Wesley W. Terpstra f8b45564d1 tilelink: RAMModel must support source reuse
If a multibeat response comes back, the source might be reused.
If response reordering has made the multibeat response invalid,
we need to remember this even if the valid bit is cleared on reuse.
2017-08-07 16:01:15 -07:00

350 lines
15 KiB

// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.tilelink
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
// We detect concurrent puts that put memory into an undefined state.
// put0, put0Ack, put1, put1Ack => ok: defined
// put0, put1, put0Ack, put1Ack => ok: put1 clears valid (it sees busy>0) defined for FIFO
// put0, put1, put1Ack, put0Ack => ok: put1 clears valid (it sees busy>0) defined for FIFO
// When the region is FIFO, all writes leave 'valid' set (concurrent puts have defined behaviour)
// We detect concurrent puts that invalidate an inflight get.
// get, getAck, put, putAck => ok: defined
// get, put, getAck, putAck => ok: detected by getAck (it sees busy>0)
// get, put, putAck, getAck => ok: putAck uses CAM to wipe get validity impossible for FIFO
// put, putAck, get, getAck => ok: defined
// put, get, putAck, getAck => ok: putAck uses CAM to wipe get validity defined for FIFO
// put, get, getAck, putAck => ok: detected by getAck (it sees busy>0) impossible for FIFO
// If FIFO, the getAck should check data even if its validity was wiped
class TLRAMModel(log: String = "")(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val node = TLIdentityNode()
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
val io = new Bundle {
val in = node.bundleIn
val out = node.bundleOut
((io.in zip io.out) zip (node.edgesIn zip node.edgesOut)) foreach { case ((in, out), (edgeIn, edgeOut)) =>
val edge = edgeIn
val endAddress = edge.manager.maxAddress + 1
val endSourceId = edge.client.endSourceId
val maxTransfer = edge.manager.maxTransfer
val beatBytes = edge.manager.beatBytes
val endAddressHi = (endAddress / beatBytes).intValue
val maxLgBeats = log2Up(maxTransfer/beatBytes)
val shift = log2Ceil(beatBytes)
val decTrees = log2Up(maxTransfer/beatBytes)
val addressBits = log2Up(endAddress)
val countBits = log2Up(endSourceId)
val sizeBits = edge.bundle.sizeBits
val divisor = CRC.CRC_16F_4_2
// Reset control logic
val wipeIndex = RegInit(UInt(0, width = log2Ceil(endAddressHi) + 1))
val wipe = !wipeIndex(log2Ceil(endAddressHi))
wipeIndex := wipeIndex + wipe.asUInt
// Block traffic while wiping Mems
in.a.ready := out.a.ready && !wipe
out.a.valid := in.a.valid && !wipe
out.a.bits := in.a.bits
out.d.ready := in.d.ready && !wipe
in.d.valid := out.d.valid && !wipe
in.d.bits := out.d.bits
// BCE unsupported
in.b.valid := Bool(false)
out.c.valid := Bool(false)
out.e.valid := Bool(false)
out.b.ready := Bool(true)
in.c.ready := Bool(true)
in.e.ready := Bool(true)
val params = TLRAMModel.MonitorParameters(addressBits, sizeBits)
// Infer as simple dual port BRAM/M10k with write-first/new-data semantics (bypass needed)
val shadow = Seq.fill(beatBytes) { Mem(endAddressHi, new TLRAMModel.ByteMonitor(params)) }
val inc_bytes = Seq.fill(beatBytes) { Mem(endAddressHi, UInt(width = countBits)) }
val dec_bytes = Seq.fill(beatBytes) { Mem(endAddressHi, UInt(width = countBits)) }
val inc_trees = Seq.tabulate(decTrees) { i => Mem(endAddressHi >> (i+1), UInt(width = countBits)) }
val dec_trees = Seq.tabulate(decTrees) { i => Mem(endAddressHi >> (i+1), UInt(width = countBits)) }
