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2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
package uncore
import Chisel._
case class TileLinkConfiguration(co: CoherencePolicyWithUncached, ln: LogicalNetworkConfiguration, masterXactIdBits: Int, clientXactIdBits: Int, dataBits: Int)
abstract trait TileLinkSubBundle extends Bundle {
implicit val conf: TileLinkConfiguration
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
trait HasPhysicalAddress extends TileLinkSubBundle {
val addr = UFix(width = PADDR_BITS - OFFSET_BITS)
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
trait HasClientTransactionId extends TileLinkSubBundle {
val client_xact_id = Bits(width = conf.clientXactIdBits)
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
trait HasMasterTransactionId extends TileLinkSubBundle {
val master_xact_id = Bits(width = conf.masterXactIdBits)
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
trait HasTileLinkData extends TileLinkSubBundle {
val data = Bits(width = conf.dataBits)
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
trait SourcedMessage extends Bundle
trait ClientSourcedMessage extends SourcedMessage
trait MasterSourcedMessage extends SourcedMessage
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
object Acquire
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
def apply(a_type: Bits, addr: UFix, client_xact_id: UFix)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) = {
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
val acq = new Acquire
acq.a_type := a_type
acq.addr := addr
acq.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
acq.write_mask := Bits(0)
acq.subword_addr := Bits(0)
acq.atomic_opcode := Bits(0)
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
def apply(a_type: Bits, addr: UFix, client_xact_id: UFix, write_mask: Bits)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) = {
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
val acq = new Acquire
acq.a_type := a_type
acq.addr := addr
acq.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
acq.write_mask := write_mask
acq.subword_addr := Bits(0)
acq.atomic_opcode := Bits(0)
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
def apply(a_type: Bits, addr: UFix, client_xact_id: UFix, subword_addr: UFix, atomic_opcode: UFix)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) = {
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
val acq = new Acquire
acq.a_type := a_type
acq.addr := addr
acq.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
acq.subword_addr := subword_addr
acq.atomic_opcode := atomic_opcode
acq.write_mask := Bits(0)
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
class Acquire(implicit val conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends ClientSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress with HasClientTransactionId {
val a_type = Bits(width = conf.co.acquireTypeBits)
val write_mask = Bits(width = ACQUIRE_WRITE_MASK_BITS)
val subword_addr = Bits(width = ACQUIRE_SUBWORD_ADDR_BITS)
val atomic_opcode = Bits(width = ACQUIRE_ATOMIC_OP_BITS)
override def clone = { (new Acquire).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
class AcquireData(implicit val conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends ClientSourcedMessage with HasTileLinkData {
override def clone = { (new AcquireData).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
class Probe(implicit val conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends MasterSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress with HasMasterTransactionId {
val p_type = Bits(width = conf.co.probeTypeBits)
override def clone = { (new Probe).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
object Release
def apply(r_type: Bits, addr: UFix, client_xact_id: UFix, master_xact_id: UFix)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) = {
val rel = new Release
rel.r_type := r_type
rel.addr := addr
rel.client_xact_id := client_xact_id
rel.master_xact_id := master_xact_id
