rocketchip: eliminate all Knobs
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ import rocketchip.{GlobalAddrMap}
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) =>
{ (pname,site,here) =>
type PF = PartialFunction[Any,Any]
def findBy(sname:Any):Any = here[PF](site[Any](sname))(pname)
lazy val innerDataBits = site(XLen)
lazy val innerDataBits = site(XLen)
lazy val innerDataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / innerDataBits
lazy val innerDataBeats = (8 * site(CacheBlockBytes)) / innerDataBits
pname match {
pname match {
@ -29,34 +27,26 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
case PgLevels => if (site(XLen) == 64) 3 /* Sv39 */ else 2 /* Sv32 */
case PgLevels => if (site(XLen) == 64) 3 /* Sv39 */ else 2 /* Sv32 */
case ASIdBits => 7
case ASIdBits => 7
//Params used by all caches
//Params used by all caches
case NSets => findBy(CacheName)
case CacheName("L1I") => CacheConfig(
case NWays => findBy(CacheName)
nSets = 64,
case RowBits => findBy(CacheName)
nWays = 4,
case NTLBEntries => findBy(CacheName)
rowBits = site(L1toL2Config).beatBytes*8,
case CacheIdBits => findBy(CacheName)
nTLBEntries = 8,
case SplitMetadata => findBy(CacheName)
cacheIdBits = 0,
case "L1I" => {
splitMetadata = false)
case NSets => Knob("L1I_SETS") //64
case CacheName("L1D") => CacheConfig(
case NWays => Knob("L1I_WAYS") //4
nSets = 64,
case RowBits => site(TLKey("L1toL2")).dataBitsPerBeat
nWays = 4,
case NTLBEntries => 8
rowBits = site(L1toL2Config).beatBytes*8,
case CacheIdBits => 0
nTLBEntries = 8,
case SplitMetadata => false
cacheIdBits = 0,
splitMetadata = false)
case "L1D" => {
case NSets => Knob("L1D_SETS") //64
case NWays => Knob("L1D_WAYS") //4
case RowBits => site(TLKey("L1toL2")).dataBitsPerBeat
case NTLBEntries => 8
case CacheIdBits => 0
case SplitMetadata => false
case ECCCode => None
case ECCCode => None
case Replacer => () => new RandomReplacement(site(NWays))
case Replacer => () => new RandomReplacement(site(site(CacheName)).nWays)
case BtbKey => BtbParameters()
case BtbKey => BtbParameters()
case DCacheKey => DCacheConfig(nMSHRs = site(Knob("L1D_MSHRS")))
case DCacheKey => DCacheConfig(nMSHRs = 2)
case DataScratchpadSize => 0
case DataScratchpadSize => 0
//L2 Memory System Params
//L2 Memory System Params
case AmoAluOperandBits => site(XLen)
case AmoAluOperandBits => site(XLen)
@ -118,20 +108,11 @@ class BaseCoreplexConfig extends Config (
case NTiles => 1
case NTiles => 1
case BroadcastConfig => BroadcastConfig()
case BroadcastConfig => BroadcastConfig()
case BankedL2Config => BankedL2Config()
case BankedL2Config => BankedL2Config()
case CacheBlockBytes => Dump("CACHE_BLOCK_BYTES", 64)
case CacheBlockBytes => 64
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(here(CacheBlockBytes))
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(here(CacheBlockBytes))
case EnableL2Logging => false
case EnableL2Logging => false
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 2
case "L1D_SETS" => 64
case "L1D_WAYS" => 4
case "L1I_SETS" => 64
case "L1I_WAYS" => 4
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -141,45 +122,34 @@ class WithNCores(n: Int) extends Config(
class WithNBanksPerMemChannel(n: Int) extends Config(
class WithNBanksPerMemChannel(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BankedL2Config => site(BankedL2Config).copy(nBanksPerChannel = n)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNTrackersPerBank(n: Int) extends Config(
class WithNTrackersPerBank(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case BroadcastConfig => site(BroadcastConfig).copy(nTrackers = n)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithDataScratchpad(n: Int) extends Config(
class WithDataScratchpad(n: Int) extends Config(
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case DataScratchpadSize => n
case DataScratchpadSize => n
case NSets if site(CacheName) == "L1D" => n / site(CacheBlockBytes)
case CacheName("L1D") => site(CacheName("L1D")).copy(nSets = n / site(CacheBlockBytes))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
// TODO: re-add L2
class WithL2Cache extends Config(
class WithL2Cache extends Config(
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case CacheName("L2") => CacheConfig(
case "L2Bank" => {
nSets = 1024,
case NSets => (((here[Int]("L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB")*1024) /
nWays = 1,
site(CacheBlockBytes)) /
rowBits = site(L1toL2Config).beatBytes*8,
(site(BankedL2Config).nBanks)) /
nTLBEntries = 0,
cacheIdBits = 1,
case NWays => Knob("L2_WAYS")
splitMetadata = false)
case RowBits => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBitsPerBeat
