Wesley W. Terpstra ec1f901a38 tilelink2: move error from type into Bundle and add HintAck
We need Grant with errors too.
We also want to match response type to request type more easily.
2016-09-05 20:58:38 -07:00

433 lines
13 KiB

// See LICENSE for license details.
package uncore.tilelink2
import Chisel._
class TLEdge(
client: TLClientPortParameters,
manager: TLManagerPortParameters)
extends TLEdgeParameters(client, manager)
def isAligned(address: UInt, lgSize: UInt) =
if (maxLgSize == 0) Bool(true) else {
val mask = Vec.tabulate(maxLgSize) { UInt(_) < lgSize }
(address & Cat(mask.reverse)) === UInt(0)
// This gets used everywhere, so make the smallest circuit possible ...
def fullMask(address: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
val lgBytes = log2Ceil(manager.beatBytes)
def helper(i: Int): Seq[(Bool, Bool)] = {
if (i == 0) {
Seq((lgSize >= UInt(lgBytes), Bool(true)))
} else {
val sub = helper(i-1)
val size = lgSize === UInt(lgBytes - i)
val bit = address(lgBytes - i)
val nbit = !bit
Seq.tabulate (1 << i) { j =>
val (sub_acc, sub_eq) = sub(j/2)
val eq = sub_eq && (if (j % 2 == 1) bit else nbit)
val acc = sub_acc || (size && eq)
(acc, eq)
def numBeats(bundle: HasTLOpcode) = {
val hasData = bundle.hasData()
val size = bundle.size()
val cutoff = log2Ceil(manager.beatBytes)
val small = size <= UInt(cutoff)
val decode = Vec.tabulate (1+maxLgSize-cutoff) { i => UInt(i + cutoff) === size }
Mux(!hasData || small, UInt(1), Cat(decode.reverse))
class TLEdgeOut(
client: TLClientPortParameters,
manager: TLManagerPortParameters)
extends TLEdge(client, manager)
// Transfers
def Acquire(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, growPermissions: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportAcquire)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquire(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.Acquire
a.param := growPermissions
a.size := lgSize
a.source := fromSource
a.address := toAddress
a.wmask := SInt(-1).asUInt
a.data := UInt(0)
(legal, a)
def Release(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, shrinkPermissions: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportAcquire)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquire(toAddress, lgSize)
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.Release
c.param := shrinkPermissions
c.size := lgSize
c.source := fromSource
c.address := toAddress
c.data := UInt(0)
c.error := Bool(false)
(legal, c)
def Release(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, shrinkPermissions: UInt, data: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportAcquire)
val legal = manager.supportsAcquire(toAddress, lgSize)
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.ReleaseData
c.param := shrinkPermissions
c.size := lgSize
c.source := fromSource
c.address := toAddress
c.data := data
c.error := Bool(false)
(legal, c)
def ProbeAck(toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, reportPermissions: UInt) = {
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.ProbeAck
c.param := reportPermissions
c.size := lgSize
c.source := UInt(0)
c.address := toAddress
c.data := UInt(0)
c.error := Bool(false)
def ProbeAck(toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, reportPermissions: UInt, data: UInt) = {
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.ProbeAckData
c.param := reportPermissions
c.size := lgSize
c.source := UInt(0)
c.address := toAddress
c.data := data
c.error := Bool(false)
def GrantAck(toSink: UInt) = {
val e = Wire(new TLBundleE(bundle))
e.sink := toSink
// Accesses
def Get(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportGet)
val legal = manager.supportsGet(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.Get
a.param := UInt(0)
a.size := lgSize
a.source := fromSource
a.address := toAddress
a.wmask := fullMask(toAddress, lgSize)
a.data := UInt(0)
(legal, a)
def Put(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportPutFull)