class Release(implicit val conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends ClientSourcedMessage with HasPhysicalAddress with HasClientTransactionId with HasMasterTransactionId {
val r_type = Bits(width = conf.co.releaseTypeBits)
override def clone = { (new Release).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
class ReleaseData(implicit val conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends ClientSourcedMessage with HasTileLinkData {
override def clone = { (new ReleaseData).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
class Grant(implicit val conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends MasterSourcedMessage with HasTileLinkData with HasClientTransactionId with HasMasterTransactionId {
val g_type = Bits(width = conf.co.grantTypeBits)
override def clone = { (new Grant).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
class GrantAck(implicit val conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends ClientSourcedMessage with HasMasterTransactionId {
override def clone = { (new GrantAck).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
trait DirectionalIO
trait ClientSourcedIO extends DirectionalIO
trait MasterSourcedIO extends DirectionalIO
class ClientSourcedFIFOIO[T <: Data]()(data: => T) extends FIFOIO()(data) with ClientSourcedIO {
override def clone = { new ClientSourcedFIFOIO()(data).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
class ClientSourcedDataIO[M <: Data, D <: Data]()(meta: => M, data: => D) extends PairedDataIO()(meta,data) with ClientSourcedIO {
override def clone = { new ClientSourcedDataIO()(meta,data).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
class MasterSourcedFIFOIO[T <: Data]()(data: => T) extends FIFOIO()(data) with MasterSourcedIO {
override def clone = { new MasterSourcedFIFOIO()(data).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
class MasterSourcedDataIO[M <: Data, D <: Data]()(meta: => M, data: => D) extends PairedDataIO()(meta,data) with MasterSourcedIO {
override def clone = { new MasterSourcedDataIO()(meta,data).asInstanceOf[this.type] }
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
class UncachedTileLinkIO(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends Bundle {
implicit val ln = conf.ln
val acquire = new ClientSourcedDataIO()(new LogicalNetworkIO()(new Acquire), new LogicalNetworkIO()(new AcquireData))
val grant = new MasterSourcedFIFOIO()(new LogicalNetworkIO()(new Grant))
val grant_ack = new ClientSourcedFIFOIO()(new LogicalNetworkIO()(new GrantAck))
override def clone = { new UncachedTileLinkIO().asInstanceOf[this.type] }
class TileLinkIO(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends UncachedTileLinkIO()(conf) {
val probe = new MasterSourcedFIFOIO()(new LogicalNetworkIO()(new Probe))
val release = new ClientSourcedDataIO()(new LogicalNetworkIO()(new Release), new LogicalNetworkIO()(new ReleaseData))
2013-01-22 02:17:26 +01:00
override def clone = { new TileLinkIO().asInstanceOf[this.type] }
2012-10-16 23:26:33 +02:00
* TODO: Merge the below classes into children of an abstract class in Chisel 2.0
abstract class UncachedTileLinkIOArbiter(n: Int, co: CoherencePolicy)(implicit conf: LogicalNetworkConfiguration) extends Component {
def acquireClientXactId(in: Acquire, id: Int): Bits
def grantClientXactId(in: Grant): Bits
def arbIdx(in: Grant): UFix
class UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatAppendsArbiterId(n: Int)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends Component {
implicit val (ln, co) = (conf.ln, conf.co)
def acquireClientXactId(in: Acquire, id: Int) = Cat(in.client_xact_id, UFix(id, log2Up(n)))
def grantClientXactId(in: Grant) = in.client_xact_id >> UFix(log2Up(n))
def arbIdx(in: Grant) = in.client_xact_id(log2Up(n)-1,0).toUFix
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(n) { new UncachedTileLinkIO }.flip
val out = new UncachedTileLinkIO
def acqHasData(acq: LogicalNetworkIO[Acquire]) = co.messageHasData(acq.payload)
val acq_arb = new PairedLockingRRArbiter(n, REFILL_CYCLES, acqHasData _)((new LogicalNetworkIO){new Acquire},(new LogicalNetworkIO){new AcquireData})