case CacheIdBits => log2Ceil(site(BankedL2Config).nBanks)
case SplitMetadata => Knob("L2_SPLIT_METADATA")
}: PartialFunction[Any,Any]
case NAcquireTransactors => 2
case NSecondaryMisses => 4
case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new FullRepresentation(site(NTiles))
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqRandom(site(NWays))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 8; case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 2048; case "L2_SPLIT_METADATA" => false; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError }
class WithBufferlessBroadcastHub extends Config(
class WithBufferlessBroadcastHub extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
@ -198,36 +168,29 @@ class WithBufferlessBroadcastHub extends Config(
* system depends on coherence between channels in any way,
* system depends on coherence between channels in any way,
* DO NOT use this configuration.
* DO NOT use this configuration.
class WithStatelessBridge extends Config (
class WithStatelessBridge extends Config(
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) => pname match {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case BankedL2Config => site(BankedL2Config).copy(coherenceManager = { case (_, _) =>
case BankedL2Config => site(BankedL2Config).copy(coherenceManager = { case (_, _) =>
val pass = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(0))
val pass = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(0))
(pass.node, pass.node)
(pass.node, pass.node)
case DCacheKey => site(DCacheKey).copy(nMSHRs = 0)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithPLRU extends Config(
class WithPLRU extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqPLRU(site(NSets), site(NWays))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithL2Capacity(size_kb: Int) extends Config(
class WithL2Capacity(size_kb: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => size_kb
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithNL2Ways(n: Int) extends Config(
class WithNL2Ways(n: Int) extends Config(
knobValues = {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case "L2_WAYS" => n
case CacheName("L2") => site(CacheName("L2")).copy(nWays = n)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithRV32 extends Config(
class WithRV32 extends Config(
@ -235,35 +198,26 @@ class WithRV32 extends Config(
case XLen => 32
case XLen => 32
case FPUKey => Some(FPUConfig(divSqrt = false))
case FPUKey => Some(FPUConfig(divSqrt = false))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithBlockingL1 extends Config (
class WithBlockingL1 extends Config(
knobValues = {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
case DCacheKey => site(DCacheKey).copy(nMSHRs = 0)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithSmallCores extends Config (
class WithSmallCores extends Config(
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) => pname match {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
case MulDivKey => Some(MulDivConfig())
case MulDivKey => Some(MulDivConfig())
case FPUKey => None
case FPUKey => None
case UseVM => false
case UseVM => false
case NTLBEntries => 4
case BtbKey => BtbParameters(nEntries = 0)
case BtbKey => BtbParameters(nEntries = 0)
case NAcquireTransactors => 2
case NAcquireTransactors => 2
case CacheName("L1D") => site(CacheName("L1D")).copy(nSets = 64, nWays = 1, nTLBEntries = 4)
case CacheName("L1I") => site(CacheName("L1I")).copy(nSets = 64, nWays = 1, nTLBEntries = 4)
case DCacheKey => site(DCacheKey).copy(nMSHRs = 0)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L1D_SETS" => 64
case "L1D_WAYS" => 1
case "L1I_SETS" => 64
case "L1I_WAYS" => 1
case "L1D_MSHRS" => 0
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithRoccExample extends Config(
class WithRoccExample extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
@ -282,6 +236,3 @@ class WithRoccExample extends Config(
case RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts => 1
case RoccMaxTaggedMemXacts => 1
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithSplitL2Metadata extends Config(
knobValues = { case "L2_SPLIT_METADATA" => true; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import cde.{Parameters, Field}
class CacheFillTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends GroundTest()(p)
class CacheFillTest(implicit p: Parameters) extends GroundTest()(p)
with HasTileLinkParameters {
with HasTileLinkParameters {
val capacityKb: Int = p("L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB")
val l2Config = p(CacheName("L2"))
