Add ROM with NASTI interface

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Andrew Waterman 2015-11-25 20:04:31 -08:00
parent 57e82442a1
commit 27df04354f

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package uncore
import Chisel._
import junctions._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
class NastiROM(contents: Seq[Byte])(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
val io = new NastiIO().flip
val ar = Queue(io.ar, 1)
// This assumes ROMs are in read-only parts of the address map.
// Reuse b_queue code from NastiErrorSlave if this assumption is bad.
when (ar.valid) { assert(ar.bits.len === UInt(0), "Can't burst-read from NastiROM") }
assert(!(io.aw.valid || io.w.valid), "Can't write to NastiROM")
io.aw.ready := Bool(false)
io.w.ready := Bool(false)
io.b.valid := Bool(false)
val byteWidth = io.r.bits.nastiXDataBits / 8
val rows = (contents.size + byteWidth - 1)/byteWidth + 1
val rom = Vec.tabulate(rows) { i =>
val slice = contents.slice(i*byteWidth, (i+1)*byteWidth)
UInt(slice.foldRight(BigInt(0)) { case (x,y) => (y << 8) + (x.toInt & 0xFF) })
val rdata_word = rom(if (rows == 1) UInt(0) else ar.bits.addr(log2Up(contents.size)-1,log2Up(byteWidth)))
val rdata = new LoadGen(Cat(UInt(1), ar.bits.size), ar.bits.addr, rdata_word, Bool(false), byteWidth).data
io.r <> ar
io.r.bits := NastiReadDataChannel(ar.bits.id, rdata)