
277 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package rocketchip
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.agents._
import uncore.devices._
import uncore.util._
import uncore.converters._
import rocket._
import rocket.Util._
import java.nio.{ByteBuffer,ByteOrder}
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
/** Number of memory channels */
case object NMemoryChannels extends Field[Int]
/** Number of banks per memory channel */
case object NBanksPerMemoryChannel extends Field[Int]
/** Least significant bit of address used for bank partitioning */
case object BankIdLSB extends Field[Int]
/** Function for building some kind of coherence manager agent */
case object BuildL2CoherenceManager extends Field[(Int, Parameters) => CoherenceAgent]
/** Function for building some kind of tile connected to a reset signal */
case object BuildTiles extends Field[Seq[(Bool, Parameters) => Tile]]
/** A string describing on-chip devices, readable by target software */
case object ConfigString extends Field[Array[Byte]]
/** Number of external interrupt sources */
case object NExtInterrupts extends Field[Int]
/** Interrupt controller configuration */
case object PLICKey extends Field[PLICConfig]
/** Number of clock cycles per RTC tick */
case object RTCPeriod extends Field[Int]
/** The file to read the BootROM contents from */
case object BootROMFile extends Field[String]
/** Export an external MMIO slave port */
case object ExportMMIOPort extends Field[Boolean]
/** Expose an additional bus master port */
case object ExportBusPort extends Field[Boolean]
/** Function for building Coreplex */
case object BuildCoreplex extends Field[Parameters => Coreplex]
trait HasCoreplexParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
lazy val nTiles = p(NTiles)
lazy val nCachedTilePorts = p(NCachedTileLinkPorts)
lazy val nUncachedTilePorts = p(NUncachedTileLinkPorts)
lazy val nMemChannels = p(NMemoryChannels)
lazy val nBanksPerMemChannel = p(NBanksPerMemoryChannel)
lazy val nBanks = nMemChannels*nBanksPerMemChannel
lazy val lsb = p(BankIdLSB)
lazy val outermostParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "Outermost" })
lazy val outermostMMIOParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "MMIO_Outermost" })
lazy val exportBus = p(ExportBusPort)
lazy val exportMMIO = p(ExportMMIOPort)
/** Wrapper around everything that isn't a Tile.
* Usually this is clocked and/or place-and-routed separately from the Tiles.
class Uncore(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasCoreplexParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val mem = Vec(nMemChannels, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostParams))
val tiles_cached = Vec(nCachedTilePorts, new ClientTileLinkIO).flip
val tiles_uncached = Vec(nUncachedTilePorts, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO).flip
val prci = Vec(nTiles, new PRCITileIO).asOutput
val bus = if (exportBus) Some(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip) else None
val mmio = if (exportMMIO) Some(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostMMIOParams)) else None
val interrupts = Vec(p(NExtInterrupts), Bool()).asInput
val debug = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip
val outmemsys = if (nCachedTilePorts + nUncachedTilePorts > 0)
Module(new DefaultOuterMemorySystem) // NoC, LLC and SerDes
else Module(new DummyOuterMemorySystem)
outmemsys.io.incoherent foreach (_ := false)
outmemsys.io.tiles_uncached <> io.tiles_uncached
outmemsys.io.tiles_cached <> io.tiles_cached
if (exportBus) { outmemsys.io.bus.get <> io.bus.get }
io.mem <> outmemsys.io.mem
buildMMIONetwork(p.alterPartial({case TLId => "L2toMMIO"}))
def makeBootROM()(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val romdata = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(p(BootROMFile)))
val rom = ByteBuffer.wrap(romdata)
// for now, have the reset vector jump straight to memory
val resetToMemDist = p(GlobalAddrMap)("mem").start - p(ResetVector)
require(resetToMemDist == (resetToMemDist.toInt >> 12 << 12))
val configStringAddr = p(ResetVector).toInt + rom.capacity
require(rom.getInt(12) == 0,
"Config string address position should not be occupied by code")
rom.putInt(12, configStringAddr)
rom.array() ++ p(ConfigString).toSeq
def buildMMIONetwork(implicit p: Parameters) = {
val ioAddrMap = p(GlobalAddrMap).subMap("io")
val mmioNetwork = Module(new TileLinkRecursiveInterconnect(1, ioAddrMap))
mmioNetwork.io.in.head <> outmemsys.io.mmio
val plic = Module(new PLIC(p(PLICKey)))
plic.io.tl <> mmioNetwork.port("int:plic")
for (i <- 0 until io.interrupts.size) {
val gateway = Module(new LevelGateway)
gateway.io.interrupt := io.interrupts(i)
plic.io.devices(i) <> gateway.io.plic
val debugModule = Module(new DebugModule)
debugModule.io.tl <> mmioNetwork.port("int:debug")
debugModule.io.db <> io.debug
val prci = Module(new PRCI)
prci.io.tl <> mmioNetwork.port("int:prci")
io.prci := prci.io.tiles
prci.io.rtcTick := Counter(p(RTCPeriod)).inc() // placeholder for real RTC
for (i <- 0 until nTiles) {
prci.io.interrupts(i).meip := plic.io.harts(plic.cfg.context(i, 'M'))
if (p(UseVM))
prci.io.interrupts(i).seip := plic.io.harts(plic.cfg.context(i, 'S'))
prci.io.interrupts(i).debug := debugModule.io.debugInterrupts(i)
io.prci(i).reset := reset
val bootROM = Module(new ROMSlave(makeBootROM()))
bootROM.io <> mmioNetwork.port("int:bootrom")
io.mmio.map { ext => ext <> mmioNetwork.port("ext") }
abstract class OuterMemorySystem(implicit val p: Parameters)
extends Module with HasCoreplexParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val tiles_cached = Vec(nCachedTilePorts, new ClientTileLinkIO).flip
val tiles_uncached = Vec(nUncachedTilePorts, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO).flip
val bus = if (exportBus) Some(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip) else None
val incoherent = Vec(nCachedTilePorts, Bool()).asInput
val mem = Vec(nMemChannels, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostParams))
val mmio = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => "L2toMMIO"}))
/** Use in place of OuterMemorySystem if there are no clients to connect. */
class DummyOuterMemorySystem(implicit p: Parameters) extends OuterMemorySystem()(p) {
require(nCachedTilePorts + nUncachedTilePorts == 0)
io.mem.foreach { tl =>
tl.acquire.valid := Bool(false)
tl.grant.ready := Bool(false)
io.mmio.acquire.valid := Bool(false)
io.mmio.grant.ready := Bool(false)
/** The whole outer memory hierarchy, including a NoC, some kind of coherence
* manager agent, and a converter from TileLink to MemIO.
