strip DMA and RoCC CSRs out of rocket and uncore (#201)
This commit is contained in:
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
case BuildRoCC => Nil
case RoccNMemChannels => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nMemChannels).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case RoccNPTWPorts => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.nPTWPorts).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
case RoccNCSRs => site(BuildRoCC).map(_.csrs.size).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
//Rocket Core Constants
case FetchWidth => if (site(UseCompressed)) 2 else 1
case RetireWidth => 1
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ class WithGroundTest extends Config(
case GroundTestId => i
case NCachedTileLinkPorts => if(tileSettings.cached > 0) 1 else 0
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => tileSettings.uncached
case RoccNCSRs => tileSettings.csrs
@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object BuildGroundTest extends Field[Parameters => GroundTest]
case class GroundTestTileSettings(
uncached: Int = 0, cached: Int = 0, ptw: Int = 0,
maxXacts: Int = 1, csrs: Int = 0)
uncached: Int = 0, cached: Int = 0, ptw: Int = 0, maxXacts: Int = 1)
case object GroundTestKey extends Field[Seq[GroundTestTileSettings]]
case object GroundTestId extends Field[Int]
@ -332,11 +332,6 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
read_mapping += addr -> io.custom_mrw_csrs(i)
for ((addr, i) <- roccCsrs.zipWithIndex) {
require(!read_mapping.contains(addr), "RoCC: CSR address " + addr + " is already in use")
read_mapping += addr -> io.rocc.csr.rdata(i)
val decoded_addr = read_mapping map { case (k, v) => k -> ( === k) }
val addr_valid = decoded_addr.values.reduce(_||_)
@ -559,10 +554,6 @@ class CSRFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
reg_dcsr.debugint := io.prci.interrupts.debug
reg_dcsr.hwbpcount := UInt(p(NBreakpoints))
io.rocc.csr.waddr :=
io.rocc.csr.wdata := wdata
io.rocc.csr.wen := wen
if (!usingUser) {
reg_mstatus.mpp := PRV.M
reg_mstatus.prv := PRV.M
@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
package rocket
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.devices.DmaRequest._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.util._
import junctions.{ParameterizedBundle, AddrMap}
import cde.Parameters
trait HasClientDmaParameters extends HasCoreParameters with HasDmaParameters {
val dmaAddrBits = coreMaxAddrBits
val dmaSegmentSizeBits = coreMaxAddrBits
val dmaSegmentBits = 24
abstract class ClientDmaBundle(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) with HasClientDmaParameters
abstract class ClientDmaModule(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends Module with HasClientDmaParameters
class ClientDmaRequest(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientDmaBundle()(p) {
val cmd = UInt(width = DMA_CMD_SZ)
val src_start = UInt(width = dmaAddrBits)
val dst_start = UInt(width = dmaAddrBits)
val src_stride = UInt(width = dmaSegmentSizeBits)
val dst_stride = UInt(width = dmaSegmentSizeBits)
val segment_size = UInt(width = dmaSegmentSizeBits)
val nsegments = UInt(width = dmaSegmentBits)
val word_size = UInt(width = dmaWordSizeBits)
object ClientDmaRequest {
def apply(cmd: UInt,
src_start: UInt,
dst_start: UInt,
segment_size: UInt,
nsegments: UInt = UInt(1),
src_stride: UInt = UInt(0),
dst_stride: UInt = UInt(0),
word_size: UInt = UInt(0))
(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val req = Wire(new ClientDmaRequest)
req.cmd := cmd
req.src_start := src_start
req.dst_start := dst_start
req.src_stride := src_stride
req.dst_stride := dst_stride
req.segment_size := segment_size
req.nsegments := nsegments
req.word_size := word_size
object ClientDmaResponse {
val pagefault = UInt("b01")
val invalid_region = UInt("b10")
