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This commit is contained in:
Howard Mao 2015-10-26 21:37:35 -07:00
commit 2b252bc6ff
3 changed files with 148 additions and 0 deletions

groundtest/build.sbt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
organization := "edu.berkeley.cs"
version := "1.2"
name := "groundtest"
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
libraryDependencies ++= (Seq("chisel", "hardfloat", "uncore", "junctions", "rocket").map {
dep: String => sys.props.get(dep + "Version") map { "edu.berkeley.cs" %% dep % _ }}).flatten

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
package groundtest
import Chisel._
import uncore._
import junctions._
import scala.util.Random
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object BuildGenerator extends Field[(Int, Random, Parameters) => TileLinkGenerator]
case object NGeneratorsPerTile extends Field[Int]
case object NGeneratorTiles extends Field[Int]
trait HasGeneratorParams {
implicit val p: Parameters
val nGensPerTile = p(NGeneratorsPerTile)
val nGenTiles = p(NGeneratorTiles)
val nGens = nGensPerTile * nGenTiles
abstract class TileLinkGenerator(rnd: Random)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TLModule()(p) with HasGeneratorParams {
val io = new Bundle {
val tl = new ClientTileLinkIO
val finished = Bool(OUTPUT)
class UncachedTileLinkGenerator(id: Int, rnd: Random)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends TileLinkGenerator(rnd)(p) {
private val tlBlockOffset = tlBeatAddrBits + tlByteAddrBits
private val maxAddress = (p(MMIOBase) >> tlBlockOffset).toInt
private val totalRequests = maxAddress / nGens
def rndDataBeat(): UInt = { UInt(BigInt(tlDataBits, rnd), tlDataBits) }
val (s_start :: s_put :: s_get :: s_finished :: Nil) = Enum(Bits(), 4)
val state = Reg(init = s_start)
val (acq_beat, acq_done) = Counter(io.tl.acquire.fire() && state === s_put, tlDataBeats)
val (gnt_beat, gnt_done) = Counter(io.tl.grant.fire() && state === s_get, tlDataBeats)
val (req_cnt, req_wrap) = Counter(gnt_done && state === s_get, totalRequests)
val addr_block = Cat(req_cnt, UInt(id, log2Up(nGens)))
val sending = Reg(init = Bool(false))
when (state === s_start) {
sending := Bool(true)
state := s_put
when (state === s_put) {
when (acq_done) { sending := Bool(false) }
when (io.tl.grant.fire()) { sending := Bool(true); state := s_get }
when (state === s_get) {
when (io.tl.acquire.fire()) { sending := Bool(false) }
when (gnt_done) {
sending := Bool(true)
state := Mux(req_wrap, s_finished, s_put)
io.finished := (state === s_finished)
val full_addr = Cat(addr_block, acq_beat, UInt(0, tlByteAddrBits))
val put_data = Cat(UInt(id, log2Up(nGens)), req_cnt, full_addr)
val put_acquire = PutBlock(
client_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_block = addr_block,
addr_beat = acq_beat,
data = put_data)
val get_acquire = GetBlock(
client_xact_id = UInt(0),
addr_block = addr_block)
io.tl.acquire.valid := sending
io.tl.acquire.bits := Mux(state === s_put, put_acquire, get_acquire)
io.tl.grant.ready := !sending
assert(!io.tl.grant.valid || state != s_get ||
io.tl.grant.bits.data === put_data,
"Get received incorrect data")
io.tl.release.valid := Bool(false)
io.tl.probe.ready := Bool(false)
assert(!io.tl.probe.valid, "Uncached generator cannot accept probes")

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package groundtest
import Chisel._
import rocket._
import uncore._
import scala.util.Random
import cde.Parameters
class GeneratorTile(id: Int, rnd: Random, resetSignal: Bool)
(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Tile(resetSignal)(p)
with HasGeneratorParams {
val gen_finished = Wire(Vec(nGensPerTile, Bool()))
val arb = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOArbiter(nGensPerTile))
for (i <- 0 until nGensPerTile) {
val genid = id * nGensPerTile + i
val generator = p(BuildGenerator)(genid, rnd, p)
arb.io.in(i) <> generator.io.tl
gen_finished(i) := generator.io.finished
io.cached(0) <> arb.io.out
io.uncached(0).acquire.valid := Bool(false)
io.uncached(0).grant.ready := Bool(false)
val all_done = gen_finished.reduce(_ && _)
val csr_resp_valid = Reg(Bool()) // Don't reset
val csr_resp_data = Reg(io.host.csr.resp.bits)
io.host.csr.req.ready := Bool(true)
io.host.csr.resp.valid := csr_resp_valid
io.host.csr.resp.bits := csr_resp_data
when (io.host.csr.req.fire()) {
val req = io.host.csr.req.bits
csr_resp_valid := Bool(true)
csr_resp_data := Mux(req.addr === UInt(CSRs.mtohost), all_done, req.data)
when (io.host.csr.resp.fire()) {
csr_resp_valid := Bool(false)