226 lines
8.5 KiB
226 lines
8.5 KiB
// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore
import Chisel._
import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
import junctions._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object HtifKey extends Field[HtifParameters]
case class HtifParameters(width: Int, nCores: Int, offsetBits: Int, nSCR: Int = 64)
trait HasHtifParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val external = p(HtifKey)
val dataBits = p(TLKey(p(TLId))).dataBitsPerBeat
val dataBeats = p(TLKey(p(TLId))).dataBeats
val w = external.width
val nSCR = external.nSCR
val scrAddrBits = log2Up(nSCR)
val scrDataBits = 64
val scrDataBytes = scrDataBits / 8
val offsetBits = external.offsetBits
val nCores = external.nCores
abstract class HtifModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasHtifParameters
abstract class HtifBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasHtifParameters
class HostIO(w: Int) extends Bundle {
val clk = Bool(OUTPUT)
val clk_edge = Bool(OUTPUT)
val in = Decoupled(Bits(width = w)).flip
val out = Decoupled(Bits(width = w))
val debug_stats_csr = Bool(OUTPUT)
class HtifIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends HtifBundle()(p) {
val reset = Bool(INPUT)
val id = UInt(INPUT, log2Up(nCores))
val csr = new SmiIO(scrDataBits, 12).flip
val debug_stats_csr = Bool(OUTPUT)
// wired directly to stats register
// expected to be used to quickly indicate to testbench to do logging b/c in 'interesting' work
class Htif(csr_RESET: Int)(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module with HasHtifParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val host = new HostIO(w)
val cpu = Vec(nCores, new HtifIO).flip
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val scr = new SmiIO(scrDataBits, scrAddrBits)
io.host.debug_stats_csr := io.cpu.map(_.debug_stats_csr).reduce(_||_)
// system is 'interesting' if any tile is 'interesting'
val short_request_bits = 64
val long_request_bits = short_request_bits + dataBits*dataBeats
require(short_request_bits % w == 0)
val rx_count_w = 13 + log2Up(64) - log2Up(w) // data size field is 12 bits
val rx_count = Reg(init=UInt(0,rx_count_w))
val rx_shifter = Reg(Bits(width = short_request_bits))
val rx_shifter_in = Cat(io.host.in.bits, rx_shifter(short_request_bits-1,w))
val next_cmd = rx_shifter_in(3,0)
val cmd = Reg(Bits())
val size = Reg(Bits())
val pos = Reg(Bits())
val seqno = Reg(Bits())
val addr = Reg(Bits())
when (io.host.in.valid && io.host.in.ready) {
rx_shifter := rx_shifter_in
rx_count := rx_count + UInt(1)
when (rx_count === UInt(short_request_bits/w-1)) {
cmd := next_cmd
size := rx_shifter_in(15,4)
pos := rx_shifter_in(15,4+offsetBits-3)
seqno := rx_shifter_in(23,16)
addr := rx_shifter_in(63,24)
val rx_word_count = (rx_count >> log2Up(short_request_bits/w))
val rx_word_done = io.host.in.valid && rx_count(log2Up(short_request_bits/w)-1,0).andR
val packet_ram_depth = long_request_bits/short_request_bits-1
val packet_ram = Mem(packet_ram_depth, Bits(width = short_request_bits))
when (rx_word_done && io.host.in.ready) {
packet_ram(rx_word_count(log2Up(packet_ram_depth)-1,0) - UInt(1)) := rx_shifter_in
val cmd_readmem :: cmd_writemem :: cmd_readcr :: cmd_writecr :: cmd_ack :: cmd_nack :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 6)
val csr_addr = addr(io.cpu(0).csr.req.bits.addr.getWidth-1, 0)
val csr_coreid = addr(log2Up(nCores)-1+20+1,20)
val csr_wdata = packet_ram(0)
val bad_mem_packet = size(offsetBits-1-3,0).orR || addr(offsetBits-1-3,0).orR
val nack = Mux(cmd === cmd_readmem || cmd === cmd_writemem, bad_mem_packet,
Mux(cmd === cmd_readcr || cmd === cmd_writecr, size =/= UInt(1),
val tx_count = Reg(init=UInt(0, rx_count_w))
val tx_subword_count = tx_count(log2Up(short_request_bits/w)-1,0)
val tx_word_count = tx_count(rx_count_w-1, log2Up(short_request_bits/w))
val packet_ram_raddr = tx_word_count(log2Up(packet_ram_depth)-1,0) - UInt(1)
when (io.host.out.valid && io.host.out.ready) {
tx_count := tx_count + UInt(1)