def apply(status: UInt = UInt(0))(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val resp = Wire(new ClientDmaResponse)
resp.status := status
class ClientDmaResponse(implicit p: Parameters) extends ClientDmaBundle {
val status = UInt(width = dmaStatusBits)
class ClientDmaIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) {
val req = Decoupled(new ClientDmaRequest)
val resp = Valid(new ClientDmaResponse).flip
class DmaFrontend(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p)
with HasClientDmaParameters with HasTileLinkParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = (new ClientDmaIO).flip
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val ptw = new TLBPTWIO
val busy = Bool(OUTPUT)
val incr_outstanding = Bool(OUTPUT)
val host_id = UInt(INPUT, log2Up(nCores))
val tlb = Module(new DecoupledTLB()(p.alterPartial({
case CacheName => "L1D"
io.ptw <>
private val pgSize = 1 << pgIdxBits
val cmd = Reg(UInt(width = DMA_CMD_SZ))
val adv_ptr = MuxLookup(cmd, UInt("b11"), Seq(
DMA_CMD_PFR -> UInt("b10"),
DMA_CMD_PFW -> UInt("b10"),
DMA_CMD_SIN -> UInt("b10"),
DMA_CMD_SOUT -> UInt("b01")))
val segment_size = Reg(UInt(width = dmaSegmentSizeBits))
val bytes_left = Reg(UInt(width = dmaSegmentSizeBits))
val segments_left = Reg(UInt(width = dmaSegmentBits))
val word_size = Reg(UInt(width = dmaWordSizeBits))
val src_vaddr = Reg(UInt(width = dmaAddrBits))
val dst_vaddr = Reg(UInt(width = dmaAddrBits))
val src_vpn = src_vaddr(dmaAddrBits - 1, pgIdxBits)
val dst_vpn = dst_vaddr(dmaAddrBits - 1, pgIdxBits)
val src_idx = src_vaddr(pgIdxBits - 1, 0)
val dst_idx = dst_vaddr(pgIdxBits - 1, 0)
val src_pglen = UInt(pgSize) - src_idx
val dst_pglen = UInt(pgSize) - dst_idx
val src_stride = Reg(UInt(width = dmaSegmentSizeBits))
val dst_stride = Reg(UInt(width = dmaSegmentSizeBits))
val src_ppn = Reg(UInt(width = ppnBits))
val dst_ppn = Reg(UInt(width = ppnBits))
val src_paddr = Cat(src_ppn, src_idx)
val dst_paddr = Cat(dst_ppn, dst_idx)
val last_src_vpn = Reg(UInt(width = vpnBits))
val last_dst_vpn = Reg(UInt(width = vpnBits))
val tx_len = src_pglen min dst_pglen min bytes_left
val dma_busy = Reg(init = UInt(0, tlMaxClientXacts))
val dma_xact_id = PriorityEncoder(~dma_busy)
val (dma_req_beat, dma_req_done) = Counter(, tlDataBeats)
val (s_idle :: s_translate :: s_dma_req :: s_dma_update ::
s_prepare :: s_finish :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 6)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
// lower bit is for src, higher bit is for dst
val to_translate = Reg(init = UInt(0, 2))
val tlb_sent = Reg(init = UInt(0, 2))
val tlb_to_send = to_translate & ~tlb_sent
val resp_status = Reg(UInt(width = dmaStatusBits))
def make_acquire(
addr_beat: UInt, client_xact_id: UInt, client_id: UInt,
cmd: UInt, source: UInt, dest: UInt,
length: UInt, size: UInt): Acquire = {
val data_blob = Wire(UInt(width = tlDataBeats * tlDataBits))
data_blob := DmaRequest(
xact_id = UInt(0),
client_id = client_id,
cmd = cmd,
source = source,
dest = dest,
length = length,
size = size).asUInt
val data_beats = Vec(tlDataBeats, UInt(width = tlDataBits)).fromBits(data_blob)
val base_addr = addrMap("devices:dma").start
val addr_block = UInt(base_addr >> (tlBeatAddrBits + tlByteAddrBits))
client_xact_id = client_xact_id,
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = addr_beat,
data = data_beats(addr_beat),
alloc = Bool(false))
def check_region(cmd: UInt, src: UInt, dst: UInt): Bool = {
val src_cacheable = addrMap.isCacheable(src)
val dst_cacheable = addrMap.isCacheable(dst)
val dst_ok = Mux(cmd === DMA_CMD_SOUT, !dst_cacheable, dst_cacheable)
val src_ok = Mux(cmd === DMA_CMD_SIN, !src_cacheable, Bool(true))
dst_ok && src_ok
|||| := tlb_to_send.orR
|||| := Mux(tlb_to_send(0), src_vpn, dst_vpn)
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := !tlb_to_send(0)
|||| := tlb_sent.orR
when ( {
tlb_sent := tlb_sent | PriorityEncoderOH(tlb_to_send)
when ( {
