Merge pull request #859 from freechipsproject/fifo-fixer-configable
Fifo fixer configable
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
case SynchronousCrossing(params) => {
case SynchronousCrossing(params) => {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new SyncRocketTile(c, i)(pWithExtra))
val wrapper = LazyModule(new SyncRocketTile(c, i)(pWithExtra))
val buffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(params))
val buffer = LazyModule(new TLBuffer(params))
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer)
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer(TLFIFOFixer.allUncacheable))
buffer.node :=* wrapper.masterNode
buffer.node :=* wrapper.masterNode
fixer.node :=* buffer.node
fixer.node :=* buffer.node
tile_splitter.node :=* fixer.node
tile_splitter.node :=* fixer.node
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new AsyncRocketTile(c, i)(pWithExtra))
val wrapper = LazyModule(new AsyncRocketTile(c, i)(pWithExtra))
val sink = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
val sink = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSink(depth, sync))
val source = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync))
val source = LazyModule(new TLAsyncCrossingSource(sync))
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer)
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer(TLFIFOFixer.allUncacheable))
sink.node :=* wrapper.masterNode
sink.node :=* wrapper.masterNode
fixer.node :=* sink.node
fixer.node :=* sink.node
tile_splitter.node :=* fixer.node
tile_splitter.node :=* fixer.node
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ trait HasRocketTiles extends CoreplexRISCVPlatform {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new RationalRocketTile(c, i)(pWithExtra))
val wrapper = LazyModule(new RationalRocketTile(c, i)(pWithExtra))
val sink = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(direction))
val sink = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSink(direction))
val source = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource)
val source = LazyModule(new TLRationalCrossingSource)
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer)
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer(TLFIFOFixer.allUncacheable))
sink.node :=* wrapper.masterNode
sink.node :=* wrapper.masterNode
fixer.node :=* sink.node
fixer.node :=* sink.node
tile_splitter.node :=* fixer.node
tile_splitter.node :=* fixer.node
@ -343,8 +343,8 @@ class MixedNexusNode[DI, UI, EI, BI <: Data, DO, UO, EO, BO <: Data](
require (oStars == 0, s"${name} (a nexus) appears right of a :=* (perhaps you should flip the '*' to :*=?)${lazyModule.line}")
require (oStars == 0, s"${name} (a nexus) appears right of a :=* (perhaps you should flip the '*' to :*=?)${lazyModule.line}")
(0, 0)
(0, 0)
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = Seq.fill(n) { dFn(p) }
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsD(n: Int, p: Seq[DI]): Seq[DO] = { val a = dFn(p); Seq.fill(n)(a) }
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] = Seq.fill(n) { uFn(p) }
protected[diplomacy] def mapParamsU(n: Int, p: Seq[UO]): Seq[UI] = { val a = uFn(p); Seq.fill(n)(a) }
class AdapterNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
class AdapterNode[D, U, EO, EI, B <: Data](imp: NodeImp[D, U, EO, EI, B])(
@ -6,13 +6,18 @@ import Chisel._
/** Options for memory regions */
/** Options for memory regions */
object RegionType {
object RegionType {
sealed trait T
