util ReduceOthers produces nlogn cost ready-valid logic

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Wesley W. Terpstra 2017-06-22 19:43:20 -07:00
parent 1f18a37f01
commit 11d1cb02eb

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details.
package util
import Chisel._
object ReduceOthers {
// Given a list of bools, create this output:
// out[i] = AND[j=0..out.size, j!=i] in[j]
def apply(x: Seq[Bool]): Seq[Bool] = {
if (x.size <= 1) {
Seq.fill(x.size) { Bool(true) }
} else if (x.size <= 3) {
Seq.tabulate(x.size) { i =>
(x.take(i) ++ x.drop(i+1)).reduce(_ && _)
} else {
val half = ReduceOthers(x.grouped(2).map(_.reduce(_ && _)).toList)
Seq.tabulate(x.size) { i =>
if ((i ^ 1) >= x.size) half(i/2) else x(i ^ 1) && half(i / 2)
// Take pairs of (output_wire, input_bool)
def apply(x: Seq[(Bool, Bool)]) {
(x.map(_._1) zip apply(x.map(_._2))) foreach { case (w, x) => w := x }