Wesley W. Terpstra a27e853101 diplomacy: move rendering properties to edges
FlipRendering { implicit p => ... } now changes the render direction of edges.
diplomatic NodeImps can specify a default render flip using the new 'render' method.
2017-09-26 13:24:36 -07:00

54 lines
2.0 KiB

// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.{SourceInfo, SourceLine, UnlocatableSourceInfo}
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
package object diplomacy
def sourceLine(sourceInfo: SourceInfo, prefix: String = " (", suffix: String = ")") = sourceInfo match {
case SourceLine(filename, line, col) => s"$prefix$filename:$line:$col$suffix"
case _ => ""
def bitIndexes(x: BigInt, tail: Seq[Int] = Nil): Seq[Int] = {
require (x >= 0)
if (x == 0) {
} else {
val lowest = x.lowestSetBit
bitIndexes(x.clearBit(lowest), lowest +: tail)
implicit class BigIntHexContext(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
def x(args: Any*): BigInt = {
val orig = sc.s(args: _*)
BigInt(orig.replace("_", ""), 16)
def SinkCardinality[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
case CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey => CardinalityInferenceDirection.SINK_TO_SOURCE
def SourceCardinality[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
case CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey => CardinalityInferenceDirection.SOURCE_TO_SINK
def UnaryCardinality[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
case CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey => CardinalityInferenceDirection.NO_INFERENCE
def FlipCardinality[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
case CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey => p(CardinalityInferenceDirectionKey).flip
def EnableMonitors[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
case MonitorsEnabled => true
def DisableMonitors[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
case MonitorsEnabled => false
def FlipRendering[T](body: Parameters => T)(implicit p: Parameters) = body(p.alterPartial {
case RenderFlipped => !p(RenderFlipped)