val rx_done = rx_word_done && Mux(rx_word_count === UInt(0), next_cmd =/= cmd_writemem && next_cmd =/= cmd_writecr, rx_word_count === size || rx_word_count(log2Up(packet_ram_depth)-1,0) === UInt(0))
val tx_size = Mux(!nack && (cmd === cmd_readmem || cmd === cmd_readcr || cmd === cmd_writecr), size, UInt(0))
val tx_done = io.host.out.ready && tx_subword_count.andR && (tx_word_count === tx_size || tx_word_count > UInt(0) && packet_ram_raddr.andR)
val state_rx :: state_csr_req :: state_csr_resp :: state_mem_rreq :: state_mem_wreq :: state_mem_rresp :: state_mem_wresp :: state_tx :: Nil = Enum(UInt(), 8)
val state = Reg(init=state_rx)
val (cnt, cnt_done) = Counter((state === state_mem_wreq && io.mem.acquire.ready) ||
(state === state_mem_rresp && io.mem.grant.valid), dataBeats)
val rx_cmd = Mux(rx_word_count === UInt(0), next_cmd, cmd)
when (state === state_rx && rx_done) {
state := Mux(rx_cmd === cmd_readmem, state_mem_rreq,
Mux(rx_cmd === cmd_writemem, state_mem_wreq,
Mux(rx_cmd === cmd_readcr || rx_cmd === cmd_writecr, state_csr_req,
when (state === state_mem_wreq) {
when (cnt_done) { state := state_mem_wresp }
when (state === state_mem_rreq) {
when(io.mem.acquire.ready) { state := state_mem_rresp }
when (state === state_mem_wresp && io.mem.grant.valid) {
state := Mux(cmd === cmd_readmem || pos === UInt(1), state_tx, state_rx)
pos := pos - UInt(1)
addr := addr + UInt(1 << offsetBits-3)
when (state === state_mem_rresp && cnt_done) {
state := Mux(cmd === cmd_readmem || pos === UInt(1), state_tx, state_rx)
pos := pos - UInt(1)
addr := addr + UInt(1 << offsetBits-3)
when (state === state_tx && tx_done) {
when (tx_word_count === tx_size) {
rx_count := UInt(0)
tx_count := UInt(0)
state := Mux(cmd === cmd_readmem && pos =/= UInt(0), state_mem_rreq, state_rx)
val n = dataBits/short_request_bits
val mem_req_data = (0 until n).map { i =>
val ui = UInt(i, log2Up(n))
when (state === state_mem_rresp && io.mem.grant.valid) {
packet_ram(Cat(io.mem.grant.bits.addr_beat, ui)) :=
io.mem.grant.bits.data((i+1)*short_request_bits-1, i*short_request_bits)
packet_ram(Cat(cnt, ui))
val init_addr = addr.toUInt >> (offsetBits-3)
io.mem.acquire.valid := state === state_mem_rreq || state === state_mem_wreq
io.mem.acquire.bits := Mux(cmd === cmd_writemem,
addr_block = init_addr,
addr_beat = cnt,
client_xact_id = UInt(0),
data = mem_req_data),
GetBlock(addr_block = init_addr))
io.mem.grant.ready := Bool(true)
val csrReadData = Reg(Bits(width = io.cpu(0).csr.resp.bits.getWidth))
for (i <- 0 until nCores) {
val my_reset = Reg(init=Bool(true))
val cpu = io.cpu(i)
val me = csr_coreid === UInt(i)
cpu.csr.req.valid := state === state_csr_req && me && csr_addr =/= UInt(csr_RESET)
cpu.csr.req.bits.rw := cmd === cmd_writecr
cpu.csr.req.bits.addr := csr_addr
cpu.csr.req.bits.data := csr_wdata
cpu.reset := my_reset
when (cpu.csr.req.fire()) { state := state_csr_resp }
when (state === state_csr_req && me && csr_addr === UInt(csr_RESET)) {
when (cmd === cmd_writecr) {
my_reset := csr_wdata(0)
csrReadData := my_reset.toBits
state := state_tx
cpu.csr.resp.ready := Bool(true)
when (state === state_csr_resp && cpu.csr.resp.valid) {
csrReadData := cpu.csr.resp.bits
state := state_tx
io.scr.req.valid := (state === state_csr_req && csr_coreid.andR)
io.scr.req.bits.addr := addr(scrAddrBits - 1, 0).toUInt
io.scr.req.bits.data := csr_wdata
io.scr.req.bits.rw := (cmd === cmd_writecr)
io.scr.resp.ready := Bool(true)
when (io.scr.req.fire()) { state := state_csr_resp }
when (state === state_csr_resp && io.scr.resp.valid) {
csrReadData := io.scr.resp.bits
state := state_tx
val tx_cmd = Mux(nack, cmd_nack, cmd_ack)
val tx_cmd_ext = Cat(Bits(0, 4-tx_cmd.getWidth), tx_cmd)
val tx_header = Cat(addr, seqno, tx_size, tx_cmd_ext)
val tx_data = Mux(tx_word_count === UInt(0), tx_header,
Mux(cmd === cmd_readcr || cmd === cmd_writecr, csrReadData,
io.host.in.ready := state === state_rx
io.host.out.valid := state === state_tx
io.host.out.bits := tx_data >> Cat(tx_count(log2Up(short_request_bits/w)-1,0), Bits(0, log2Up(w)))