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// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.amba.ahb
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.util.MaskGen
case class AHBToTLNode()(implicit valName: ValName) extends MixedAdapterNode(AHBImp, TLImp)(
dFn = { case AHBMasterPortParameters(masters) =>
TLClientPortParameters(clients = masters.map { m =>
TLClientParameters(name = m.name, nodePath = m.nodePath)
uFn = { mp => AHBSlavePortParameters(
slaves = mp.managers.map { m =>
def adjust(x: TransferSizes) = {
if (x.contains(mp.beatBytes)) {
TransferSizes(x.min, m.minAlignment.min(mp.beatBytes * AHBParameters.maxTransfer).toInt)
} else { // larger than beatBytes requires beatBytes if misaligned
x.intersect(TransferSizes(1, mp.beatBytes))
address = m.address,
resources = m.resources,
regionType = m.regionType,
executable = m.executable,
nodePath = m.nodePath,
supportsWrite = adjust(m.supportsPutFull),
supportsRead = adjust(m.supportsGet))},
beatBytes = mp.beatBytes)
class AHBToTL()(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule
val node = AHBToTLNode()
lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
(node.in zip node.out) foreach { case ((in, edgeIn), (out, edgeOut)) =>
val beatBytes = edgeOut.manager.beatBytes
val d_send = RegInit(Bool(false))
val d_recv = RegInit(Bool(false))
val d_pause = RegInit(Bool(true))
val d_error = RegInit(Bool(false))
val d_write = RegInit(Bool(false))
val d_addr = Reg(in.haddr)
val d_size = Reg(in.hsize)
when (out.d.valid) { d_recv := Bool(false) }
when (out.a.ready) { d_send := Bool(false) }
when (in.hresp) { d_pause := Bool(false) }
val a_count = RegInit(UInt(0, width = 4))
val a_first = a_count === UInt(0)
val d_last = a_first
val burst_sizes = Seq(1, 1, 4, 4, 8, 8, 16, 16)
val a_burst_size = Vec(burst_sizes.map(beats => UInt(log2Ceil(beats * beatBytes))))(in.hburst)
val a_burst_mask = Vec(burst_sizes.map(beats => UInt(beats * beatBytes - 1)))(in.hburst)
val a_burst_ok =
in.htrans === AHBParameters.TRANS_NONSEQ && // only start burst on first AHB beat
in.hsize === UInt(log2Ceil(beatBytes)) && // not a narrow burst
(in.haddr & a_burst_mask) === UInt(0) && // address aligned to burst size
in.hburst =/= AHBParameters.BURST_INCR && // we know the burst length a priori
Mux(in.hwrite, // target device supports the burst
edgeOut.manager.supportsPutFullSafe(in.haddr, a_burst_size),
edgeOut.manager.supportsGetSafe (in.haddr, a_burst_size))
val beat = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes)
val a_legal = // Is the single-beat access allowed?
edgeOut.manager.supportsPutFullSafe(in.haddr, in.hsize, Some(beat)),
edgeOut.manager.supportsGetSafe (in.haddr, in.hsize, Some(beat)))
val a_access = in.htrans === AHBParameters.TRANS_NONSEQ || in.htrans === AHBParameters.TRANS_SEQ
val a_accept = in.hready && in.hsel && a_access
when (a_accept) {
a_count := a_count - UInt(1)
when ( in.hwrite) { d_send := Bool(true) }
when (!in.hwrite) { d_recv := Bool(true) }
when (a_first) {
a_count := Mux(a_burst_ok, a_burst_mask >> log2Ceil(beatBytes), UInt(0))
d_send := a_legal
d_recv := a_legal
d_pause := Bool(true)
d_write := in.hwrite
d_addr := in.haddr
d_size := Mux(a_burst_ok, a_burst_size, in.hsize)
out.a.valid := d_send
out.a.bits.opcode := Mux(d_write, TLMessages.PutFullData, TLMessages.Get)
out.a.bits.param := UInt(0)
out.a.bits.size := d_size
out.a.bits.source := UInt(0)
out.a.bits.address := d_addr
out.a.bits.data := in.hwdata
out.a.bits.mask := MaskGen(d_addr, d_size, beatBytes)
out.d.ready := d_recv // backpressure AccessAckData arriving faster than AHB beats
// NOTE: on error, we present the read result on the hreadyout LOW cycle
// This means that if you latch hrdata from an error, the result is garbage.
// To fix this would require a bus-wide register, and the AHB spec says this:
// "A slave only has to provide valid data when a transfer completes with an OKAY
// response. ERROR responses do not require valid read data."
// Therefore, we choose to accept this slight TL-AHB infidelity.
in.hrdata := out.d.bits.data
// In a perfect world, we'd use these signals
val hresp = d_error || (out.d.valid && out.d.bits.error)
val hreadyout = Mux(d_write, (!d_send || out.a.ready) && (!d_last || !d_recv || out.d.valid), out.d.valid || !d_recv)
// Make the error persistent (and defer it to the last beat--otherwise AHB can cancel the burst!)
d_error :=
(hresp && !(a_first && in.hready)) || // clear error when a new beat starts
(a_accept && !a_legal) // error if the address requested is illegal
// When we report an error, we need to be hreadyout LOW for one cycle
in.hresp := hreadyout && (hresp && d_last)
in.hreadyout := hreadyout && !(hresp && d_last && d_pause)
// Unused channels
out.b.ready := Bool(true)
out.c.valid := Bool(false)
out.e.valid := Bool(false)
object AHBToTL
def apply()(implicit p: Parameters) =
val ahb2tl = LazyModule(new AHBToTL)