LRSC fix. RocketChipNetwork moved to uncore.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import uncore._
import cde.Parameters
/** RocketChipNetworks combine a TileLink protocol with a particular physical
* network implementation and chip layout.
* Specifically, they provide mappings between ClientTileLinkIO/
* ManagerTileLinkIO channels and LogicalNetwork ports (i.e. generic
* TileLinkIO with networking headers). Channels coming into the network have
* appropriate networking headers appended and outgoing channels have their
* headers stripped.
* @constructor base class constructor for Rocket NoC
* @param addrToManagerId a mapping from a physical address to the network
* id of a coherence manager
* @param sharerToClientId a mapping from the id of a particular coherent
* client (as determined by e.g. the directory) and the network id
* of that client
* @param clientDepths the depths of the queue that should be used to buffer
* each channel on the client side of the network
* @param managerDepths the depths of the queue that should be used to buffer
* each channel on the manager side of the network
abstract class RocketChipNetwork(
addrToManagerId: UInt => UInt,
sharerToClientId: UInt => UInt,
clientDepths: TileLinkDepths,
managerDepths: TileLinkDepths)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) {
val nClients = tlNClients
val nManagers = tlNManagers
val io = new Bundle {
val clients = Vec(nClients, new ClientTileLinkIO).flip
val managers = Vec(nManagers, new ManagerTileLinkIO).flip
val clients = {
case (c, i) => {
val port = Module(new ClientTileLinkNetworkPort(i, addrToManagerId))
val qs = Module(new TileLinkEnqueuer(clientDepths))
|||| <> c
|||| <>
val managers = {
case (m, i) => {
val port = Module(new ManagerTileLinkNetworkPort(i, sharerToClientId))
val qs = Module(new TileLinkEnqueuer(managerDepths))
|||| <> m
|||| <>
/** A simple arbiter for each channel that also deals with header-based routing.
* Assumes a single manager agent. */
class RocketChipTileLinkArbiter(
sharerToClientId: UInt => UInt = (u: UInt) => u,
clientDepths: TileLinkDepths = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0),
managerDepths: TileLinkDepths = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0))
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends RocketChipNetwork(u => UInt(0), sharerToClientId, clientDepths, managerDepths)(p)
with TileLinkArbiterLike
with PassesId {
val arbN = nClients
require(nManagers == 1)
if(arbN > 1) {
hookupClientSource(, managers.head.acquire)
hookupClientSource(, managers.head.release)
hookupFinish(, managers.head.finish)
hookupManagerSourceWithHeader(, managers.head.probe)
hookupManagerSourceWithHeader(, managers.head.grant)
} else {
managers.head <> clients.head
/** Provides a separate physical crossbar for each channel. Assumes multiple manager
* agents. Managers are assigned to higher physical network port ids than
* clients, and translations between logical network id and physical crossbar
* port id are done automatically.
class RocketChipTileLinkCrossbar(
addrToManagerId: UInt => UInt = u => UInt(0),
sharerToClientId: UInt => UInt = u => u,
clientDepths: TileLinkDepths = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0),
managerDepths: TileLinkDepths = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0))
(implicit p: Parameters)
extends RocketChipNetwork(addrToManagerId, sharerToClientId, clientDepths, managerDepths)(p) {
val n = p(LNEndpoints)
val count = tlDataBeats
// Actually instantiate the particular networks required for TileLink
val acqNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Acquire, count, Some((a: PhysicalNetworkIO[Acquire]) => a.payload.hasMultibeatData())))
val relNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Release, count, Some((r: PhysicalNetworkIO[Release]) => r.payload.hasMultibeatData())))
val prbNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Probe))
val gntNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Grant, count, Some((g: PhysicalNetworkIO[Grant]) => g.payload.hasMultibeatData())))
val ackNet = Module(new BasicCrossbar(n, new Finish))
// Aliases for the various network IO bundle types
type PNIO[T <: Data] = DecoupledIO[PhysicalNetworkIO[T]]
type LNIO[T <: Data] = DecoupledIO[LogicalNetworkIO[T]]
type FromCrossbar[T <: Data] = PNIO[T] => LNIO[T]
type ToCrossbar[T <: Data] = LNIO[T] => PNIO[T]
// Shims for converting between logical network IOs and physical network IOs
def crossbarToManagerShim[T <: Data](in: PNIO[T]): LNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromPhysicalShim(in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src - UInt(nManagers)
def crossbarToClientShim[T <: Data](in: PNIO[T]): LNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultFromPhysicalShim(in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst - UInt(nManagers)
def managerToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: LNIO[T]): PNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToPhysicalShim(n, in)
out.bits.header.dst := in.bits.header.dst + UInt(nManagers)
def clientToCrossbarShim[T <: Data](in: LNIO[T]): PNIO[T] = {
val out = DefaultToPhysicalShim(n, in)
out.bits.header.src := in.bits.header.src + UInt(nManagers)
// Make an individual connection between virtual and physical ports using
// a particular shim. Also pin the unused Decoupled control signal low.
