Compiles and elaborates, does not pass asm tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -130,8 +130,9 @@ class L2MetaReadReq extends MetaReadReq with HasL2Id {
class L2MetaWriteReq extends MetaWriteReq[L2Metadata](new L2Metadata)
with HasL2Id
with HasL2Id {
override def clone = new L2MetaWriteReq().asInstanceOf[this.type]
class L2MetaResp extends L2HellaCacheBundle
with HasL2Id
with HasL2InternalRequestState
@ -360,7 +361,7 @@ abstract class L2XactTracker(innerId: String, outerId: String) extends L2HellaCa
class L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int, innerId: String, outerId: String) extends L2XactTracker(innerId, outerId) {
val s_idle :: s_meta_read :: s_meta_resp :: s_meta_write :: s_data_write :: s_grant :: s_busy :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 6)
val s_idle :: s_meta_read :: s_meta_resp :: s_meta_write :: s_data_write :: s_grant :: s_busy :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 7)
val state = Reg(init=s_idle)
val xact = Reg{ new Release }
val xact_internal = Reg{ new L2MetaResp }
@ -399,7 +400,6 @@ class L2VoluntaryReleaseTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int, innerId: String, ou
io.meta_write.bits.idx := xact.addr(untagBits-1,blockOffBits)
io.meta_write.bits.way_en := xact_internal.way_en
|||| := xact_internal.meta
io.meta_resp.valid := Bool(true)
switch (state) {
is(s_idle) {
@ -450,21 +450,22 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int, innerId: String, outerId: St
val state = Reg(init=s_idle)
val xact = Reg{ new Acquire }
val xact_internal = Reg{ new L2MetaResp }
val test = Reg{UInt()}
val init_client_id = Reg(init=UInt(0, width = log2Up(nClients)))
//TODO: Will need id reg for merged release xacts
val release_count = Reg(init = UInt(0, width = log2Up(nClients)))
val pending_probes = Reg(init = co.dir())
val curr_p_id =
val pending_probes = Reg(init = co.dir().flush)
val curr_p_id = co.dir().next(pending_probes)
val is_uncached = co.messageIsUncached(xact)
val tag_match = xact_internal.tag_match
val needs_writeback = co.needsWriteback(xact_internal.meta.coh)
val is_hit = co.isHit(xact, xact_internal.meta.coh)
val needs_probes = co.requiresProbes(xact.a_type, xact_internal.meta.coh)
val c_rel_had_data = Reg{Bool()}
val c_rel_was_voluntary = Reg{Bool()}
val c_rel_had_data = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val c_rel_was_voluntary = Reg(init = Bool(false))
val wb_buffer = Reg{}
io.has_acquire_conflict := co.isCoherenceConflict(xact.addr, c_acq.payload.addr) &&
@ -557,12 +558,14 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int, innerId: String, outerId: St
val _is_hit = co.isHit(xact, coh)
val _needs_probes = co.requiresProbes(xact.a_type, coh)
xact_internal := io.meta_resp.bits
test := UInt(0)
when(!_needs_writeback) {
xact_internal.meta.coh := co.masterMetadataOnFlush
// xact_internal.meta.coh := co.masterMetadataOnFlush
test := UInt(12)
when(_needs_probes) {
pending_probes := coh.sharers
release_count := coh.sharers.count()
release_count := co.dir().count(coh.sharers)
c_rel_had_data := Bool(false)
c_rel_was_voluntary := Bool(false)
@ -579,19 +582,21 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int, innerId: String, outerId: St
val skip = io.tile_incoherent(curr_p_id) ||
((curr_p_id === init_client_id) &&
io.inner.probe.valid := !(pending_probes.none() || skip)
io.inner.probe.valid := !(co.dir().none(pending_probes) || skip)
when(io.inner.probe.ready || skip) {
co.dir().pop(pending_probes, curr_p_id)
when(skip) { release_count := release_count - UInt(1) }
// Handle releases, which may have data being written back
io.inner.release.ready := Bool(true)
when(io.inner.release.valid) {
xact_internal.meta.coh := co.masterMetadataOnRelease(
when(co.messageHasData(c_rel.payload)) {
c_rel_had_data := Bool(true)
when(tag_match) {
@ -623,7 +628,7 @@ class L2AcquireTracker(trackerId: Int, bankId: Int, innerId: String, outerId: St
is(s_data_resp_wb) {
when(io.data_resp.valid) {
wb_buffer := io.data_resp.bits
wb_buffer :=
state := s_outer_write_wb
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ object MasterMetadata {
def apply(state: UInt)(implicit c: CoherencePolicy): MasterMetadata = {
val m = new MasterMetadata
m.state := state
m.sharers := c.dir().flush
def apply(state: UInt, sharers: DirectoryRepresentation)(implicit c: CoherencePolicy): MasterMetadata = {
def apply(state: UInt, sharers: UInt)(implicit c: CoherencePolicy): MasterMetadata = {
val m = apply(state)
m.sharers := sharers
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ object MasterMetadata {
class MasterMetadata(implicit c: CoherencePolicy) extends CoherenceMetadata {
val state = UInt(width = c.masterStateWidth)
val sharers = c.dir()
val sharers = UInt(width = c.dir().width)
override def clone = new MasterMetadata()(c).asInstanceOf[this.type]
@ -50,37 +50,34 @@ class MixedMetadata(inner: CoherencePolicy, outer: CoherencePolicy) extends Cohe
abstract class DirectoryRepresentation extends Bundle {
def pop(id: UInt): DirectoryRepresentation
def push(id: UInt): DirectoryRepresentation
def flush(dummy: Int = 0): DirectoryRepresentation
def none(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
def one(dummy: Int = 0): Bool
def count(dummy: Int = 0): UInt
def next(dummy: Int = 0): UInt
