Andrew Waterman d0572d6aab Allow reset vector to be set dynamically
A chip's power-up sequence, or awake-from-sleep sequence, may wish to
set the reset PC based upon dynamic properties, e.g., the settings of
external pins.  Support this by passing the reset vector to the Coreplex.
ExampleTop simply hard-wires the reset vector, as was the case before.

Additionally, allow MTVEC to *not* be reset.  In most cases, including
riscv-tests, pk, and bbl, overriding MTVEC is one of the first things
that the boot sequence does.  So the reset value is superfluous.
2016-09-19 17:18:03 -07:00

135 lines
5.0 KiB

package rocket
import Chisel._
import uncore.tilelink._
import Util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
class FrontendReq(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val pc = UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended)
val speculative = Bool()
class FrontendResp(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val btb = Valid(new BTBResp)
val pc = UInt(width = vaddrBitsExtended) // ID stage PC
val data = UInt(width = fetchWidth * coreInstBits)
val mask = Bits(width = fetchWidth)
val xcpt_if = Bool()
val replay = Bool()
class FrontendIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreBundle()(p) {
val req = Valid(new FrontendReq)
val resp = Decoupled(new FrontendResp).flip
val btb_update = Valid(new BTBUpdate)
val bht_update = Valid(new BHTUpdate)
val ras_update = Valid(new RASUpdate)
val flush_icache = Bool(OUTPUT)
val flush_tlb = Bool(OUTPUT)
val npc = UInt(INPUT, width = vaddrBitsExtended)
class Frontend(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoreModule()(p) with HasL1CacheParameters {
val io = new Bundle {
val cpu = new FrontendIO().flip
val ptw = new TLBPTWIO()
val mem = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO
val resetVector = UInt(INPUT, vaddrBitsExtended)
val icache = Module(new ICache(latency = 2))
val tlb = Module(new TLB)
val s1_pc_ = Reg(UInt(width=vaddrBitsExtended))
val s1_pc = ~(~s1_pc_ | (coreInstBytes-1)) // discard PC LSBS (this propagates down the pipeline)
val s1_speculative = Reg(Bool())
val s1_same_block = Reg(Bool())
val s2_valid = Reg(init=Bool(true))
val s2_pc = Reg(init=io.resetVector)
val s2_btb_resp_valid = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val s2_btb_resp_bits = Reg(new BTBResp)
val s2_xcpt_if = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val s2_speculative = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val s2_cacheable = Reg(init=Bool(false))
val ntpc = ~(~s1_pc | (coreInstBytes*fetchWidth-1)) + UInt(coreInstBytes*fetchWidth)
val ntpc_same_block = (ntpc & rowBytes) === (s1_pc & rowBytes)
val predicted_npc = Wire(init = ntpc)
val predicted_taken = Wire(init = Bool(false))
val icmiss = s2_valid && !icache.io.resp.valid
val npc = Mux(icmiss, s2_pc, predicted_npc)
val s0_same_block = !predicted_taken && !icmiss && !io.cpu.req.valid && ntpc_same_block
val stall = io.cpu.resp.valid && !io.cpu.resp.ready
when (!stall) {
s1_same_block := s0_same_block && !tlb.io.resp.miss
s1_pc_ := io.cpu.npc
// consider RVC fetches across blocks to be non-speculative if the first
// part was non-speculative
val s0_speculative =
if (usingCompressed) s1_speculative || s2_valid && !s2_speculative || predicted_taken
else Bool(true)
s1_speculative := Mux(icmiss, s2_speculative, s0_speculative)
s2_valid := !icmiss
when (!icmiss) {
s2_pc := s1_pc
s2_speculative := s1_speculative
s2_cacheable := tlb.io.resp.cacheable
s2_xcpt_if := tlb.io.resp.xcpt_if
when (io.cpu.req.valid) {
s1_same_block := Bool(false)
s1_pc_ := io.cpu.npc
s1_speculative := io.cpu.req.bits.speculative
s2_valid := Bool(false)
if (p(BtbKey).nEntries > 0) {
val btb = Module(new BTB)
btb.io.req.valid := false
btb.io.req.bits.addr := s1_pc_
btb.io.btb_update := io.cpu.btb_update
btb.io.bht_update := io.cpu.bht_update
btb.io.ras_update := io.cpu.ras_update
when (!stall && !icmiss) {
btb.io.req.valid := true
s2_btb_resp_valid := btb.io.resp.valid
s2_btb_resp_bits := btb.io.resp.bits
when (btb.io.resp.valid && btb.io.resp.bits.taken) {
predicted_npc := btb.io.resp.bits.target.sextTo(vaddrBitsExtended)
predicted_taken := Bool(true)
io.ptw <> tlb.io.ptw
tlb.io.req.valid := !stall && !icmiss
tlb.io.req.bits.vpn := s1_pc >> pgIdxBits
tlb.io.req.bits.passthrough := Bool(false)
tlb.io.req.bits.instruction := Bool(true)
tlb.io.req.bits.store := Bool(false)
io.mem <> icache.io.mem
icache.io.req.valid := !stall && !s0_same_block
icache.io.req.bits.addr := io.cpu.npc
icache.io.invalidate := io.cpu.flush_icache
icache.io.s1_ppn := tlb.io.resp.ppn
icache.io.s1_kill := io.cpu.req.valid || tlb.io.resp.miss || tlb.io.resp.xcpt_if || icmiss || io.cpu.flush_tlb
icache.io.s2_kill := s2_speculative && !s2_cacheable
icache.io.resp.ready := !stall && !s1_same_block
io.cpu.resp.valid := s2_valid && (icache.io.resp.valid || icache.io.s2_kill || s2_xcpt_if)
io.cpu.resp.bits.pc := s2_pc
io.cpu.npc := Mux(io.cpu.req.valid, io.cpu.req.bits.pc, npc)
require(fetchWidth * coreInstBytes <= rowBytes && isPow2(fetchWidth))
io.cpu.resp.bits.data := icache.io.resp.bits.datablock >> (s2_pc.extract(log2Ceil(rowBytes)-1,log2Ceil(fetchWidth*coreInstBytes)) << log2Ceil(fetchWidth*coreInstBits))
io.cpu.resp.bits.mask := UInt((1 << fetchWidth)-1) << s2_pc.extract(log2Ceil(fetchWidth)+log2Ceil(coreInstBytes)-1, log2Ceil(coreInstBytes))
io.cpu.resp.bits.xcpt_if := s2_xcpt_if
io.cpu.resp.bits.replay := icache.io.s2_kill && !icache.io.resp.valid && !s2_xcpt_if
io.cpu.resp.bits.btb.valid := s2_btb_resp_valid
io.cpu.resp.bits.btb.bits := s2_btb_resp_bits