// Define the 'more relaxed than' ordering
sealed trait T extends Ordered[T] {
def compare(that: T): Int = cases.indexOf(that) compare cases.indexOf(this)
case object CACHED extends T
case object CACHED extends T
case object TRACKED extends T
case object TRACKED extends T
case object UNCACHED extends T
case object UNCACHED extends T // not cached yet, but could be
case object PUT_EFFECTS extends T
case object UNCACHEABLE extends T // may spontaneously change contents
case object GET_EFFECTS extends T // GET_EFFECTS => PUT_EFFECTS
case object GET_EFFECTS extends T // GET_EFFECTS => PUT_EFFECTS
// A non-empty half-open range; [start, end)
// A non-empty half-open range; [start, end)
@ -183,8 +183,10 @@ class HellaCacheModule(outer: HellaCache) extends LazyModuleImp(outer)
val io = new HellaCacheBundle(outer)
val io = new HellaCacheBundle(outer)
val tl_out = io.mem(0)
val tl_out = io.mem(0)
// IOMSHRs must be FIFO
// IOMSHRs must be FIFO for all regions with effects
edge.manager.managers.foreach { m =>
require (m.fifoId == Some(0) || !TLFIFOFixer.allUncacheable(m))
object HellaCache {
object HellaCache {
@ -8,11 +8,37 @@ import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import scala.math.max
import scala.math.max
class TLFIFOFixer(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
class TLFIFOFixer(policy: TLFIFOFixer.Policy = TLFIFOFixer.all)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
private def fifoMap(seq: Seq[TLManagerParameters]) = {
val (flatManagers, keepManagers) = seq.partition(policy)
// We need to be careful if one flatManager and one keepManager share an existing domain
// Erring on the side of caution, we will also flatten the keepManager in this case
val flatDomains = Set(flatManagers.flatMap(_.fifoId):_*) // => ID 0
val keepDomains = Set(keepManagers.flatMap(_.fifoId):_*) -- flatDomains // => IDs compacted
// Calculate what the FIFO domains look like after the fixer is applied
val flatMap = { x => (x, 0) }.toMap
val keepMap = keepDomains.scanLeft((-1,0)) { case ((_,s),x) => (x, s+1) }.toMap
val map = flatMap ++ keepMap
val fixMap = { m => m.fifoId match {
case None => if (policy(m)) Some(0) else None
case Some(id) => Some(map(id)) // also flattens some who did not ask
} }
// Compress the FIFO domain space of those we are combining
val reMap = flatDomains.scanLeft((-1,-1)) { case ((_,s),x) => (x, s+1) }.toMap
val splatMap = { m => m.fifoId match {
case None => None
case Some(id) => reMap.lift(id)
} }
(fixMap, splatMap)
val node = TLAdapterNode(
val node = TLAdapterNode(
clientFn = { cp => cp },
clientFn = { cp => cp },
managerFn = { mp => mp.copy(managers = => m.copy(fifoId = Some(0)))) })
managerFn = { mp =>
val (fixMap, _) = fifoMap(mp.managers)
mp.copy(managers = (fixMap zip mp.managers) map { case (id, m) => m.copy(fifoId = id) })
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val io = new Bundle {
@ -21,33 +47,50 @@ class TLFIFOFixer(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
(( zip io.out) zip (node.edgesIn zip node.edgesOut)) foreach { case ((in, out), (edgeIn, edgeOut)) =>
(( zip io.out) zip (node.edgesIn zip node.edgesOut)) foreach { case ((in, out), (edgeIn, edgeOut)) =>
val maxId = edgeOut.manager.managers.flatMap(_.fifoId).foldLeft(0)(max)
val (fixMap, splatMap) = fifoMap(edgeOut.manager.managers)
val a_id = edgeOut.manager.findFifoIdFast(in.a.bits.address)
val a_nid = a_id === UInt(0) // no id = not FIFO
// Do we need to serialize the request to this manager?