val recv_choice = PriorityEncoderOH(to_translate)
val error = Mux(recv_choice(0),
when (error) {
resp_status := ClientDmaResponse.pagefault
state := s_finish
// getting the src translation
when (recv_choice(0)) {
src_ppn :=
} .otherwise {
dst_ppn :=
to_translate := to_translate & ~recv_choice
io.cpu.req.ready := state === s_idle
io.cpu.resp.valid := state === s_finish
io.cpu.resp.bits := ClientDmaResponse(resp_status)
io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_dma_req) && !dma_busy.andR
io.mem.acquire.bits := make_acquire(
addr_beat = dma_req_beat,
client_id = io.host_id,
client_xact_id = dma_xact_id,
cmd = cmd, source = src_paddr, dest = dst_paddr,
length = tx_len, size = word_size)
io.mem.grant.ready := (state =/= s_dma_req)
when ( {
val req = io.cpu.req.bits
val is_prefetch = req.cmd(2, 1) === UInt("b01")
cmd := req.cmd
src_vaddr := req.src_start
dst_vaddr := req.dst_start
src_stride := req.src_stride
dst_stride := req.dst_stride
segment_size := req.segment_size
segments_left := req.nsegments - UInt(1)
bytes_left := req.segment_size
word_size := req.word_size
to_translate := Mux(is_prefetch, UInt("b10"), UInt("b11"))
tlb_sent := UInt(0)
state := s_translate
when (state === s_translate && !to_translate.orR) {
when (check_region(cmd, src_paddr, dst_paddr)) {
state := s_dma_req
} .otherwise {
resp_status := ClientDmaResponse.invalid_region
state := s_finish
def setBusy(set: Bool, xact_id: UInt): UInt =
Mux(set, UIntToOH(xact_id), UInt(0))
dma_busy := (dma_busy |
setBusy(dma_req_done, dma_xact_id)) &
~setBusy(, io.mem.grant.bits.client_xact_id)
when (dma_req_done) {
src_vaddr := src_vaddr + Mux(adv_ptr(0), tx_len, UInt(0))
dst_vaddr := dst_vaddr + Mux(adv_ptr(1), tx_len, UInt(0))
bytes_left := bytes_left - tx_len
state := s_dma_update
when (state === s_dma_update) {
when (bytes_left === UInt(0)) {
when (segments_left === UInt(0)) {
resp_status := UInt(0)
state := s_finish
} .otherwise {
last_src_vpn := src_vpn
last_dst_vpn := dst_vpn
src_vaddr := src_vaddr + src_stride
dst_vaddr := dst_vaddr + dst_stride
bytes_left := segment_size
segments_left := segments_left - UInt(1)
state := s_prepare
} .otherwise {
to_translate := adv_ptr & Cat(dst_idx === UInt(0), src_idx === UInt(0))
tlb_sent := UInt(0)
state := s_translate
when (state === s_prepare) {
to_translate := adv_ptr & Cat(
dst_vpn =/= last_dst_vpn,
src_vpn =/= last_src_vpn)
tlb_sent := UInt(0)
state := s_translate
when (state === s_finish) { state := s_idle }
io.busy := (state =/= s_idle) || dma_busy.orR
io.incr_outstanding := dma_req_done
object DmaCtrlRegNumbers {
val SRC_STRIDE = 0
val DST_STRIDE = 1
val WORD_SIZE = 4
val NCSRS = 7
val CSR_BASE = 0x800
import DmaCtrlRegNumbers._
class DmaCtrlRegFile(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasClientDmaParameters with HasTileLinkParameters {
private val nWriteRegs = 5
private val nRegs = nWriteRegs + 2
val io = new Bundle {
val wen = Bool(INPUT)
val waddr = UInt(INPUT, log2Up(nRegs))
val wdata = UInt(INPUT, dmaSegmentSizeBits)
val src_stride = UInt(OUTPUT, dmaSegmentSizeBits)
val dst_stride = UInt(OUTPUT, dmaSegmentSizeBits)
val segment_size = UInt(OUTPUT, dmaSegmentSizeBits)
val nsegments = UInt(OUTPUT, dmaSegmentBits)
val word_size = UInt(OUTPUT, dmaWordSizeBits)
val incr_outstanding = Bool(INPUT)
val xact_outstanding = Bool(OUTPUT)
val regs = Reg(Vec(nWriteRegs, UInt(width = dmaSegmentSizeBits)))
val waddr = io.waddr(log2Up(NCSRS) - 1, 0)
io.src_stride := regs(SRC_STRIDE)
io.dst_stride := regs(DST_STRIDE)
io.segment_size := regs(SEGMENT_SIZE)
io.nsegments := regs(NSEGMENTS)
io.word_size := regs(WORD_SIZE)
when (io.wen && waddr < UInt(nWriteRegs)) {
regs(waddr) := io.wdata
val outstanding_cnt = TwoWayCounter(
io.wen && io.waddr === UInt(OUTSTANDING),
io.xact_outstanding := outstanding_cnt > UInt(0)
class DmaController(implicit p: Parameters) extends RoCC()(p)
with HasClientDmaParameters {
io.mem.req.valid := Bool(false)