val shadow_wen = Wire(init = Fill(beatBytes, wipe))
val inc_bytes_wen = Wire(init = Fill(beatBytes, wipe))
val dec_bytes_wen = Wire(init = Fill(beatBytes, wipe))
val inc_trees_wen = Wire(init = Fill(decTrees, wipe))
val dec_trees_wen = Wire(init = Fill(decTrees, wipe))
// This must be registers b/c we build a CAM from it
val flight = Reg(Vec(endSourceId, new TLRAMModel.FlightMonitor(params)))
val valid = Reg(Vec(endSourceId, Bool()))
// We want to cross flight data from A to D in the same cycle (for combinational TL2 devices)
val a_flight = Wire(new TLRAMModel.FlightMonitor(params))
a_flight.base := edge.address(in.a.bits)
a_flight.size := edge.size(in.a.bits)
a_flight.opcode := in.a.bits.opcode
when (in.a.fire()) { flight(in.a.bits.source) := a_flight }
val bypass = if (edge.manager.minLatency > 0) Bool(false) else in.a.valid && in.a.bits.source === out.d.bits.source
val d_flight = RegEnable(Mux(bypass, a_flight, flight(out.d.bits.source)), edge.first(out.d))
// Process A access requests
val a = Reg(next = in.a.bits)
val a_fire = Reg(next = in.a.fire(), init = Bool(false))
val (a_first, a_last, _, a_address_inc) = edge.addr_inc(a, a_fire)
val a_size = edge.size(a)
val a_sizeOH = UIntToOH(a_size)
val a_address = a.address | a_address_inc
val a_addr_hi = edge.addr_hi(a_address)
val a_base = edge.address(a)
val a_mask = edge.mask(a_base, a_size)
val a_fifo = edge.manager.hasFifoIdFast(a_base) && edge.client.requestFifo(a.source)
// Grab the concurrency state we need
val a_inc_bytes = inc_bytes.map(_.read(a_addr_hi))
val a_dec_bytes = dec_bytes.map(_.read(a_addr_hi))
val a_inc_trees = inc_trees.zipWithIndex.map{ case (m, i) => m.read(a_addr_hi >> (i+1)) }
val a_dec_trees = dec_trees.zipWithIndex.map{ case (m, i) => m.read(a_addr_hi >> (i+1)) }
val a_inc_tree = a_inc_trees.fold(UInt(0))(_ + _)
val a_dec_tree = a_dec_trees.fold(UInt(0))(_ + _)
val a_inc = a_inc_bytes.map(_ + a_inc_tree)
val a_dec = a_dec_bytes.map(_ + a_dec_tree)
when (a_fire) {
// Record the request so we can handle it's response
assert (a.opcode =/= TLMessages.Acquire)
// Mark the operation as valid
valid(a.source) := Bool(true)
// Increase the per-byte flight counter for the whole transaction
when (a_first && a.opcode =/= TLMessages.Hint && a.opcode =/= TLMessages.Get) {
when (a_size <= UInt(shift)) {
inc_bytes_wen := a_mask
inc_trees_wen := a_sizeOH >> (shift+1)
when (a.opcode === TLMessages.PutFullData || a.opcode === TLMessages.PutPartialData ||
a.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData || a.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData) {
shadow_wen := a.mask
for (i <- 0 until beatBytes) {
val busy = a_inc(i) - a_dec(i) - (!a_first).asUInt
val byte = a.data(8*(i+1)-1, 8*i)
when (a.mask(i)) {
printf(log + " ")
when (a.opcode === TLMessages.PutFullData) { printf("PF") }
when (a.opcode === TLMessages.PutPartialData) { printf("PP") }
when (a.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData) { printf("A ") }
when (a.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData) { printf("L ") }
printf(" 0x%x := 0x%x #%d %x\n", a_addr_hi << shift | UInt(i), byte, busy, a.param)
when (a.opcode === TLMessages.Get) {
printf(log + " G 0x%x - 0%x\n", a_base, a_base | UIntToOH1(a_size, addressBits))
val a_waddr = Mux(wipe, wipeIndex, a_addr_hi)
val a_shadow = shadow.map(_.read(a_waddr))
val a_known_old = !(Cat(a_shadow.map(!_.valid).reverse) & a_mask).orR
val alu = Module(new Atomics(a.params))
alu.io.write := Bool(false)