// println(s"make FIFO: ${edgeIn.manager.managers.filter(_.fifoId==Some(0)).map(", ")}")
// println(s"not FIFO: ${edgeIn.manager.managers.filter(_.fifoId!=Some(0)).map(", ")}")
val a_notFIFO = edgeIn.manager.fastProperty(in.a.bits.address, _.fifoId != Some(0), (b:Boolean) => Bool(b))
// Does this manager have an existing FIFO domain? (don't care about unserialized cases)
val hackExist = ((fixMap zip splatMap) zip edgeOut.manager.managers) flatMap {
case ((f, s), m) => if (f == Some(0)) Some(m.copy(fifoId = s)) else None
// println(s"has domain: ${hackExist.filter( _.fifoId.isDefined).map(", ")}")
// println(s"no domain: ${hackExist.filter(!_.fifoId.isDefined).map(", ")}")
val a_noDomain = edgeOut.manager.copy(managers = hackExist).fastProperty(in.a.bits.address, !_.fifoId.isDefined, (b:Boolean) => Bool(b))
// What is that domain? (don't care about noDomain cases)
val hackDomain = hackExist.filter(_.fifoId.isDefined)
// println(s"domains: ${hackDomain.groupBy(}")
// println("")
val a_id = edgeOut.manager.copy(managers = hackDomain).fastProperty(in.a.bits.address, _.fifoId.get, (id:Int) => UInt(id))
val maxId = hackDomain.flatMap(_.fifoId).foldLeft(0)(max)
// Count beats
val a_first = edgeIn.first(in.a)
val a_first = edgeIn.first(in.a)
val d_first = edgeOut.first(out.d) && out.d.bits.opcode =/= TLMessages.ReleaseAck
val d_first = edgeOut.first(out.d) && out.d.bits.opcode =/= TLMessages.ReleaseAck
// Keep one bit for each source recording if there is an outstanding request that must be made FIFO
// Sources unused in the stall signal calculation should be pruned by DCE
val flight = RegInit(Vec.fill(edgeIn.client.endSourceId) { Bool(false) })
when (d_first && { flight(in.d.bits.source) := Bool(false) }
when (a_first && { flight(in.a.bits.source) := !a_notFIFO }
val stalls = edgeIn.client.clients.filter(c => c.requestFifo && c.sourceId.size > 1).map { c =>
val stalls = edgeIn.client.clients.filter(c => c.requestFifo && c.sourceId.size > 1).map { c =>
val a_sel = c.sourceId.contains(in.a.bits.source)
val a_sel = c.sourceId.contains(in.a.bits.source)
val d_sel = c.sourceId.contains(in.d.bits.source)
val id = RegEnable(a_id, && a_sel && !a_notFIFO)
val id = RegInit(UInt(0, width = log2Up(maxId+1))) // TODO zero-width
val track = flight.slice(c.sourceId.start, c.sourceId.end)
val count = RegInit(UInt(0, width = log2Up(c.sourceId.size+1))) // TODO zero-width
val a_inc = && a_first && a_sel
a_sel && a_first && track.reduce(_ || _) && (a_noDomain || id =/= a_id)
val d_dec = && d_first && d_sel
count := count + a_inc.asUInt - d_dec.asUInt
when ( && a_sel) { id := a_id }
a_sel && a_first && count =/= UInt(0) && (a_nid || id =/= a_id)
val stall = stalls.foldLeft(Bool(false))(_||_)
val stall = stalls.foldLeft(Bool(false))(_||_)
out.a <> in.a
out.a <> in.a
in.d <> out.d
in.d <> out.d
out.a.valid := in.a.valid && !stall
out.a.valid := in.a.valid && (a_notFIFO || !stall)
in.a.ready := out.a.ready && !stall
in.a.ready := out.a.ready && (a_notFIFO || !stall)
if (edgeOut.manager.anySupportAcquireB && edgeOut.client.anySupportProbe) {
if (edgeOut.manager.anySupportAcquireB && edgeOut.client.anySupportProbe) {
in .b <> out.b
in .b <> out.b
@ -67,11 +110,19 @@ class TLFIFOFixer(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
object TLFIFOFixer
object TLFIFOFixer
// Which slaves should have their FIFOness combined?
// NOTE: this transformation is still only applied for masters with requestFifo
type Policy = TLManagerParameters => Boolean
import RegionType._
val all: Policy = m => true
val allFIFO: Policy = m => m.fifoId.isDefined
val allUncacheable: Policy = m => m.regionType <= UNCACHEABLE
// applied to the TL source node; y.node := TLFIFOFixer()(x.node)
// applied to the TL source node; y.node := TLFIFOFixer()(x.node)
def apply()(x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = {
def apply(policy: Policy = all)(x: TLOutwardNode)(implicit p: Parameters, sourceInfo: SourceInfo): TLOutwardNode = {
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer)
val fixer = LazyModule(new TLFIFOFixer(policy))
fixer.node := x
fixer.node := x
Reference in New Issue
Block a user