val legal = manager.supportsPutFull(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.PutFullData
a.param := UInt(0)
a.size := lgSize
a.source := fromSource
a.address := toAddress
a.wmask := fullMask(toAddress, lgSize)
a.data := data
(legal, a)
def Put(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, wmask: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportPutPartial)
val legal = manager.supportsPutPartial(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.PutPartialData
a.param := UInt(0)
a.size := lgSize
a.source := fromSource
a.address := toAddress
a.wmask := wmask
a.data := data
(legal, a)
def Arithmetic(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, atomic: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportArithmetic)
val legal = manager.supportsArithmetic(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.ArithmeticData
a.param := atomic
a.size := lgSize
a.source := fromSource
a.address := toAddress
a.wmask := fullMask(toAddress, lgSize)
a.data := data
(legal, a)
def Logical(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, atomic: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportLogical)
val legal = manager.supportsLogical(toAddress, lgSize)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.LogicalData
a.param := atomic
a.size := lgSize
a.source := fromSource
a.address := toAddress
a.wmask := fullMask(toAddress, lgSize)
a.data := data
(legal, a)
def Hint(fromSource: UInt, toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, param: UInt) = {
require (manager.anySupportHint)
val legal = manager.supportsHint(toAddress)
val a = Wire(new TLBundleA(bundle))
a.opcode := TLMessages.Hint
a.param := param
a.size := lgSize
a.source := fromSource
a.address := toAddress
a.wmask := fullMask(toAddress, lgSize)
a.data := UInt(0)
(legal, a)
def AccessAck(toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt): TLBundleC = AccessAck(toAddress, lgSize, Bool(false))
def AccessAck(toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, error: Bool) = {
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.AccessAck
c.param := UInt(0)
c.size := lgSize
c.source := UInt(0)
c.address := toAddress
c.data := UInt(0)
c.error := error
def AccessAck(toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt): TLBundleC = AccessAck(toAddress, lgSize, data, Bool(false))
def AccessAck(toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, error: Bool) = {
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.AccessAckData
c.param := UInt(0)
c.size := lgSize
c.source := UInt(0)
c.address := toAddress
c.data := data
c.error := error
def HintAck(toAddress: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
val c = Wire(new TLBundleC(bundle))
c.opcode := TLMessages.HintAck
c.param := UInt(0)
c.size := lgSize
c.source := UInt(0)
c.address := toAddress
c.data := UInt(0)
c.error := Bool(false)
class TLEdgeIn(
client: TLClientPortParameters,
manager: TLManagerPortParameters)
extends TLEdge(client, manager)
// Transfers
def Probe(fromAddress: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, capPermissions: UInt) = {
require (client.anySupportProbe)
val legal = client.supportsProbe(fromAddress, lgSize)
val b = Wire(new TLBundleB(bundle))
b.opcode := TLMessages.Probe
b.param := capPermissions
b.size := lgSize
b.source := toSource
b.address := fromAddress
b.wmask := SInt(-1).asUInt
b.data := UInt(0)
(legal, b)
def Grant(fromSink: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, capPermissions: UInt): TLBundleD = Grant(fromSink, toSource, lgSize, capPermissions, Bool(false))
def Grant(fromSink: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, capPermissions: UInt, error: Bool) = {
val d = Wire(new TLBundleD(bundle))
d.opcode := TLMessages.Grant
d.param := capPermissions
d.size := lgSize
d.source := toSource
d.sink := fromSink
d.data := UInt(0)
d.error := error
def Grant(fromSink: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, capPermissions: UInt, data: UInt): TLBundleD = Grant(fromSink, toSource, lgSize, capPermissions, data, Bool(false))
