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// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.coreplex
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.{Field, Parameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.debug.{HasPeripheryDebug, HasPeripheryDebugModuleImp}
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
case object RocketTilesKey extends Field[Seq[RocketTileParams]](Nil)
case object RocketCrossing extends Field[CoreplexClockCrossing](SynchronousCrossing())
trait HasRocketTiles extends HasSystemBus
with HasPeripheryBus
with HasPeripheryPLIC
with HasPeripheryClint
with HasPeripheryDebug {
val module: HasRocketTilesModuleImp
private val crossing = p(RocketCrossing)
private val tileParams = p(RocketTilesKey)
val nRocketTiles = tileParams.size
// Handle interrupts to be routed directly into each tile
// TODO: figure out how to merge the localIntNodes and coreIntXbar below
val localIntCounts = tileParams.map(_.core.nLocalInterrupts)
val localIntNodes = tileParams map { t =>
(t.core.nLocalInterrupts > 0).option(LazyModule(new IntXbar).intnode)
// Make a wrapper for each tile that will wire it to coreplex devices and crossbars,
// according to the specified type of clock crossing.
val wiringTuple = localIntNodes.zip(tileParams).zipWithIndex
val rocket_tiles: Seq[RocketTileWrapper] = wiringTuple.map { case ((lip, tp), i) =>
val pWithExtra = p.alterPartial {
case TileKey => tp
case BuildRoCC => tp.rocc
case SharedMemoryTLEdge => sharedMemoryTLEdge
val wrapper = crossing match {
case SynchronousCrossing(params) => {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new SyncRocketTile(tp, i)(pWithExtra))
sbus.fromSyncTiles(params, tp.externalMasterBuffers, tp.name) :=* wrapper.masterNode
wrapper.slaveNode :*= pbus.toSyncSlaves(tp.name, tp.externalSlaveBuffers)
case AsynchronousCrossing(depth, sync) => {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new AsyncRocketTile(tp, i)(pWithExtra))
sbus.fromAsyncTiles(depth, sync, tp.externalMasterBuffers, tp.name) :=* wrapper.masterNode
wrapper.slaveNode :*= pbus.toAsyncSlaves(sync, tp.name, tp.externalSlaveBuffers)
case RationalCrossing(direction) => {
val wrapper = LazyModule(new RationalRocketTile(tp, i)(pWithExtra))
sbus.fromRationalTiles(direction, tp.externalMasterBuffers, tp.name) :=* wrapper.masterNode
wrapper.slaveNode :*= pbus.toRationalSlaves(tp.name, tp.externalSlaveBuffers)
tp.name.foreach(wrapper.suggestName) // Try to stabilize this name for downstream tools
// Local Interrupts must be synchronized to the core clock
// before being passed into this module.
// This allows faster latency for interrupts which are already synchronized.
// The CLINT and PLIC outputs interrupts that are synchronous to the periphery clock,
// so may or may not need to be synchronized depending on the Tile's crossing type.
// Debug interrupt is definitely asynchronous in all cases.
val asyncIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
asyncIntXbar.intnode := debug.intnode // debug
wrapper.asyncIntNode := asyncIntXbar.intnode
val periphIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
periphIntXbar.intnode := clint.intnode // msip+mtip
periphIntXbar.intnode := plic.intnode // meip
if (tp.core.useVM) periphIntXbar.intnode := plic.intnode // seip
wrapper.periphIntNode := periphIntXbar.intnode
val coreIntXbar = LazyModule(new IntXbar)
lip.foreach { coreIntXbar.intnode := _ } // lip
wrapper.coreIntNode := coreIntXbar.intnode
2017-09-16 03:49:40 +02:00
wrapper.intOutputNode.foreach { plic.intnode := _ }
class ClockedRocketTileInputs(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle
with HasExternallyDrivenTileConstants
with Clocked
trait HasRocketTilesBundle {
val rocket_tile_inputs: Vec[ClockedRocketTileInputs]
trait HasRocketTilesModuleImp extends LazyMultiIOModuleImp
with HasRocketTilesBundle
with HasResetVectorWire
with HasPeripheryDebugModuleImp {
val outer: HasRocketTiles
// TODO make this less gross and/or support tiles with differently sized reset vectors
def resetVectorBits: Int = outer.paddrBits
val rocket_tile_inputs = Wire(Vec(outer.nRocketTiles, new ClockedRocketTileInputs()(p.alterPartial {
case SharedMemoryTLEdge => outer.sharedMemoryTLEdge
// Unconditionally wire up the non-diplomatic tile inputs
outer.rocket_tiles.map(_.module).zip(rocket_tile_inputs).foreach { case(tile, wire) =>
tile.clock := wire.clock
tile.reset := wire.reset
tile.io.hartid := wire.hartid
tile.io.reset_vector := wire.reset_vector
// Default values for tile inputs; may be overriden in other traits
rocket_tile_inputs.zipWithIndex.foreach { case(wire, i) =>
wire.clock := clock
wire.reset := reset
wire.hartid := UInt(i)
wire.reset_vector := global_reset_vector
class RocketCoreplex(implicit p: Parameters) extends BaseCoreplex
with HasRocketTiles {
override lazy val module = new RocketCoreplexModule(this)
class RocketCoreplexModule[+L <: RocketCoreplex](_outer: L) extends BaseCoreplexModule(_outer)
with HasRocketTilesModuleImp