abstract class DirectoryRepresentation(val width: Int) {
def pop(prev: UInt, id: UInt): UInt
def push(prev: UInt, id: UInt): UInt
def flush: UInt
def none(s: UInt): Bool
def one(s: UInt): Bool
def count(s: UInt): UInt
def next(s: UInt): UInt
class NullRepresentation extends DirectoryRepresentation {
val internal = UInt()
def pop(id: UInt) = this
def push(id: UInt) = this
def flush(dummy: Int = 0) = { internal := UInt(0); this }
def none(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
def one(dummy: Int = 0) = Bool(false)
def count(dummy: Int = 0) = UInt(0)
def next(dummy: Int = 0) = UInt(0)
class NullRepresentation extends DirectoryRepresentation(1) {
def pop(prev: UInt, id: UInt) = UInt(0)
def push(prev: UInt, id: UInt) = UInt(0)
def flush = UInt(0)
def none(s: UInt) = Bool(false)
def one(s: UInt) = Bool(false)
def count(s: UInt) = UInt(0)
def next(s: UInt) = UInt(0)
class FullRepresentation(nClients: Int) extends DirectoryRepresentation {
val internal = UInt(width = nClients)
def pop(id: UInt) = { internal := internal & ~UIntToOH(id); this } // make new FullRep to return?
def push(id: UInt) = { internal := internal | UIntToOH(id); this }
def flush(dummy: Int = 0) = { internal := UInt(0, width = nClients); this }
def none(dummy: Int = 0) = internal === UInt(0)
def one(dummy: Int = 0) = PopCount(internal) === UInt(1)
def count(dummy: Int = 0) = PopCount(internal)
def next(dummy: Int = 0) = PriorityEncoder(internal)
override def clone = new FullRepresentation(nClients).asInstanceOf[this.type]
class FullRepresentation(nClients: Int) extends DirectoryRepresentation(nClients) {
def pop(prev: UInt, id: UInt) = prev & ~UIntToOH(id)
def push(prev: UInt, id: UInt) = prev | UIntToOH(id)
def flush = UInt(0, width = width)
def none(s: UInt) = s === UInt(0)
def one(s: UInt) = PopCount(s) === UInt(1)
def count(s: UInt) = PopCount(s)
def next(s: UInt) = PriorityEncoder(s)
abstract class CoherencePolicy(val dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) {
@ -216,7 +213,7 @@ class MICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWit
def masterMetadataOnFlush = MasterMetadata(masterInvalid)(this)
def masterMetadataOnRelease(r: Release, m: MasterMetadata, src: UInt) = {
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.pop(src))(this)
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().pop(m.sharers, src))(this)
MuxBundle(m, Array(
|||| -> next,
|||| -> next,
@ -224,7 +221,7 @@ class MICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWit
def masterMetadataOnGrant(g: Grant, m: MasterMetadata, dst: UInt) = {
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.push(dst))(this)
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().push(m.sharers, dst))(this)
val uncached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers)(this)
MuxBundle(uncached, Array(
|||| -> cached
@ -307,7 +304,7 @@ class MICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWit
def requiresAckForGrant(g_type: UInt) = g_type != grantVoluntaryAck
def requiresAckForRelease(r_type: UInt) = Bool(false)
def requiresSelfProbe(a_type: UInt) = a_type === acquireReadUncached
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !m.sharers.none()
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !dir().none(m.sharers)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UInt, p_type: UInt): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
@ -380,7 +377,7 @@ class MEICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWi
def masterMetadataOnFlush = MasterMetadata(masterInvalid)(this)
def masterMetadataOnRelease(r: Release, m: MasterMetadata, src: UInt) = {
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.pop(src))(this)
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().pop(m.sharers,src))(this)
MuxBundle(m, Array(
|||| -> next,
|||| -> next,
@ -388,7 +385,7 @@ class MEICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWi
def masterMetadataOnGrant(g: Grant, m: MasterMetadata, dst: UInt) = {
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.push(dst))(this)
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().push(m.sharers, dst))(this)
val uncached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers)(this)
MuxBundle(uncached, Array(
|||| -> cached,
@ -480,7 +477,7 @@ class MEICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWi
def requiresAckForGrant(g_type: UInt) = g_type != grantVoluntaryAck
def requiresAckForRelease(r_type: UInt) = Bool(false)
def requiresSelfProbe(a_type: UInt) = a_type === acquireReadUncached
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !m.sharers.none()
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !dir().none(m.sharers)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UInt, p_type: UInt): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
@ -559,7 +556,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWi
def masterMetadataOnFlush = MasterMetadata(masterInvalid)(this)
def masterMetadataOnRelease(r: Release, m: MasterMetadata, src: UInt) = {
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.pop(src))(this)
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().pop(m.sharers,src))(this)
MuxBundle(m, Array(
|||| -> next,
|||| -> next,
@ -567,7 +564,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWi
def masterMetadataOnGrant(g: Grant, m: MasterMetadata, dst: UInt) = {
