@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
// See LICENSE for license details.
package sifive.freedom.unleashed.vc707.iofpga
import Chisel._
import chisel3.experimental.{withClockAndReset}
import freechips.rocketchip.config._
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.interrupts._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.devices.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.{ElaborationArtefacts,ResetCatchAndSync}
import sifive.blocks.devices.gpio._
import sifive.blocks.devices.pinctrl.{BasePin}
import sifive.blocks.devices.msi._
import sifive.blocks.devices.chiplink._
import sifive.fpgashells.shell.xilinx.vc707shell.{VC707Shell,HasPCIe,HasDDR3,HasVC707ChipLink}
import sifive.fpgashells.ip.xilinx.{IOBUF,vc707_sys_clock_mmcm3}
import sifive.fpgashells.devices.xilinx.xilinxvc707mig._
import sifive.fpgashells.devices.xilinx.xilinxvc707pciex1._
import sifive.freedom.unleashed.u500vc707devkit.FreedomUVC707Config
// PinGen
object PinGen {
def apply(): BasePin = {
new BasePin()
// ShadowRAMHack -- shadow 512MiB of DDR at 0x6000_0000 from 0x30_0000_000
// this makes it possible to boot linux using FPGA DDR
class ShadowRAMHack(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val from = AddressSet(0x60000000L, 0x1fffffffL)
val to = AddressSet(0x3000000000L, 0x1fffffffL)
val node = TLAdapterNode(
clientFn = {cp => cp },
managerFn = { mp =>
require (mp.managers.size == 1)
mp.copy(managers = mp.managers.map { m =>
m.copy(address = m.address ++ Seq(from))
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, _), (out, _)) =>
out <> in
out.a.bits.address := Mux(
in.a.bits.address + UInt(to.base - from.base),
class IOFPGA(
localRoute: Seq[AddressSet],
ddrparams: XilinxVC707MIGParams,
chiplinkparams: ChipLinkParams,
gpioparams: GPIOParams)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val link = LazyModule(new ChipLink(chiplinkparams))
val sbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val xbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val mbar = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
val serr = LazyModule(new TLError(ErrorParams(Seq(AddressSet(0x2800000000L, 0xffffffffL)), 8, 128, true), beatBytes = 8))
val gpio = LazyModule(new TLGPIO(w = 8, c = gpioparams))
val xilinxvc707mig = LazyModule(new XilinxVC707MIG(ddrparams))
val xilinxvc707pcie = LazyModule(new XilinxVC707PCIeX1)
val hack = LazyModule(new ShadowRAMHack)
val msimaster = LazyModule(new MSIMaster(Seq(MSITarget(address=0x2020000, spacing=4, number=10))))
private def filter(m: TLManagerParameters) = // keep only managers that are locally routed
if (m.address.exists(a => localRoute.exists(_.overlaps(a)))) Some(m) else None
// local master Xbar
mbar.node := msimaster.masterNode
mbar.node := TLFIFOFixer() := xilinxvc707pcie.crossTLOut := xilinxvc707pcie.master
// split local master traffic either to local routing or off-chip
link.node := TLBuffer() := mbar.node
xbar.node := TLFilter(filter) := TLBuffer() := mbar.node
xbar.node := TLBuffer() := link.node
// receive traffic either from local routing or from off-chip
sbar.node := TLBuffer() := TLAtomicAutomata() := TLFIFOFixer() := TLHintHandler() := TLBuffer() := TLWidthWidget(4) := xbar.node
// local slave Xbar
serr.node := sbar.node
gpio.node := TLFragmenter(8,64,true) := sbar.node
xilinxvc707mig.node := hack.node := sbar.node
xilinxvc707pcie.slave := xilinxvc707pcie.crossTLIn := TLWidthWidget(8) := sbar.node
xilinxvc707pcie.control := xilinxvc707pcie.crossTLIn := TLWidthWidget(8) := sbar.node
// interrupts are fed into chiplink via MSI
msimaster.intNode := xilinxvc707pcie.crossIntOut := xilinxvc707pcie.intnode