io.resp.valid := Bool(false)
io.interrupt := Bool(false)
val cmd = Queue(io.cmd)
val inst = cmd.bits.inst
val is_transfer = inst.funct < UInt(8)
val reg_status = Reg(UInt(width = dmaStatusBits))
val crfile = Module(new DmaCtrlRegFile)
|||| := io.csr.waddr
|||| := io.csr.wdata
|||| := io.csr.wen
io.csr.rdata(SRC_STRIDE) :=
io.csr.rdata(DST_STRIDE) :=
io.csr.rdata(SEGMENT_SIZE) :=
io.csr.rdata(NSEGMENTS) :=
io.csr.rdata(WORD_SIZE) :=
io.csr.rdata(RESP_STATUS) := reg_status
val frontend = Module(new DmaFrontend)
io.ptw(0) <>
io.autl <>
|||| :=
|||| := io.host_id
|||| := cmd.valid && is_transfer
|||| := ClientDmaRequest(
cmd = cmd.bits.inst.funct,
src_start = cmd.bits.rs2,
dst_start = cmd.bits.rs1,
src_stride =,
dst_stride =,
segment_size =,
nsegments =,
word_size =
cmd.ready := is_transfer &&
when ( {
reg_status :=
io.busy := cmd.valid || ||
@ -12,14 +12,6 @@ import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts extends Field[Int]
case object RoccNMemChannels extends Field[Int]
case object RoccNPTWPorts extends Field[Int]
case object RoccNCSRs extends Field[Int]
class RoCCCSRs(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val rdata = Vec(nRoccCsrs, UInt(INPUT, xLen))
val waddr = UInt(OUTPUT, CSR.ADDRSZ)
val wdata = UInt(OUTPUT, xLen)
val wen = Bool(OUTPUT)
class RoCCInstruction extends Bundle
@ -59,8 +51,6 @@ class RoCCInterface(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val fpu_req = Decoupled(new FPInput)
val fpu_resp = Decoupled(new FPResult).flip
val exception = Bool(INPUT)
val csr = (new RoCCCSRs).flip
val host_id = UInt(INPUT, log2Up(nCores))
override def cloneType = new RoCCInterface().asInstanceOf[this.type]
@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ trait HasCoreParameters extends HasAddrMapParameters {
val vaddrBitsExtended = vpnBitsExtended + pgIdxBits
val coreMaxAddrBits = paddrBits max vaddrBitsExtended
val nCustomMrwCsrs = p(NCustomMRWCSRs)
val roccCsrs = if (p(BuildRoCC).isEmpty) Nil
else p(BuildRoCC).flatMap(_.csrs)
val nRoccCsrs = p(RoccNCSRs)
val nCores = p(NTiles)
// fetchWidth doubled, but coreInstBytes halved, for RVC
@ -499,7 +496,6 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
|||| <> io.prci
io.fpu.fcsr_rm :=
|||| := io.fpu.fcsr_flags
io.rocc.csr <>
|||| <> io.rocc.interrupt
|||| := wb_reg_pc
|||| := encodeVirtualAddress(wb_reg_wdata, wb_reg_wdata)
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ case class RoccParameters(
generator: Parameters => RoCC,
nMemChannels: Int = 0,
nPTWPorts : Int = 0,
csrs: Seq[Int] = Nil,
useFPU: Boolean = false)
abstract class Tile(clockSignal: Clock = null, resetSignal: Bool = null)
@ -70,12 +69,10 @@ class RocketTile(clockSignal: Clock = null, resetSignal: Bool = null)
val rocc = accelParams.generator(p.alterPartial({
case RoccNMemChannels => accelParams.nMemChannels
case RoccNPTWPorts => accelParams.nPTWPorts
case RoccNCSRs => accelParams.csrs.size
val dcIF = Module(new SimpleHellaCacheIF()(dcacheParams))
|||| <>
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| <>
dcPorts +=
uncachedArbPorts +=
@ -101,18 +98,6 @@ class RocketTile(clockSignal: Clock = null, resetSignal: Bool = null)
|||| := || _)
|||| <> => Queue(
if (p(RoccNCSRs) > 0) {
|||| <> roccs.flatMap(
for ((rocc, accelParams) <- {
|||| :=
|||| :=
|||| := &&
.map( === UInt(_))
.reduce((a, b) => a || b)
ptwPorts ++= roccs.flatMap(
uncachedPorts ++= roccs.flatMap(
@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
package uncore.devices
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions._
import junctions.NastiConstants._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.Util._
case object NDmaTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NDmaXacts extends Field[Int]
case object NDmaClients extends Field[Int]
trait HasDmaParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val nDmaTransactors = p(NDmaTransactors)
