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// See LICENSE.SiFive for license details.
package freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy
import Chisel.log2Ceil
import scala.collection.immutable.{ListMap,SortedMap}
sealed trait ResourceValue
/** Permission of an address space.
* @param r readable.
* @param w writable.
* @param x executable.
* @param c cacheable.
* @param a supports all atomic operations.
case class ResourcePermissions(r: Boolean, w: Boolean, x: Boolean, c: Boolean, a: Boolean) // Not part of DTS
/** An address space description.
* @param address the address space.
* @param permissions the permission attributes of this space. See [[freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.ResourcePermissions]].
final case class ResourceAddress(address: Seq[AddressSet], permissions: ResourcePermissions) extends ResourceValue
/** A mapped address space (eg: when map a device to a bus).
* @param address the address space.
* @param offset the address offset of the mapped device (eg: base address of the bus).
* @param permissions the permission attributes of this space. See [[freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.ResourcePermissions]].
final case class ResourceMapping(address: Seq[AddressSet], offset: BigInt, permissions: ResourcePermissions) extends ResourceValue
final case class ResourceInt(value: BigInt) extends ResourceValue
final case class ResourceString(value: String) extends ResourceValue
/** A reference pointing to another device in DTS (eg: interrupt to interrupt controller).
* @param value the label (String) of the device.
final case class ResourceReference(value: String) extends ResourceValue
final case class ResourceMap(value: Map[String, Seq[ResourceValue]], labels: Seq[String] = Nil) extends ResourceValue
/* If device is None, the value is global */
case class Binding(device: Option[Device], value: ResourceValue)
case class ResourceBindings(map: Map[String, Seq[Binding]])
def apply(key: String): Seq[Binding] = map.getOrElse(key, Nil)
/** A serializable description of a device.
* @param name the resolved name of this device. See [[freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy.DeviceRegName]].
* @param mapping the property map of this device.
case class Description(name: String, mapping: Map[String, Seq[ResourceValue]])
abstract class Device
def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description
/** make sure all derived devices have an unique label */
val label = "L" + Device.index.toString
Device.index = Device.index + 1
object Device
private var index: Int = 0
/** A trait for devices that generate interrupts. */
trait DeviceInterrupts
this: Device =>
/** Whether to always use the expanded interrupt description in DTS: "interrupts-extended" */
val alwaysExtended = false
def describeInterrupts(resources: ResourceBindings): Map[String, Seq[ResourceValue]] = {
val int = resources("int")
int.foreach { b => require (b.device.isDefined, "Device ${devname} property 'int' is missing user device") }
val parents = int.map(_.device.get).distinct
val simple = parents.size == 1 && !alwaysExtended
val parent =
if (!simple) None else
Some("interrupt-parent" -> Seq(ResourceReference(parents.head.label)))
val interrupts =
if (!simple) None else
Some("interrupts" -> int.map(_.value))
val interrupts_extended =
if (simple || parents.isEmpty) None else
Some("interrupts-extended" -> int.flatMap(b => Seq(ResourceReference(b.device.get.label), b.value)))
ListMap() ++ parent ++ interrupts ++ interrupts_extended
def int = Seq(Resource(this, "int"))
/** A trait for resolving the name of a device. */
trait DeviceRegName
this: Device =>
val prefix = "soc/" // nearly everything on-chip belongs here
def describeName(devname: String, resources: ResourceBindings): String = {
val reg = resources.map.filterKeys(regFilter)
if (reg.isEmpty) {
} else {
val (named, bulk) = reg.partition { case (k, v) => regName(k).isDefined }
val mainreg = reg.find(x => regName(x._1) == "control").getOrElse(reg.head)._2
require (!mainreg.isEmpty, s"reg binding for $devname is empty!")
mainreg.head.value match {
case x: ResourceAddress => s"${prefix}${devname}@${x.address.head.base.toString(16)}"
case _ => require(false, "Device has the wrong type of 'reg' property (${reg.head})"); ""
def reg(name: String): Seq[Resource] = Seq(Resource(this, "reg/" + name))
def reg: Seq[Resource] = Seq(Resource(this, "reg"))
def regFilter(name: String): Boolean = name == "reg" || name.take(4) == "reg/"
def regName(name: String): Option[String] = {
val keys = name.split("/")
require (keys.size >= 1 && keys.size <= 2 && keys(0) == "reg", s"Invalid reg name '${name}'")
if (keys.size == 1) None else Some(keys(1))
/** A simple device descriptor for devices that may support interrupts and address spaces.
