgeIn, edgeOut)) =>
if (a>0) { out.a <> Queue(in .a, a, pipe && a<2) } else { out.a <> in.a }
if (d>0) { in .d <> Queue(out.d, d, pipe && d<2) } else { in.d <> out.d }
out.a <> buffer(a, in .a)
in .d <> buffer(d, out.d)
if (edgeOut.manager.anySupportAcquireB && edgeOut.client.anySupportProbe) {
if (b>0) { in .b <> Queue(out.b, b, pipe && b<2) } else { in.b <> out.b }
if (c>0) { out.c <> Queue(in .c, c, pipe && c<2) } else { out.c <> in.c }
if (e>0) { out.e <> Queue(in .e, e, pipe && e<2) } else { out.e <> in.e }
in .b <> buffer(b, out.b)
out.c <> buffer(c, in .c)
out.e <> buffer(e, in .e)
} else {
in.b.valid := Bool(false)
in.c.ready := Bool(true)
@ -50,13 +77,16 @@ class TLBuffer(a: Int = 2, b: Int = 2, c: Int = 2, d: Int = 2, e: Int = 2, pipe:
object TLBuffer
// applied to the TL source node; y.node := TLBuffer(x.node)
def apply() (x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = apply(2)(x)
def apply(entries: Int) (x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = apply(entries, true)(x)
def apply(entries: Int, pipe: Boolean) (x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = apply(entries, entries, pipe)(x)
def apply(ace: Int, bd: Int) (x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = apply(ace, bd, true)(x)
def apply(ace: Int, bd: Int, pipe: Boolean)(x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = apply(ace, bd, ace, bd, ace, pipe)(x)
def apply(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int, e: Int, pipe: Boolean = true)(x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = {
val buffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(a, b, c, d, e, pipe))
def apply() (x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = apply(TLBufferParams.default)(x)
def apply(abcde: TLBufferParams) (x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = apply(abcde, abcde)(x)
def apply(ace: TLBufferParams, bd: TLBufferParams)(x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = apply(ace, bd, ace, bd, ace)(x)
def apply(
a: TLBufferParams,
b: TLBufferParams,
c: TLBufferParams,
d: TLBufferParams,
e: TLBufferParams)(x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = {
val buffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(a, b, c, d, e))
buffer.node := x
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