val nDmaXacts = p(NDmaXacts)
val nDmaClients = p(NDmaClients)
val dmaXactIdBits = log2Up(nDmaXacts)
val dmaClientIdBits = log2Up(nDmaClients)
val addrBits = p(PAddrBits)
val dmaStatusBits = 2
val dmaWordSizeBits = 2
abstract class DmaModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasDmaParameters
abstract class DmaBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p) with HasDmaParameters
class DmaRequest(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaBundle()(p) {
val xact_id = UInt(width = dmaXactIdBits)
val client_id = UInt(width = dmaClientIdBits)
val cmd = UInt(width = DmaRequest.DMA_CMD_SZ)
val source = UInt(width = addrBits)
val dest = UInt(width = addrBits)
val length = UInt(width = addrBits)
val size = UInt(width = dmaWordSizeBits)
class DmaResponse(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaBundle()(p) {
val xact_id = UInt(width = dmaXactIdBits)
val client_id = UInt(width = dmaClientIdBits)
val status = UInt(width = dmaStatusBits)
object DmaRequest {
val DMA_CMD_SZ = 3
val DMA_CMD_COPY = UInt("b000")
val DMA_CMD_PFR = UInt("b010")
val DMA_CMD_PFW = UInt("b011")
val DMA_CMD_SIN = UInt("b100")
val DMA_CMD_SOUT = UInt("b101")
def apply(xact_id: UInt = UInt(0),
client_id: UInt,
cmd: UInt,
source: UInt,
dest: UInt,
length: UInt,
size: UInt = UInt(0))(implicit p: Parameters): DmaRequest = {
val req = Wire(new DmaRequest)
req.xact_id := xact_id
req.client_id := client_id
req.cmd := cmd
req.source := source
req.dest := dest
req.length := length
req.size := size
import DmaRequest._
class DmaIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaBundle()(p) {
val req = Decoupled(new DmaRequest)
val resp = Decoupled(new DmaResponse).flip
class DmaTrackerIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaBundle()(p) {
val dma = (new DmaIO).flip
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val mmio = new NastiIO
class DmaManager(outstandingCSR: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
extends DmaModule()(p)
with HasNastiParameters
with HasAddrMapParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val ctrl = (new NastiIO).flip
val mmio = new NastiIO
val dma = new DmaIO
private val wordBits = 1 << log2Up(addrBits)
private val wordBytes = wordBits / 8
private val wordOff = log2Up(wordBytes)
private val wordMSB = wordOff + 2
val s_idle :: s_wdata :: s_dma_req :: s_wresp :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val nCtrlWords = (addrBits * 4) / nastiXDataBits
val ctrl_regs = Reg(Vec(nCtrlWords, UInt(width = nastiXDataBits)))
val ctrl_idx = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(nCtrlWords)))
val ctrl_done = Reg(Bool())
val ctrl_blob = ctrl_regs.asUInt
val ctrl_id = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXIdBits))
val sizeOffset = 3 * addrBits
val cmdOffset = sizeOffset + dmaWordSizeBits
val dma_req = new DmaRequest().fromBits(ctrl_blob)
val dma_busy = Reg(init = UInt(0, nDmaXacts))
val dma_xact_id = PriorityEncoder(~dma_busy)
when ( {
ctrl_id :=
ctrl_idx := UInt(0)
ctrl_done := Bool(false)
state := s_wdata
when ( {
when (!ctrl_done) {
ctrl_regs(ctrl_idx) :=
ctrl_idx := ctrl_idx + UInt(1)
when (ctrl_idx === UInt(nCtrlWords - 1)) { ctrl_done := Bool(true) }
when (io.ctrl.w.bits.last) { state := s_dma_req }
dma_busy := (dma_busy |
Mux(, UIntToOH(dma_xact_id), UInt(0))) &
~Mux(, UIntToOH(io.dma.resp.bits.xact_id), UInt(0))
when ( { state := s_wresp }
when ( { state := s_idle }
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := (state === s_idle)
io.ctrl.w.ready := (state === s_wdata)
io.ctrl.r.valid := Bool(false)
io.ctrl.b.valid := (state === s_wresp)
io.ctrl.b.bits := NastiWriteResponseChannel(id = ctrl_id)
io.dma.req.valid := (state === s_dma_req) && !dma_busy.andR
io.dma.req.bits := dma_req
io.dma.req.bits.xact_id := dma_xact_id