def Grant(fromSink: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, capPermissions: UInt, data: UInt, error: Bool) = {
val d = Wire(new TLBundleD(bundle))
d.opcode := TLMessages.GrantData
d.param := capPermissions
d.size := lgSize
d.source := toSource
d.sink := fromSink
d.data := data
d.error := error
def ReleaseAck(toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
val d = Wire(new TLBundleD(bundle))
d.opcode := TLMessages.ReleaseAck
d.param := UInt(0)
d.size := lgSize
d.source := toSource
d.sink := UInt(0)
d.data := UInt(0)
d.error := Bool(false)
// Accesses
def Get(fromAddress: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
require (client.anySupportGet)
val legal = client.supportsGet(toSource, lgSize)
val b = Wire(new TLBundleB(bundle))
b.opcode := TLMessages.Get
b.param := UInt(0)
b.size := lgSize
b.source := toSource
b.address := fromAddress
b.wmask := fullMask(fromAddress, lgSize)
b.data := UInt(0)
(legal, b)
def Put(fromAddress: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt) = {
require (client.anySupportPutFull)
val legal = client.supportsPutFull(toSource, lgSize)
val b = Wire(new TLBundleB(bundle))
b.opcode := TLMessages.PutFullData
b.param := UInt(0)
b.size := lgSize
b.source := toSource
b.address := fromAddress
b.wmask := fullMask(fromAddress, lgSize)
b.data := data
(legal, b)
def Put(fromAddress: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, wmask: UInt) = {
require (client.anySupportPutPartial)
val legal = client.supportsPutPartial(toSource, lgSize)
val b = Wire(new TLBundleB(bundle))
b.opcode := TLMessages.PutPartialData
b.param := UInt(0)
b.size := lgSize
b.source := toSource
b.address := fromAddress
b.wmask := wmask
b.data := data
(legal, b)
def Arithmetic(fromAddress: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, atomic: UInt) = {
require (client.anySupportArithmetic)
val legal = client.supportsArithmetic(toSource, lgSize)
val b = Wire(new TLBundleB(bundle))
b.opcode := TLMessages.ArithmeticData
b.param := atomic
b.size := lgSize
b.source := toSource
b.address := fromAddress
b.wmask := fullMask(fromAddress, lgSize)
b.data := data
(legal, b)
def Logical(fromAddress: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, atomic: UInt) = {
require (client.anySupportLogical)
val legal = client.supportsLogical(toSource, lgSize)
val b = Wire(new TLBundleB(bundle))
b.opcode := TLMessages.LogicalData
b.param := atomic
b.size := lgSize
b.source := toSource
b.address := fromAddress
b.wmask := fullMask(fromAddress, lgSize)
b.data := data
(legal, b)
def Hint(fromAddress: UInt, toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, param: UInt) = {
require (client.anySupportHint)
val legal = client.supportsHint(toSource)
val b = Wire(new TLBundleB(bundle))
b.opcode := TLMessages.Hint
b.param := param
b.size := lgSize
b.source := toSource
b.address := fromAddress
b.wmask := fullMask(fromAddress, lgSize)
b.data := UInt(0)
(legal, b)
def AccessAck(toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt): TLBundleD = AccessAck(toSource, lgSize, Bool(false))
def AccessAck(toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, error: Bool) = {
val d = Wire(new TLBundleD(bundle))
d.opcode := TLMessages.AccessAck
d.param := UInt(0)
d.size := lgSize
d.source := toSource
d.sink := UInt(0)
d.data := UInt(0)
d.error := error
def AccessAck(toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt): TLBundleD = AccessAck(toSource, lgSize, data, Bool(false))
def AccessAck(toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt, data: UInt, error: Bool) = {
val d = Wire(new TLBundleD(bundle))
d.opcode := TLMessages.AccessAckData
d.param := UInt(0)
d.size := lgSize
d.source := toSource
d.sink := UInt(0)
d.data := data
d.error := error
def HintAck(toSource: UInt, lgSize: UInt) = {
val d = Wire(new TLBundleD(bundle))
d.opcode := TLMessages.HintAck
d.param := UInt(0)
d.size := lgSize
d.source := toSource
d.sink := UInt(0)
d.data := UInt(0)
d.error := Bool(false)