2015-07-29 18:02:58 -07:00
// See LICENSE for license details.
package junctions
import Chisel._
import scala.math._
case object PAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object VAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object PgIdxBits extends Field[Int]
case object PgLevels extends Field[Int]
case object PgLevelBits extends Field[Int]
case object ASIdBits extends Field[Int]
case object PPNBits extends Field[Int]
case object VPNBits extends Field[Int]
case object MIFAddrBits extends Field[Int]
case object MIFDataBits extends Field[Int]
case object MIFTagBits extends Field[Int]
case object MIFDataBeats extends Field[Int]
trait MIFParameters extends UsesParameters {
val mifTagBits = params(MIFTagBits)
val mifAddrBits = params(MIFAddrBits)
val mifDataBits = params(MIFDataBits)
val mifDataBeats = params(MIFDataBeats)
abstract class MIFBundle extends Bundle with MIFParameters
abstract class MIFModule extends Module with MIFParameters
trait HasMemData extends MIFBundle {
val data = Bits(width = mifDataBits)
trait HasMemAddr extends MIFBundle {
val addr = UInt(width = mifAddrBits)
trait HasMemTag extends MIFBundle {
val tag = UInt(width = mifTagBits)
class MemReqCmd extends HasMemAddr with HasMemTag {
val rw = Bool()
class MemTag extends HasMemTag
class MemData extends HasMemData
class MemResp extends HasMemData with HasMemTag
class MemIO extends Bundle {
val req_cmd = Decoupled(new MemReqCmd)
val req_data = Decoupled(new MemData)
val resp = Decoupled(new MemResp).flip
class MemPipeIO extends Bundle {
val req_cmd = Decoupled(new MemReqCmd)
val req_data = Decoupled(new MemData)
val resp = Valid(new MemResp).flip
class MemSerializedIO(w: Int) extends Bundle {
val req = Decoupled(Bits(width = w))
val resp = Valid(Bits(width = w)).flip
class MemSerdes(w: Int) extends MIFModule
val io = new Bundle {
val wide = new MemIO().flip
val narrow = new MemSerializedIO(w)
val abits = io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits.getWidth
val dbits = io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits.getWidth
val rbits = io.wide.resp.bits.getWidth
val out_buf = Reg(Bits())
val in_buf = Reg(Bits())
val s_idle :: s_read_addr :: s_write_addr :: s_write_idle :: s_write_data :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 5)
val state = Reg(init=s_idle)
val send_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((max(abits, dbits)+w-1)/w)))
val data_send_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(mifDataBeats)))
val adone = io.narrow.req.ready && send_cnt === UInt((abits-1)/w)
val ddone = io.narrow.req.ready && send_cnt === UInt((dbits-1)/w)
when (io.narrow.req.valid && io.narrow.req.ready) {
send_cnt := send_cnt + UInt(1)
out_buf := out_buf >> UInt(w)
when (io.wide.req_cmd.valid && io.wide.req_cmd.ready) {
out_buf := io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits
when (io.wide.req_data.valid && io.wide.req_data.ready) {
out_buf := io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits
io.wide.req_cmd.ready := state === s_idle
io.wide.req_data.ready := state === s_write_idle
io.narrow.req.valid := state === s_read_addr || state === s_write_addr || state === s_write_data
io.narrow.req.bits := out_buf
when (state === s_idle && io.wide.req_cmd.valid) {
state := Mux(io.wide.req_cmd.bits.rw, s_write_addr, s_read_addr)
when (state === s_read_addr && adone) {
state := s_idle
send_cnt := UInt(0)
when (state === s_write_addr && adone) {
state := s_write_idle
send_cnt := UInt(0)
when (state === s_write_idle && io.wide.req_data.valid) {
state := s_write_data
when (state === s_write_data && ddone) {
data_send_cnt := data_send_cnt + UInt(1)
state := Mux(data_send_cnt === UInt(mifDataBeats-1), s_idle, s_write_idle)
send_cnt := UInt(0)
val recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((rbits+w-1)/w)))
val data_recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(mifDataBeats)))
val resp_val = Reg(init=Bool(false))
resp_val := Bool(false)
when (io.narrow.resp.valid) {
recv_cnt := recv_cnt + UInt(1)