* @param devname the base device named used in device name generation.
* @param devcompat a list of compatible devices. See device tree property "compatible".
class SimpleDevice(devname: String, devcompat: Seq[String]) extends Device with DeviceInterrupts with DeviceRegName
def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
val name = describeName(devname, resources) // the generated device name in device tree
val int = describeInterrupts(resources) // interrupt description
def optDef(x: String, seq: Seq[ResourceValue]) = if (seq.isEmpty) None else Some(x -> seq)
val compat = optDef("compatible", devcompat.map(ResourceString(_))) // describe the list of compatiable devices
val reg = resources.map.filterKeys(regFilter)
val (named, bulk) = reg.partition { case (k, v) => regName(k).isDefined }
// We need to be sure that each named reg has exactly one AddressRange associated to it
named.foreach {
case (k, Seq(Binding(_, value: ResourceAddress))) =>
val ranges = AddressRange.fromSets(value.address)
require (ranges.size == 1, s"DTS device $name has $k = $ranges, must be a single range!")
case (k, seq) =>
require (false, s"DTS device $name has $k = $seq, must be a single ResourceAddress!")
val names = optDef("reg-names", named.map(x => ResourceString(regName(x._1).get)).toList) // names of the named address space
val regs = optDef("reg", (named ++ bulk).flatMap(_._2.map(_.value)).toList) // address ranges of all spaces (named and bulk)
Description(name, ListMap() ++ compat ++ int ++ names ++ regs)
/** A simple bus
* @param devname the base device named used in device name generation.
* @param devcompat a list of compatible devices. See device tree property "compatible".
* @param offset the base address of this bus.
class SimpleBus(devname: String, devcompat: Seq[String], offset: BigInt = 0) extends SimpleDevice(devname, devcompat ++ Seq("simple-bus"))
override def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
val ranges = resources("ranges").map {
case Binding(_, a: ResourceAddress) => ResourceMapping(a.address, offset, a.permissions)
require (!ranges.isEmpty, s"SimpleBus $devname must set ranges")
val map = AddressRange.fromSets(ranges.flatMap(_.address))
val minBase = map.map(_.base).min
val maxBase = map.map(_.end).max
val maxSize = map.map(_.size).max
def ofInt(x: Int) = Seq(ResourceInt(BigInt(x)))
val extra = Map(
"#address-cells" -> ofInt((log2Ceil(maxBase) + 31) / 32),
"#size-cells" -> ofInt((log2Ceil(maxSize) + 31) / 32),
"ranges" -> ranges)
val Description(_, mapping) = super.describe(resources)
Description(s"${prefix}${devname}@${minBase.toString(16)}", mapping ++ extra)
def ranges = Seq(Resource(this, "ranges"))
/** A generic memory block. */
class MemoryDevice extends Device with DeviceRegName
override val prefix = ""
def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
Description(describeName("memory", resources), ListMap(
"reg" -> resources("reg").map(_.value),
"device_type" -> Seq(ResourceString("memory"))))
case class Resource(owner: Device, key: String)
def bind(user: Device, value: ResourceValue) {
val scope = BindingScope.active.get
scope.resourceBindings = (this, Some(user), value) +: scope.resourceBindings
def bind(value: ResourceValue) {
val scope = BindingScope.active.get
scope.resourceBindings = (this, None, value) +: scope.resourceBindings
/** The resource binding scope for a LazyModule that generates a device tree (currently Subsystem only). */
trait BindingScope
this: LazyModule =>
private val parentScope = BindingScope.find(parent)