alu.io.a := a
alu.io.data_in := Cat(a_shadow.map(_.value).reverse)
val crc = Mem(endSourceId, UInt(width = 16))
val crc_valid = Mem(endSourceId, Bool())
val a_crc_acc = Mux(a_first, UInt(0), crc(a.source))
val a_crc_new = Cat(a_shadow.zipWithIndex.map { case (z, i) => Mux(a_mask(i), z.value, UInt(0)) }.reverse)
val a_crc = CRC(divisor, Cat(a_crc_acc, a_crc_new), 16 + beatBytes*8)
val a_crc_valid = a_known_old && Mux(a_first, Bool(true), crc_valid(a.source))
when (a_fire) {
crc.write(a.source, a_crc)
crc_valid.write(a.source, a_crc_valid)
for (i <- 0 until beatBytes) {
val data = Wire(new TLRAMModel.ByteMonitor(params))
val busy = a_inc(i) =/= a_dec(i) + (!a_first).asUInt
val amo = a.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData || a.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData
val beat_amo = a.size <= UInt(log2Ceil(beatBytes))
data.valid := Mux(wipe, Bool(false), (!busy || a_fifo) && (!amo || (a_known_old && beat_amo)))
data.value := alu.io.data_out(8*(i+1)-1, 8*i)
when (shadow_wen(i)) {
shadow(i).write(a_waddr, data)
for (i <- 0 until beatBytes) {
val data = Mux(wipe, UInt(0), a_inc_bytes(i) + UInt(1))
when (inc_bytes_wen(i)) {
inc_bytes(i).write(a_waddr, data)
for (i <- 0 until inc_trees.size) {
val data = Mux(wipe, UInt(0), a_inc_trees(i) + UInt(1))
when (inc_trees_wen(i)) {
inc_trees(i).write(a_waddr >> (i+1), data)
// Process D access responses
val d = RegNext(out.d.bits)
val d_fire = Reg(next = out.d.fire(), init = Bool(false))
val (d_first, d_last, _, d_address_inc) = edge.addr_inc(d, d_fire)
val d_size = edge.size(d)
val d_sizeOH = UIntToOH(d_size)
val d_base = d_flight.base
val d_address = d_base | d_address_inc
val d_addr_hi = edge.addr_hi(d_address)
val d_mask = edge.mask(d_base, d_size)
val d_fifo = edge.manager.hasFifoIdFast(d_flight.base) && edge.client.requestFifo(d.source)
// Grab the concurrency state we need
val d_inc_bytes = inc_bytes.map(_.read(d_addr_hi))
val d_dec_bytes = dec_bytes.map(_.read(d_addr_hi))
val d_inc_trees = inc_trees.zipWithIndex.map{ case (m, i) => m.read(d_addr_hi >> (i+1)) }
val d_dec_trees = dec_trees.zipWithIndex.map{ case (m, i) => m.read(d_addr_hi >> (i+1)) }
val d_inc_tree = d_inc_trees.fold(UInt(0))(_ + _)
val d_dec_tree = d_dec_trees.fold(UInt(0))(_ + _)
val d_inc = d_inc_bytes.map(_ + d_inc_tree)
val d_dec = d_dec_bytes.map(_ + d_dec_tree)
val d_shadow = shadow.map(_.read(d_addr_hi))
val d_valid = valid(d.source) holdUnless d_first
// CRC check
val d_crc_reg = Reg(UInt(width = 16))
val d_crc_acc = Mux(d_first, UInt(0), d_crc_reg)
val d_crc_new = FillInterleaved(8, d_mask) & d.data
val d_crc = CRC(divisor, Cat(d_crc_acc, d_crc_new), 16 + beatBytes*8)
val crc_bypass = if (edge.manager.minLatency > 0) Bool(false) else a_fire && a.source === d.source
val d_crc_valid = Mux(crc_bypass, a_crc_valid, crc_valid.read(d.source)) holdUnless d_first
val d_crc_check = Mux(crc_bypass, a_crc, crc.read(d.source)) holdUnless d_first
val d_no_race_reg = Reg(Bool())
val d_no_race = Wire(init = d_no_race_reg)
when (d_fire) {
d_crc_reg := d_crc
d_no_race_reg := d_no_race
// Check the response is correct
assert (d_size === d_flight.size)
// addr_lo is allowed to differ
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.Hint) {
assert (d.opcode === TLMessages.HintAck)
// Decrease the per-byte flight counter for the whole transaction
when (d_last && d_flight.opcode =/= TLMessages.Hint && d_flight.opcode =/= TLMessages.Get) {