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.push(dst))(this)
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().push(m.sharers, dst))(this)
val uncached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers)(this)
MuxBundle(uncached, Array(
|||| -> cached,
@ -622,7 +619,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWi
def getGrantType(a: Acquire, m: MasterMetadata): UInt = {
MuxLookup(a.a_type, grantReadUncached, Array(
acquireReadShared -> Mux(!m.sharers.none(), grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive),
acquireReadShared -> Mux(!dir().none(m.sharers), grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive),
acquireReadExclusive -> grantReadExclusive,
acquireReadUncached -> grantReadUncached,
acquireWriteUncached -> grantWriteUncached,
@ -656,7 +653,7 @@ class MSICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyWi
def requiresAckForGrant(g_type: UInt) = g_type != grantVoluntaryAck
def requiresAckForRelease(r_type: UInt) = Bool(false)
def requiresSelfProbe(a_type: UInt) = a_type === acquireReadUncached
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !m.sharers.none()
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !dir().none(m.sharers)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UInt, p_type: UInt): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
@ -736,7 +733,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyW
def masterMetadataOnFlush = MasterMetadata(masterInvalid)(this)
def masterMetadataOnRelease(r: Release, m: MasterMetadata, src: UInt) = {
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.pop(src))(this)
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().pop(m.sharers,src))(this)
MuxBundle(m, Array(
|||| -> next,
|||| -> next,
@ -744,7 +741,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyW
def masterMetadataOnGrant(g: Grant, m: MasterMetadata, dst: UInt) = {
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.push(dst))(this)
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().push(m.sharers, dst))(this)
val uncached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers)(this)
MuxBundle(uncached, Array(
|||| -> cached,
@ -799,7 +796,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyW
def getGrantType(a: Acquire, m: MasterMetadata): UInt = {
MuxLookup(a.a_type, grantReadUncached, Array(
acquireReadShared -> Mux(!m.sharers.none(), grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive),
acquireReadShared -> Mux(!dir().none(m.sharers), grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive),
acquireReadExclusive -> grantReadExclusive,
acquireReadUncached -> grantReadUncached,
acquireWriteUncached -> grantWriteUncached,
@ -838,7 +835,7 @@ class MESICoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePolicyW
def requiresAckForGrant(g_type: UInt) = g_type != grantVoluntaryAck
def requiresAckForRelease(r_type: UInt) = Bool(false)
def requiresSelfProbe(a_type: UInt) = a_type === acquireReadUncached
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !m.sharers.none()
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !dir().none(m.sharers)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UInt, p_type: UInt): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
@ -930,7 +927,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePo
def masterMetadataOnFlush = MasterMetadata(masterInvalid)(this)
def masterMetadataOnRelease(r: Release, m: MasterMetadata, src: UInt) = {
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.pop(src))(this)
val next = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().pop(m.sharers,src))(this)
MuxBundle(m, Array(
|||| -> next,
|||| -> next,
@ -940,7 +937,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePo
def masterMetadataOnGrant(g: Grant, m: MasterMetadata, dst: UInt) = {
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers.push(dst))(this)
val cached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, dir().push(m.sharers, dst))(this)
val uncached = MasterMetadata(masterValid, m.sharers)(this)
MuxBundle(uncached, Array(
|||| -> cached,
@ -997,7 +994,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePo
def getGrantType(a: Acquire, m: MasterMetadata): UInt = {
MuxLookup(a.a_type, grantReadUncached, Array(
acquireReadShared -> Mux(!m.sharers.none(), grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive), //TODO: what is count? Depend on release.p_type???
acquireReadShared -> Mux(!dir().none(m.sharers), grantReadShared, grantReadExclusive), //TODO: what is count? Depend on release.p_type???
acquireReadExclusive -> grantReadExclusive,
acquireReadUncached -> grantReadUncached,
acquireWriteUncached -> grantWriteUncached,
@ -1038,7 +1035,7 @@ class MigratoryCoherence(dir: () => DirectoryRepresentation) extends CoherencePo
def requiresAckForGrant(g_type: UInt) = g_type != grantVoluntaryAck
def requiresAckForRelease(r_type: UInt) = Bool(false)
def requiresSelfProbe(a_type: UInt) = a_type === acquireReadUncached
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !m.sharers.none()
def requiresProbes(a_type: UInt, m: MasterMetadata) = !dir().none(m.sharers)
def pendingVoluntaryReleaseIsSufficient(r_type: UInt, p_type: UInt): Bool = (r_type === releaseVoluntaryInvalidateData)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user