2017-03-30 00:36:23 -07:00

216 lines
6.4 KiB

// See LICENSE.Berkeley for license details.
// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package rocket
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import config._
import tile._
import coreplex.CacheBlockBytes
import uncore.constants._
import uncore.tilelink2._
import util._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
class PTWReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val addr = UInt(width = vpnBits)
class PTWResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val ae = Bool()
val pte = new PTE
val level = UInt(width = log2Ceil(pgLevels))
val homogeneous = Bool()
class TLBPTWIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p)
with HasRocketCoreParameters {
val req = Decoupled(new PTWReq)
val resp = Valid(new PTWResp).flip
val ptbr = new PTBR().asInput
val status = new MStatus().asInput
val pmp = Vec(nPMPs, new PMP).asInput
class DatapathPTWIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p)
with HasRocketCoreParameters {
val ptbr = new PTBR().asInput
val invalidate = Bool(INPUT)
val status = new MStatus().asInput
val pmp = Vec(nPMPs, new PMP).asInput
class PTE(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val ppn = UInt(width = 54)
val reserved_for_software = Bits(width = 2)
val d = Bool()
val a = Bool()
val g = Bool()
val u = Bool()
val x = Bool()
val w = Bool()
val r = Bool()
val v = Bool()
def table(dummy: Int = 0) = v && !r && !w && !x
def leaf(dummy: Int = 0) = v && (r || (x && !w)) && a
def ur(dummy: Int = 0) = sr() && u
def uw(dummy: Int = 0) = sw() && u
def ux(dummy: Int = 0) = sx() && u
def sr(dummy: Int = 0) = leaf() && r
def sw(dummy: Int = 0) = leaf() && w && d
def sx(dummy: Int = 0) = leaf() && x
class PTW(n: Int)(implicit edge: TLEdgeOut, p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) {
val io = new Bundle {
val requestor = Vec(n, new TLBPTWIO).flip
val mem = new HellaCacheIO
val dpath = new DatapathPTWIO
require(usingAtomics, "PTW requires atomic memory operations")
val s_ready :: s_req :: s_wait1 :: s_wait2 :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 4)
val state = Reg(init=s_ready)
val count = Reg(UInt(width = log2Up(pgLevels)))
val s1_kill = Reg(next = Bool(false))
val resp_valid = Reg(next = Vec.fill(io.requestor.size)(Bool(false)))
val ae = Reg(next = io.mem.xcpt.ae.ld)
val resp_ae = Reg(Bool())
val r_req = Reg(new PTWReq)
val r_req_dest = Reg(Bits())
val r_pte = Reg(new PTE)
val vpn_idxs = (0 until pgLevels).map(i => (r_req.addr >> (pgLevels-i-1)*pgLevelBits)(pgLevelBits-1,0))
val vpn_idx = vpn_idxs(count)
val arb = Module(new RRArbiter(new PTWReq, n))
arb.io.in <> io.requestor.map(_.req)
arb.io.out.ready := state === s_ready
val (pte, invalid_paddr) = {
val tmp = new PTE().fromBits(io.mem.resp.bits.data)
val res = Wire(init = new PTE().fromBits(io.mem.resp.bits.data))
res.ppn := tmp.ppn(ppnBits-1, 0)
(res, (tmp.ppn >> ppnBits) =/= 0)
val traverse = pte.table() && !invalid_paddr && count < pgLevels-1
val pte_addr = Cat(r_pte.ppn, vpn_idx) << log2Ceil(xLen/8)
when (arb.io.out.fire()) {
r_req := arb.io.out.bits
r_req_dest := arb.io.chosen
r_pte.ppn := io.dpath.ptbr.ppn
val (pte_cache_hit, pte_cache_data) = {
val size = 1 << log2Up(pgLevels * 2)
val plru = new PseudoLRU(size)
val valid = Reg(init = UInt(0, size))
val tags = Reg(Vec(size, UInt(width = paddrBits)))
val data = Reg(Vec(size, UInt(width = ppnBits)))
val hits = tags.map(_ === pte_addr).asUInt & valid
val hit = hits.orR
when (io.mem.resp.valid && traverse && !hit) {
val r = Mux(valid.andR, plru.replace, PriorityEncoder(~valid))
valid := valid | UIntToOH(r)
tags(r) := pte_addr
data(r) := pte.ppn
when (hit && state === s_req) { plru.access(OHToUInt(hits)) }
when (io.dpath.invalidate) { valid := 0 }
(hit && count < pgLevels-1, Mux1H(hits, data))
io.mem.req.valid := state === s_req
io.mem.req.bits.phys := Bool(true)
io.mem.req.bits.cmd := M_XRD
io.mem.req.bits.typ := log2Ceil(xLen/8)
io.mem.req.bits.addr := pte_addr
io.mem.s1_kill := s1_kill
io.mem.invalidate_lr := Bool(false)
val pmaPgLevelHomogeneous = (0 until pgLevels) map { i =>
TLBPageLookup(edge.manager.managers, xLen, p(CacheBlockBytes), BigInt(1) << (pgIdxBits + ((pgLevels - 1 - i) * pgLevelBits)))(pte_addr >> pgIdxBits << pgIdxBits).homogeneous
val pmaHomogeneous = pmaPgLevelHomogeneous(count)
val pmpHomogeneous = new PMPHomogeneityChecker(io.dpath.pmp).apply(pte_addr >> pgIdxBits << pgIdxBits, count)
for (i <- 0 until io.requestor.size) {
io.requestor(i).resp.valid := resp_valid(i)
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.ae := resp_ae
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.pte := r_pte
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.level := count
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.pte.ppn := pte_addr >> pgIdxBits
io.requestor(i).resp.bits.homogeneous := pmpHomogeneous && pmaHomogeneous
io.requestor(i).ptbr := io.dpath.ptbr
io.requestor(i).status := io.dpath.status
io.requestor(i).pmp := io.dpath.pmp
// control state machine
switch (state) {
is (s_ready) {
when (arb.io.out.valid) {
state := s_req
count := UInt(0)
is (s_req) {
when (pte_cache_hit) {
s1_kill := true
count := count + 1
r_pte.ppn := pte_cache_data
}.elsewhen (io.mem.req.ready) {
state := s_wait1
is (s_wait1) {
state := s_wait2
is (s_wait2) {
when (io.mem.s2_nack) {
state := s_req
when (io.mem.resp.valid) {
r_pte := pte
when (traverse) {
state := s_req
count := count + 1
}.otherwise {
resp_ae := invalid_paddr
state := s_ready
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true
when (ae) {
resp_ae := true
state := s_ready
resp_valid(r_req_dest) := true
/** Mix-ins for constructing tiles that might have a PTW */
trait CanHavePTW extends HasHellaCache {
implicit val p: Parameters
val module: CanHavePTWModule
var nPTWPorts = 1
nDCachePorts += usingPTW.toInt
trait CanHavePTWModule extends HasHellaCacheModule {
val outer: CanHavePTW
val ptwPorts = ListBuffer(outer.dcache.module.io.ptw)
val ptw = Module(new PTW(outer.nPTWPorts)(outer.dcache.node.edgesOut(0), outer.p))
if (outer.usingPTW)
dcachePorts += ptw.io.mem