val resp_waddr_pending = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val resp_wdata_pending = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val resp_wresp_pending = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val resp_pending = resp_waddr_pending || resp_wdata_pending || resp_wresp_pending
val resp_client_id = Reg(UInt(width = dmaClientIdBits))
val resp_status = Reg(UInt(width = dmaStatusBits))
io.dma.resp.ready := !resp_pending
when ( {
resp_client_id := io.dma.resp.bits.client_id
resp_status := io.dma.resp.bits.status
resp_waddr_pending := Bool(true)
resp_wdata_pending := Bool(true)
resp_wresp_pending := Bool(true)
val addrTable = Vec.tabulate(nDmaClients) { i =>
//UInt(addrMap(s"conf:csr$i").start + outstandingCSR * csrDataBytes)
require(false, "CSR MMIO ports no longer exist")
|||| := Bool(false)
|||| := resp_waddr_pending
|||| := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = addrTable(resp_client_id),
size = { require(false, "CSR MMIO ports no longer exist"); UInt(0) })
io.mmio.w.valid := resp_wdata_pending
io.mmio.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(data = resp_status)
io.mmio.b.ready := resp_wresp_pending
io.mmio.r.ready := Bool(false)
when ( { resp_waddr_pending := Bool(false) }
when ( { resp_wdata_pending := Bool(false) }
when ( { resp_wresp_pending := Bool(false) }
class DmaEngine(outstandingCSR: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val ctrl = (new NastiIO).flip
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val mmio = new NastiIO
val manager = Module(new DmaManager(outstandingCSR))
val trackers = Module(new DmaTrackerFile)
|||| <> io.ctrl
|||| <>
val innerIOs =
val outerIOs = :+
val innerArb = Module(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(innerIOs.size))
|||| <> innerIOs
io.mem <>
val outerArb = Module(new NastiArbiter(outerIOs.size))
|||| <> outerIOs
io.mmio <>
assert(!io.mmio.b.valid || io.mmio.b.bits.resp === UInt(0),
"DmaEngine: NASTI write response error")
assert(!io.mmio.r.valid || io.mmio.r.bits.resp === UInt(0),
"DmaEngine: NASTI read response error")
class DmaTrackerFile(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val dma = (new DmaIO).flip
val mem = Vec(nDmaTransactors, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)
val mmio = Vec(nDmaTransactors, new NastiIO)
val trackers = List.fill(nDmaTransactors) { Module(new DmaTracker) }
val reqReadys =
io.mem <>
io.mmio <>
if (nDmaTransactors > 1) {
val resp_arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new DmaResponse, nDmaTransactors))
|||| <>
io.dma.resp <>
val selection = PriorityEncoder(reqReadys)
trackers.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (tracker, i) =>
|||| := io.dma.req.valid && selection === UInt(i)
|||| := io.dma.req.bits
io.dma.req.ready := reqReadys.orR
} else {
io.dma <>
class DmaTracker(implicit p: Parameters) extends DmaModule()(p)
with HasTileLinkParameters with HasNastiParameters {
val io = new DmaTrackerIO
private val blockOffset = tlBeatAddrBits + tlByteAddrBits
private val blockBytes = tlDataBeats * tlDataBytes
val data_buffer = Reg(Vec(2 * tlDataBeats, Bits(width = tlDataBits)))
val get_inflight = Reg(UInt(2 * tlDataBeats))
val put_inflight = Reg(Bool())
val put_half = Reg(UInt(width = 1))
val get_half = Reg(UInt(width = 1))
val prefetch_put = Reg(Bool())
val get_done = !get_inflight.orR
val src_block = Reg(UInt(width = tlBlockAddrBits))
val dst_block = Reg(UInt(width = tlBlockAddrBits))
val offset = Reg(UInt(width = blockOffset))
val alignment = Reg(UInt(width = blockOffset))
val shift_dir = Reg(Bool())
val bytes_left = Reg(UInt(width = addrBits))
val streaming = Reg(Bool())
val stream_addr = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXAddrBits))
val stream_len = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXLenBits))
val stream_size = Reg(UInt(width = nastiXSizeBits))
val stream_idx = Reg(UInt(width = blockOffset))
val stream_bytesel = MuxLookup(stream_size, UInt("b11111111"), Seq(
UInt("b00") -> UInt("b00000001"),