when (recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w)) {
recv_cnt := UInt(0)
data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1)
resp_val := Bool(true)
in_buf := Cat(io.narrow.resp.bits, in_buf((rbits+w-1)/w*w-1,w))
io.wide.resp.valid := resp_val
io.wide.resp.bits := io.wide.resp.bits.fromBits(in_buf)
class MemDesserIO(w: Int) extends Bundle {
val narrow = new MemSerializedIO(w).flip
val wide = new MemIO
class MemDesser(w: Int) extends Module // test rig side
val io = new MemDesserIO(w)
val abits = io.wide.req_cmd.bits.toBits.getWidth
val dbits = io.wide.req_data.bits.toBits.getWidth
val rbits = io.wide.resp.bits.getWidth
val mifDataBeats = params(MIFDataBeats)
require(dbits >= abits && rbits >= dbits)
val recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up((rbits+w-1)/w)))
val data_recv_cnt = Reg(init=UInt(0, log2Up(mifDataBeats)))
val adone = io.narrow.req.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((abits-1)/w)
val ddone = io.narrow.req.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((dbits-1)/w)
val rdone = io.narrow.resp.valid && recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w)
val s_cmd_recv :: s_cmd :: s_data_recv :: s_data :: s_reply :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 5)
val state = Reg(init=s_cmd_recv)
val in_buf = Reg(Bits())
when (io.narrow.req.valid && io.narrow.req.ready || io.narrow.resp.valid) {
recv_cnt := recv_cnt + UInt(1)
in_buf := Cat(io.narrow.req.bits, in_buf((rbits+w-1)/w*w-1,w))
io.narrow.req.ready := state === s_cmd_recv || state === s_data_recv
when (state === s_cmd_recv && adone) {
state := s_cmd
recv_cnt := UInt(0)
when (state === s_cmd && io.wide.req_cmd.ready) {
state := Mux(io.wide.req_cmd.bits.rw, s_data_recv, s_reply)
when (state === s_data_recv && ddone) {
state := s_data
recv_cnt := UInt(0)
when (state === s_data && io.wide.req_data.ready) {
state := s_data_recv
when (data_recv_cnt === UInt(mifDataBeats-1)) {
state := s_cmd_recv
data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1)
when (rdone) { // state === s_reply
when (data_recv_cnt === UInt(mifDataBeats-1)) {
state := s_cmd_recv
recv_cnt := UInt(0)
data_recv_cnt := data_recv_cnt + UInt(1)
val req_cmd = in_buf >> UInt(((rbits+w-1)/w - (abits+w-1)/w)*w)
io.wide.req_cmd.valid := state === s_cmd
io.wide.req_cmd.bits := io.wide.req_cmd.bits.fromBits(req_cmd)
io.wide.req_data.valid := state === s_data
io.wide.req_data.bits.data := in_buf >> UInt(((rbits+w-1)/w - (dbits+w-1)/w)*w)
val dataq = Module(new Queue(new MemResp, mifDataBeats))
dataq.io.enq <> io.wide.resp
dataq.io.deq.ready := recv_cnt === UInt((rbits-1)/w)
io.narrow.resp.valid := dataq.io.deq.valid
io.narrow.resp.bits := dataq.io.deq.bits.toBits >> (recv_cnt * UInt(w))
class HellaFlowQueue[T <: Data](val entries: Int)(data: => T) extends Module
val io = new QueueIO(data, entries)
require(entries > 1)
val do_flow = Wire(Bool())
val do_enq = io.enq.fire() && !do_flow
val do_deq = io.deq.fire() && !do_flow
val maybe_full = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val enq_ptr = Counter(do_enq, entries)._1
val (deq_ptr, deq_done) = Counter(do_deq, entries)
when (do_enq != do_deq) { maybe_full := do_enq }
val ptr_match = enq_ptr === deq_ptr
val empty = ptr_match && !maybe_full
val full = ptr_match && maybe_full
val atLeastTwo = full || enq_ptr - deq_ptr >= UInt(2)
do_flow := empty && io.deq.ready
val ram = SeqMem(data, entries)
when (do_enq) { ram.write(enq_ptr, io.enq.bits) }
val ren = io.deq.ready && (atLeastTwo || !io.deq.valid && !empty)
val raddr = Mux(io.deq.valid, Mux(deq_done, UInt(0), deq_ptr + UInt(1)), deq_ptr)
val ram_out_valid = Reg(next = ren)
io.deq.valid := Mux(empty, io.enq.valid, ram_out_valid)
io.enq.ready := !full
io.deq.bits := Mux(empty, io.enq.bits, ram.read(raddr, ren))
class HellaQueue[T <: Data](val entries: Int)(data: => T) extends Module
val io = new QueueIO(data, entries)
val fq = Module(new HellaFlowQueue(entries)(data))
2015-08-03 19:47:16 -07:00
fq.io.enq <> io.enq
2015-07-29 18:02:58 -07:00