class DefaultOuterMemorySystem(implicit p: Parameters) extends OuterMemorySystem()(p) {
// Create a simple L1toL2 NoC between the tiles and the banks of outer memory
// Cached ports are first in client list, making sharerToClientId just an indentity function
// addrToBank is sed to hash physical addresses (of cache blocks) to banks (and thereby memory channels)
def sharerToClientId(sharerId: UInt) = sharerId
def addrToBank(addr: UInt): UInt = {
val isMemory = p(GlobalAddrMap).isInRegion("mem", addr << log2Up(p(CacheBlockBytes)))
if (nBanks > 1) addr(lsb + log2Up(nBanks) - 1, lsb) else UInt(0),
val preBuffering = TileLinkDepths(1,1,2,2,0)
val l1tol2net = Module(new PortedTileLinkCrossbar(addrToBank, sharerToClientId, preBuffering))
// Create point(s) of coherence serialization
val managerEndpoints = List.tabulate(nBanks){id => p(BuildL2CoherenceManager)(id, p)}
managerEndpoints.foreach { _.incoherent := io.incoherent }
val mmioManager = Module(new MMIOTileLinkManager()(p.alterPartial({
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case InnerTLId => "L1toL2"
case OuterTLId => "L2toMMIO"
io.mmio <> mmioManager.io.outer
// Wire the tiles to the TileLink client ports of the L1toL2 network,
// and coherence manager(s) to the other side
l1tol2net.io.clients_cached <> io.tiles_cached
l1tol2net.io.clients_uncached <> io.tiles_uncached ++ io.bus
l1tol2net.io.managers <> managerEndpoints.map(_.innerTL) :+ mmioManager.io.inner
// Create a converter between TileLinkIO and MemIO for each channel
val outerTLParams = p.alterPartial({ case TLId => "L2toMC" })
val backendBuffering = TileLinkDepths(0,0,0,0,0)
// TODO: the code to print this stuff should live somewhere else
println("Generated Address Map")
2016-08-10 07:14:32 +02:00
for (entry <- p(GlobalAddrMap).flatten) {
val name = entry.name
val start = entry.region.start
val end = entry.region.start + entry.region.size - 1
println(f"\t$name%s $start%x - $end%x")
println("Generated Configuration String")
println(new String(p(ConfigString)))
val mem_ic = Module(new TileLinkMemoryInterconnect(nBanksPerMemChannel, nMemChannels)(outermostParams))
for ((bank, icPort) <- managerEndpoints zip mem_ic.io.in) {
val unwrap = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOUnwrapper()(outerTLParams))
unwrap.io.in <> ClientTileLinkEnqueuer(bank.outerTL, backendBuffering)(outerTLParams)
TileLinkWidthAdapter(icPort, unwrap.io.out)
io.mem <> mem_ic.io.out
class CoreplexIO(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasCoreplexParameters {
val mem = Vec(nMemChannels, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostParams))
val bus = if (p(ExportBusPort)) Some(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO().flip) else None
val mmio = if(p(ExportMMIOPort)) Some(new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(outermostMMIOParams)) else None
val interrupts = Vec(p(NExtInterrupts), Bool()).asInput
val debug = new DebugBusIO()(p).flip
abstract class Coreplex(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasCoreplexParameters {
val io = new CoreplexIO
class DefaultCoreplex(topParams: Parameters) extends Coreplex()(topParams) {
// Build an Uncore and a set of Tiles
val tileResets = Wire(Vec(nTiles, Bool()))
val tileList = p(BuildTiles).zip(tileResets).map {
case (tile, rst) => tile(rst, p)
val nCachedPorts = tileList.map(tile => tile.io.cached.size).reduce(_ + _)
val nUncachedPorts = tileList.map(tile => tile.io.uncached.size).reduce(_ + _)
val innerTLParams = p.alterPartial({
case HastiId => "TL"
case TLId => "L1toL2"
case NCachedTileLinkPorts => nCachedPorts
case NUncachedTileLinkPorts => nUncachedPorts
val uncore = Module(new Uncore()(innerTLParams))
(uncore.io.prci, tileResets, tileList).zipped.foreach {
case (prci, rst, tile) =>
rst := prci.reset
tile.io.prci <> prci
// Connect the uncore to the tile memory ports, HostIO and MemIO
uncore.io.tiles_cached <> tileList.map(_.io.cached).flatten
uncore.io.tiles_uncached <> tileList.map(_.io.uncached).flatten
uncore.io.interrupts <> io.interrupts
uncore.io.debug <> io.debug
if (exportBus) { uncore.io.bus.get <> io.bus.get }
if (exportMMIO) { io.mmio.get <> uncore.io.mmio.get }
io.mem <> uncore.io.mem