io.out.acquire <> acq_arb.io.out
io.in.map(_.acquire).zipWithIndex.zip(acq_arb.io.in).map{ case ((req,id), arb) => {
arb.data <> req.data
arb.meta.valid := req.meta.valid
arb.meta.bits := req.meta.bits
arb.meta.bits.payload.client_xact_id := acquireClientXactId(req.meta.bits.payload, id)
req.meta.ready := arb.meta.ready
val grant_ack_arb = (new RRArbiter(n)){ (new LogicalNetworkIO){new GrantAck} }
io.out.grant_ack <> grant_ack_arb.io.out
grant_ack_arb.io.in zip io.in map { case (arb, req) => arb <> req.grant_ack }
io.out.grant.ready := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until n) {
io.in(i).grant.valid := Bool(false)
when (arbIdx(io.out.grant.bits.payload) === UFix(i)) {
io.in(i).grant.valid := io.out.grant.valid
io.out.grant.ready := io.in(i).grant.ready
io.in(i).grant.bits := io.out.grant.bits
io.in(i).grant.bits.payload.client_xact_id := grantClientXactId(io.out.grant.bits.payload)
class UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatPassesId(n: Int)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends Component {
implicit val (ln, co) = (conf.ln, conf.co)
def acquireClientXactId(in: Acquire, id: Int) = in.client_xact_id
def grantClientXactId(in: Grant) = in.client_xact_id
def arbIdx(in: Grant): UFix = in.client_xact_id
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(n) { new UncachedTileLinkIO }.flip
val out = new UncachedTileLinkIO
def acqHasData(acq: LogicalNetworkIO[Acquire]) = co.messageHasData(acq.payload)
val acq_arb = new PairedLockingRRArbiter(n, REFILL_CYCLES, acqHasData _)((new LogicalNetworkIO){new Acquire},(new LogicalNetworkIO){new AcquireData})
io.out.acquire <> acq_arb.io.out
io.in.map(_.acquire).zipWithIndex.zip(acq_arb.io.in).map{ case ((req,id), arb) => {
arb.data <> req.data
arb.meta.valid := req.meta.valid
arb.meta.bits := req.meta.bits
arb.meta.bits.payload.client_xact_id := acquireClientXactId(req.meta.bits.payload, id)
req.meta.ready := arb.meta.ready
val grant_ack_arb = (new RRArbiter(n)){ (new LogicalNetworkIO){new GrantAck} }
io.out.grant_ack <> grant_ack_arb.io.out
grant_ack_arb.io.in zip io.in map { case (arb, req) => arb <> req.grant_ack }
io.out.grant.ready := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until n) {
io.in(i).grant.valid := Bool(false)
when (arbIdx(io.out.grant.bits.payload) === UFix(i)) {
io.in(i).grant.valid := io.out.grant.valid
io.out.grant.ready := io.in(i).grant.ready
io.in(i).grant.bits := io.out.grant.bits
io.in(i).grant.bits.payload.client_xact_id := grantClientXactId(io.out.grant.bits.payload)
class UncachedTileLinkIOArbiterThatUsesNewId(n: Int)(implicit conf: TileLinkConfiguration) extends Component {
implicit val (ln, co) = (conf.ln, conf.co)
def acquireClientXactId(in: Acquire, id: Int) = UFix(id, log2Up(n))
def grantClientXactId(in: Grant) = UFix(0) // DNC
def arbIdx(in: Grant) = in.client_xact_id
val io = new Bundle {
val in = Vec(n) { new UncachedTileLinkIO }.flip
val out = new UncachedTileLinkIO
def acqHasData(acq: LogicalNetworkIO[Acquire]) = co.messageHasData(acq.payload)
val acq_arb = new PairedLockingRRArbiter(n, REFILL_CYCLES, acqHasData _)((new LogicalNetworkIO){new Acquire},(new LogicalNetworkIO){new AcquireData})
io.out.acquire <> acq_arb.io.out
io.in.map(_.acquire).zipWithIndex.zip(acq_arb.io.in).map{ case ((req,id), arb) => {
arb.data <> req.data
arb.meta.valid := req.meta.valid
arb.meta.bits := req.meta.bits
arb.meta.bits.payload.client_xact_id := acquireClientXactId(req.meta.bits.payload, id)
req.meta.ready := arb.meta.ready
val grant_ack_arb = (new RRArbiter(n)){ (new LogicalNetworkIO){new GrantAck} }
io.out.grant_ack <> grant_ack_arb.io.out
grant_ack_arb.io.in zip io.in map { case (arb, req) => arb <> req.grant_ack }
io.out.grant.ready := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until n) {
io.in(i).grant.valid := Bool(false)
when (arbIdx(io.out.grant.bits.payload) === UFix(i)) {
io.in(i).grant.valid := io.out.grant.valid
io.out.grant.ready := io.in(i).grant.ready
io.in(i).grant.bits := io.out.grant.bits
io.in(i).grant.bits.payload.client_xact_id := grantClientXactId(io.out.grant.bits.payload)