val capacityKb = l2Config.nSets * l2Config.nWays * l2Config.rowBits / (1024*8)
val nblocks = capacityKb * 1024 / p(CacheBlockBytes)
val nblocks = capacityKb * 1024 / p(CacheBlockBytes)
val s_start :: s_prefetch :: s_retrieve :: s_finished :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val s_start :: s_prefetch :: s_retrieve :: s_finished :: Nil = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_start)
val state = Reg(init = s_start)
@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ class MemtestStatelessConfig extends Config(
class FancyMemtestConfig extends Config(
class FancyMemtestConfig extends Config(
new WithNGenerators(1, 2) ++ new WithNCores(2) ++ new WithMemtest ++
new WithNGenerators(1, 2) ++ new WithNCores(2) ++ new WithMemtest ++
new WithNMemoryChannels(2) ++ new WithNBanksPerMemChannel(4) ++
new WithNMemoryChannels(2) ++ new WithNBanksPerMemChannel(4) ++
new WithSplitL2Metadata ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new GroundTestConfig)
new WithL2Cache ++ new GroundTestConfig)
class CacheFillTestConfig extends Config(
class CacheFillTestConfig extends Config(
new WithCacheFillTest ++ new WithPLRU ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new GroundTestConfig)
new WithNL2Ways(4) ++ new WithL2Capacity(4) ++ new WithCacheFillTest ++ new WithPLRU ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new GroundTestConfig)
class BroadcastRegressionTestConfig extends Config(
class BroadcastRegressionTestConfig extends Config(
new WithBroadcastRegressionTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)
new WithBroadcastRegressionTest ++ new GroundTestConfig)
@ -108,10 +108,9 @@ class WithComparator extends Config(
width = 8,
width = 8,
operations = 1000,
operations = 1000,
atomics = site(UseAtomics),
atomics = site(UseAtomics),
prefetches = site("COMPARATOR_PREFETCHES"))
prefetches = false)
case FPUConfig => None
case FPUConfig => None
case UseAtomics => false
case UseAtomics => false
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ class WithAtomics extends Config(
class WithPrefetches extends Config(
class WithPrefetches extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case ComparatorKey => site(ComparatorKey).copy(prefetches = true)
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -156,11 +155,6 @@ class WithCacheFillTest extends Config(
case BuildGroundTest =>
case BuildGroundTest =>
(p: Parameters) => Module(new CacheFillTest()(p))
(p: Parameters) => Module(new CacheFillTest()(p))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
knobValues = {
case "L2_WAYS" => 4
case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 4
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithBroadcastRegressionTest extends Config(
class WithBroadcastRegressionTest extends Config(
@ -188,7 +182,7 @@ class WithCacheRegressionTest extends Config(
class WithTraceGen extends Config(
class WithTraceGen extends Config(
topDefinitions = (pname, site, here) => pname match {
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
case GroundTestKey => Seq.fill(site(NTiles)) {
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1, cached = 1)
GroundTestTileSettings(uncached = 1, cached = 1)
@ -207,10 +201,6 @@ class WithTraceGen extends Config(
case UseAtomics => true
case UseAtomics => true
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case CacheName("L1D") => site(CacheName("L1D")).copy(nSets = 16, nWays = 1)
knobValues = {
case "L1D_SETS" => 16
case "L1D_WAYS" => 1
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
@ -108,8 +108,7 @@ class PutBlockMergeRegression(implicit p: Parameters)
val l2params = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L2Bank" })
val nSets = p(CacheName("L2")).nSets
val nSets = l2params(NSets)
val addr_blocks = Vec(Seq(0, 0, nSets).map(num => UInt(num + memStartBlock)))
val addr_blocks = Vec(Seq(0, 0, nSets).map(num => UInt(num + memStartBlock)))
val nSteps = addr_blocks.size
val nSteps = addr_blocks.size
val (acq_beat, acq_done) = Counter(, tlDataBeats)
val (acq_beat, acq_done) = Counter(, tlDataBeats)
@ -425,9 +424,8 @@ class SequentialSameIdGetRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()
class WritebackRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) {
class WritebackRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) {
val l2params = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L2Bank" })
val nSets = p(CacheName("L2")).nSets
val nSets = l2params(NSets)
val nWays = p(CacheName("L2")).nWays
val nWays = l2params(NWays)
val addr_blocks = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt(memStartBlock + i * nSets) }