msimaster.intNode := gpio.intnode
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = IO (new Bundle {
val chiplink = new WideDataLayerPort(chiplinkparams)
val gpio = new GPIOPortIO(gpioparams)
val xilinxvc707mig = new XilinxVC707MIGIO(AddressRange.fromSets(ddrparams.address).head.size)
val xilinxvc707pcie = new XilinxVC707PCIeX1IO
val rxlocked = Bool(INPUT)
io.xilinxvc707pcie <> xilinxvc707pcie.module.io.port
xilinxvc707pcie.module.clock := xilinxvc707pcie.module.io.port.axi_aclk_out
xilinxvc707pcie.module.reset := ~io.xilinxvc707pcie.axi_aresetn
io.xilinxvc707mig <> xilinxvc707mig.module.io.port
// Hold ChipLink in reset for a bit after power-on
val timer = RegInit(UInt(255, width=8))
timer := timer - timer.orR
io.chiplink <> link.module.io.port
link.module.io.c2b_clk := clock
link.module.io.c2b_rst := ResetCatchAndSync(clock, reset || timer.orR || !io.rxlocked)
io.gpio <> gpio.module.io.port
class IOFPGAChip(implicit override val p: Parameters) extends VC707Shell
with HasVC707ChipLink {
val ddrParams = XilinxVC707MIGParams(address = Seq(AddressSet(0x3000000000L, 0xFFFFFFFFL))) // 192GB - 196GB (behind L2)
val chipLinkParams = ChipLinkParams(
TLUH = AddressSet.misaligned(0, 0x40000000L), // Aloe MMIO [ 0GB, 1GB)
TLC = AddressSet.misaligned(0x60000000L, 0x20000000L) ++ // local memory behind L2 [1.5GB, 2GB)
AddressSet.misaligned(0x80000000L, 0x2000000000L - 0x80000000L) ++ // Aloe DDR [ 2GB, 128GB)
AddressSet.misaligned(0x3000000000L, 0x1000000000L), // local memory behind L2 [192GB, 256GB)
syncTX = true
val localRoute = AddressSet.misaligned(0x40000000L, 0x20000000L) ++ // local MMIO [ 1GB, 1.5GB)
AddressSet.misaligned(0x2000000000L, 0x1000000000L) // local MMIO [128GB, 192GB)
val gpioParams = GPIOParams(address = BigInt(0x2400000000L), width = 4)
// ChipLink skew RX clock
val vc707_sys_clock_mmcm3 = Module(new vc707_sys_clock_mmcm3)
// DUT
// System runs at 100 MHz
dut_clock := clk100
dut_ndreset := !ereset_n // debug reset is external
val ddr = IO(new XilinxVC707MIGPads(ddrParams))
val pcie = IO(new XilinxVC707PCIeX1Pads)
withClockAndReset(dut_clock, dut_reset) {
val iofpga = Module(LazyModule(new IOFPGA(localRoute,ddrParams,chipLinkParams,gpioParams)).module)
// DDR
iofpga.io.xilinxvc707mig.sys_clk_i := sys_clock.asUInt
mig_clock := iofpga.io.xilinxvc707mig.ui_clk
mig_sys_reset := iofpga.io.xilinxvc707mig.ui_clk_sync_rst
mig_mmcm_locked := iofpga.io.xilinxvc707mig.mmcm_locked
iofpga.io.xilinxvc707mig.aresetn := mig_resetn
iofpga.io.xilinxvc707mig.sys_rst := sys_reset
ddr <> iofpga.io.xilinxvc707mig
// PCIe
iofpga.io.xilinxvc707pcie.axi_aresetn := pcie_dat_resetn
pcie_dat_clock := iofpga.io.xilinxvc707pcie.axi_aclk_out
pcie_cfg_clock := iofpga.io.xilinxvc707pcie.axi_ctl_aclk_out
mmcm_lock_pcie := iofpga.io.xilinxvc707pcie.mmcm_lock
iofpga.io.xilinxvc707pcie.axi_ctl_aresetn := pcie_dat_resetn
pcie <> iofpga.io.xilinxvc707pcie
// ChipLink
chiplink <> iofpga.io.chiplink
chiplink.c2b.clk := clk100_180
vc707_sys_clock_mmcm3.io.reset := reset
vc707_sys_clock_mmcm3.io.clk_in1 := chiplink.b2c.clk.asUInt.toBool
iofpga.io.chiplink.b2c.clk := vc707_sys_clock_mmcm3.io.clk_out1
iofpga.io.rxlocked := vc707_sys_clock_mmcm3.io.locked
val gpio_pins = Wire(new GPIOPins(() => PinGen(), gpioParams))
GPIOPinsFromPort(gpio_pins, iofpga.io.gpio)
gpio_pins.pins.foreach { _.i.ival := Bool(false) }
gpio_pins.pins.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case(pin, idx) => led(idx) := pin.o.oval
// diagnostics
led(4) := vc707_sys_clock_mmcm3.io.locked
led(5) := ereset_n
led(6) := iofpga.io.chiplink.b2c.send
led(7) := iofpga.io.chiplink.c2b.send
class IOFPGAConfig extends Config(new FreedomUVC707Config)