def doDecoupledInputHookup[T <: Data](phys_in: PNIO[T], phys_out: PNIO[T], log_io: LNIO[T], shim: ToCrossbar[T]) = {
val s = shim(log_io)
phys_in.valid := s.valid
phys_in.bits := s.bits
s.ready := phys_in.ready
phys_out.ready := Bool(false)
def doDecoupledOutputHookup[T <: Data](phys_in: PNIO[T], phys_out: PNIO[T], log_io: LNIO[T], shim: FromCrossbar[T]) = {
val s = shim(phys_out)
log_io.valid := s.valid
log_io.bits := s.bits
s.ready := log_io.ready
phys_in.valid := Bool(false)
//Hookup all instances of a particular subbundle of TileLink
def doDecoupledHookups[T <: Data](physIO: BasicCrossbarIO[T], getLogIO: TileLinkIO => LNIO[T]) = {
|||| match {
case c: ClientToManagerChannel => {
|||| { case (i, id) =>
doDecoupledOutputHookup(, physIO.out(id), getLogIO(i), crossbarToManagerShim[T])
|||| { case (i, id) =>
doDecoupledInputHookup(, physIO.out(id+nManagers), getLogIO(i), clientToCrossbarShim[T])
case m: ManagerToClientChannel => {
|||| { case (i, id) =>
doDecoupledInputHookup(, physIO.out(id), getLogIO(i), managerToCrossbarShim[T])
|||| { case (i, id) =>
doDecoupledOutputHookup(, physIO.out(id+nManagers), getLogIO(i), crossbarToClientShim[T])
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.acquire)
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.release)
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.probe)
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.grant)
doDecoupledHookups(, (tl: TileLinkIO) => tl.finish)
@ -228,9 +228,6 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasTopLe
// Create a simple L1toL2 NoC between the tiles+htif and the banks of outer memory
// Cached ports are first in client list, making sharerToClientId just an indentity function
// addrToBank is sed to hash physical addresses (of cache blocks) to banks (and thereby memory channels)
val ordered_clients = (io.tiles_cached ++
(io.tiles_uncached ++ Seq(, io.htif_uncached))
def sharerToClientId(sharerId: UInt) = sharerId
def addrToBank(addr: Bits): UInt = {
Mux(addr.toUInt < UInt(mmioBase >> log2Up(p(CacheBlockBytes))),
@ -238,8 +235,7 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasTopLe
val preBuffering = TileLinkDepths(2,2,2,2,2)
val postBuffering = TileLinkDepths(0,0,1,0,0) //TODO: had EOS24 crit path on inner.release
val l1tol2net = Module(new RocketChipTileLinkCrossbar(addrToBank, sharerToClientId, preBuffering, postBuffering))
val l1tol2net = Module(new PortedTileLinkCrossbar(addrToBank, sharerToClientId, preBuffering))
// Create point(s) of coherence serialization
val managerEndpoints = List.tabulate(nBanks){id => p(BuildL2CoherenceManager)(id, p)}
@ -253,7 +249,8 @@ class OuterMemorySystem(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasTopLe
// Wire the tiles and htif to the TileLink client ports of the L1toL2 network,
// and coherence manager(s) to the other side
|||| <> ordered_clients
|||| <> io.tiles_cached
|||| <> io.tiles_uncached ++ Seq(, io.htif_uncached)
|||| <> :+
// Create a converter between TileLinkIO and MemIO for each channel
Reference in New Issue
Block a user