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package util
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters}
/** This black-boxes an Async Reset
* (or Set)
* Register.
* Because Chisel doesn't support
* parameterized black boxes,
* we unfortunately have to
* instantiate a number of these.
* We also have to hard-code the set/
* reset behavior.
* Do not confuse an asynchronous
* reset signal with an asynchronously
* reset reg. You should still
* properly synchronize your reset
* deassertion.
* @param d Data input
* @param q Data Output
* @param clk Clock Input
* @param rst Reset Input
* @param en Write Enable Input
abstract class AbstractBBReg extends BlackBox {
val io = new Bundle {
val d = Bool(INPUT)
val q = Bool(OUTPUT)
val en = Bool(INPUT)
val clk = Clock(INPUT)
val rst = Bool(INPUT)
class AsyncResetReg extends AbstractBBReg
class AsyncSetReg extends AbstractBBReg
class SimpleRegIO(val w: Int) extends Bundle{
val d = UInt(INPUT, width = w)
val q = UInt(OUTPUT, width = w)
val en = Bool(INPUT)
class AsyncResetRegVec(val w: Int, val init: BigInt) extends Module {
val io = new SimpleRegIO(w)
val bb_d = Mux(io.en, io.d, io.q)
val async_regs: List[AbstractBBReg] = List.tabulate(w)(
i => Module (
if (((init >> i) % 2) > 0)
new AsyncSetReg
new AsyncResetReg)
io.q := async_regs.map(_.io.q).asUInt
for ((reg, idx) <- async_regs.zipWithIndex) {
reg.io.clk := clock
reg.io.rst := reset
reg.io.d := bb_d(idx)
reg.io.en := io.en
object AsyncResetReg {
def apply(d: Bool, clk: Clock, rst: Bool, init: Boolean): Bool = {
val reg: AbstractBBReg =
if (init) Module (new AsyncSetReg)
else Module(new AsyncResetReg)
reg.io.d := d
reg.io.clk := clk
reg.io.rst := rst
reg.io.en := Bool(true)
def apply(d: Bool, clk: Clock, rst: Bool): Bool = apply(d, clk, rst, false)
def apply(updateData: UInt, resetData: BigInt, enable: Bool): UInt = {
val w = updateData.getWidth max resetData.bitLength
val reg = Module(new AsyncResetRegVec(w, resetData))
reg.io.d := updateData
reg.io.en := enable
def apply(updateData: UInt, resetData: BigInt): UInt = apply(updateData, resetData, enable=Bool(true))
def apply(updateData: UInt, enable: Bool): UInt = apply(updateData, resetData=BigInt(0), enable)
def apply(updateData: UInt): UInt = apply(updateData, resetData=BigInt(0), enable=Bool(true))