
96 lines
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// See LICENSE for license details.
package rocket
import Chisel._
import uncore._
import Util._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
case object CoreName extends Field[String]
case object BuildRoCC extends Field[Seq[Parameters => RoCC]]
case object RoccOpcodes extends Field[Seq[OpcodeSet]]
case object RoccAcceleratorMemChannels extends Field[Seq[Int]]
abstract class Tile(resetSignal: Bool = null)
(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module(_reset = resetSignal) {
val buildRocc = p(BuildRoCC)
val roccOpcodes = p(RoccOpcodes)
val roccMemChannels = p(RoccAcceleratorMemChannels)
val usingRocc = !buildRocc.isEmpty
val nRocc = buildRocc.size
val nDCachePorts = 2 + nRocc
val nPTWPorts = 2 + 3 * nRocc
val nCachedTileLinkPorts = 1
val nUncachedTileLinkPorts = 1 + p(RoccNMemChannels)
val dcacheParams = p.alterPartial({ case CacheName => "L1D" })
val io = new Bundle {
val cached = Vec(nCachedTileLinkPorts, new ClientTileLinkIO)
val uncached = Vec(nUncachedTileLinkPorts, new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO)
val host = new HtifIO
class RocketTile(resetSignal: Bool = null)(implicit p: Parameters) extends Tile(resetSignal)(p) {
val core = Module(new Rocket()(p.alterPartial({ case CoreName => "Rocket" })))
val icache = Module(new Frontend()(p.alterPartial({
case CacheName => "L1I"
case CoreName => "Rocket" })))
val dcache = Module(new HellaCache()(dcacheParams))
val ptw = Module(new PTW(nPTWPorts)(dcacheParams))
dcache.io.cpu.invalidate_lr := core.io.dmem.invalidate_lr // Bypass signal to dcache
val dcArb = Module(new HellaCacheArbiter(nDCachePorts)(dcacheParams))
dcArb.io.requestor(0) <> ptw.io.mem
dcArb.io.requestor(1) <> core.io.dmem
dcache.io.cpu <> dcArb.io.mem
ptw.io.requestor(0) <> icache.io.ptw
ptw.io.requestor(1) <> dcache.io.ptw
io.host <> core.io.host
icache.io.cpu <> core.io.imem
core.io.ptw <> ptw.io.dpath
//If so specified, build an FPU module and wire it in
if (p(UseFPU)) core.io.fpu <> Module(new FPU()(p)).io
// Connect the caches and ROCC to the outer memory system
io.cached.head <> dcache.io.mem
// If so specified, build an RoCC module and wire it to core + TileLink ports,
// otherwise just hookup the icache
io.uncached <> (if (usingRocc) {
val iMemArb = Module(new ClientTileLinkIOArbiter(1 + nRocc))
iMemArb.io.in(0) <> icache.io.mem
val respArb = Module(new RRArbiter(new RoCCResponse, nRocc))
core.io.rocc.resp <> respArb.io.out
val cmdRouter = Module(new RoccCommandRouter(roccOpcodes))
cmdRouter.io.in <> core.io.rocc.cmd
val roccs = buildRocc.zip(roccMemChannels).zipWithIndex.map {
case ((buildItHere, nchannels), i) =>
val accelParams = p.alterPartial({ case RoccNMemChannels => nchannels})
val rocc = buildItHere(accelParams)
val dcIF = Module(new SimpleHellaCacheIF()(dcacheParams))
rocc.io.cmd <> cmdRouter.io.out(i)
rocc.io.s := core.io.rocc.s
rocc.io.exception := core.io.rocc.exception
dcIF.io.requestor <> rocc.io.mem
dcArb.io.requestor(2 + i) <> dcIF.io.cache
iMemArb.io.in(1 + i) <> rocc.io.imem
ptw.io.requestor(2 + 3 * i) <> rocc.io.iptw
ptw.io.requestor(3 + 3 * i) <> rocc.io.dptw
ptw.io.requestor(4 + 3 * i) <> rocc.io.pptw
core.io.rocc.busy := cmdRouter.io.busy || roccs.map(_.io.busy).reduce(_ || _)
core.io.rocc.interrupt := roccs.map(_.io.interrupt).reduce(_ || _)
respArb.io.in <> roccs.map(rocc => Queue(rocc.io.resp))
roccs.flatMap(_.io.dmem) :+ iMemArb.io.out
} else { Seq(icache.io.mem) })