UInt("b01") -> UInt("b00000011"),
UInt("b10") -> UInt("b00001111")))
val stream_mask = FillInterleaved(8, stream_bytesel)
val stream_last = Reg(Bool())
val stream_word_bytes = UInt(1) << stream_size
val stream_beat_idx = stream_idx(blockOffset - 1, tlByteAddrBits)
val stream_byte_idx = stream_idx(tlByteAddrBits - 1, 0)
val stream_bitshift = Cat(stream_byte_idx, UInt(0, 3))
val stream_in_beat =
((( & stream_mask) << stream_bitshift)) |
(data_buffer(stream_beat_idx) & ~(stream_mask << stream_bitshift))
val stream_out_word = data_buffer(stream_beat_idx) >> stream_bitshift
val stream_out_last = bytes_left === stream_word_bytes
val acq = io.mem.acquire.bits
val gnt = io.mem.grant.bits
val (s_idle :: s_get :: s_put :: s_prefetch ::
s_stream_read_req :: s_stream_read_resp ::
s_stream_write_req :: s_stream_write_data :: s_stream_write_resp ::
s_wait :: s_resp :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 11)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val (put_beat, put_done) = Counter(
|||| && acq.hasData(), tlDataBeats)
val put_mask = Seq.tabulate(tlDataBytes) { i =>
val byte_index = Cat(put_beat, UInt(i, tlByteAddrBits))
byte_index >= offset && byte_index < bytes_left
val prefetch_sent = && io.mem.acquire.bits.isPrefetch()
val prefetch_busy = Reg(init = UInt(0, tlMaxClientXacts))
val (prefetch_id, _) = Counter(prefetch_sent, tlMaxClientXacts)
val base_index = Cat(put_half, put_beat)
val put_data = Wire(init = Bits(0, tlDataBits))
val beat_align = alignment(blockOffset - 1, tlByteAddrBits)
val bit_align = Cat(alignment(tlByteAddrBits - 1, 0), UInt(0, 3))
val rev_align = UInt(tlDataBits) - bit_align
def getBit(value: UInt, sel: UInt): Bool =
(value >> sel)(0)
when (alignment === UInt(0)) {
put_data := data_buffer(base_index)
} .elsewhen (shift_dir) {
val shift_index = base_index - beat_align
when (bit_align === UInt(0)) {
put_data := data_buffer(shift_index)
} .otherwise {
val upper_bits = data_buffer(shift_index)
val lower_bits = data_buffer(shift_index - UInt(1))
val upper_shifted = upper_bits << bit_align
val lower_shifted = lower_bits >> rev_align
put_data := upper_shifted | lower_shifted
} .otherwise {
val shift_index = base_index + beat_align
when (bit_align === UInt(0)) {
put_data := data_buffer(shift_index)
} .otherwise {
val upper_bits = data_buffer(shift_index + UInt(1))
val lower_bits = data_buffer(shift_index)
val upper_shifted = upper_bits << rev_align
val lower_shifted = lower_bits >> bit_align
put_data := upper_shifted | lower_shifted
val put_acquire = PutBlock(
client_xact_id = UInt(2),
addr_block = dst_block,
addr_beat = put_beat,
data = put_data,
wmask = Some(put_mask))
val get_acquire = GetBlock(
client_xact_id = get_half,
addr_block = src_block,
alloc = Bool(false))
val prefetch_acquire = Mux(prefetch_put,
PutPrefetch(client_xact_id = prefetch_id, addr_block = dst_block),
GetPrefetch(client_xact_id = prefetch_id, addr_block = dst_block))
val resp_xact_id = Reg(UInt(width = dmaXactIdBits))
val resp_client_id = Reg(UInt(width = dmaClientIdBits))
io.mem.acquire.valid := (state === s_get) ||
(state === s_put && get_done) ||
(state === s_prefetch && !prefetch_busy(prefetch_id))
io.mem.acquire.bits := MuxLookup(
state, prefetch_acquire, Seq(
s_get -> get_acquire,
s_put -> put_acquire))
io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true)
io.dma.req.ready := state === s_idle
io.dma.resp.valid := state === s_resp
io.dma.resp.bits.xact_id := resp_xact_id
io.dma.resp.bits.client_id := resp_client_id
io.dma.resp.bits.status := UInt(0)
|||| := (state === s_stream_read_req)
|||| := NastiReadAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = stream_addr,
size = stream_size,
len = stream_len,
burst = BURST_FIXED)
io.mmio.r.ready := (state === s_stream_read_resp)
|||| := (state === s_stream_write_req)
|||| := NastiWriteAddressChannel(
id = UInt(0),
addr = stream_addr,