protected[diplomacy] var resourceBindingFns: Seq[() => Unit] = Nil // callback functions to resolve resource binding during elaboration
protected[diplomacy] var resourceBindings: Seq[(Resource, Option[Device], ResourceValue)] = Nil
private case class ExpandedValue(path: Seq[String], labels: Seq[String], value: Seq[ResourceValue])
private lazy val eval: Unit = {
require (!LazyModule.scope.isDefined, "May not evaluate binding while still constructing LazyModules")
parentScope.foreach { _.eval }
resourceBindings = parentScope.map(_.resourceBindings).getOrElse(Nil)
BindingScope.active = Some(this)
resourceBindingFns.reverse.foreach { _() }
BindingScope.active = None
resourceBindingFns = Nil
private def makeTree(list: Seq[ExpandedValue]): Seq[ResourceValue] = {
val (values_p, keys_p) = list.partition(_.path.isEmpty)
val values = values_p.flatMap(_.value)
val labels = values_p.flatMap(_.labels)
val keys = keys_p.groupBy(_.path.head).toList.map { case (key, seq) =>
(key -> makeTree(seq.map { x => x.copy(path = x.path.tail) }))
if (keys.isEmpty) values else ResourceMap(SortedMap(keys:_*), labels) +: values
private def expand(path: Seq[String], values: Seq[ResourceValue]): Seq[ExpandedValue] = {
ExpandedValue(path, Nil, Nil) +:
values.flatMap {
case ResourceMap(map, labels) =>
ExpandedValue(path, labels, Nil) +:
map.toList.flatMap { case (key, values) => expand(path :+ key, values) }
case z => Seq(ExpandedValue(path, Nil, Seq(z)))
/** Generate the device tree. */
def bindingTree: ResourceMap = {
val map: Map[Device, ResourceBindings] =
resourceBindings.reverse.groupBy(_._1.owner).mapValues(seq => ResourceBindings(
seq.groupBy(_._1.key).mapValues(_.map(z => Binding(z._2, z._3)).distinct)))
val tree = makeTree(map.toList.flatMap { case (d, m) =>
val Description(name, mapping) = d.describe(m)
val tokens = name.split("/").toList
expand(tokens, Seq(ResourceMap(mapping, Seq(d.label)))) })
ResourceMap(SortedMap("/" -> tree))
object BindingScope
protected[diplomacy] var active: Option[BindingScope] = None
protected[diplomacy] def find(m: Option[LazyModule] = LazyModule.scope): Option[BindingScope] = m.flatMap {
case x: BindingScope => find(x.parent).orElse(Some(x))
case x => find(x.parent)
object ResourceBinding
/** Add a resource callback function to the callback list BindingScope.resourceBindingFns.
* @param block the callback function to be added.
def apply(block: => Unit) {
val scope = BindingScope.find()
require (scope.isDefined, "ResourceBinding must be called from within a BindingScope")
scope.get.resourceBindingFns = { () => block } +: scope.get.resourceBindingFns
object ResourceAnchors
val root = new Device {
def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
val width = resources("width").map(_.value)
val model = resources("model").map(_.value)
val compat = resources("compat").map(_.value)
Description("/", Map(
"#address-cells" -> width,
"#size-cells" -> width,
"model" -> model,
"compatible" -> compat))
val soc = new Device {
def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
val width = resources("width").map(_.value)
val compat = resources("compat").map(_.value) :+ ResourceString("simple-bus")
Description("soc", Map(
"#address-cells" -> width,
"#size-cells" -> width,
"compatible" -> compat,
"ranges" -> Nil))
val cpus = new Device {
def describe(resources: ResourceBindings): Description = {
val width = resources("width").map(_.value)
Description("cpus", Map(
"#address-cells" -> width,
"#size-cells" -> Seq(ResourceInt(0))))