
148 lines
5.1 KiB

package Top {
import Chisel._
import Node._;
import Constants._;
class ioDivider(width: Int) extends Bundle {
// requests
val div_val = Bool('input);
val div_rdy = Bool('output);
val div_fn = UFix(4, 'input);
val div_waddr = UFix(5, 'input);
val dpath_rs1 = Bits(width, 'input);
val dpath_rs2 = Bits(width, 'input);
// responses
val div_result_bits = Bits(width, 'output);
val div_result_tag = UFix(5, 'output);
val div_result_val = Bool('output);
val div_result_rdy = Bool('input);
// class ioDivider extends Bundle {
// // requests
// val req_val = Bool('input);
// val req_rdy = Bool('output);
// val req_fn = UFix(3, 'input);
// val req_tag = UFix(5, 'input);
// val req_rs1 = Bits(64, 'input);
// val req_rs2 = Bits(64, 'input);
// // responses
// val resp_val = Bool('output);
// val resp_data = Bits(64, 'output);
// val resp_tag = UFix(5, 'output);
// }
class rocketDivider(width : Int) extends Component {
val io = new ioDivider(width);
val s_ready :: s_neg_inputs :: s_busy :: s_neg_outputs :: s_done :: Nil = Enum(5) { UFix() };
val state = Reg(resetVal = s_ready);
val count_bits = java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(width).bitLength();
val count = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, count_bits));
val divby0 = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val neg_quo = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val neg_rem = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val reg_waddr = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, 5));
val rem = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val half = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val tc = Reg(resetVal = Bool(false));
val divisor = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, width));
val remainder = Reg(resetVal = UFix(0, 2*width+1));
val subtractor = remainder(2*width, width).toUFix - divisor;
val v_tc = ((io.div_fn === DIV_64D) || (io.div_fn === DIV_64R)) ||
((io.div_fn === DIV_32D) || (io.div_fn === DIV_32R));
val v_rem = ((io.div_fn === DIV_32R) || (io.div_fn === DIV_32RU)) ||
((io.div_fn === DIV_64R) || (io.div_fn === DIV_64RU));
val v_half = ((io.div_fn === DIV_32R) || (io.div_fn === DIV_32RU)) ||
((io.div_fn === DIV_32D) || (io.div_fn === DIV_32DU));
// state machine
switch (state) {
is (s_ready) {
when (!io.div_val) { state <== s_ready; }
when (v_tc) { state <== s_neg_inputs };
otherwise { state <== s_busy; }
is (s_neg_inputs) { state <== s_busy; }
is (s_busy) {
when (count != UFix(width)) { state <== s_busy; }
when (!(neg_quo || neg_rem)) { state <== s_done; }
otherwise { state <== s_neg_outputs; }
is (s_neg_outputs) { state <== s_done; }
is (s_done) {
when (io.div_result_rdy) { state <== s_ready; }
// if we're doing 32-bit unsigned division, then we don't want the 32-bit
// inputs to be sign-extended.
val in_lhs = Mux((v_half && !v_tc),
Cat(Fill(width/2, UFix(0,1)), io.dpath_rs1(width/2-1, 0)),
val in_rhs = Mux((v_half && !v_tc),
Cat(Fill(width/2, UFix(0,1)), io.dpath_rs2(width/2-1, 0)),
when ((state === s_ready) && io.div_val) {
count <== UFix(0, count_bits);
half <== v_half;
neg_quo <== Bool(false);
neg_rem <== Bool(false);
rem <== v_rem;
tc <== v_tc;
reg_waddr <== io.div_waddr;
divby0 <== Bool(true);
divisor <== in_rhs;
remainder <== Cat(Fill(width+1, UFix(0,1)), in_lhs).toUFix;
when (state === s_neg_inputs) {
neg_rem <== remainder(width-1).toBool;
neg_quo <== (remainder(width-1) != divisor(width-1));
when (remainder(width-1).toBool) {
remainder <== Cat(remainder(2*width, width), -remainder(width-1,0)).toUFix;
when (divisor(width-1).toBool) {
divisor <== subtractor(width-1,0);
when (state === s_neg_outputs) {
when (neg_rem && neg_quo && !divby0) {
remainder <== Cat(-remainder(2*width, width+1), remainder(width), -remainder(width-1,0)).toUFix;
when (neg_quo && !divby0) {
remainder <== Cat(remainder(2*width, width), -remainder(width-1,0)).toUFix;
when (neg_rem) {
remainder <== Cat(-remainder(2*width, width+1), remainder(width,0)).toUFix;
when (divisor(width-1).toBool) {
divisor <== subtractor(width-1,0);
when (state === s_busy) {
count <== count + UFix(1);
divby0 <== divby0 && !subtractor(width).toBool;
remainder <== Mux(subtractor(width).toBool,
Cat(remainder(2*width-1, width), remainder(width-1,0), ~subtractor(width)),
Cat(subtractor(width-1, 0), remainder(width-1,0), ~subtractor(width))).toUFix;
val result = Mux(rem, remainder(2*width, width+1), remainder(width-1,0));
io.div_result_bits := Mux(half, Cat(Fill(width/2, result(width/2-1)), result(width/2-1,0)), result);
io.div_rdy := (state === s_ready);
io.div_result_tag := reg_waddr;
io.div_result_val := (state === s_done);