val addr_blocks = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt(memStartBlock + i * nSets) }
val data = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt((i + 1) * 1423) }
val data = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt((i + 1) * 1423) }
@ -478,10 +476,9 @@ class WritebackRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) {
class ReleaseRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) {
class ReleaseRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) {
val l1params = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1D" })
val nSets = p(CacheName("L1D")).nSets
val nSets = l1params(NSets)
val nWays = p(CacheName("L1D")).nWays
val nWays = l1params(NWays)
val blockOffset = p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val blockOffset = l1params(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val startBlock = memStartBlock + 10
val startBlock = memStartBlock + 10
val addr_blocks = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt(startBlock + i * nSets) }
val addr_blocks = Vec.tabulate(nWays + 1) { i => UInt(startBlock + i * nSets) }
@ -566,9 +563,8 @@ class PutBeforePutBlockRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p
class MergedGetRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) {
class MergedGetRegression(implicit p: Parameters) extends Regression()(p) {
val l2params = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L2Bank" })
val nSets = p(CacheName("L2")).nSets
val nSets = l2params(NSets)
val nWays = p(CacheName("L2")).nWays
val nWays = l2params(NWays)
val (s_idle :: s_put :: s_get :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val (s_idle :: s_put :: s_get :: s_done :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
val state = Reg(init = s_idle)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ abstract class GroundTest(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
class GroundTestTile(implicit val p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasGroundTestParameters {
class GroundTestTile(implicit val p: Parameters) extends LazyModule with HasGroundTestParameters {
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1D" })
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => CacheName("L1D") })
val slave = None
val slave = None
val dcache = HellaCache(p(DCacheKey))(dcacheParams)
val dcache = HellaCache(p(DCacheKey))(dcacheParams)
val ucLegacy = LazyModule(new TLLegacy()(p))
val ucLegacy = LazyModule(new TLLegacy()(p))
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class RoCCResponse(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
class RoCCInterface(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
class RoCCInterface(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val cmd = Decoupled(new RoCCCommand).flip
val cmd = Decoupled(new RoCCCommand).flip
val resp = Decoupled(new RoCCResponse)
val resp = Decoupled(new RoCCResponse)
val mem = new HellaCacheIO()(p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1D" }))
val mem = new HellaCacheIO()(p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => CacheName("L1D") }))
val busy = Bool(OUTPUT)
val busy = Bool(OUTPUT)
val interrupt = Bool(OUTPUT)
val interrupt = Bool(OUTPUT)
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ class Rocket(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val io = new Bundle {
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts().asInput
val interrupts = new TileInterrupts().asInput
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, xLen)
val hartid = UInt(INPUT, xLen)
val imem = new FrontendIO()(p.alterPartial({case CacheName => "L1I" }))
val imem = new FrontendIO()(p.alterPartial({case CacheName => CacheName("L1I") }))
val dmem = new HellaCacheIO()(p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1D" }))
val dmem = new HellaCacheIO()(p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => CacheName("L1D") }))
val ptw = new DatapathPTWIO().flip
val ptw = new DatapathPTWIO().flip
val fpu = new FPUIO().flip
val fpu = new FPUIO().flip
val rocc = new RoCCInterface().flip
val rocc = new RoCCInterface().flip
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ case class RoccParameters(
class RocketTile(tileId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
class RocketTile(tileId: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial({
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial({
case CacheName => "L1D"
case CacheName => CacheName("L1D")
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case TileId => tileId // TODO using this messes with Heirarchical P&R: change to io.hartid?