when (d_size <= UInt(shift)) {
dec_bytes_wen := d_mask
dec_trees_wen := d_sizeOH >> (shift+1)
// NOTE: D channel carries uninterrupted multibeast op, so updating on last is fine
for (i <- 0 until endSourceId) {
// Does this modification overlap a Get? => wipe it's valid
val f_base = flight(i).base
val f_size = flight(i).size
val f_bits = UIntToOH1(f_size, addressBits)
val d_bits = UIntToOH1(d_size, addressBits)
val overlap = ~(~(f_base ^ d_base) | (f_bits | d_bits)) === UInt(0)
when (overlap) { valid(i) := Bool(false) }
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.PutFullData || d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.PutPartialData) {
assert (d.opcode === TLMessages.AccessAck)
printf(log + " ")
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.PutFullData) { printf("pf") }
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.PutPartialData) { printf("pp") }
printf(" 0x%x - 0x%x\n", d_base, d_base | UIntToOH1(d_size, addressBits))
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.Get || d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData || d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData) {
assert (d.opcode === TLMessages.AccessAckData)
for (i <- 0 until beatBytes) {
val got = d.data(8*(i+1)-1, 8*i)
val shadow = Wire(init = d_shadow(i))
when (d_mask(i)) {
val d_addr = d_addr_hi << shift | UInt(i)
printf(log + " ")
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.Get) { printf("g ") }
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData) { printf("a ") }
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData) { printf("l ") }
printf(" 0x%x := 0x%x", d_addr, got)
when (!shadow.valid) {
printf(", undefined (uninitialized or prior overlapping puts)\n")
} .elsewhen (d_inc(i) =/= d_dec(i)) {
printf(", undefined (concurrent incomplete puts #%d)\n", d_inc(i) - d_dec(i))
} .elsewhen (!d_fifo && !d_valid) {
printf(", undefined (concurrent completed put)\n")
} .otherwise {
when (shadow.value =/= got) { printf("EXPECTED: 0x%x\n", shadow.value) }
assert (shadow.value === got)
when (d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.ArithmeticData || d_flight.opcode === TLMessages.LogicalData) {
val race = (d_inc zip d_dec) map { case (i, d) => i - d =/= UInt(1) }
when (d_first) { d_no_race := Bool(true) }
when ((Cat(race.reverse) & d_mask).orR) { d_no_race := Bool(false) }
when (d_last) {
val must_match = d_crc_valid && (d_fifo || (d_valid && d_no_race))
printf(log + " crc = 0x%x %d\n", d_crc, must_match.asUInt)
when (must_match && d_crc =/= d_crc_check) { printf("EXPECTED: 0x%x\n", d_crc_check) }
assert (!must_match || d_crc === d_crc_check)
val d_waddr = Mux(wipe, wipeIndex, d_addr_hi)
for (i <- 0 until beatBytes) {
val data = Mux(wipe, UInt(0), d_dec_bytes(i) + UInt(1))
when (dec_bytes_wen(i)) {
dec_bytes(i).write(d_waddr, data)
for (i <- 0 until dec_trees.size) {
val data = Mux(wipe, UInt(0), d_dec_trees(i) + UInt(1))
when (dec_trees_wen(i)) {
dec_trees(i).write(d_waddr >> (i+1), data)
object TLRAMModel
case class MonitorParameters(addressBits: Int, sizeBits: Int)
class ByteMonitor(params: MonitorParameters) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(params) {
val valid = Bool()
val value = UInt(width = 8)
class FlightMonitor(params: MonitorParameters) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(params) {
val base = UInt(width = params.addressBits)
val size = UInt(width = params.sizeBits)
val opcode = UInt(width = 3)