size = stream_size,
len = stream_len,
burst = BURST_FIXED)
io.mmio.w.valid := (state === s_stream_write_data) && get_done
io.mmio.w.bits := NastiWriteDataChannel(
data = stream_out_word,
last = stream_out_last)
io.mmio.b.ready := (state === s_stream_write_resp)
when ( {
val src_off = io.dma.req.bits.source(blockOffset - 1, 0)
val dst_off = io.dma.req.bits.dest(blockOffset - 1, 0)
val direction = src_off < dst_off
resp_xact_id := io.dma.req.bits.xact_id
resp_client_id := io.dma.req.bits.client_id
src_block := io.dma.req.bits.source(addrBits - 1, blockOffset)
dst_block := io.dma.req.bits.dest(addrBits - 1, blockOffset)
alignment := Mux(direction, dst_off - src_off, src_off - dst_off)
shift_dir := direction
offset := dst_off
bytes_left := io.dma.req.bits.length + dst_off
get_inflight := UInt(0)
put_inflight := Bool(false)
get_half := UInt(0)
put_half := UInt(0)
streaming := Bool(false)
stream_len := (io.dma.req.bits.length >> io.dma.req.bits.size) - UInt(1)
stream_size := io.dma.req.bits.size
stream_last := Bool(false)
when (io.dma.req.bits.cmd === DMA_CMD_COPY) {
state := s_get
} .elsewhen (io.dma.req.bits.cmd(2, 1) === UInt("b01")) {
prefetch_put := io.dma.req.bits.cmd(0)
state := s_prefetch
} .elsewhen (io.dma.req.bits.cmd === DMA_CMD_SIN) {
stream_addr := io.dma.req.bits.source
stream_idx := dst_off
streaming := Bool(true)
alignment := UInt(0)
state := s_stream_read_req
} .elsewhen (io.dma.req.bits.cmd === DMA_CMD_SOUT) {
stream_addr := io.dma.req.bits.dest
stream_idx := src_off
streaming := Bool(true)
bytes_left := io.dma.req.bits.length
state := s_stream_write_req
when ( { state := s_stream_read_resp }
when ( {
data_buffer(stream_beat_idx) := stream_in_beat
stream_idx := stream_idx + stream_word_bytes
val block_finished = stream_idx === UInt(blockBytes) - stream_word_bytes
when (block_finished || io.mmio.r.bits.last) { state := s_put }
when ( { state := s_get }
when ( {
stream_idx := stream_idx + stream_word_bytes
bytes_left := bytes_left - stream_word_bytes
val block_finished = stream_idx === UInt(blockBytes) - stream_word_bytes
when (stream_out_last) {
state := s_stream_write_resp
} .elsewhen (block_finished) {
state := s_get
when ( { state := s_resp }
when (state === s_get && io.mem.acquire.ready) {
get_inflight := get_inflight | FillInterleaved(tlDataBeats, UIntToOH(get_half))
src_block := src_block + UInt(1)
when (streaming) {
state := s_stream_write_data
} .otherwise {
val bytes_in_buffer = UInt(blockBytes) - alignment
val extra_read = alignment > UInt(0) && !shift_dir && // dst_off < src_off
get_half === UInt(0) && // this is the first block
bytes_in_buffer < bytes_left // there is still more data left to fetch
get_half := get_half + UInt(1)
when (!extra_read) { state := s_put }
when (prefetch_sent) {
prefetch_busy := prefetch_busy | UIntToOH(prefetch_id)
when (bytes_left < UInt(blockBytes)) {
bytes_left := UInt(0)
state := s_resp
} .otherwise {
bytes_left := bytes_left - UInt(blockBytes)
dst_block := dst_block + UInt(1)
when ( {
when (gnt.g_type === Grant.prefetchAckType) {
prefetch_busy := prefetch_busy & ~UIntToOH(gnt.client_xact_id)
} .elsewhen (gnt.hasData()) {
val write_half = gnt.client_xact_id(0)
val write_idx = Cat(write_half, gnt.addr_beat)
get_inflight := get_inflight & ~UIntToOH(write_idx)
data_buffer(write_idx) :=
} .otherwise {
put_inflight := Bool(false)
when (put_done) { // state === s_put
when (!streaming) {
put_half := put_half + UInt(1)
offset := UInt(0)
stream_idx := UInt(0)
when (bytes_left < UInt(blockBytes)) {
bytes_left := UInt(0)
} .otherwise {
bytes_left := bytes_left - UInt(blockBytes)
put_inflight := Bool(true)
dst_block := dst_block + UInt(1)
state := s_wait
when (state === s_wait && get_done && !put_inflight) {
state := MuxCase(s_get, Seq(
(bytes_left === UInt(0)) -> s_resp,
streaming -> s_stream_read_resp))
when ( { state := s_idle }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user