163 lines
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// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.agents
import Chisel._
import cde.{Parameters, Field}
import junctions._
import uncore.tilelink._
import uncore.converters._
import uncore.coherence._
import uncore.util._
case object NReleaseTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NProbeTransactors extends Field[Int]
case object NAcquireTransactors extends Field[Int]
trait HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
implicit val p: Parameters
val nReleaseTransactors = 1
val nAcquireTransactors = p(NAcquireTransactors)
val nTransactors = nReleaseTransactors + nAcquireTransactors
val blockAddrBits = p(PAddrBits) - p(CacheBlockOffsetBits)
val outerTLId = p(OuterTLId)
val outerTLParams = p(TLKey(outerTLId))
val outerDataBeats = outerTLParams.dataBeats
val outerDataBits = outerTLParams.dataBitsPerBeat
val outerBeatAddrBits = log2Up(outerDataBeats)
val outerByteAddrBits = log2Up(outerDataBits/8)
val outerWriteMaskBits = outerTLParams.writeMaskBits
val innerTLId = p(InnerTLId)
val innerTLParams = p(TLKey(innerTLId))
val innerDataBeats = innerTLParams.dataBeats
val innerDataBits = innerTLParams.dataBitsPerBeat
val innerWriteMaskBits = innerTLParams.writeMaskBits
val innerBeatAddrBits = log2Up(innerDataBeats)
val innerByteAddrBits = log2Up(innerDataBits/8)
val innerNCachingClients = innerTLParams.nCachingClients
val maxManagerXacts = innerTLParams.maxManagerXacts
require(outerDataBeats == innerDataBeats) //TODO: fix all xact_data Vecs to remove this requirement
abstract class CoherenceAgentModule(implicit val p: Parameters) extends Module
with HasCoherenceAgentParameters
abstract class CoherenceAgentBundle(implicit val p: Parameters) extends junctions.ParameterizedBundle()(p)
with HasCoherenceAgentParameters
trait HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
def doOutputArbitration[T <: TileLinkChannel](
out: DecoupledIO[T],
ins: Seq[DecoupledIO[T]]) {
def lock(o: T) = o.hasMultibeatData()
val arb = Module(new LockingRRArbiter(out.bits, ins.size, out.bits.tlDataBeats, Some(lock _)))
out <> arb.io.out
arb.io.in <> ins
def doInputRouting[T <: Bundle with HasManagerTransactionId](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
outs: Seq[DecoupledIO[T]]) {
val idx = in.bits.manager_xact_id
outs.map(_.bits := in.bits)
outs.zipWithIndex.map { case (o,i) => o.valid := in.valid && idx === UInt(i) }
in.ready := outs.map(_.ready).apply(idx)
/** Broadcasts valid messages on this channel to all trackers,
* but includes logic to allocate a new tracker in the case where
* no previously allocated tracker matches the new req's addr.
* When a match is reported, if ready is high the new transaction
* is merged; when ready is low the transaction is being blocked.
* When no match is reported, any high idles are presumed to be
* from trackers that are available for allocation, and one is
* assigned via alloc based on priority; if no idles are high then
* all trackers are busy with other transactions. If idle is high
* but ready is low, the tracker will be allocated but does not
* have sufficient buffering for the data.
def doInputRoutingWithAllocation[T <: TileLinkChannel with HasTileLinkData](
in: DecoupledIO[T],
outs: Seq[DecoupledIO[T]],
allocs: Seq[TrackerAllocation],
dataOverrides: Option[Seq[UInt]] = None,
allocOverride: Option[Bool] = None,
matchOverride: Option[Bool] = None) {
val ready_bits = outs.map(_.ready).asUInt
val can_alloc_bits = allocs.map(_.can).asUInt
val should_alloc_bits = PriorityEncoderOH(can_alloc_bits)
val match_bits = allocs.map(_.matches).asUInt
val no_matches = !match_bits.orR
val alloc_ok = allocOverride.getOrElse(Bool(true))
val match_ok = matchOverride.getOrElse(Bool(true))
in.ready := (Mux(no_matches, can_alloc_bits, match_bits) & ready_bits).orR && alloc_ok && match_ok
outs.zip(allocs).zipWithIndex.foreach { case((out, alloc), i) =>
out.valid := in.valid && match_ok && alloc_ok
out.bits := in.bits
dataOverrides foreach { d => out.bits.data := d(i) }
alloc.should := should_alloc_bits(i) && no_matches && alloc_ok
trait HasInnerTLIO extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val inner = new ManagerTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(InnerTLId)}))
val incoherent = Vec(inner.tlNCachingClients, Bool()).asInput
def iacq(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.acquire.bits
def iprb(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.probe.bits
def irel(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.release.bits
def ignt(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.grant.bits
def ifin(dummy: Int = 0) = inner.finish.bits
trait HasUncachedOuterTLIO extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val outer = new ClientUncachedTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(OuterTLId)}))
def oacq(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.acquire.bits
def ognt(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.grant.bits
trait HasCachedOuterTLIO extends HasCoherenceAgentParameters {
val outer = new ClientTileLinkIO()(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(OuterTLId)}))
def oacq(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.acquire.bits
def oprb(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.probe.bits
def orel(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.release.bits
def ognt(dummy: Int = 0) = outer.grant.bits
class ManagerTLIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentBundle()(p)
with HasInnerTLIO
with HasUncachedOuterTLIO
abstract class CoherenceAgent(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentModule()(p) {
def innerTL: ManagerTileLinkIO
def outerTL: ClientTileLinkIO
def incoherent: Vec[Bool]
abstract class ManagerCoherenceAgent(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgent()(p)
with HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
val io = new ManagerTLIO
def innerTL = io.inner
def outerTL = TileLinkIOWrapper(io.outer)(p.alterPartial({case TLId => p(OuterTLId)}))
def incoherent = io.incoherent
class HierarchicalTLIO(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgentBundle()(p)
with HasInnerTLIO
with HasCachedOuterTLIO
abstract class HierarchicalCoherenceAgent(implicit p: Parameters) extends CoherenceAgent()(p)
with HasCoherenceAgentWiringHelpers {
val io = new HierarchicalTLIO
def innerTL = io.inner
def outerTL = io.outer
def incoherent = io.incoherent
// TODO: Remove this function (and all its calls) when we support probing the L2
def disconnectOuterProbeAndFinish() {
io.outer.probe.ready := Bool(false)
io.outer.finish.valid := Bool(false)
assert(!io.outer.probe.valid, "L2 agent got illegal probe")