io.deq <> Queue(fq.io.deq, 1, pipe = true)
object HellaQueue
def apply[T <: Data](enq: DecoupledIO[T], entries: Int) = {
val q = Module((new HellaQueue(entries)) { enq.bits })
q.io.enq.valid := enq.valid // not using <> so that override is allowed
q.io.enq.bits := enq.bits
enq.ready := q.io.enq.ready
class MemIOArbiter(val arbN: Int) extends MIFModule {
val io = new Bundle {
2015-08-27 09:40:24 -07:00
val inner = Vec(new MemIO, arbN).flip
2015-07-29 18:02:58 -07:00
val outer = new MemIO
if(arbN > 1) {
val cmd_arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new MemReqCmd, arbN))
val choice_q = Module(new Queue(cmd_arb.io.chosen, 4))
val (data_cnt, data_done) = Counter(io.outer.req_data.fire(), mifDataBeats)
io.inner.map(_.req_cmd).zipWithIndex.zip(cmd_arb.io.in).map{ case ((req, id), arb) => {
arb.valid := req.valid
arb.bits := req.bits
arb.bits.tag := Cat(req.bits.tag, UInt(id))
req.ready := arb.ready
io.outer.req_cmd.bits := cmd_arb.io.out.bits
io.outer.req_cmd.valid := cmd_arb.io.out.valid && choice_q.io.enq.ready
cmd_arb.io.out.ready := io.outer.req_cmd.ready && choice_q.io.enq.ready
choice_q.io.enq.bits := cmd_arb.io.chosen
choice_q.io.enq.valid := cmd_arb.io.out.fire() && cmd_arb.io.out.bits.rw
io.outer.req_data.bits := io.inner(choice_q.io.deq.bits).req_data.bits
io.outer.req_data.valid := io.inner(choice_q.io.deq.bits).req_data.valid && choice_q.io.deq.valid
io.inner.map(_.req_data.ready).zipWithIndex.foreach {
case(r, i) => r := UInt(i) === choice_q.io.deq.bits && choice_q.io.deq.valid
choice_q.io.deq.ready := data_done
io.outer.resp.ready := Bool(false)
for (i <- 0 until arbN) {
io.inner(i).resp.valid := Bool(false)
when(io.outer.resp.bits.tag(log2Up(arbN)-1,0).toUInt === UInt(i)) {
io.inner(i).resp.valid := io.outer.resp.valid
io.outer.resp.ready := io.inner(i).resp.ready
io.inner(i).resp.bits := io.outer.resp.bits
io.inner(i).resp.bits.tag := io.outer.resp.bits.tag >> UInt(log2Up(arbN))
2015-08-03 19:47:16 -07:00
} else { io.outer <> io.inner.head }
2015-07-29 18:02:58 -07:00
object MemIOMemPipeIOConverter {
def apply(in: MemPipeIO): MemIO = {
val out = Wire(new MemIO())
in.resp.valid := out.resp.valid
in.resp.bits := out.resp.bits
out.resp.ready := Bool(true)
out.req_cmd.valid := in.req_cmd.valid
out.req_cmd.bits := in.req_cmd.bits
in.req_cmd.ready := out.req_cmd.ready
out.req_data.valid := in.req_data.valid
out.req_data.bits := in.req_data.bits
in.req_data.ready := out.req_data.ready
class MemPipeIOMemIOConverter(numRequests: Int) extends MIFModule {
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = new MemIO().flip
val mem = new MemPipeIO
val numEntries = numRequests * mifDataBeats
val size = log2Down(numEntries) + 1
val inc = Wire(Bool())
val dec = Wire(Bool())
val count = Reg(init=UInt(numEntries, size))
val watermark = count >= UInt(mifDataBeats)
when (inc && !dec) {
count := count + UInt(1)
when (!inc && dec) {
count := count - UInt(mifDataBeats)
when (inc && dec) {
count := count - UInt(mifDataBeats-1)
val cmdq_mask = io.cpu.req_cmd.bits.rw || watermark
io.mem.req_cmd.valid := io.cpu.req_cmd.valid && cmdq_mask
io.cpu.req_cmd.ready := io.mem.req_cmd.ready && cmdq_mask
io.mem.req_cmd.bits := io.cpu.req_cmd.bits
io.mem.req_data <> io.cpu.req_data
// Have separate queues to allow for different mem implementations
val resp_data_q = Module((new HellaQueue(numEntries)) { new MemData })
resp_data_q.io.enq.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
resp_data_q.io.enq.bits.data := io.mem.resp.bits.data
val resp_tag_q = Module((new HellaQueue(numEntries)) { new MemTag })
resp_tag_q.io.enq.valid := io.mem.resp.valid
resp_tag_q.io.enq.bits.tag := io.mem.resp.bits.tag
io.cpu.resp.valid := resp_data_q.io.deq.valid && resp_tag_q.io.deq.valid
io.cpu.resp.bits.data := resp_data_q.io.deq.bits.data
io.cpu.resp.bits.tag := resp_tag_q.io.deq.bits.tag
resp_data_q.io.deq.ready := io.cpu.resp.ready
resp_tag_q.io.deq.ready := io.cpu.resp.ready
inc := resp_data_q.io.deq.fire() && resp_tag_q.io.deq.fire()
dec := io.mem.req_cmd.fire() && !io.mem.req_cmd.bits.rw