case TileId => tileId // TODO using this messes with Heirarchical P&R: change to io.hartid?
val icacheParams = p.alterPartial({
val icacheParams = p.alterPartial({
case CacheName => "L1I"
case CacheName => CacheName("L1I")
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case TLId => "L1toL2"
@ -8,15 +8,14 @@ import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import junctions._
import junctions._
import scala.math._
import scala.math._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import uncore.agents.PseudoLRU
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.coherence._
case object PgLevels extends Field[Int]
case object PgLevels extends Field[Int]
case object ASIdBits extends Field[Int]
case object ASIdBits extends Field[Int]
case object NTLBEntries extends Field[Int]
trait HasTLBParameters extends HasCoreParameters {
trait HasTLBParameters extends HasCoreParameters {
val entries = p(NTLBEntries)
val entries = p(p(CacheName)).nTLBEntries
val camAddrBits = log2Ceil(entries)
val camAddrBits = log2Ceil(entries)
val camTagBits = asIdBits + vpnBits
val camTagBits = asIdBits + vpnBits
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import coreplex._
// the following parameters will be refactored properly with TL2
// the following parameters will be refactored properly with TL2
case object GlobalAddrMap extends Field[AddrMap]
case object GlobalAddrMap extends Field[AddrMap]
/** Enable or disable monitoring of Diplomatic buses */
/** Enable or disable monitoring of Diplomatic buses */
case object TLEmitMonitors extends Field[Bool]
case object TLEmitMonitors extends Field[Boolean]
abstract class BareTop[+C <: BaseCoreplex](_coreplex: Parameters => C)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
abstract class BareTop[+C <: BaseCoreplex](_coreplex: Parameters => C)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
// Fill in the TL1 legacy parameters; remove these once rocket/groundtest/unittest are TL2
// Fill in the TL1 legacy parameters; remove these once rocket/groundtest/unittest are TL2
@ -19,25 +19,19 @@ import DefaultTestSuites._
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
import cde.{Parameters, Config, Dump, Knob, CDEMatchError}
class BasePlatformConfig extends Config(
class BasePlatformConfig extends Config(
topDefinitions = {
(pname,site,here) => pname match {
(pname,site,here) => {
//Memory Parameters
type PF = PartialFunction[Any,Any]
case TLEmitMonitors => true
def findBy(sname:Any):Any = here[PF](site[Any](sname))(pname)
case NExtTopInterrupts => 2
pname match {
case SOCBusConfig => site(L1toL2Config)
//Memory Parameters
case PeripheryBusConfig => TLBusConfig(beatBytes = 4)
case TLEmitMonitors => true
case PeripheryBusArithmetic => true
case NExtTopInterrupts => 2
// Note that PLIC asserts that this is > 0.
case SOCBusConfig => site(L1toL2Config)
case IncludeJtagDTM => false
case PeripheryBusConfig => TLBusConfig(beatBytes = 4)
case ExtMem => AXIMasterConfig(0x80000000L, 0x10000000L, 8, 4)
case PeripheryBusArithmetic => true
case ExtBus => AXIMasterConfig(0x60000000L, 0x20000000L, 8, 4)
// Note that PLIC asserts that this is > 0.
case RTCPeriod => 100 // gives 10 MHz RTC assuming 1 GHz uncore clock
case IncludeJtagDTM => false
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
case ExtMem => AXIMasterConfig(0x80000000L, 0x10000000L, 8, 4)
case ExtBus => AXIMasterConfig(0x60000000L, 0x20000000L, 8, 4)
case RTCPeriod => 100 // gives 10 MHz RTC assuming 1 GHz uncore clock
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class BaseConfig extends Config(new BaseCoreplexConfig ++ new BasePlatformConfig)
class BaseConfig extends Config(new BaseCoreplexConfig ++ new BasePlatformConfig)
@ -120,8 +114,6 @@ class OctoChannelBenchmarkConfig extends Config(new WithNMemoryChannels(8) ++ ne
class EightChannelConfig extends Config(new WithNMemoryChannels(8) ++ new BaseConfig)
class EightChannelConfig extends Config(new WithNMemoryChannels(8) ++ new BaseConfig)
class SplitL2MetadataTestConfig extends Config(new WithSplitL2Metadata ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class DualCoreConfig extends Config(
class DualCoreConfig extends Config(
new WithNCores(2) ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new BaseConfig)
new WithNCores(2) ++ new WithL2Cache ++ new BaseConfig)
@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ object Generator extends util.GeneratorApp {
val longName = names.topModuleProject + "." + names.configs
val longName = names.topModuleProject + "." + names.configs
@ -33,88 +33,3 @@ object UncoreBuilder extends App {
class DefaultL2Config extends Config (
topDefinitions = { (pname,site,here) =>
pname match {
case PAddrBits => 32
case CacheId => 0
case CacheName => "L2Bank"
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMC"
case "N_CACHED" => Dump("N_CACHED",here[Int]("CACHED_CLIENTS_PER_PORT"))
case "N_UNCACHED" => Dump("N_UNCACHED",here[Int]("MAX_CLIENTS_PER_PORT") - here[Int]("N_CACHED"))
case "MAX_CLIENT_XACTS" => 4
case TLKey("L1toL2") =>
coherencePolicy = new MESICoherence(site(L2DirectoryRepresentation)),
nManagers = 1,
nCachingClients = here[Int]("N_CACHED"),
nCachelessClients = here[Int]("N_UNCACHED"),
maxClientXacts = here[Int]("MAX_CLIENT_XACTS"),
maxClientsPerPort = here[Int]("MAX_CLIENTS_PER_PORT"),
maxManagerXacts = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8,
dataBeats = 2)
case TLKey("L2toMC") =>
coherencePolicy = new MEICoherence(new NullRepresentation(1)),
nManagers = 1,
nCachingClients = 1,
nCachelessClients = 0,
maxClientXacts = 1,
maxClientsPerPort = site(NAcquireTransactors) + 2,
maxManagerXacts = 1,
dataBits = site(CacheBlockBytes)*8,
dataBeats = 2)
case CacheBlockBytes => 64
case CacheBlockOffsetBits => log2Up(here(CacheBlockBytes))
case "L2_SETS" => Knob("L2_SETS")
case NSets => Dump("L2_SETS",here[Int]("L2_SETS"))
case NWays => Knob("L2_WAYS")
case RowBits => site(TLKey(site(TLId))).dataBitsPerBeat
case CacheIdBits => Dump("CACHE_ID_BITS",1)
case L2StoreDataQueueDepth => 1
case NAcquireTransactors => Dump("N_ACQUIRE_TRANSACTORS",2)
case NSecondaryMisses => 4
case L2DirectoryRepresentation => new FullRepresentation(here[Int]("N_CACHED"))
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqRandom(site(NWays))
case ECCCode => None
case AmoAluOperandBits => 64
case SplitMetadata => false
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
// case XLen => 128
knobValues = {
case "L2_WAYS" => 1
case "L2_SETS" => 1024
case "NTILES" => 2
case "N_CACHED_TILES" => 2
case "L2_CAPACITY_IN_KB" => 256
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class WithPLRU extends Config(
(pname, site, here) => pname match {
case L2Replacer => () => new SeqPLRU(site(NSets), site(NWays))
case _ => throw new CDEMatchError
class PLRUL2Config extends Config(new WithPLRU ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class With1L2Ways extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 1; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
class With2L2Ways extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 2; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
class With4L2Ways extends Config(knobValues = { case "L2_WAYS" => 4; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
class With1Cached extends Config(knobValues = { case "N_CACHED_TILES" => 1; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
class With2Cached extends Config(knobValues = { case "N_CACHED_TILES" => 2; case _ => throw new CDEMatchError })
class W1Cached1WaysConfig extends Config(new With1L2Ways ++ new With1Cached ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class W1Cached2WaysConfig extends Config(new With2L2Ways ++ new With1Cached ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class W2Cached1WaysConfig extends Config(new With1L2Ways ++ new With2Cached ++ new DefaultL2Config)
class W2Cached2WaysConfig extends Config(new With2L2Ways ++ new With2Cached ++ new DefaultL2Config)
@ -14,36 +14,41 @@ import uncore.util._
import util._
import util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object CacheName extends Field[String]
case class CacheConfig(
case object NSets extends Field[Int]
nSets: Int,
case object NWays extends Field[Int]
nWays: Int,
case object RowBits extends Field[Int]
rowBits: Int,
nTLBEntries: Int,
cacheIdBits: Int,
splitMetadata: Boolean)
case class CacheName(id: String) extends Field[CacheConfig]
case object CacheName extends Field[CacheName]
case object Replacer extends Field[() => ReplacementPolicy]
case object Replacer extends Field[() => ReplacementPolicy]
case object L2Replacer extends Field[() => SeqReplacementPolicy]
case object L2Replacer extends Field[() => SeqReplacementPolicy]
case object NPrimaryMisses extends Field[Int]
case object NPrimaryMisses extends Field[Int]
case object NSecondaryMisses extends Field[Int]
case object NSecondaryMisses extends Field[Int]
case object CacheBlockBytes extends Field[Int]
case object CacheBlockBytes extends Field[Int]
case object ECCCode extends Field[Option[Code]]
case object ECCCode extends Field[Option[Code]]
case object CacheIdBits extends Field[Int]
case object CacheId extends Field[Int]
case object CacheId extends Field[Int]
case object SplitMetadata extends Field[Boolean]
trait HasCacheParameters {
trait HasCacheParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
implicit val p: Parameters
val nSets = p(NSets)
val cacheConfig = p(p(CacheName))
val nSets = cacheConfig.nSets
val blockOffBits = p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val blockOffBits = p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val cacheIdBits = p(CacheIdBits)
val cacheIdBits = cacheConfig.cacheIdBits
val idxBits = log2Up(nSets)
val idxBits = log2Up(cacheConfig.nSets)
val untagBits = blockOffBits + cacheIdBits + idxBits
val untagBits = blockOffBits + cacheIdBits + idxBits
val tagBits = p(PAddrBits) - untagBits
val tagBits = p(PAddrBits) - untagBits
val nWays = p(NWays)
val nWays = cacheConfig.nWays
val wayBits = log2Up(nWays)
val wayBits = log2Up(nWays)
val isDM = nWays == 1
val isDM = nWays == 1
val rowBits = p(RowBits)
val rowBits = cacheConfig.rowBits
val rowBytes = rowBits/8
val rowBytes = rowBits/8
val rowOffBits = log2Up(rowBytes)
val rowOffBits = log2Up(rowBytes)
val code = p(ECCCode).getOrElse(new IdentityCode)
val code = p(ECCCode).getOrElse(new IdentityCode)
val hasSplitMetadata = p(SplitMetadata)
val hasSplitMetadata = cacheConfig.splitMetadata
abstract class CacheModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
abstract class CacheModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
@ -103,12 +103,6 @@ trait GeneratorApp extends App with HasGeneratorUtilities {
/** Output Design Space Exploration knobs and constraints. */
def generateDSEConstraints {
writeOutputFile(td, s"${names.configs}.knb", world.getKnobs) // Knobs for DSE
writeOutputFile(td, s"${names.configs}.cst", world.getConstraints) // Constraints for DSE
/** Output a global Parameter dump, which an external script can turn into Verilog headers. */
/** Output a global Parameter dump, which an external script can turn into Verilog headers. */
def generateParameterDump {
def generateParameterDump {
writeOutputFile(td, s"$longName.prm", ParameterDump.getDump) // Parameters flagged with Dump()
writeOutputFile(td, s"$longName.prm", ParameterDump.getDump) // Parameters flagged with Dump()
Reference in New Issue
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